Chapter 2 Router Configuration Contents Router simulation Introduction to Mode of router The Command to change Mode of router Basic Command Telnet DHCP Server DNS Server Router simulation GNS3 Boson NetSim Network Visualizer Introduction to Mode of router Router Mode has 3 types: ◦ User Mode: indicated by > prompt that allow you look at some of router setting. ◦ Privilege Mode: indicated by # prompt that use to display all of router setting. ◦ Configuration Mode: is used to configure router. ◦ Interface Mode: is used to configuration of a specific interface of router. The Command to change Mode of router Enable Disable Configure Terminal End Exit Interface Basic Command Show: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Version: Protocols: View Layer3 for all interface currently configure on router. Flash: History: display history command Running-Config: Clock: display clock Hosts: show list of hostname was created on router Users: display user who are connect to router Interfaces: display static of all interfaces configure on router CDP Interface : display status of all interface are running CDP Protocol CDP Neighbors: provide information about directly connected neighbors CDP Neighbors Detail : provide detail information about directly connected neighbors CDP: show how often CDP update are being sent and how long recipient should retain update Test network connectivity: ◦ Ping ◦ Tracert Naming Router ◦ HostName Basic Command CDP Timer: adjust the number of second between CDP Update. CDP HoldTime: adjust the hold timer to second No CDP Run: disable CDP for entire router No CDP Run enable: disable CDP for only interface Basic Command Basic IP Configuration and verification ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ IP Address: to add IP Address to a specific interface No Shut: active interface Shutdown: shutdown interface Clock Rate: set clock rate on serial line interface Show IP Interface Brief: view the IP address on interface. ◦ Description: comment on interface ◦ HostName: set hostname for router. ◦ Copy Running-Config Startup-Config: save running config. Basic Command CDP: allow you to view information operation information version, Protocol information, and much more Global configuration command: ◦ No cdp run: turn off for entire router ◦ Cdp run: turn on for entire router ◦ Cdp timer: configure cdp advertise for every time you specific Interface configuratio command: ◦ Cdp enable: turn cdp for the inerface ◦ No Cdp enable: turn off cdp for the interface Show command: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Show cdp interface: display interface setting Show cdp neighbor: display directly connected neighbor Show cdp neighbor detial: display detail information about neighbor Show cdp: display general information ARP command: ◦ Show ARP: Display ARP Table ◦ Clear ARP: To clear ARP Table Telnet Command used to configure Telnet ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Configure Line Interface Password Login To enable telnet on router we follow these steps: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Step 1: go to Configuration mode (Configure Terminal) Step 2: set IP address on Network port( Step 3: Change to VTY interface (line VTY 0 4) Step 4: Create password for telnet login ( password pwd, login) Step 5: Create configuration password( enable password pwd) Step 6: Run Telnet from Client PC( Telnet IP address/dns name) DHCP Server This Cisco IOS DHCP Server feature is supported on the following routers and access servers: ◦ Catalyst 5000 family switches with an installed Route Switch Module ◦ Catalyst 6000 family switches with an installed MultiLayer Switch Feature Card ◦ Catalyst 8500 series ◦ Cisco 800 series ◦ Cisco 1000 series ◦ Cisco 1400 series ◦ Cisco 1600 series ◦ Cisco 1700 series (support for the Cisco 1700 series was added in Cisco IOS Release 12.0[2]T) ◦ Cisco 2500 series ◦ Cisco 2600 series ◦ Cisco 3600 series ◦ Cisco 3800 series ◦ Cisco MC3810 series ◦ Cisco 4000 series ◦ Cisco AS5100 access server ◦ Cisco AS5200 universal access server ◦ Cisco AS5300 universal access server ◦ Cisco 7000 series ◦ Cisco 7100 series ◦ Cisco 7200 series ◦ Cisco MGX 8800 with an installed Route Processor Module ◦ Cisco 12000 series ◦ Cisco uBR900 series ◦ Cisco uBR7200 series Command use for configure DHCP Server Command Purpose Router(config)# ip dhcp excluded-address low-address [high-address] Specifies the IP addresses that the DHCP server should not assign to DHCP clients. Router(config)# ip dhcp pool name Creates a name for the DHCP server address pool and places you in DHCP pool configuration mode Router(config-dhcp)# network network-number [mask | /prefix-length] Specifies the subnet network number and mask of the DHCP address pool. Router(config-dhcp)# dns-server address [address2 ... address8] Specifies the IP address of a DNS server that is available to a DHCP client. Router(config-dhcp)# default-router address [address2 ... address8] Specifies the IP address of the default router for a DHCP client. Router(config-dhcp)# lease {days [hours][minutes] | infinite} Specifies the duration of the lease. Router(config)# service dhcp Enables the Cisco IOS DHCP Server feature on your router. Configuring Manual Bindings Monitoring and Maintaining the DHCP Server DNS Server DNS Overview: ◦ Hostnames for Network Devices: The DNS system can locate a network device by translating the hostname of the device into its associated IP address. ◦ Domains Names for Groups of Networks: IP defines a naming scheme that allows a device to be identified by its location in the IP. ◦ Name Servers: Name servers are programs that have complete information about their namespace portion of the domain tree and may also contain pointers to other name servers that can be used to lead to information from any other part of the domain tree. ◦ Cache: The cache stores the results from previous responses. ◦ Name Resolvers: Name resolvers are programs that extract information from name servers in response to client requests. ◦ Zones: A zone contains all domains from a certain point downward, except those for which other zones are authoritative. How to Configure DNS ◦ Mapping Hostnames to IP Addresses ◦ Configuring the Router as a DNS Server Mapping Hostnames to IP Addresses Step: 1. enable 2. configure terminal 3. ip host name [tcp-port-number] address1 [address2 ... address8] 4. ip domain name name or ip domain list name 5. ip name-server server-address1 [server-address2 ... server-address6] 6. ip domain lookup [source-interface interface-type interface-number] Example Example (Continue) Configuring the Router as a DNS Server STEPS: 1. enable 2. configure terminal 3. ip dns server 4. ip name-server server-address1 [server-address2 ... server-address6] 5. ip dns server queue limit {forwarder queue-size-limit | director queuesize-limit} 6. ip host [vrf vrf-name] [view view-name] hostname {address1 [address2 ... address8] | additional address9 [address10 ... addressn]} 7. ip dns primary domain-name soa primary-server-name mailbox-name [refresh-interval [retry-interval [expire-ttl [minimum-ttl]]]] 8. ip host domain-name ns server-name Example Example (Continue) Verifying DNS