152 AGEP Scholars - Southern Regional Education Board


“AlwAys believe thAt whAt you do today helps to prepare you for something better tomorrow’’

Dr. Samuel DeWitt Proctor

MLK Professor

Rutgers University


Marriott Tampa Waterside Hotel & Marina

Tampa, Florida

October 25 – 28, 2012

592 Tenth St., N.W.

Atlanta, GA 30318-5776

404-875-9211, ext.268



“Proverbs are the daughters of experience.”

Why is The McNair program Important

To Scholars?



 BS, Elementary Education, (Glassboro State Teachers College now Rowan University), Student Athlete & Student Leader

 MA, Pupil Personnel Services, Seton Hall University

 ED.D. Lehigh University, Counseling Education

 Teaching experience in public schools: 5 th – 8 th grades, Jr. High

School Science & Math, & Guidance Counselor, High School

Basketball & Track Coach

 Director Upward Bound Project @ Seton Hall University &

Neighborhood Education Center in Newark New Jersey

 Associate Professor with Tenure @ Seton Hall University

 Director, Minority Student Services @ University of Central



 Director, Statewide Affirmative Actions Programs @

State Council of Higher Education for Virginia


 Director, The Office of Federal TRIO Programs, U.S.

Department of Education (Senior Executive Service)

 Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education, The

Office of Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Education

 Director, The Southern Regional Education Board-

AGEP Doctoral Scholars Program.

“You do not teach the paths of a forest to an old gorilla.”


Agenda for the Orientation &

Breakfast Meeting

 Background on the Compact & the Institute.

 Why and How you are here.

 Others in attendance.

 Benefits for you.

 Benefits for institutions.

 How this Institute works.

 Our (MY) expectations for & of you.

 Reimbursement procedures.

 Closing “Charge” to you.

The National Science Foundation

Directorate for

Education and Human Resources


Human Resource Development


 “We fulfill our mission chiefly by issuing limitedterm grants -- currently about 10,000 new awards per year, with an average duration of three years -- to fund specific research proposals that have been judged the most promising by a rigorous and objective merit-review system. Most of these awards go to individuals or small groups of investigators.

Others provide funding for research centers, instruments and facilities that allow scientists, engineers and students to work at the outermost frontiers of knowledge.”

 “The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in

1950 " to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense …" With an annual budget of about $6.9 billion (FY 2010), we are the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America’s colleges and universities. In many fields such as mathematics, computer science and the social sciences, NSF is the major source of federal backing.”

National Science Foundation

4201 Wilson Boulevard

Arlington, VA 22230

703-292-5111 http://www.nsf.gov

Jessie DeAro, Ph.D. & Mark Leddy, Ph.D.

National Science Foundation

Arlington, VA jdearo@nsf.gov



Doctoral Scholars Program

 The original NSF grant to SREB provided all of the funds to support AGEP scholars to attend the


 Help facilitate the attendance of AGEP scholars to attend the Institute on Teaching and Mentoring.

 AGEP Alliances/Instituions pay for extra AGEP scholars to attend.


Doctoral Scholars Program

 The original SREB AGEP grant did not support the attendance of SBE scholars.

 SBE Alliances paid for SBE scholars to attend the


 SREB received funding one year to pay for SBE scholars.

 SBE was folded into the AGEP so the support was there the inclusion of SBE to attend the Institute.

Groups Affiliations

Attending the Institute

 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Minority Ph.D. Program {55

Faculty & 144 Students }

 Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate { 158 }

 Bridges to the Professoriate Program & Federation of

American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) {65 }

 Gates Millennium Scholars Program { 80 }

Groups Affiliations

Attending the Institute

 Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement

Program {18 Directors, 43 Scholars }

 Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences {9}

 Southern Regional Education Board Doctoral

Scholars Program {244}

6 Faculty

152 AGEP Scholars





 LA

 AL

 MA

 AZ

 MD

 CA

 MI

 CO

 MS

 CT

 NC

 DC

 NV

 FL

 NY

 GA

 SC

 IA

 TX

 IN

 VT

AGEP Alliances

 Colorado (PEAKS)

 Georgia Institute of

Technology –FACES

 Howard University-

University of Texas El Paso

 Iowa

 Midwest Crossroads

 More Graduate education at

Mountain States Alliance


 North Carolina (OPT-ED)

 PROMISE: Maryland

 Rice-Houston

 Students to Academic

Professoriate for American

Indians (SAPAI)

AGEP Alliances

 The Alliance for Graduate

Education in Mississippi


 The City University of New

York – The Graduate Center

 The Northeast Alliance for

Graduate Education and the

Professoriate (NEAGEP)

 The Southeast Alliance


 The Graduate Alliance for

Education in Louisiana


 The Michigan AGEP

 The State University of New


 The University of Puerto


AGEP Alliances

 The University of California

 Berkeley

 Davis

 Irvine

 Los Angeles

 Merced

 Riverside

 San Diego

 San Francisco

 Santa Barbara

 Santa Cruz

SBE Alliances

 Atlantic Coast

 University of California – DIGGS

 Great Lakes


 CUNY - Michigan



 To provide support to the AGEP/SBE program alliances.

