
History 400W
Spring 2013
Class Days: M
Class Times: 1400-1640
Class Location: AH 3150
Professor: Kornfeld
Contact Information:
Office Hours Days: M, T, W, Th
Office Hours Times: after class or by appointment
Office Hours Location: AL 571
Course Overview
Please describe the purpose and scope of the course including, but not limited to:
Description from the Official Course Catalog: Theory and practice of history through writing. Historical theory,
use of evidence, research methods, bibliography, historiography, and historical interpretation in some field of history.
Description of the Purpose and Course Content: This section focuses on gender in American culture.
Student Learning Outcomes: historiography; methods of gender analysis; clear oral and written expression.
Real Life Relevance: Critical analysis, speaking and writing clearly will take one far in life.
Relation to Other Courses: This junior seminar in History prepares students for the senior research seminar.
Enrollment Information
Please include information about enrollment for the course including, but not limited to:
Prerequisites: Twelve units in history including History 100, 101, and
six units selected from History 105, 106, 109, 110. Satisfies Graduation
Writing Assessment Requirement for students who have completed 60
units; completed Writing Placement Assessment with a score of 8 or
higher (or earned a C or higher in RWS 280, 281, or LING 281 if score on
WPA was 7 or lower); be a declared history major; and completed
General Education requirements in Composition and Critical Thinking.
Proof of completion of prerequisites required: Test scores or verification
of exemption; copy of transcript.
Adding/Dropping Procedures: Standard
Course Materials
Please provide information about the materials for the course including, but not limited to:
Required Materials:
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Good Wives: Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England, 1650-1750.
Nancy Cott, The Bonds of Womanhood: "Woman's Sphere" in New England, 1780-1835.
Unequal Sisters: A Multicultural Reader in U.S. Women's History, ed. Vicki L. Ruiz and Ellen Carol DuBois, third ed.
E. Anthony Rotundo, American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era.
Carroll Smith-Rosenberg, Disorderly Conduct: Visions of Gender in Victorian America.
Susan Douglas, Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female With the Mass Media.
Recommended Materials:
Eve Kornfeld, Margaret Fuller: A Brief Biography with Documents.
Options for Accessing Course Materials: All materials are on reserve in the library.
Materials include textbooks, course readers, iClicker, etc. Please be as specific as possible when listing materials.
Course Structure and Conduct
Please provide information about the structure of the course including, but not limited to:
Style of the Course: Seminar
Individual and Group Activities Required: Participation, short weekly papers, seminar presentation, critique,
historiographical final paper
Technology Utilized in the Course: Blackboard
Course Assessment and Grading
Please explain how the course will be assessed and graded by including, but not limited to:
Approximate Due Dates for any Major Assignments or Exams: Seminar presentations and critiques last month of the
semester; Paper 5/6.
Scored activities and weighting by percentage of total score: Participation and short papers 30%; seminar
presentations 10%; critiques 10%; research paper 50%.
Grading Scale: A-F
Excused Absence Make-up Policies: Standard
Other Course Policies
Please describe any other course policies important for the class: By taking this course, you agree to submit your
research paper for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism.