Bacteria and the cytoskeleton The human body is a dangerous place for a bacteria to be! Antibodies Neutrophils Complement Innate response - lysozymes Many bacteria find it much more comfortable inside the cells of its host. Some bacteria gain entry to cells by forcing them to phagocytose them. Bacteria secrete Once engulfed Factors that stimulate Bacteria digest the Macrophagocytosis phagolysosome Now cells can grow Within the cell Fibroblast protrusion, Louise Cramer University College London GFP-actin. Stimulated Macropinocytosis Killing phagocytosis tight compartment Stimulated phagocytosis loose compartment Other bacteria (EPEC) stimulate the production of an elaborate adhesion (Pedestal), that prevents phagocytosis and removal by flushing Many bacteria subvert normal cytoskeletal function in order to parasitize their eukaryotic host through either adhesive complexes or inducing macro-pinocytosis Salmonella Escherichia Yersinia Shigella Staphylococcus (Most nasty bacteria are named After people!!) Legionella Listeria Yersinia pestis was responsible for the Great Plagues. During the 6th century AD, the plague ravaged the known world over a 50 year period causing 100 million deaths. The "black death" again devastated Europe during the 14th century over a 5 year period causing 25 million deaths (25% of the European population). The bacterium was named after Yersin who identified it as being the causative agent of an outbreak of plague in Hong Kong Xenopsylla cheopis Dirty Rat Homo sapiens Dirty Rat Rattus norvegicus WHO reports 1,000 to 3,000 cases of plague every year! Other Yersinia cause disease. Yersinia enterocolitica Typically, only a small number of human cases of Yersiniosis are recognized. Symptoms are like that of appendicitis and out breaks are often detected by a sudden increase in appendectomies in a particular region. The Center for Disease Control & Prevention estimates that about 17,000 cases occur each year in the United States. Bacteria inject toxins into cells to subvert their activities The hypodermic syringes that they use are modified flagella Type I Type III Type II Outer membrane Periplasm Inner membrane A A A The three main types of bacterial secretion Type III is most often associated with pathogenic bacteria The most common pathogenic E.coli Abbrev. ETEC Full name Enterotoxin E.coli Common name and features inocolum Montizuma’s revenge, traveller’s tummy 108 usually comparatively mild, (Diacalm grade) Invades, Shigella pathogenicity island high Pedestal formation, infant diarrhoea 108 - 10 EIEC EPEC Enteroinvasive Enteropathogenic EHEC Enterohaemorrhagic (O157)“Hamburger disease” Shiga toxin 3 Source Faecal contamination Food & waterborne Nosocomial community Cattle faeces, meat E.coli Intimin/Tir complex Actin bundle Enteroxin delivery A ETEC Pedestal formation B EPEC Shiga toxin delivery C EIEC D EHEC Interactions of the common pathogenic E.coli with epithelial cells Interaction of EPEC with epithelium first through EspA filaments (a), then through intimin (b). Knutton et al, 1998. Nucleolin is a third binding site. Scanning E.M. of EPEC and epithelium. EspA filaments appear to insert into cell (arrows in A), possibly to deliver EspB. EspA may be part of the Type III secretion pathway, it is needed for EspB delivery. Note the pedestals are all of equal length. Some pathogenic E.coli (EPEC, EHEC) put down their own “Welcome mat” Tir (translocated intimin receptor) is injected into host by Type III secretion Tir binds to host a-actinin, talin and vinculin all components of the focal contact. Nucleolin is a bacterial binding site for EPEC. Cell death & loss Movement of fresh cells up from crypt Lumen of gut Cell division By targeting nucleolin E.coli are able to attach to the cells that will exist for the longest time. E.coli bind dividing cells in the crypt and stay attached as the are conveyed to the tips. Microfilaments are present in ‘stress fibres’ that are attached to ‘Focal adhesions’. They are also present as a gel under the plasma-membrane esp. at the leading edge The pedestal has features in common with both the focal contact and microvilli Arp2/3 WASP a-actinin Vinculin Villin Ezrin Pedestal base Myosin II