The Kite Runner - Lakeland Regional High School

In what ways has our society
“regulated morality?” Give some
examples. Hint- what freedoms have
we lost? Think of censorship and
limitations in terms of freedom of
speech as evidenced on TV, radio,
social media, etc.
Morality Police
 In your opinion, is it a good thing or a bad
thing that our society tries to “police” the
morals of its citizens? Using the examples
from our discussion, write an
argumentative paragraph defending your
beliefs. You may argue both, but justify
your reasons using specific examples.
Kite Runner: Do-Now
 Write about your first friend that you
remember from your childhood. What
specific details do you remember about this
person and about your friendship? How did
the friendship affect your life in some way?
Even if you didn't stay friends, how does the
memory of this friendship still linger in your
memories in some way?
 What details does Amir remember about his
friendship with Hassan from his childhood?
Kite Runner: Ch. 1 & 2
1. What is the mood/tone of the first chapter of the
novel? Quote a line to demonstrate your point.
2. What is foreshadowed in the first two chapters of
the novel?
3. What inferences can you make about the friendship
of Amir and Hassan from the second chapter?
4. What is the symbolism behind Amir's line on p. 8,
"People say that eyes are windows to the soul. Never
was that more true than with Ali...”
Journal- Kite Runner Ch. 1-5
 Amir is often looking for approval from his
father, but doesn’t gain the validation he is
seeking. However, he has Rahim Khan, his
father’s friend, to support him and his love of
 Write about an experience or a time when
someone believed in you when others didn’t.
How did this person impact your future goals
and your life? If you don’t have such a person in
your life, write about someone YOU support
and believe in even though others don’t.
Journal- Kite Runner Ch. 1-5
 1. What characterization can you make about
Amir from his treatment of Hassan on the top
of page 29? Why do you think Amir treats
Hassan this way? Think deeply about his
motives and his insecurities as a character as
you explain your beliefs.
 2. In what ways has Amir “let down” his father,
Baba? Give several examples to prove your
points. Do you think Amir truly has let his
father down, or has Baba let Amir down in some
way? Explain.
Pashtun vs. Hazara
 1. Read and annotate the article about Pashtuns
and Hazaras.
 2. With a partner, demonstrate the differences
between Pashtuns and Hazaras using examples
from The Kite Runner’s plot to demonstrate the
social class disparity between the two
subcultures. Use at least THREE examples from
the book to prove your points. Write your
responses in ONE person’s journal.
Kite Runner Journal: Ch. 9
 1. Write about a time when you were a martyr
and took the blame for someone else or vice
versa? How did it make you feel? Was it worth
sacrificing yourself for someone else? Or, if
someone else took the fall for you, how did that
make you feel? Explain.
 2. What sacrifices did Hassan make for Amir?
What are your feelings about the sacrifices he
has made for his beloved friend? Were they
worth it? Why/why not?
Final Journal Reflection:
 1. How did Amir attempt to get rid of his guilt
after the violent incident Hassan suffered?
Discuss several examples as you explain your
 2. Why do you think Amir didn’t attempt to help
Hassan? Do you think Amir is a coward, or was he
just paralyzed by his fear? Explain your beliefs.
 3. Why does Hassan’s kind, selfless, and loyal
nature get Amir so angry?
Do-Now: Regret and Guilt
 1. Write about a time you regretted not taking
action when you knew you should have.
Explain. If you have never been in this
situation, write about a time when you wish
others would have taken action when they
 2. Do you sympathize with Amir at all
knowing that he must live with such guilt for
the rest of his life? Why/why not?
The Stigma of “Telling”
 After reading the article about the victim and accuser
in Afghanistan, consider Amir and Hassan’s reasons
for staying quiet. Why do you think didn’t tell Baba
or Ali or confront Assef afterward the rape? Do you
think Amir is a coward, or was he just paralyzed by
his fear? Was his inaction because of his fear of
reprisal, shame, or fear of disappointing Baba?
