General examination

General examination
General examination is actually the first step of physical
Inspection is the major method during general
examination, combining with palpation, auscultation, and
The examiner should observe the following aspects of
the patients:
general appearance
state of nutrition
body habitus(体型) symmetry(对称性)
General appearance
Vital sign(生命征)
Nutritional status(营养状态)
Speech(tone/voice) (语调/语态)
Facial feature/expression(面容/表情)
In female: estrogen and male hormone
In male:
Sex is involved in some specific disease
female: SLE thyroid chlorosis (萎黄病)
male: haemophilia (血友病)
male hormone
Impacts of diseases on sex characters
Female patients will be masculinized in long term use of
corticosteriod(皮质类固醇) or adrenocortical tumor(肾上腺
Male cirrhotic patient will develop gynecomastia(男性乳房发育)
mainly because male hormone secretion was suppressed
The impacts of normal sex chromosome on the sex and sex
characters: biasexual abnormality
klinefelter syndrome
turner syndrome
Age is tightly related to some diseases
Infant and children:
Children and adolescence:
tuberculoses(结核), rheumatopyra(风湿热)
Elder: carcinoma and sclerosis
Vital sign
Vital signs are physical signs that indicate an individual
is alive
body temperature
breath rate
blood pressure
heart rate
These signs can be measured/monitored to assess level of
physical functioning of an individual
Normal ranges of measurements of vital signs may
change with age, sex, weight, exercise tolerance and
Body temperature
Body temperature
Place the thermometer under the tongue and close the
mouth using the lips hold the thermometer tightly
The patient must breath through the nose
Leave the thermometer in the mouth for 5 min
Reliable method
Not suitable: infants
Body temperature
Using a rectal thermometer
Recommended for infants/small children
Lubricate the bulb of the thermometer with a petroleum
Place the small child face down on a flat surface or lap
Spread the buttocks and insert the bulb end of the
thermometer about one-half to 1 inch into the anal canal
After 5 min, remove the thermometer and read
Body temperature
It is the least accurate method
Place the thermometer in the armpit(腋窝), with the arm pressed
against the body for 5 ~10 min before reading
Read the thermometer by gripping the end opposite the bulb so
that the numbers are facing you
Roll the thermometer back and forth between your fingers until
you see a silver reflection in the column
Body temperature
Normal value
Oral 36.30C~37.20C
Rectal 36.50C~37.70C
Axillary 360C~370C
The normal body temperature varies from person to
person, by age, and throughout day
 Being lowest in the early hours of the morning and
highest in the afternoon
 The variation may range within 10C
Rectal T >Oral T> Axillary T (each in 0.50C)
Body temperature
It should be recorded on temperature recoding
sheet -----so called “ body temperature curve”
Fever type is referred to those febrile (发热的)
disease possessing certain characters of body
temperature curve
Vital signs
The breath rhythm and rates should be recorded
The rhythm and rates should be recorded
Vital signs---pulse
60~100 /min
Vital signs---blood pressure
Blood pressure is a measurement of the force
applied against the walls of arteries as heart
pumps blood through the body
Blood pressure readings are usually given as two
numbers: for example, 110/70
Vital signs---blood pressure
The first number is the systolic (收缩的)
blood pressure reading, and it represents the
maximum pressure exerted when the heart
The second number is the diastolic(舒张的)
blood pressure reading, and it represents the
pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest.