 Referral of speakers.

 SREB staff attend and present at Alliance sponsored programs. (NC-OPT-ED, PROMISE, FACES, GLASS,


AGEP/SBE Scholars

Times Attending Institute

 First time

 Second time

 Third time

 Fourth time

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation


 Directors of the Sloan Minority Ph.D. Program



Junior Faculty Professional

Development Conference


Development Conference

 1st, 2 nd , or 3rd year of teaching, or on a postdoctoral assignment.

 Professional Career

Development in the Academy

 Instructor, Adjunct, and

Assistant Professor

 Personal Professional

Development Plan (PPDP)

 all academic disciplines

 Becoming Tenured and Beyond


 special track of sessions and workshops

 Funding Opportunities

 Publishing

 Effective Mentoring

 Career Options in Higher


INSTITUTE Benefits for Scholars

 Part of a larger network of scholars

 Recognition of achievement

 Enhance professional development

 Listed in Scholar


 Access to position postings on DSP site

 Feedback on CV

 Interview practice

 Clarify/crystallize career goals/path

 Identified as a potential candidate for the academy

Scholar Directory

 Purpose

 www.sreb.org

, Scholar Directory

 Must update your personal information

 Use registration ID to access

 YES or NO on form for access

Institute Benefits for Recruiter


 Large network of potential faculty/staff that have an expressed interest in a career in postsecondary education.

 Scholars will have the Ph.D. which is the gatekeeper to faculty positions.

 In depth conversations with potential candidates.

 Establish long term relationships with scholars.

 Cohort of undergraduates interested in graduate school.

 Wide range of disciplines.

 Use of the Scholar Directory.

 Cost effective.

Objective & Sessions

 To provide training in skills and techniques for succeeding in a Ph.D. program in STEM disciplines.

 Describe Your Research in Five Minutes or Less

 Writing Your Dissertation

 Speaking About Science

Objective and Sessions

 To prepare AGEP scholars for successful transition from graduate school to a faculty position.

 First and Last Impressions: Organizing for the Job


 Negotiating Your First Faculty Position

Objective & Session

 To provide the opportunity for AGEP scholars to be recruited for future faculty positions and postdoctoral positions.

 Faculty Recruitment Fair

 Scholar Directory***

 www.sreb.org

Doctoral Scholars Program

 national-agep-listserv@googlegroups.com

Objective and Example

 Provide additional support services to AGEP scholars that can augment the services that they receive from their home AGEP.

 Scholar Contact, via Institute, Scholar Directory, and


 national-agep-listserv@googlegroups.com

 http://www.pathwaystoscience.org

Objective and Session

 To provide public recognition for doctoral scholars and faculty who have achieved a certain level of distinction.

 Friday-Dinner and Awards Program

 Saturday-Lunch and Awards Program

Enjoy the institute

Tips for Scholars

 Review the Agenda

 Visit Recruiters

 Complete Evaluation forms.

 Attend sessions on time.

 Adhere to the schedule.

 Make a serious effort to meet other scholars from;

 Your Alliance

 Attend Awards dinner.

 Other Alliances

 Interact

 Other Institutions

 Other States

 Different Disciplines

Tips for Scholars

Tips for Scholars

Tips for Scholars

Tips for Scholars

Tips for Scholars

Tip for Scholars

Tips for Scholars

Tip for Scholars

 Interact with recruiters

 Meet during breaks.

 Meal functions assigned tables

 Provide VITA


 Only AGEP/SBE participants supported by SREB

 In-route transportation

 Taxi to and from airport at home

 Airport /offsite airport parking

 Not Tampa to hotel or to airport (Van Service was/is provided.)

 Non allowable

 Conference meals : Thursday Evening Reception; Friday:

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner; Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch;

Sunday Brunch

 Room service, hotel movies, snacks, alcohol, taxi fares

 Original dated receipts with list of items purchased,

Copies not accepted.


 Travel reimbursement forms only for those scholars being supported by the SREB grant.

 Provide receipts and explanations.

 Dinner on Saturday will be on your own.

 Room service charges will be paid by you on check out. We will not pay for any room charges.

 For those that are being supported by your

Alliance, any extra charges will be sent to your

Alliance Director/Coordinator on an Invoice and your name as reference.


Certificates of Participation

 Business card

 Correct spelling of name

 With mailing address

 Print legibly


You will be teaching the next generation!



A cow that has no tail can’t chase away flies.



 20 th Anniversary

 October 31 – November 3, 201

 Arlington, VA

 Marriott Crystal Gateway Hotel

Enjoy the Institute

“AlwAys believe thAt whAt you do today helps to prepare you for something better tomorrow’’

Dr. Samuel DeWitt Proctor

MLK Professor

Rutgers University

