Alcohol Substance Abuse 1 Incidence of Illicit Drug Emergencies There is a high potential for EMS involvement in illicit drug emergencies National Institute on Drug Abuse keeps data 14.5 million people use illicit drugs regularly 20 million people have tried cocaine 860,000 people use cocaine weekly 11.6 million people use marijuana regularly 770,000 people use hallucinogens (ie: LSD, PCP) regularly 2.5 million people have used heroin 2 Illicit Drug Behavior Substance abusers are 18 times more likely to be involved in criminal activity Violent crimes and thefts to support drug habits Drug overdoses Accidental Miscalculation of dosing Changes in strength of drug Suicide attempt Polydrug use Recreational drug use 3 Definition of Terms Substance/drug abuse Use of pharmacological substances for purposes other than a medically defined reason Drug dependence/addiction A craving for the drug, an overwhelming feeling of the need to obtain and continue to use the drug Tolerance The need for increasingly higher amounts of the drug to get the same effects Withdrawal A psychological or physical reaction when the substance is stopped Most signs and symptoms of withdrawal are the exact opposite of what exposure to the substance causes 4 Poison Control Centers Set up to assist in treatment of poison victims Provides information on new products and new treatment approaches Staffed with trained experts 24/7 Information updated regularly Consultation can assist in determining potential toxicity to the patient Can provide definitive treatment information that should be started 5 Routes of Exposure Ingestion Can cause immediate or delayed effects Inhalation Rapid absorption via alveoli in the lungs Topical Entry across the skin or mucous membranes Injection Can cause immediate and delayed effects 6 Commonly Abused Depressant Drugs Alcohol CNS depressant Binge drinking equals BAC > 0.08 (80) Men – typically 5+ drinks in 2 hours Women – typically 4+ drinks in 2 hours Alcohol poisoning Affects the respiratory center in the brain Vomiting leads to aspiration & asphyxiation Sobering up Need time Caffeine does not help – really! 7 Alcohol continued < 0.08 (80) - legal limit in California 0.30 (300) – stupor, passed out, difficult to awaken 0.35 (350) – typical for coma 0.40 (400) – coma, possibly death due to respiratory arrest 8 Alcohol continued BAC continues to rise even after passing out Alcohol in the stomach and intestines continues to enter the blood stream A fatal dose can be ingested before becoming unconscious General signs/symptoms Mental confusion Vomiting Seizures – often related to hypoglycemia Slow/irregular breathing Hypothermia 9 Alcohol Withdrawal With abrupt cessation of alcohol after prolonged ingestion, there is an overreaction of the brain and other mechanisms Early symptoms can start 6-8 hours after last drink Delirium Tremons can last 2-7 days Treatment is benzodiazepines and possibly ICU admission SEIZURE PRECAUTIONS 10 Commonly Abused Depressant Drugs Narcotics/opiates CNS depression Heroin Hydromorphine Darvon, Darvocet Heroin – most abused of the narcotics Physical and psychological dependence Addiction and physical tolerance Mood swings, severe constipation Menstrual irregularities Lung damage, skin infections Seizures, unconsciousness, coma 11 Narcotics Typical signs and symptoms Pinpoint pupils No physical pain; rush of pleasurable feelings Lethargic, drowsy, slurred speech Shallow breathing Sweating, vomiting Hypothermia Sleepiness Loss of appetite 12 Heroin: Background Heroin comes from opium poppy capsules. Heroin is usually injected, but it can be sniffed, snorted or smoked. Typical heroin user injects up to 4 times a day. Intravenous injection provides greatest intensity and rapid onset (7-8 seconds). IM injection produces a slower response (5-8 minutes). 13 Heroin: Background White powdery substance Heroin enters the brain, where it is converted to morphine Due to needle use, heroin users are at risk for: HIV Hepatitis-C Other bloodborne pathogens NEW TREND: mixing heroin & fentanyl Increases number of deaths from respiratory depression 14 Heroin 15 Black Tar Heroin Is produced in Mexico Color and consistency of tar resulting from crude processing Most frequently dissolved, diluted, and injected It’s unlikely a white powder heroin user will switch to black tar heroin unless there is a significant supply interruption 16 Black Tar Heroin 17 Treatment of Heroin Scene Safety Due to the increased risk for Bloodborne Pathogens, PPE is extremely important Be cautious of any needles that may be hidden from view. This is NOT the patient you want an accidental stick from! This population has a high incidence of HCV and HIV ABC’s IV, O2, & monitor 18 Treatment of Heroin Watch for pulmonary edema In some heroin overdoses this can occur Respiratory support early! Ventilate at a rate of 10 breaths per minute 1 breath every 6 seconds 19 Treatment of Heroin Narcan quickly reverses the effects of heroin on the CNS (usually within 5 