Middle School Supplies List for 2011-2012

O F P A R I S Founded 1946
Middle School
Middle School Supplies List for 2011-2012
These lists reflect the items that we are sure that all students will need. Almost all supplies can be bought in
the larger supermarkets and in most department stores. Below is the supplies list in a shopping list format.
On the next page, the supplies are listed by subject so students know what is needed in which class.
Supplies required for Grade 6
 3 A4 size tri-fold folders with elastic bands
 1 small (17 x 22 cm) non-spiral (not wirebound) notebook of 96 pages in grands carreaux format
 1 large (21 x 29.7 cm) non-spiral (not wirebound) notebooks of 96 pages in grands carreaux format
 2 large (24 x 32 cm) non-spiral (not wirebound) notebooks of 96 pages in grands carreaux format
 Supply of lined A4 paper
 a pencil case containing: pencils, sharpener, eraser, blue/black/green/red pens, 3 glue sticks, small
scissors, small stapler
 USB memory stick
 a set of colored pencils/markers
 a 30 cm ruler, compass and a protractor
 a simple calculator
 a clipboard (for use on field trips)
 a box of tissues to keep in the locker
 French- English dictionary (Larousse or Robert) for use at home
 English language dictionary
Supplies required for Grade 7
 1 A4 size, 4 ringed binder, (classeur léger A4 – 2cm) and dividers (for English)
 2-3 packages of notebook paper (grands carreaux format) to fit in the binder and for use in other
 50 plastic sleeves for saving papers
 1 notebook or section of binder for math (+ paper for homework)
 a pencil case containing: pencils, eraser, blue/black/green/red pen(s), glue stick, scissors, pencil
sharpener, white out and small stapler
 a set of colored pencils or markers
 a 30 cm. ruler, a compass and a protractor
 a box of tissues to keep in the locker
 a French-English translating dictionary for use at home (Larousse or Robert)
 a simple calculator
 USB key (labeled if possible)
 A lightweight clipboard
ASP Middle School: 41, rue Pasteur – B.P. 82 – 92216 Saint-Cloud CEDEX – France
Tel.. (+33) – Fax (+33) 1 -- e-mail: jferguson@asparis.fr
Supplies required for Grade 8
 a pencil case containing: on-going supply of pencils, pens, colored markers/pencils, pencil
sharpener, eraser, white-out, scissors, simple calculator, stapler and staples
 a ruler (15 cm)
 a lightweight clipboard (General Use)
 5 A4 sized 4-ring binder/classeur – 4 cm thickness (All subjects)
 100 plastic sleeves – A4 size (Math, English)
 lined A4 paper - graph paper (Math)
 Spiral Notebook – 100 pages (Math)
 5 page dividers for binder - to fit A4, 4-ring binder and paper (All Subjects)
 Lined A4 paper - grand format/grands carreaux, perfore (French)
 2 tri-fold folders with elastic bands (French, Social Studies)
 2 soft-cover folder with 60 pages of plastic sleeves/porte-documents 60 vues (1 for Science, 1 for Social
 2 poster boards (Social Studies)
 other things to consider: tissues, water bottle, USB key
 100 index cards (Social Studies)
 French-English translating dictionary for use at home (Beginner to Advanced French)
 French-French dictionary (Larousse ou Petit Robert) (Francophone)
Additional information for Algebra I and Geometry students
For advanced math students who will be taking Algebra I or Geometry, a Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus
Silver Edition calculator may be used but is not required; this model will be used in the following years in
the Upper School mathematics courses. As these graphing calculators are expensive, you should only
purchase one if you are not likely to misplace it! (You may find these to be less expensive in the United
States or in a duty-free store.) Otherwise, a scientific calculator (with sin, cos, tan, square root, and exponent ^
features) is fine.
ASP Middle School: 41, rue Pasteur – B.P. 82 – 92216 Saint-Cloud CEDEX – France
Tel.. (+33) – Fax (+33) 1 -- e-mail: jferguson@asparis.fr