tropomyosin Pyrene-actin method to measure polymerisation kinetics O II NH-C-CH2 I + H-S-H2C-Actin NH-C-CH2 -S-H2 C-Actin Pyrene Excited at 366nm Light emitted at 384nm measured Pyrene-actin in quartz cuvette Actin-Binding Proteins modify actin polymerization Monomer Dimer Trimer Multimer Extent of Polymerization (Fluorescence) Actin & Nucleating activity Actin alone Actin & Sequestering activity Time Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein (WASP) Proline-rich WH2 Acidic C Inactive CRIB Proline-rich P WH2 P Actin Actin N Basic Acidic C Arp complex Active G N The Arp2/3 complex An actin-binding group of proteins pivotally involved in the regulation of actin polymerisation. Zero length crosslink Arp3 Arp2 Non-zero length crosslink Yeast two hybrid screen p18 p19 p14 p35 p40 Microfilament binding Analysis of the WASP domains required for Pedestal formation WASP-WT Proline-rich P WH2 P Acidic Actin Actin C Arp complex CRI B Bas ic G N WASP-DC Proline-rich P WH2 P Actin Actin CRI B G Bas ic N WASP-DGBD Proline-rich P P WH2 Actin Actin Acidic C Arp complex Kalman et al, 1999 Nature Cell Biol. 1; 389-391. Pedestal formation and localization of Arp2/3 complex components. Kalman et al, 1999 Nature Cell Biol. 1; 389-391. Pedestal formation by EPEC 6 1 2 3 4 5 E.coli Intimin Tir Chp Arp2/3 complex WASP Actin polymerization Salmonella Edwina Currie Eggs Salmonella Commensal Salmonella calm the Immune system Pathogenic Salmonella disrupt normal cell function Salmonella Type III secretion Rac GDP SipA SipB SipC SopE SopB Rac GTP Plastin Cdc42 GDP SptP Cdc42 GTP Active WASP Actin polymerizing and bundling Arp2/3 complex Inactive WASP Actin binding site 1 EF EF CH Actin binding site 2 CH' CH CH' Plastin/Fimbrin Structure Hints of Plastin’s involvement in signalling & Bacterial invasion. 1). BPB inhibition of plastin inhibits IP3 dependent Ca2+ increase in PMNs. 2). Plastin is itself regulated by Ca2+. 3). Phosphorylation of plastin at Ser5 by PKA results in integrin activation in PMNs stimulated by Fc receptor ligation Pathogenic Salmonella disrupt normal cell function Salmonella Type III secretion Rac GDP SipA SipB SipC SopE SopB Rac GTP Plastin Cdc42 GDP SptP Cdc42 GTP Active WASP Actin polymerizing and bundling Arp2/3 complex Inactive WASP The Salmonella cycle of infection SPI1 SPI2 Initial contact Injection By type III secretion Actin polymerization and phagocytosis Phagosome stimulates new protein secretion Through a second type III machine A fresh actin wave of actin polymerization results in the vacuole being covered in actin. Lysosomes can’t fuse Nucleus Some time later an actin ADP-ribosylating enzyme disassembles the structure for unknown reasons (cell lysis & spread?). Gel filration of SipC SipC and actin SipC Actin SipC and actin Hayward, R.D. & Koronakis, V. 1999 EMBO J. 18, 4926-4934. SipC and actin (Higher power) Actin + SipC-C Gel filtration Actin + SipC-N Actin + SipC-C Co-sedimentation of SipC N-terminus with actin bundles. Sedimentation of actin bundles from a mixture of SipC-N and F-actin (both 5 µM), demonstrating formation of an actin-SipC-N complex. Supernatants (S) and pellets (P) after centrifugation Actin+SipC-C Actin Actin+SipC-C+ Cyto Actin + Cyto SipC C-terminal domain E.M. of actin with SipC-C and SipC-N SipC-C inhibition by Cytochalasin D Bundle Induction of cytoskeletal rearrangements in vivo by SipC and SipC-C microinjection. Cultured HeLa cells fixed 30 min after microinjection with purified SipC (upper panels) or SipC-C (lower panels) (3 µM). Cells (DIC; A and D) were stained with polyclonal antibody to SipC and FITC-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG [SipC (B), SipC-C (E)] and with Texas Red-conjugated phalloidin to visualize Factin [SipC (C), SipC-C (F)]. Injected cells are indicated by arrows. Co-injection of SipC-N with GST-GFP. Cultured HeLa cells (DIC; A and D) fixed 20 min after microinjection with GST-GFP alone (upper panels) or mixed with SipC-N (lower panels) (3 µM). GST-GFP was visualized directly [GST-GFP alone (B); + SipC-N (E)] and F-actin stained with Texas Red-conjugated phalloidin [GST-GFP alone (C); + SipC-N (F)]. Injected cells are indicated by arrows (N = nuclear injection).