 Why didn’t Hassan tell Amir what happened after
the rape? Why didn’t he tell Baba or Ali? Would he
have endangered his life further by telling the truth
about what happened, or was he better off keeping it
to himself to avoid reprisal? Which is worse? Explain
your beliefs.
Soviets in Afghanistan
 1. What reason did the Soviets have for “intervening”
in Afghanistan?
 2. Who is Mohammed Daoud? What influence did
he have on Afghanistan politics? How did the US feel
about Daoud’s politics?
 3. What happened to Afghanistan once Daoud was
killed? How did this affect US/Afghan relations and
Afghanistan’s politics as a whole?
 4. How did Taraki’s politics affect Afghanistan?
 5. What involvement did the US have after the
murder of Taraki? Why did the US involve itself in
Afghanistan’s struggle in the first place?
 Baba told Amir, “It may be unfair, but what
happens in a few days, sometimes even a single
day, can change the course of a whole lifetime,
Amir” (142).
 Do you agree with Baba’s statement? We can
easily see how this relates to Amir, but how
does this quote relate to YOU in your own
life? Explain a moment or day that changed
your life forever. (It can be something
positive- it doesn’t have to be bad as in
Amir’s case!)
Afghan Marriage/Courtship Rituals
 **
Wedding Rituals/Customs
 What other wedding rituals and
customs can you think of from America
and/or other countries?
 What similarities and differences do
you notice? List several examples
Journal: Emotional Growth
 1. How has Amir evolved emotionally as a
character as seen through Ch. 12-14 with his
new life in America? Give some examples.
 2. How has Amir’s relationship with Baba
changed? Give some examples.
 3. How have YOU evolved and changed
emotionally from freshman year to senior year
of high school? Explain.
 1. Amir has become confident and self-assured
 2. He is now a published author and his book gets signed
 3. He has become forgiving- he looks at Soraya’s “shame”
and doesn’t condemn her running off with another man
4. He asserts himself and follows his heart, regardless of
what Baba wants for him- he pursues Soraya, a degree in
5. He compares himself to Baba less and accepts the fact
that Baba is a stronger man than he is on some levels
6. He learns to live life without Baba’s guidance and
becomes a man/husband
7. He no longer yearns for Baba’s approval the way he used
to and instead guides Baba as he takes him to the doctor and
pushes him to get medical treatment
8. He has become more independent and finds a home in
America that is not centered around personal guilt, regret
 2. - Amir helps Baba sell items at the flea market where they
are a team as they work together. Baba relies on Amir now.
- Baba needs Amir now more than ever to take care of him in
his state of declining health
- Baba trusts Amir to make decisions on his own- he trusts in
Amir’s feelings for Soraya and approves of their marriage
- Baba is proud of Amir’s writing ability and finally brags
about his son in a deserving way that makes Amir feel good
- Baba feels pride in Amir and shows his love more openly. He
reads Amir’s book. He is overjoyed when Amir marries Soraya
- Amir has become the strong one- he has found his voice in
America whereas Baba is now the underdog here
- Amir feels genuinely close to Baba and has become the
independent man Baba wanted him to become
Dual Symbolism in The Kite Runner
 Kites:
a. Childhood and happiness and innocence
b. A reminder of betrayal and guilt
 The Blue Kite:
a. Victory, success, Baba’s approval of Amir
b. Evil, sin, remorse, guilt
 The Monster in the Lake:
a. Amir and Hassan beating the “monster” aka
winning the kite tournament
b. Amir’s sin, guilt, and jealousy of Hassan’s
relationship with Baba; Assef; Amir’s conscience
 Afghanistan: a. Childlike innocence, happier times
b. War, violence, reminder of betrayal
 Pomegranate Tree:
 a. Amir and Hassan carve their names in it to
symbolize their everlasting friendship
 b. Bitterness, anger, and guilt-Amir throws
pomegranates at Hassan to incite his anger so he can
punish him/take away his guilt by hitting him back
 Hassan: a. childhood/innocence, purity, honesty,
loyalty, sacrifice, goodness
b. A reminder of betrayal guilt, and remorse
More symbolism….
