Completed EAL Grant Report Sample 1

Name of School Division
Name of Superintendent
Date of Report (yyyy/mm/dd):
Trails East
C. Dorian
Use this template to report on each Grant separately:
Please note: A Financial Report is also required for each categorical grant
Step 2
Fully describe the Categorical Grant planning process for EACH grant. Provide details of your planning process (who was involved, how were priorities chosen, what data
used, when is planning done)
EAL divisional planning committee meets 4 - 5 times a year to establish goals, implement initiatives, monitor indicators and evaluate the progress towards meeting divisional EAL
outcomes. The committee includes representatives from the school leadership teams, the EAL leader and student services coordinator. Also, a group of school based EAL point people
meet regularly and provide feedback on proposed and existing priorities as determined by the divisional EAL planning committee. This year we will be establishing a planning
committee to meet the unique EAL needs of students on Hutterite colonies and will be chaired by the EAL Leader .
Report on previous years. Please comment on successes and progress towards meeting outcomes from previous plans. 2011–2012, 2012–2013, 2013–2014
Step 3
Outcomes targeted from previous years
Evidence (from data sources) of progress in achieving outcomes
1. All newcomer students will be welcomed and initially
assessed following divisional protocols.
1. The EAL planning committe established divisional reception and initial assessment protocols for
EAL students and met with school administrators to discuss the implementation plan.
2. All EAL students' English Language proficiency will be
measured using stages.
2. 17 Early Years teachers were provided a half day of professional development regarding
Language acquisition and stages of lanuage development. EAL working group met twice to
discuss additional professional development and systemic changes required to support ongoing EAL student assessment and documentation of language proficiency levels. A three year
action plan was developed and approved by senior administration to provide sustainable
professional development for teachers in this area.
3. EAL students will demonstrate progress in English
Language proficiency.
Categorical Grant Outcomes Report and Financial Report 2014–2015
3. NA
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1. All newcomer students will be welcomed and initially
assessed following divisional protocols.
1. The division processed 150 newcomer students using established protocols during 2013 2014. A comparison of EIS data and reception center student data indicated that an
additional 45 students (~30%) did not go through the reception process. A survey of school
administrators was reviewed by the EAL working group who then identified ways to improve
on these numbers. Anecdotal feedback from classroom teachers regarding the information
provided to them from the initial assessments was collected and reviewed.
2. EAL students English Language proficiency will be
measured using stages.
2. A staff person in every school was identified as the EAL point person responsible for
providing support to teachers assessing EAL students. Divisional protocols were developed
regarding the documentation of EAL student's language proficiency levels. A sample of 5
EAL students were assessed from each school in May. The working group compared these
student's initial and May assessment data. The information learned during this process was
used to make changes to the proposed divisional protocols.
EAL students will demonstrate progress in English
Language proficiency.
1. All newcomer students will be welcomed and initially
assessed following divisional protocols.
EAL students English Language proficiency will be
measured using stages.
3. EAL students will demonstrate progress in English
Language proficiency.
Categorical Grant Outcomes Report and Financial Report 2014–2015
Data from the sample group indicated that 95% of these students showed some progress in
their language proficiency levels.
1. Support was given to 3 schools (2 half days of professional development) to assist with the
inital assessment process. A review of EIS data and reception data shows that 100% of all
new EAL students were processed following the divisional welcoming and initial assessment
Schools reviewed student documents of all EAL students in their first and second year at
school. Language proficiency levels were reported for 52% of first and second year EAL
students. Six schools did not assess or report EAL students language proficiency levels.
3. Student documents reveal that 62% of all first and second year EAL students reported on
showed improvement in their langauge proficiency levels. Results from 9% of the students
reported on were inconclusive.
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2014–2015 Categorical Grants Plan
Expected Learner Outcomes:
What are the benefits (specific, measurable,
achievable, relevant, timely) for the learners?
Step 4
Students will demonstrate progress in English
Language proficiency.
Students will develop academic language skills.
Note: Data Sources and Indicators columns are
now combined to facilitate linkage of
reporting in these areas.
Data Sources and Indicators:
Based on quantitative/qualitative data sources,
what (measurable) evidence will show
achievement of outcomes?
1. Teacher feedback forms will be used to
determine the impact of the book study on
instructional practices and student success.
What actions will be implemented to achieve
1. School based PLC's - book study on EAL
instructional strategies (how to work on
English language acquisition in content area
2. The EAL committee will review the language
plans from the pilot school and will collect
data related to student progress and
challenges. An analysis of this data as
compared to initial assessment data will be
used to indicate student progress as indicated
by improved English proficiency.
2. EAL committee will develope an Individual
Language plan for use with EAL students,
including colony students.
3. The division will introduce these language
plans to one school as a pilot project, then
implement with all EAL students in all schools
following a committee review.
1. A series of after school sessions will be
provided for teachers regarding explicitely
teaching academic language.
Anecdotal data will also be collected
regarding additional teacher supports
1. Longitudinal data will be collected to see how
well EAL students (including Hutterites) are
progressing using language proficiency levels
and assessment data over the years.
Language plans for EAL students will include a
section on academic langauge.
1. A welcome package with basic information
about each school to be developed and
distributed to all new families.
Student's learning will benefit from family
involvement and support.
1. Parent and teacher surveys will provide the
2. Data on the number of appointments
scheduled with parents that required the use
of interpreters and the associated costs.
Categorical Grant Outcomes Report and Financial Report 2014–2015
2. Schools will be asked to keep track of
numbers of appointments scheduled that
required the use of interpreters and the
associated costs.
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3. Parent and also teacher surveys will be
created to get feedback from about identified
issues related to families. A separate survey
will be created for the Hutterian context.
4. Develop separate parental involvement plans
for colony and non-colony parents.
Date: 2014-10-30
Division Contact: Joy Teacher
Categorical Grant Outcomes Report and Financial Report 2014–2015
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School Division Categorical Grant Outcomes Report 2014–2015
Template Instructions
1. The latest templates are available at: <>
2. Use the templates to submit the following reports:
a. School Division Categorical Grant Outcomes Report
b. Categorical Grant Review Financial Report
3. Report on each Categorical Grant using a separate Categorical Grant Outcomes Report.
4. Email reports to: <>. The original signed Financial Report page must also be mailed to:
Categorical Grant Review
Early Childhood Education Unit
307-1181 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg MB
5. A description of each grant can be found in the Funding of Schools 2014–2015 School Year.
<> and at <>.
Please note: The unexpended grant amounts from the ELI, N, MYL/WE, ECDI and ESD categorical grants will be applied as a reduction against
the funding allocations calculated for 2014–2015.
Categorical Grant Outcomes Report and Financial Report 2014–2015
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