Vital signs---blood pressure
BP is continually changing depending on the
activity, temperature, diet, emotional state,
posture, physical state and drugs
Ideal BP <120/<80 mmHg
normal <130/<85 mmHg
hypertension >140/90 mmHg
Vital signs---blood pressure
Development & habitus
Development status is evaluated according to the age,
intelligence(智力), body weight and sexual characters
In normal adult, they are almost comparable
During adolescent stage, the body experienced a rapid
growth periods
It is influenced by some factors
race(种族) inheritance(遗传) endocrinology(内分泌)
living condition
physical exercise
Types of habitus
Asthenic type: slender, weak and lightweight
Sthenic type: average height and muscled
Ortho-sthenic type: normal proportions with
normal stature (身材)
Abnormal habitus
It refers to the excessive liner growth that occurs with growth
hormone (GH) excess when epiphyseal(骺的) growth plates are
open during childhood
It indicates the disorder of GH excess in adulthood
Pituitary dwarfism(垂体性侏儒症)
It may be due to dysfunction of the pituitary causing
underproduction of growth hormone
small stature normal proportions
Development & habitus
It is characterized by arrested physical and mental development
Sex hormone control the formation/development of sex characters
it may also affect the body development. If the secretion of sex
hormone was severely suppressed, eunuchism may occur
Malnutrition during childhood may affect the development, for
instance, vitamin D deficiency may lead to rachitis
Nutritional status
One of the most important factors impacting an
individual’s health and disease because it affects almost
every system
It can be evaluated mainly by skin, hair, muscle and
subcutaneous fat in particular
Chronic wasting(消瘦) associated with loss of
subcutaneous fat from calorie or protein deficiency
Nutritional status
Changes in hair and nails are also common in
nutritional deficiency
Blindness may result from vitamin A deficiency
The tongue may be large in iodine(碘) or
niacin(烟酸) deficiency
Nutritional status
In general the abnormal nutritional status can be
described as obesity(肥胖) and emaciation(消
body weight (体重)
Body mass index (BMI) (体重指数)
Arm circumference (上臂周径)
Skinfold thickness (皮褶厚度)
Skinfold thickness
It is the condition that develops when the body
does not get the right amount of the vitamin,
minerals, and other nutrients it needs to maintain
healthy tissue and organ function
It is caused by inadequate intake or inadequate
digestion of nutrients
Malnutrition may be mild enough to show no
symptoms or so severe that the damage it has
done is irreversible even though the individual
may be kept alive (cachexia)(恶病质)
Overnutrition results from eating too much that exceed
the normal consumption, not exercising enough, genetic
factors, endocrinology, life habits
The nutritional status of patient based on height and
weight is interpreted by the body mass index (BMI)
BMI is an international digestion of relative weight for
BMI=weight (kg)/height (meter)2
healthy weight
WHO classification
male >27
female>25 obesity
It is a psychological and physiological state in which we are aware
of our sensations, perceptions, feelings, thoughts etc
Disturbance of consciousness
memory deficit
language disturbance
reduced clarity
During interview, the examiner has already gained much insight
into the mental status of the patient
The examiner could evaluate the thought, response, emotion,
calculation ability and orientation
Sommolence (嗜睡)
Confusion (意识模糊)
Delirium (谵妄)
Tone & Speech
Dysarthria (构音障碍) is difficulty in articulation
Dysphonia (发声困难) is difficult in phonation
Facial feature & expression
The appearance of the head and face, their contours(轮廓)
and texture(特征), often provides the first insight into the
nature of illness.
Some facial appearances are pathognomonic (特定的)of
The appearance of the patient’s face may also provide
information regarding psychological makeup: is the
person happy, sad, angry or anxious
Some typical facial features are listed in textbook
It refers to patient’s body status
Divided into:
Active (自主)
Passive (被动)
Compulsive (强迫)
Active position
The patient can move his/her body freely, without any
It can be seen in normal adult, patients with mild
diseases or at earlier stage of the diseases
Passive position
The patient can’t adjust or move his/her body
It occurs in extremely sick or patients with
Compulsive position
Compulsive supine position (仰卧位)
The patient lie down on the beck, with two legs bending.
Acute peritonitis
Compulsive prostrate position(俯卧位)
in order to relief the tenderness of back muscles.