 Myth of Rostam and Sohrab
 The character of Rostam, who acts dishonorably toward the king by
sleeping with his daughter, symbolizes Amir, and perhaps Baba.
 The character of Sohrab, who does not know who his father is, who
becomes Hassan's favorite hero, and who meets an untimely death,
symbolizes Hassan.
 The Pomegranate Tree
Young and innocent Amir and Hassan- carefree childhood innocence
and friendship
Amir and Hassan carved their name in the tree- it bore fruit which
symbolized their relationship/friendship
After Hassan’s death when Amir is wracked with guilt, the tree still
exists but no longer bears fruit. Now the tree not only symbolizes loss,
death, and the end of innocence.
*Recall Amir wanted Hassan to hit him with the pomegranate
fruit in order to inflict a physical punishment on him and lessen
his guilt; and instead, Hassan breaks the fruit over his own head
to symbolize his sacrificing nature, loyalty, and perhaps
Characterization & Internal Conflict
 For your assigned character, (Baba, Amir, General Taheri,
Jamila Taheri, or Soraya)… make a list of the
following…Focus on Ch. 12-14 on pages 143-194
 A. Two quotes revealing characterization. Quote
and explain what is revealed about the character’s
values, beliefs, personality, etc.
 B. Two internal conflicts
 C. State what your character has in common with
at least TWO other characters in the story in
terms of values, beliefs, experiences, background,
personal conflicts, etc. Be specific with your
 1. What was your reaction to Rahim Khan's
revelation about Amir’s past? What signs
foreshadowed this big news earlier in the story?
Give some examples.
 2. How are Amir and Baba more alike than Amir
ever realized? Are they equally as guilty for their
sins, or is one more at fault than the other?
 3. Did your feelings about Baba change at all after
you found out about his huge secret and betrayal?
Why do you think he kept it all a secret? Explain.
Taliban Rules for Women
May not work outside the home.
May not participate in any activity
outside the home unless
accompanied by her husband or male
May not be treated by male doctor.
May not study at any institutions,
including schools and universities.
Taliban Rules for Women
Must wear the long veil (burqa)
which covers them from head to toe.
If found guilty of adultery, will be
publically stoned to death.
May not laugh loudly – no stranger
should hear a woman’s voice.
May not wear high heels – no man
should hear a woman’s footsteps.
Taliban Rules for Everyone
No one can listen to music.
No one can watch television, movies
or videos.
No citizen can have a non-Islamic
Men may not shave or trim their
No one may fly kites.
Taliban Rules for Everyone
In any sporting event, no one may
Anyone who converts from Islam to
any other religion will be executed.
No burying of anyone who was killed
by the Taliban. Bodies must remain
in the streets as examples to other
Rise of The Taliban video
 Amir comes back to Afghanistan to find
that the life he once new has totally
changed. As we grow older, our
perspectives change and the places and
things we once knew no longer look the
same. Write a reflection about a place you
once knew that no longer seems the same
to you now that you've gotten older and
can see things from a different
Partner Activity: Ch. 20-21
 1. Find at least five examples from chapter 20
and 21 that demonstrate how much
Afghanistan has changed since Amir's
childhood. Be specific.
 2. List several examples of the Taliban's
brutality in chapters 20-22 that relate to the
list of rules and punishments during the
Taliban regime. What rules and punishments
did you observe from the reading of Ch. 20-22?
Be specific. Hint- Ch. 21 soccer game p. 268
Hazara Massacre Video
Modern Day Afghanistan
Yahoo Video: Khaled Hosseini visits
Symbolism & Metaphor
 The pomegranate tree p. 264
Extended metaphor on p. 246
p. 285 simile/metaphor trash/Hazara
Foreshadowing (the holes for the
stoning of the adulterer)
Sohrab's slingshot skills
Amir's mom predicting her happiness
was too good to be true.
Pair-Share: Ch. 23
Form a group of four or five.
Each group member should find
significant passages within Ch. 23.
ONE person will record those
examples in Do-Now Journal.
