Beginning-of-the-Year To-Do List
This list is developed using Chapters 3 and 5 from Becoming a Teacher of Writing . The checklist is meant to be a tool to organize the Writing Studio. You do not need to create or do everything on this list! We have listed all options for each category; you will need to decide which option is best for you and the writers in your Studio.
Organizing Physical Space:
Where will writing folders be kept? o Crates o Standup magazine holders o Other ____________________
Where will independent writing occur? o At children’s desks o At table groups o On the floor using clipboards o Other ____________________
Where and how will children work collaboratively? o Move chairs together (for larger groups, move into rug area or
____________________ area) o At table groups o One large table for all collaboration projects in all disciplines o Classroom area: ____________________
Where and how will one-on-one teacher conferences be held with writers?
Beginning-of-the-Year Decision Checklist
© 2015 Taylor & Francis
o Teacher small chair (moves with teacher to writer’s desk/table) o Set up conference corner (teacher and writer chair with small desk) o Other ____________________
Where and how will guided writing instruction occur? o Kidney-shaped table or medium-sized table o Placement in room (where you can monitor the rest of the class):
____________________ o Other: ____________________
Where will whole-group instruction happen? o Large rug (front of class); younger grades o Writers stay at desks/tables o Possible supplies: Easel/chart paper, document camera, iPad with projection, white board
Where and how can quiet writing space be arranged in the classroom? o Space for desks in quiet area o Create space with hanging plants, decorative screen, or
____________________ o Sound-screening headphones
Will technology be available? What kind of technology and for what purpose? When will it be used? o Technology available: ____________________ o Guidelines for use: ____________________ o Place in classroom: ____________________
Beginning-of-the-Year Decision Checklist
© 2015 Taylor & Francis
Where and how will the classroom library be arranged? o Bookshelves o Crates on bookshelves or floor o Organize by simple genre: ____________________ o Checkout procedures (if any): ____________________ o Additional guidelines for use (if any): ____________________
Will there be additional furnishings? (What purpose will these serve?) o Exercise balls o Large pillows or soft pillow-like chairs o Small couch o Author’s chair or platform o Floor lamps o Other ____________________
Where and how will teacher supplies and personal items be kept? o Traditional teacher’s desk o Teacher’s “area.” What I will include: ____________________ o Teacher’s closet and small chair
Children’s supplies and personal storage space o Moveable cubbies arranged as follows: ____________________ o Built-in cubbies o Desk drawers o Hanging and labeled supply bags o Other: ____________________
Beginning-of-the-Year Decision Checklist
© 2015 Taylor & Francis
Where and how will writing supplies be kept? What supplies are needed? o Supply storage placement: ____________________ o Supplies will be organized as follows: ____________________ o Different styles and colors of pens and papers (grade appropriate):
____________________ o Lined paper (grade-level appropriate) o Blank booklets o Cards and envelopes o Colored pencils o Sticky notes o Blank labels (to cover up mistakes) o Spelling aides: ____________________ o Thesaurus: ____________________
Where and how will bookmaking and art supplies be kept? What supplies are needed? o Supplies will be kept: ____________________ o Supplies will be organized as follows: ____________________ o Guidelines for using supplies: ____________________ o Binding supplies: ____________________ o Cardstock o Variety of papers with different sizes o Variety of papers with different textures o Markers o Colored pencils
Beginning-of-the-Year Decision Checklist
© 2015 Taylor & Francis
o Crayons o Selected paints and brushes (special occasion or all the time?) o Scrapbooking paper o Scrapbooking scissors (grade appropriate) o Scissors (grade appropriate) o Sharpies o Glue o Tape (different kinds for different purposes) o Additional craft items: ____________________
Are there writers with special physical needs? o Need: ____________________ o Room adaptation: ____________________
Additional physical space considerations:
Planning for Meaningful Use of Wall Space (This will change as writers’ needs change over the course of the school year. Not all items are necessary at the beginning of the year.)
High-frequency word list(s)
Sight words
Found words
Students’ names
Commonly misspelled words
Discipline-specific theme words
Beginning-of-the-Year Decision Checklist
© 2015 Taylor & Francis
Alphabetic principle charts o Rhyming words o Alliteration play o Onset and rime charts o Other: ____________________
Writing helps o Genre charts: ____________________ o Punctuation reminders: ____________________ o Writing organizational schemas: ____________________ o Process charts: ____________________ o Peer conference reminders: o Other Writing Studio reminders (determined by writers’ needs):
How Will Writers and Their Work Be Broadcast?
Bulletin board(s)
Technology projected onto screen or wall
Clothesline(s) with clothespin
Photos or self-portraits
Tri-fold presentation boards
Other: ____________________
How Will the Daily Writing Folder Look?
Three-ring binder
Plastic three-brad folder with pockets
Beginning-of-the-Year Decision Checklist
© 2015 Taylor & Francis
Homemade (cereal box)
Manila file folder
Composition book
Other: ____________________
Daily Writing Folder Forms (What forms will you use? Check only those that apply.) o Possible Writing Topics o My Writing Goals o Spelling Words to Remember o My Personal Spelling List and Spelling/Grammar Reminders o My Writing World o Peer Response Form o Edit Checklist
What Form Will the Teaching, Conferencing & Planning Notebook Take?
Three-ring notebook (page for each writer)
iPad or tablet (page for each writer)
Clipboard and sticky notes (organized later into notebook; one page per writer)
Weekly chart with clipboard (line for each writer)
Composition notebook with dividers for each writer
What Teaching Forms and Other Files Do I Need to Organize?
Status of the Class (unless using My Writing World)
Cumulative Writing Folders (one per writer)
Beginning-of-the-Year Decision Checklist
© 2015 Taylor & Francis
My Personal Writing for Demonstration
Other ____________________
Additional Notes to Self
Beginning-of-the-Year Decision Checklist
© 2015 Taylor & Francis