Lesson 3: Examining Spectra of Three Galaxies Overview: In this activity, students look at different forms of spectra (continuous, emission and absorption) and differentiate between them / their causes. Following this, the students examine sample spectra from the three featured galaxies (NGC 3187, UGC 11816 and the Toverball Galaxy), and note that common emission peaks have moved. Learning Cycle Stage: Time: Engage, Explore, Explain 45+ minutes Learning Objectives: The teacher will be able to assess student’s prior knowledge about redshift and spectra. (This activity assumes some previous experience with emission spectra. If students are unfamiliar with spectra, we recommend a supplementary activity to be completed before Lesson 3). Students will be able to compare spectra of galaxies and note differences/similarities. Students will be able to explain redshift, determine relative redshift, and understand the relationship between redshift and velocity. Students will be able to sequence galaxies based on velocity and direction. What You Need: For the teacher: □ Large printed or LCD projected image of Figure 3.1-3.6, Image 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7 and 3.13.3 For each team of 2-4 students: □ 3 galaxy images, set to scale- so true apparent size can be seen (Image 3.1-3.3) □ Copies of the spectra of each of the three selected galaxies (Figure 3.5-3.7) Getting Ready: □ Prepare LCD projector to project Figure 3.1-3.6, Image 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7 and 3.1-3.3 □ Print (in color) one set of three color images (Image 3.1-3.3) for every 2-4 students. Laminate if desired. **Keep these after the lesson, as they will be re-used in Lesson 5. □ Print (in black/white) one set of three galaxy’s spectra (Figure 3.4-3.6) for every 2-4 students. **Keep these after the lesson, as they will be re-used in Lesson 5. □ Download Powerpoint from MyHubbleDiagram.org/visuals [optional] *If students are unfamiliar with spectra, we recommend that teachers complete an activity with their students that involves observing various emission tubes through diffraction gratings. This should be done before proceeding with Lesson 3. A good example of this activity can be found at http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/teachers/lessonplans/science/hubble.html Comparing Spectra 1. Hold up (or use and LCD projector to show) the same image of M51 (Image 1.1) shown in Lesson 1 and/or Images 1.4, 1.5 and 1.7. Ask: How might astronomers want to study these galaxies? What do they, as students, want to know about the galaxies (for example: composition, distance, size, brightness)? 2. Point out that astronomers cannot travel to the galaxies, and therefore they can only study them by looking at the light. Ask your students to consider something they may have done in a Chemistry class: how have they used light to determine composition? (If students have prior experience with emission tube, ask them to recount the experience). 3. Hold up (or LCD project) Figure 3.1 (3 types of spectra). If students are already familiar with spectra, ask the following questions: a. What is a continuous spectrum? How is it produced? b. What does it mean to have a dark line or a bright line? *If students are unfamiliar with spectra, we recommend that teachers complete an activity with their students that involves observing various emission tubes through diffraction gratings. A good example of this activity can be found at http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/teachers/lessonplans/science/hubble.html 4. Distribute one of the spectral graphs (any of Figure 3.5- 3.7). Ask: Which of the three pictures of spectra is being represented by the graph? (If students recognize immediately that it is emission, go to the next step. If students struggle to relate a graphical representation of absorption spectra to picture of absorption spectra, try projecting / showing them Figure 3.2. It may help.) Figure 3.1: 3 types of spectra Credit: http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~clark/EveryDopAct.html Figure 3.2: Graphs of Spectra Credit: http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~clark/EveryDopAct.html 5. Remind students that in Lesson 2, they saw that wavelengths became shorter as an object moved toward us, and appeared longer as an object moved away from the observer. AskIf we were to look at spectrum of an object that is moving away from us, how would the spectrum be different? (A: Waves are shorter/blue shifted when the object is moving toward the observer, and longer when the object is moving away from the observer). 