Rachis disease(脊柱病变)
Compulsive side down position(侧卧位)
in patients with one sided pleurisy or pleurorrhea(胸腔积液)
Compulsive position
An abnormal condition in which a person must keep the
head elevated (sit or stand) to breathe deeply or
comfortably (orthopnea) or wakes up suddenly in the
middle of the night short of breath (paroxysmal nocturnal
dyspena)(阵发性夜间呼吸困难). It can be seen in
patients with lung or heart disease
Squar down position(蹲位)
It has been seen in patients with congenital heart disease
Compulsive position
Compulsive rest position
When patient suffers an angina attack it will force
them to rest. The heart is then able to return to it’s
normal working level
Toss & turn position (alternative position)
Opisthotonos (角弓反张)
It is an abnormal posturing condition characterized by
rigidity and severe arching of the back, with head thrown
Posture & gait
Posture: the general way of holding the body
Gait : a way or manner of walking
Gait abnormalities describe unusual and uncontrollable problem
with walking
Gait disturbances may occur for a variety of reasons
Gait may be changed by local pain in the foot, joint, claudication
(跛行) of the hip(臀) or leg, bone disease etc
Waddling gait (蹒跚步态)
Characterized by a distinctive duck-like walk that may appear in
childhood or later in life
Scissor gait(剪刀式步态)
Characterized by legs flexed slightly at the hips and knees, giving
the appearance of crouching(卷缩), with the knees and thighs
(大腿) hitting or crossing in a scissors-like movement
Steppage gait(跨阈步态)
Characterized by foot drop where the foot hangs with the toes
pointing down, causing the toes to scrape the ground while
Propulsive (Festinating) gait(慌张步态)
Characterized by stooped, rigid posture with head and neck bent
Drunken man gait(醉酒步态)
Characterized by unbalanced trunk, as drunken man like walking
Ataxic gait(共济失调步态)
Characterized by an abnormality of muscle control or an inability
to finely coordinate movements, resulting in a jerky “to-and-fro”
unsteady motion
Intermittent claudication(间隙性跛行)
It is leg pain (most often in the calves) that does not clear up after
walking and is relieved by rest
It is a symptom of peripheral artery disease (PAD)
The skin is the largest organ of the body
One of the best indicators of general health
The examination of the skin is dependent on
inspection, but palpation of a skin lesion must
also be performed
Skin color
Skin coloration is determined by the amount of pigment
in the skin and the blood flowing through it
The distribution of capillary, the thickness of the
subcutaneous fat (皮下脂肪)may also affect it
The color changes include
Pallor (苍白)
Yellow skin(黄染)
Paleness may be the result of decreased blood supply to
the skin (cold, fainting, shock, hypoglycemia) or
decreased number of red blood cells (anemia)
Fingers that turn paller when exposed to cold or stress
Raynaud’s syndrome may cause sudden change in the
finger color
It is almost apparent on the face, lining of the eyes, inner
mouth and nails
It is a bluish discoloration of the skin and mouth membranes from
lack of oxygen
Blood that is saturated with oxygen is bright red
Blood that has lost its oxygen is dark bluish-red
Person who has a large quantity of their blood which is deficient in
oxygen tend to take on a bluish discoloration -----called “cyanosis”
Cyanosis is more obvious in the mucous membranes and nail beds,
particularly for dark-skinned people
It may also appear on the feet, nose and ears
Yellow skin
A yellow discoloring the skin, mucous
membranes and eyes, caused by too much
bilirubin in the blood
With the exception of physiologic jaundice in the
newborn, all other jaundice indicates overload or
damage to the liver or inability to move bilirubin
from the liver through the biliary tract to the gut
Yellow skin
A yellow to orange color may be imparted to the skin by
excessive intake of beta carotene
People who consume large quantities of carrots or carrot
juice or take beta carotene tablets may develop a
distinctly yellow-orange cast to their skin. The condition
is called hypercarotenemia(高胡萝卜血症)
Hypercarotenemia is easily distinguished from jaundice
in that the sclera(巩膜) remain white, while people
with true jaundice have a yellow sclera
It is due to dilation of capillary, accelerating & increasing
blood stream and increment of the red blood cells
In physiological condition, it may be seen after sports or
In pathological condition, it may be caused by lung TB,
scarlet fever, drug intoxication
Melanin(黑色素) is a pigment produced in the skin
cells that causes skin coloration
The production of melanin may be affected by heredity,
heat, trauma, solar or ionizing radiation, heavy metals
and other factors
Changes in any of these factors can result in
hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation or both
The changes may be temporary or permanent
It can be either primary or secondary to other disease
Vitiligo (白癜风)
 It is a skin condition in which there is loss of pigment
from areas of skin resulting in irregular white patches
with normal skin texture
 Associated with pernicious anemia, hyperthyroidism,
Addison’s disease
 A precancerous lesion that develops on the tongue or the
inside of the cheek as a response to chronic irritation
 Occasionaly, leukoplakia pathches develop on the female
external genitalia
It refers to a group of related conditions. These
conditions are the result of altered genes that cause a
defect of melanin production
This defect results in the partial or full absence of
pigment from the skin, hair and eyes
The moisture of skin is tightly related with the secretion
of sweat gland
Diaphoresis(大量出汗) is a medical term for profuse
It can be normal brought on by physical activity,
emotional response, high environment temperature or a
symptom of an underlying disease
Overactive thyroid gland
Cold sweat:
shock or dehydrated patients
Periodic sweating at night without an obvious
cause may be caused by an underlying infection
or malignancy
Sweat absent: abnormal lack of sweat in response
to heat.
