* Chemists usually work regular hours
* Work in an office or laboratory setting.
* Some research is conducted in a chemical plant or outdoors-while gathering samples.
* Chemists study the composition, structure, and properties of substances and their behavior under different conditions.
* Chemists work with potentially explosive or highly caustic chemicals.
* risks with working with the chemicals are minimal when proper safety procedures are followed.
* Chemists are grouped into four main specialties:
1. Organic Chemists- Work with carbon and its compounds most of which are derived from plants and animals.
2. Inorganic Chemists- work with compounds of non-carbon structure, including metals and minerals.
3. Physical Chemists_ study the relationship between the chemical and physical properties of substances.
4. Analytical Chemists- examine the content of substances and measure the amount of each component present.
*Organic chemists are responsible for developing commercial products, including drugs, plastic, and fertilizers.
* Inorganic chemists help in the electronics industry to build solid state electronic components.
* Physical chemists help develop new energy sources.
* Analytical chemists identify the presence of chemical pollutants in air, water, and soil.
* More then 60% of chemists work for manufacturers
* Second largest employer of chemists is academic institutions.
* A foundation in basic chemistry facts can assist one in the study of other scientific curricula..
* Salary for a chemist depends upon individual experience, education, chemical specialty, and the industry and size of firm in which they are employed.
* Careers are also found in federal, State and local governments.
General Chem. I Organic II
General chem. lab I
General Chem. II
Organic Lab II
Physical Chem. I
General Chem. Lab II
Chem.. Computation
Analytical Chem..
Analytical Lab
Inorganic I
Chemical Outreach
Chemical Outreach
Organic I
Organic lab I
Physical Chem
. lab
Physical chem. II
Chem. Literature
Instrumental analysis instrumental Lab inorganic II inorganic lab I I
English I
Technical Communication I
Technical Communication II
Calculus I
Calculus II
Calculus III
Physics I
Physic II
Physics II Lab
Physical Education
Physical Education
Humanities & Social Sciences (16 credits) Electives (23Cr.)
Hum (min6) SS(min6) (Science, SS ,Hum,etc.)
Advanced Chemistry Electives (6 cr.)
Toxicology Environmental Chem.
Organic III Polymers
** Students that are considering graduate school should take German, Differential
Equations, extra semester of physics and the lab.
Food Science Biotechnology Forensics
Genetics Oceanography Chemical Industry
Materials Chemistry Space Exploration Pharmaceutical Science
Medicine Environmental Chemistry Software
Science Design
Teaching Patent Law Environmental policy and
Decision Making
Experiment 1
Cabbage Indicator
Purpose: To make a solution that will indicate the presence of an acid or a base
Materials: tea strainer
1 tablespoon
2 glass quart jars with lids
1 quart of distilled water uncooked purple cabbage
* Fill one jar with cabbage leaves that have been torn into small pieces.
* Heat the distilled water to boiling, and fill the jar containing the pieces of cabbage with the hot water.
* Allow the jar to stand until the water cools to room temperature.
* Pour the cooled cabbage solution through a tea strainer into the second quart jar. Discard the cabbage leaves.
* Store the cabbage juice In a refrigerator until needed.
Experiment 2
Purpose: To observe the color effect that different acid concentrations have on the cabbage testing solution.
Materials: cabbage indicator scissors filter paper cookie sheet teaspoon alum cream of tartar fruit Fresh
* Place 1/2 teaspoon of alum, cream of tartar, and Fruit Fresh on the cookie sheet. Space the powders about three in apart.
* Cut three strips, about 1/2 in by 3 in, from the filter paper.
* Dip the end of one of the filter strips in the cabbage solution. Lay the wet end over the mound of alum.
* Wet a second filter strip with cabbage juice and lay over the cream of tartar.
* The third filter strip is to be wet with the cabbage juice and placed over the Fruit Fresh.
* wait five minuteds.
Experiment 3
Turmeric Paper
Purpose: To Make a tester paper that will indicate the presence of a base.
Materials Zip-lock plastic bag teaspoon
1/3 cup alcohol
1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder coffee filter cup cookie sheet quart bowl
* fill a cup one-third full of alcohol.
* Stir 1/4 teaspoon powdered turmeric into the alcohol.
*Pour the solution into the quart bowl.
* Dip one coffee filter at a time in the turmeric solution.
*Place each wet filter on the cookie sheet and allow to dry
*Cut the dry papers into strips about 1/2 in by 3in.
*store strips on a zip-lock bag.
Experiment 4
Purpose: To neutralize a basic solution.
Materials: turmeric paper (above procedure) household ammonia vinegar
2 eyedroppers
* Dip one end of the turmeric paper into ammonia>
* Fill the eyedropper with vinegar.
* Drop vinegar on the end of the turmeric paper that is wet with the ammonia.
Experiment 5
The Green Blob
Purpose: To produce a green, jelly-like blob of material from mixing two liquids
Materials: vinegar steel wool household ammonia tablespoon
2 small baby food jars
*Fill one-half of one jar with steel wool.
* Add enough vinegar to cover the steel wool.
* Write IRON ACETATE on the side of the glass.
*Allow the jar to stand undisturbed for five days.
* pour one tablespoon of household ammonia and stir.
Experiment 6
Crystal Ink
Purpose: To produce a message written with shiny crystals.
Materials: table salt
1 sheet black construction paper art brush teaspoon stove with an ovenProcedure
*Add 3 teaspoon of salt to 1/4 cup water.
* warm the oven to 150 degrees F.
* Use an art brush to write a message on the black paper. Stir the salt solution with the brush before making each letter. It is impotant that this is done in order to produce a clear message.
* Turn the oven off and place the paper in the oven on top of the wire racks.
* Allow the paper to heat for five minutes or until dried.
www.chem.ukans.edu/OLDUGrad/careers.htm/ www.chem.drake.edu/CHEMISTRY/Careerpage/careerpage.html
Vancleave, Janice. Chemistry For Every Kid. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York
1999-2000South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Undergraduate &
Graduate Catalog