6. Show Figure 3.3. Note what has happened to the absorption lines in this distant galaxy. Do you think it is redshifted or blueshifted? Sun Distant Galaxy Note new wavelength for same absorption line Figure 3.3: Redshifted Galaxy Credit: http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~clark/EveryDopAct.html Figure 3.4: Compression of waves due to movement Credit: http://www.iop.org/activity/education/Teaching_Resources/Teaching%20Advanced%20Physics/Astronomy/Astrophysi cs/page_5423.html 7. Ask- If we were to look at spectrum of two objects that are moving away from us at two different speeds, how would the spectrum of a faster moving object be different? If we were to look at spectrum of two objects that are moving toward us at two different speeds, how would the spectrum of a faster moving object be different? 8. Distribute sets of 3 spectra (Figure 3.5-3.7). Note that the same major emission peaks have been identified on each. Give the rest wavelength for H-alpha (6560Å) and H-beta (4860 Å). Remind students that if the peak is shifted to longer wavelengths from its rest wavelength, it is a sign that the galaxy is red-shifted and moving away from us. 9. Ask: Based on what you see in the spectrum, what can you infer about the motions of each galaxy? (They should be able to describe the galaxies’ direction of motion, and be able to rank them in order of redshift/velocity). [All of the galaxies are redshifted. The fastest moving galaxy / most redshifted is Toverball, followed by UGC 11816, and the slowest moving is NGC 3187. The approximate wavelengths for the H-alpha and H-beta lines in each graph are listed below.]. Least shift NGC3187 – H-alpha at ~6600A, H-beta at ~4890A UGC11816 – H-alpha at ~6670A, H-beta at ~4950A Most shift Toverball – H-alpha at ~7220A, H-beta at ~5340A 10. Tell: The more that the H-Alpha line moves toward longer, redder wavelengths, the greater the redshift, and the faster it is moving away from us. The more that it moves toward the shorter, bluer wavelengths, the greater the blueshift, and the faster that the galaxy is moving toward us. Remind students of the applet they saw yesterday (or show the students again). 11. Question to Ponder for Tomorrow: Which of the three galaxies is moving fastest? 12. Collect the Images and Spectra for re-use in Lesson 5. Teacher Hints: -Suggest that students measure and record the difference in wavelength of the H-alpha and H-beta peaks in one graph. They should see that the difference between the two wavelengths – regardless of graph -is approximately 1700Å. -Ask the students to consider if this difference changes for galaxies with different redshifts. Students should be able to determine that the galaxies with the higher redshift are moving fastest, but they won’t yet realize that this is also related to distance. Don’t tell them this yet!! Shhhhhh. Image 1.1: M51 Image 1.4 Image 1.5 Image 1.7 Image 3.1: SDSS image of UGC 11816 Apparent Magnitude 14.9 Image 3.2: SDSS image of NGC 3187 Apparent Magnitude: 13.96 Image 3.3: SDSS Toverball Galaxy Apparent Magnitude 18.37 Figure 3.5: Spectra of NGC 3187 Rest Wavelengths: H-alpha = 6560 A H-beta = 4860 A Spectra of NGC 3187 100 90 Hα 80 70 Flux 60 50 40 Hβ 30 20 10 0 4500 5000 5500 6000 Wavelength (Angstroms) 6500 7000 7500 Figure 3.6: Spectra of Toverball Galaxy Rest Wavelengths: H-alpha = 6560 A H-beta = 4860 A Spectra of Toverball Galaxy 50 Hα 45 40 35 Flux 30 25 20 Hβ 15 10 5 0 4500 5000 5500 6000 Wavelength (Angstroms) 6500 7000 7500 Figure 3.7: Spectra of UGC 11816 Rest Wavelengths: H-alpha = 6560 A H-beta = 4860 A Spectra of UGC 11816 120 Hα 100 Flux 80 60 Hβ 40 20 0 4500 5000 5500 6000 Wavelength (Angstroms) 6500 7000 7500 Figure 3.8: Spectra of all three Galaxies on the same graph Comparison of H-alpha and H-beta Peaks for all Three Galaxies 120 UGC 11816 NGC 3187 Toverball 100 Flux 80 60 40 20 0 4500 5000 5500 6000 Wavelength (Angstroms) 6500 7000 7500