neurologic disorders
skin disease
congenital disorders
some drugs
Skin elasticity (皮肤弹性)is related with age,
nutritional status, subcutaenous fat and the
amount of liquid in the interstitial space
Skin rashes are frequently one of the manifestation of
systemic diseases, and hence, they are important for the
diagnosis of some special diseases
The different rashes may occur in infectious disease,
dermentological disease, drug or other allergic materials
The rashes have some special regular patterns and sharps
Types of rashes
A macule is small, flat, distinct colored area of skin
Does not include a change in skin texture or thickness
Rosela is a skin lesion that is small, solid, and
raised. It may be seen in measles, drug rashes,
A papule is defined as a small (5 millimeters or
less), solid lesion slightly elevated above the
surface of the skin.
It is plate lesion with redness around the
It can be seen in scarlet fever and drug-induced
Urticaria (hive) are raised red welts of variuos
size on the surface of the skin, often itchy, which
come and go. It is associated with allergic
It is the detachment of cells from the surface of an
In physiologic condition, it’s not easy to notice the
In pathologic condition, lots of desquamation can be seen
Subcutaneous hemorrhage
Bleeding into the skin & subcutaneous tissues
According to the size of bleeding, it may be subdivided
as follows:
petechia(瘀点) <2mm
purpura (紫癜)3~5 mm
ecchymosis (瘀斑) >5mm
A hematoma(血肿) is a large collection that forms a
Spider angioma
Spider angioma is a group of abnormal blood vessel that
produces the appearance of a spider-web on the surface
of the skin
A spider angioma lesion typically has a red dot in the
center with reddish extensions radiating out for some
distance around it
Liver palms
Excessive build up of fluid in the tissues
Either occurs throughout the body (generalized swelling)
or limited to a specific part of the body (localized
It can be either pitting (凹陷性) edema or non-pitting
Mild : facial edema, peripheral edema
Moderate: generalized edema
Severe: generalized severe edema
Nodules & scar & hair
Subcutaneous nodules are solid, raised bumps on the skin
Scar tissue forms as skin heals after an injury or surgery
A keloid is an abnormal scar that is thicker, different color and
texture, extends beyond the edge of the wound
Nodules & scar & hair
Pay attention to the pattern of distribution and
texture of hair over the body
Sparse/coarse: hypothyroidism
Increased hair: Cushing’s disease neoplastic
Lymph notes
The lymph notes are distributed all over the body
The general physical examination can only palpate the
superficial lymph notes
The superficial lymph notes are in cluster distribution
that drainage different part of lymphoid liquid
Lymph nodes play an important part in the body’s
defense against infection
Swelling might occur even if the infection is trivial or not
apparent. Tumor may also cause its swelling
Lymph notes
Palpation is the major methods to detect the
superficial lymph notes and it should be done
Lymph notes
Lymph note enlargement either localized or
Localized :
tuberculous ~
malignant metastasis
(gradually and painless)
Systemically: lymphadenitis