Chapter 16 Reading Guide

Name ______________________________________________
Chapter 16: Political Revolutions in Europe and the Americas. Directions: answer each of the following questions
Key Concept 4.3 State Consolidation and Imperial Expansion
Key Concept 5.3 Nationalism, Revolution, and Reform
Divine right:
Social contract:
Enlightened despotism:
Balance of power:
Reading Guide:
Political Revolution
What is a political revolution?
How do political revolutions (between 1688 and 1789) change the fundamental basis of governments? (9 items)
Human Rights in the Age of Enlightenment
Describe, in great detail, the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes.
Describe, in great detail, the philosophy of John Locke.
Intellectual Revolutions in Science and Philosophy
How was thinking changing?
What changes were made in science?
Name the accomplishments made by the following people:
Nicolas CopernicusTycho BraheJohannes KeplerGalileo GalileiIsaac NewtonGoddfried Wilhelm LeibnitzWhat radical notion was attacked by religious leaders?
What major finding did Newton observe and show? Why is this significant?
England’s Glorious Revolution, 1688
What did Charles I do without sanction that caused the Revolutions?
What was the result? Who became the leader?
What did the civil war establish?
Bill of Rights, 1689
Who did James II favor? Why was this a problem?
What did the nobles do? What was the result?
Describe the events of 1688.
Describe the impact of the Bill of Rights.
Describe the Reform Acts of 1832, 1867, and 1884.
The Philosophes and the Enlightenment in the 18th Century
What did the philosophes believe?
How did they influence and American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and
the Citizen?
What were the religious beliefs of the philosophes?
Describe the beliefs of the following philosophes:
Baron de MontesquieuDenis DiderotVoltaireJean-Jacques Rousseau-
What did they argue regarding human progress?
Who were the enlightened despots? What did they do?
What was the impact of the ideas of Adam Smith?
Revolution in North America, 1776
Why did North American settlers resent the British?
What was the significance of the Seven Years War?
The Constitution and Bill of Rights, 1789
What did the Constitution create?
How was the American Bill of Rights different than that of England?
What were the 4 radical factors to the American approach to political liberty? Describe them in detail.
The First Anti-Imperial Revolution
In what ways was the American Revolution the first anti-imperial revolution?
In what ways was the American Revolution anti-democratic for some?
The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789 – 1812
Compare and contrast the American and French Revolutions.
Origins of the Revolution
How was the French Revolution triggered?
What groups made up the Estates General?
The Revolt of the Third Estate
Why did the Third Estate resent the other two?
Describe the Oath of the Tennis Court.
Revolt of the Poor
What was the effect of the food shortage and famine?
List 6 articles of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
What did the Declaration further affirm?
What was the “March of the Women?” Describe it and why did it occur?
What did the National Assembly draw up and what did it include?
International War, the “Second” Revolution, and the Terror, 1791-99
What happened in June of 1791?
Explain the role of the following groups:
JacobinsGirondinsMontagnardsSans-culottesDescribe the Reign of Terror. What was the impact of the Reign of Terror?
What was the role of the Committee of Public Safety?
Why was France at war with Europe?
How did Napoleon rise to power?
Napoleon in Power, 1799-1812
Explain the importance of the Code Napoleon.
Using the map on page 546, what areas were added to the French empire?
What areas were ruled by relatives of Napoleon?
The Napoleonic Wars & the Spread of Revolution, 1799-1812
What did Napoleon introduce to areas he conquered?
What factors contributed to Napoleon’s decline?
How did nationalism work against the French?
Haiti: Slave Revolution and the Overthrow of Colonialism
Describe the demographics of Saint-Domingue (Haiti) in 1791.
What ways did slaves escape physiologically, culturally, and physically?
The Slave Revolt
What inspired the revolt of 1791?
Describe the leadership of Toussaint L’Ouverture.
What was the French reaction to the slave revolt under Robespierre?
How did Napoleon reverse this earlier policy? Why?
What was the fate of Haiti? What was the fate of Toussaint L’Ouverture?
Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Revolt
How did Britain react to the slave revolt in Haiti?
What caused the American Civil War?
What was the effect of the American Civil War?
When was slavery abolished in Puerto Rico? Cuba? Brazil?
Independence Movements
What inspired independence movements in Latin America?
Why did creole elites lead these revolts?
What areas saw rebellions against the Spanish by 1800?
What European events gave Latin American movements opportunity?
After Independence
How did Simon Bolivar dominate public life in Latin America?
How did Bolivar’s writings affect the revolution?
What areas did Bolivar free from Spanish control?
What was the role of Jose San Martin?
What did Bolivar hope for?
Why was Bolivar’s goal never accomplished?
Compare and contrast the leadership of Father Miguel Hidalgo and Father Jose Maria Morelos.
What was the role of “liberation theology” in Mexico?
What was the political effect of Mexican independence?
In what ways was Brazilian independence different from other Latin American movements?
What was the role of Prince Pedro in Brazilian independence?
Describe the rule of Jose Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia.
What was the revolution based on?
In what ways was Paraguay successful?
What happened to Paraguay from 1865-1870?
Religious and Economic Issues
How did new nations try to break the power of the Catholic Church?
What was the economic effect of revolution on Latin America?
What was the effect of neo-colonialism on Latin America?
Political Revolutions: What Difference Do They Make?
Review Question:
1. How did political rulers legitimize and consolidate their rule?
2. What role did religion play in legitimizing political rule?
3. How did rulers finance their territorial expansion?
4. How did rulers make sure that their governments were well run?
5. How did both the Enlightenment and colonized peoples’ actions affect political developments after 1750?
6. How did political rebellions affect the political structures and ideologies around the world?
7. What role did the Enlightenment play in making political revolutions and rebellions possible?
8. How did the Enlightenment evaluate the role of religion in public life?
9. How did rebellions and revolutions in the Americas and Europe reflect Enlightenment ideas?
10. What was the relationship between nationalism and anti-colonialism?
11. How did imperial governments react to nationalist rebellions?