Name: Assigned: Tuesday, February 24 Due: Tuesday, March 17

Assigned: Tuesday, February 24
Due: Tuesday, March 17
Test: Tuesday, March 17
Focus Sheet
Evolution Unit (Chapters 10 and 11)
200 Points
To go "express," you must make an 80% or higher on the pretest.
Pretests should be taken by 10:00pm Thursday 26th. Remember to enter your name.
1. Reading Skills: Complete A and B
Due Tuesday, March 17
Express Students are exempt.
______ A. 10 points - Chapter 10, pg. 323 - Answer the following questions:
6, 8, 10, 11, 14, and 17
______B. 10 points - Chapter 11, pg. 355 - Answer the following questions:
1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 14, 17, and 21
2. Concept Skills: Complete A and B
Due Tuesday, March 17
_____ A. 10 points - Design an artistic, informative, and colorful cover page on unlined paper
that illustrates Chapters 10 an 11. Use at least 75% of the page for illustration.
_____ B. 10 points - Complete the attached concept map "Evidence for Evolution"
3. Vocabulary Skills: Complete One Option
20 points - Express students are exempt BUT
Due Tuesday, March 3
Vocabulary Quiz March 3
must take quiz
_____ A. A fill-in the blank or multiple choice test, with an answer sheet.
_____ B. A crossword puzzle, with an answer key.
_____C. Words and definitions.
The Vocabulary: Natural Selection, Divergent Evolution, Homologous structures, analogous
structures, punctuated equilibrium, directional selection, spontaneous generation, speciation,
embryology, variation, adaptation, gene flow, gradualism, convergent evoluton, vestigial
structures, stabilizing selection, disruptive selection, coevolution, fossil, biogeography, allele
frequency, genetic drift, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
4. Enrichment - 120 points
Due Dates as Noted
_____ A. 20 points - Scientist Research Card & Presentation (Individual) - Presented Thursday,
Feb 26
_____B. 20 points - From Wolves to Dogs Answers (Individual) - Answers due Tuesday, March 3
_____C. 20 points - Natural Selection in Swallowtails (Group) - Report due Thursday, March 5
Assigned: Tuesday, February 24
Due: Tuesday, March 17
Test: Tuesday, March 17
_____D. 20 points - Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Worksheet (Individual) - Due Wednesday,
March 10
_____E. 20 points - Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria Handout (Individual) - Due Thursday, March
_____F. 20 points - Antibacterial Products & Natural Selection (Group) - Due Friday, March 13
5. Preparation and Neatness - 10 points
Due Tuesday, March 17
_____ The focus sheet should be just behind the cover page in your Focus Sheet Packet. Please have these
assignments completed neatly and thoroughly, in order (cover sheet, focus sheet, parts 1, 2, 3, etcetera), stapled
and ready to turn in when you enter the classroom on the day of the assessment. You may then use your Focus
Sheet Packet during the last 20 minutes of the assessment.
6. Focus Sheet (this page) - 10 points
Due Tuesday, March 17
Concept Map - Evidence for Evolution (Concept Skill B)
Evidence for