minutes) Generally, these patients are not pleased to have their “high” wiped out by our Narcan May cause withdrawal symptoms including seizures If large doses of heroin were used, there could be a relapse when the Narcan wears off Narcan may be shorter acting based on dose of heroin taken 20 Heroin… 21 Cocaine: Background A central nervous system stimulant Two forms Powder that can be snorted or dissolved in water and injected Crack that comes in a rock crystal form that can be heated and the vapors smoked Effects occur more rapidly than cocaine Effects more intense than cocaine Effects do not last as long as cocaine 22 Cocaine: Background Cocaine is the most potent stimulant of natural origin One of the oldest identified drugs Coca leaves (source of cocaine) have been ingested for thousands of years Is not used medically today due to high potential for abuse and addiction 23 Cocaine 24 Crack Cocaine 25 Cocaine: Pathophysiology Cocaine related dysrhythmic fatalities occur in patients with low or moderate levels of cocaine use Tachydysrhythmias most common Hearts of cocaine users are 10% heavier than noncocaine users Increase QRS voltage indicative of ventricular enlargement Conduction delays resulting in widening of the QRS and prolonged QT segment 26 Cocaine: Myocardial Effect Regular use of cocaine increases risk of AMI Increased heart rate and B/P results in increased myocardial O2 demand Accelerates coronary atherosclerosis process May also induce coronary artery spasms During withdrawal, may have increased incidence of ST elevation indicating acute MI 27 Cocaine: Signs & Symptoms Paranoia Dilated pupils Dry mouth/nose Hyperactivity Tachycardia Euphoria Hypertension Irritability Disturbance of heart rhythm Anxiety Chest pain Excessive talking Heart failure Depression or excessive sleeping Respiratory failure Long periods without eating or sleeping Strokes/seizures Weight loss 28 Cocaine: Agitated Delirium Common in patients dying from cocaine toxicity Bizarre and violent behavior Aggression/combativeness Hyperactivity/unexpected strength Hyperthermia Extreme paranoia Followed by cardiac arrest! 29 Cocaine: Restraints Restraints have been implicated as a contributing factor for user deaths during prone restraint Sudden death appears to have been induced by a combination of three factors that increases oxygen demand and decreases oxygen delivery See next slide 30 The three factors: 1. Cocaine induced state of agitated delirium coupled with police confrontation places stress on the heart 2. Hyperactivity associated with the delirium coupled with the struggling against restraints/police increases oxygen demands 3. The prone position on the cot impairs breathing by inhibiting chest wall and diaphragmatic movement and inhalation of fresh oxygen vs exhaled carbon dioxide 31 Cocaine: Treatment Make certain the scene is safe Not only is there potential for your patient to become violent, but for bystanders that may be users as well Establish ABC’s Oxygen EKG (12-lead) and monitor continuously IV of Normal Saline at TKO unless need for volume is indicated 32 Cocaine: Treatment Frequent vital signs with temperature levels Monitor temperature often; may continue to rise Obtain glucose level Use Narcan carefully in patients with altered mental status If safe to do so, avoid restraints as this could cause risks associated with hyperthermia Remove any residual cocaine from nares Protect your skin from potential absorption 33 Cocaine: Cardiac Arrest Concerns Epinephrine Hyper-adrenergic state caused by cocaine increases myocardial oxygen demand. Epinephrine has the same effect Cocaine frequently causes acidosis Epinephrine loses much effectiveness in an acidotic environment Benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines (ie: Valium®, Versed®) are used to control seizure activity 34 Benzodiazepines Tranquilizers Valium® Librium® Xanax® Halcion® Ativan® Diazepam (Valium®) may be fatal when mixed with alcohol, opiates, and other depressants Nearly impossible to take a fatal dose of Valium® when not mixed with any other product, especially alcohol 35 Amphetamines Stimulant Benzedrine Dexedrine Ritalin Used by prescription to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine a component in cold preparation medications Used as decongestant Used for illicit manufacture of methamphetamine 36 Methamphetamine To control production of methamphetamine from over-the-counter products, controls in place Sales of products restricted Limited quantities purchased for every 30 days Must be of a minimum age Must show proper identification Above controls have contributed to decrease in meth labs 37 Crystal meth: Background Dates back to WW II to reduce fatigue and suppress appetite Crystal Meth is typically smoked like crack cocaine Can also be ingested orally or injected Easy to make in small clandestine laboratories Prior to 1990’s was made using ephedrine Pseudoephedrine became new ingredient 38 39 Crystal Meth 40 Crystal Meth: Pathophysiology Causes