Every other group member will share
an observation during whole class
Orphanages in Afghanistan
 Nato in Afghanistan:
 Battling Corruption in Orphanages:
 NBC: AFCECO Orphanage
Afghanistan’s Youth
Journal: Ch. 24
 Amir says that he failed Sohrab by making a
promise that he didn’t know if he could actually
keep. In your opinion, was it a mistake to promise
Sohrab that he would bring him back home to
America? Why/why not? What would you have
done differently if anything at all?
 Personal connection: Write about a time you
made a promise to someone who was younger
than you that you couldn’t keep, whether it was
your fault or not. Were you able to make it up to
the person, or were you eventually forgiven
without having to take action? Explain.
Journal: Ch. 24 (p. 311-343)
 1. In what ways is Sohrab like his father,
Hassan? What values do they have in
common? Explain using examples from Ch.
24 to prove your points.
 2. Find ONE quote spoken by Sohrab that
especially reminds you of Hassan.
Amir’s Final Test…and Absolution
 “I see now that Baba was wrong, there is a God,
there always had been…There is a God, there has to
be, and now I will pray, I will pray that He forgive
that I have neglected Him all of these years, forgive
that I have betrayed, lied, and sinned with impunity
only to turn to Him now in my hour of need…I bow
to the west and kiss the ground and promise that I
will…fast during Ramadan…I will commit to
memory every last word of His holy book, and I will
set on a pilgrimage to that sweltering city in the
desert and bow before the Ka’bah too…I will think
of Him every day from this day on if He only grants
me this one wish…” (346)
Amir’s final test….
 1. Describe Amir’s state of mind in this quote. What is
his tone? How is the mood?
 2. What drove Amir to this point? Do you think he has
finally realized the importance of faith, or is he just
calling out to God in a moment of desperation?
 3. What change does this reveal in Amir’s character?
How has he ultimately evolved as a character? What
evidence of this did we see in Ch. 25?
Ch. 25: An Emotional Revelation
 1. With a partner, list FIVE themes of the
novel in the form of complete sentences.
Your themes can be life lessons or
reflections on human nature or life in
 2. Find TWO quotes from Ch. 25 that
demonstrate a life lesson, moral, or theme
from the novel
Themes & Life Lessons
 1. Forgiveness has many faces- self
forgiveness, forgiveness from others,
forgiveness in the eyes of God
 2. One decision can last a lifetime
 3. There is ONE major sin in life- THEFT
(stealing a life, stealing someone’s
happiness, freedom, etc.)
 4. One good deed can make up for a bad
deed (you can compensate for mistakes)
 5. Mankind is sinful and imperfect
 6. You
are not defined by your childhood
 7. Like father like son (the apple doesn’t
fall far from the tree)
 8. Forgiveness is earned, not given
 9. Redemption takes time and patienceone must prove it through actions
 10. Love and family can overcome all
 11. Finding one’s identity is an evolving
 1. Forgiveness is always possible
 2. Accept people for who they are
 3. Friendship is valuable
 4. Don’t take people for granted
 5. You can’t escape the past
 6. Guilt- letting go of guilt frees a person
from guilt
 7. Redemption is possible even for the
biggest of sins
 8. Life is not always what it seems
 9. Even people you think are perfect have
flaws- no one is perfect
 10. The right way is sometimes the hardest
 11. Make sacrifices for loved ones
 12. Never forget where you came from
 13. The power of love: Love is stronger than
 14. Coming of age and discovering one’s true
self through trials and tribulations
 15. Hardships build character
 16. It’s never too late to make up for sins of
the past
Farkhunda’s Story: March 2015
 Background:
 Protesters:
Farkhunda’s Story: Female Oppression
 1. As you read, underline and comment/react to
the most shocking parts of the article that got
your attention the most.
 2. What does this story reveal about the values of
the people in Afghanistan in 2015? Compare the
President of Afghanistan’s reaction to the tragedy
vs. that of the men and the women of
Afghanistan. Put a star by passages that support
your answers.
 3. Do you believe the US should intervene in
cases such as this? Why/why not?