vasoconstriction as well as bronchodilation May last up to 4 and 6 hours after a small ingested dose Effect on the brain is due to norepinephrine and dopamine High doses of amphetamine can cause palpitations and chest pain with a risk of myocardial infarction 41 Crystal Meth: Signs & Symptoms • Dilated pupils • Weight loss • Dry mouth • Increased HR, BP & Temperature • Euphoria • Restlessness • Decreased appetite • No interest in food or sleep. • Rapid speech • Violent • Paranoia • Irritability/Argument • Depression • Nasal congestion • Insomnia 42 Crystal Meth: Treatment Scene safety Extra caution needed if there is suspected meth lab on scene Highly explosive potential for years due to chemicals used and residue left behind in the environment Meth lab requires Haz-Mat response ABC’s IV, O2, & EKG Important to monitor EKG continuously due to potential cardiac issues 43 Meth Lab Recognition UNUSUAL ODORS – Making meth produces powerful odors that may smell like ammonia or ether. These odors have been compared to the smell of cat urine or rotten eggs COVERED WINDOWS – Meth makers often blacken or cover windows to prevent outsiders from seeing in STRANGE VENTILATION – Meth makers often employ unusual ventilation practices to rid themselves of toxic fumes produced by the meth-making process. They may open windows on cold days or at other seemingly inappropriate times, and they may set up fans, furnace blowers, and other unusual ventilation systems. 44 Meth Lab Recognition ELABORATE SECURITY – Meth makers often set up elaborate security measures, including, for example, "Keep Out" signs, guard dogs, video cameras, or baby monitors placed outside to warn of persons approaching the premises. DEAD VEGETATION – Meth makers sometimes dump toxic substances in their yards, leaving burn pits, "dead spots" in the grass or vegetation, or other evidence of chemical dumping. 45 Meth Lab Recognition EXCESSIVE OR UNUSUAL TRASH – Meth makers produce large quantities of unusual waste that may contain, for example: packaging from cold tablets lithium batteries that have been torn apart used coffee filters with colored stains or powdery residue empty containers – often with puncture holes – of antifreeze, white gas, ether, starting fluids, Freon, lye, drain opener, paint thinner, acetone, alcohol, or other chemicals plastic soda bottles with holes near the top, often with tubes coming out of the holes plastic or rubber hoses, duct tape, rubber gloves, or respiratory masks. 46 Meth Labs – A Dangerous Place Typical products used Explosive environments 47 Club/Rave/Party Drugs Very popular in universities, nightclubs, and party environments Ecstasy – MDMA Modified form of methamphetamines Rohypnol – Date rape drug, roofies Strong benzodiazepine Often used for sexual purposes To stimulate and enhance the sexual experience To sedate and cause amnesia to facilitate raping the victim 48 Ecstasy/MDMA: Background Research in animals has shown damage to specific neurons in the brain Has stimulant and hallucinogenic properties Reduces inhibitions, eliminates anxiety and produces feeling of empathy for others Enables users to endure all night and sometimes 2-3 day parties Suppresses need to eat, drink, or sleep Effects begin in 30 minutes; last 4 – 6 hours 49 Ecstasy: Background Is taken orally – pill form with multiple logos May cause psychological addiction Polydrug use often involved Mix of a variety of chemicals simultaneously taken Product only manufactured illegally Can be questionable regarding composition There are no specific treatments for MDMA abuse and addiction In high doses can cause severe hyperthermia 50 Ecstasy 51 Ecstasy: Signs & Symptoms Dilated pupils Intense euphoria Peacefulness Empathy/sympathy/acceptances Increased B/P, heart rate Sweating Constant motion, excessive talking Teeth clenching (use pacifiers or cigarettes) Muscle spasms 52 Ecstasy: Treatment Normal scene safety precautions ABC’s IV, O2, and EKG monitor Monitor temperature 53 Rohypnol® Benzodiazepine smuggled into the USA Best known as “date rape” drug Placed into alcoholic drink of unsuspecting victim Removes inhibitions, causes blackouts and memory loss when mixed with alcohol Victim incapacitated; has soothing effect Amnesic to the events Long-lasting 10 times more powerful than Valium® 54 Synthesized Marijuana Labeled “not for human consumption” But is regularly smoked Produces a marijuana type high at low doses Can’t guarantee dosage in the different brands Popular to use because not traceable in drug tests Can increase heart rate, B/P, seizure activity, hallucinations, and paranoia 55 Supplemental Oxygen Delivered to patients when: Hypoxemia is evident with oxygen saturation <94% Signs of respiratory distress are evident Capnography is most accurate method to measure exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2) levels Evaluates effectiveness of ventilations Evaluates effectiveness of CPR Can determine return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) during CPR 56