Economics 202 Principles of Macroeconomics Winter 2009 8 and 9 a.m. Instructor: Office: Telephone: Office Hours: Web Page: D.W. Hedrick Shaw-Smyser 424 963-2426 M and F 10:00-11:00 a.m. and T and TH 2:303:30 and by appointment. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides an introduction to the organization of the U.S. economy, long-run economic growth and short-run economic fluctuation, the structure and role of the monetary system, the problems of unemployment and inflation, and the overall impact of government spending and taxation on the macroeconomy. COURSE OBJECTIVES: The principal objectives of the course are to provide students with an understanding of the macroeconomy. Students will become familiar with basic forces behind economic growth and short-run fluctuations in market economies and the basic techniques of modeling overall economic activity. They will develop an appreciation for the challenges economists and policymakers face in using monetary and fiscal policies to alter short-run economic performance and to create policies to help foster long-run economic growth. Students will also be introduced to the importance and the impacts of international trade and finance in modern market economies. TEXTBOOK: The textbook and homework assignments are available online through Aplia. See instructions below for registration and payment Click Here. Required: (1) On-line Mankiw, N. Gregory, Principles of Macroeconomics Economics, 45d Edition, Thomson – SouthWestern, c2008, or Mankiw, N. Gregory, Principles of Macroeconomics, 3rd Edition, Thomson – SouthWestern, c2004 (2) Aplia – An internet-based tutorial and homework problem that will be used for the required homework. Course Key: T4LZ-EQ9E-JXVS (3) Hakes, David , Study Guide to Accompany Principles of Economics. Buy online. Suggested Reading: The Wall Street Journal and the Economist LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Apply graphing skills to analyze macroeconomic models. These skills include an understanding of slope and its computation, curve shifts and movements along a curve, and the ability to draw inference from graphs. 2. Utilize quantitative techniques in the analysis of macroeconomic models. These techniques include manipulating and solving simple linear systems of equations, and computing growth rates. 3. Apply economic theory to contemporary macroeconomic policy issues. 4. Identify, explain trends in, and explain the relationships between the following macroeconomic variables: GDP (real and nominal) Sources of economic growth (including capital accumulation, technological innovation, and productivity growth) Inflation Unemployment Fiscal policy (including government spending, taxation, budget deficits, and national debt) Monetary policy (including money supply, interest rates, and the structure of the U.S. banking system) Consumption spending, saving, wealth, and investment Exchange rates, exports, and imports COURSE OUTLINE: Topic Text Chapter(s) I. Introduction to Macroeconomics and Brief Review Split Of Microeconomics Circular Flow 10 Review of Micro 1-8 II. The Data of Macroeconomics National Income 10 Cost of Living 11 III. The Real Economy: Long-Run Analysis Production and Growth 12 Saving and Investment 13 Basic Tools of Finance 14 Unemployment and Its Natural Rate 15 IV. Money and Prices: Long-Run The Monetary System 16 Money Growth and Inflation 17 V. The Macroeconomics of Open Economies Basic of Open-Market Macroeconomies 18 Theory of Open Economies 19 VI. Short-run Fluctuations Aggregate Demand and Supply 20 Monetary and Fiscal Policy 21 Inflation and Unemployment: Short-run 22 VII. Controversy in Macroeconomic Policy Debates about Macroeconomic Policy 23 RECOMMENDED STUDY HABITS: Economics is a challenging subject for most and requires significant study to successfully master and apply economic concepts. I suggest that you read, or at least skim, the chapters in the text before they are covered in class. As soon after class as possible, I recommend you retire to a quiet place and reread the text and recopy the lecture notes. This will help reinforce what you have learned and point out areas that you need clarified. Feel free to ask questions in class. Remember, “There is no such thing as a dumb question.” Also, please make use of office hours, particularly when you need a bit more help understanding the material. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION: Satisfactory performance on these assessment tools entails graphical, qualitative, and quantitative analyses of contemporary macroeconomic policy issues, as well as an understanding of the variables listed in outcome #4. Grades will be based on twice-weekly online homework assignments, weekly quizzes, three midterm examinations, and an optional comprehensive final examination. Important: No makeup quizzes will be given for any reason. Makeup midterms and finals will only be given for emergencies and require a note signed by a physician or a senior officer in Student Affairs. Satisfactory performance on these assessment tools entails graphical, qualitative, and quantitative analyses of contemporary macroeconomic policy issues, as well as an understanding of the variables listed in outcome #4. The initial Aplia assignments include a tutorial on mathematics and graphs. Please read the section on Grade It Now in the introductory assignment. Aplia allows students three opportunities to answer a question with explanation provided when a wrong answer is given. Full credit is given if the first response is correct. The partial credit formula is described in Aplia. The Aplia program is self-contained and includes 24 hour online and toll-free telephone support. Students who do not have computers at home or a high-speed internet connection are encouraged to use the CWU computer labs. The schedule for the computer labs can be viewed at . The lowest 4 homework assignments will be dropped and the remaining homework assignments will count for 100 points. A total of seven weekly quizzes will be given on Friday, excluding the weeks of midterms, the first week of class, and during Thanksgiving Holiday (quiz on Wednesday Nov. 21). Each quiz will count for 20 points and the lowest two quizzes will be dropped. The total points from quizzes will be 100 points. 0Three midterm examinations will be given. The midterms dates are Friday, January 30; Friday, February 20 (deadline for uncontested withdraw); and Friday, March 6. If you cannot attend class on these dates, drop the class and take it at another time. Each midterm will count for 100 points. An optional comprehensive final examination will be given. The optional final will count for 100 points and be used to replace the lowest midterm score. The final dates are: 8:00 am Section - Friday, March 20, 8:00 -9:30am; and 9:00 am Section -Wednesday, March 18, 8:00 -9:30 am. NO early or makeup finals will be given. GRADING: Grades are based upon the percentage of the 500 possible points from homework, quizzes, midterms and the optional final. The following scale will be used to determine the final grade: A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF >=93% >=90% and <93% >=87% and <90% >=83% and <87% >=80% and <83% >=77% and <80% >=73% and <77% >=70% and <73% >=67% and <70% >=63% and <67% >=60% and <63% <60% WELCOME: The classroom should be a productive and interesting learning environment, but I need your help. As a consideration to your classmates, please make an effort to be on time. If you do arrive after the lecture has begun, a quiet entrance would be greatly appreciated. In addition, please refrain eating noisily during class. Students with disabilities who wish to set up approved academic adjustments for this class should schedule a meeting with the professor as soon as possible. Please provide the professor the “Confirmation of Eligibility for Academic Adjustments” provided by the Disability Support Services Office. Students with disabilities without the confirmation should contact the Disability Support Services (DSS) Office, Bouillon 205 ( , 963-2171). Students who believe they may be affected by a disability are also encouraged to contact the DSS office. Student Registration and Payment Instructions Course Name: Principles of Macroeconomics (Mankiw 5e) Winter 09 Start Date: 01/06/2009 Instructor: Prof. Hedrick Course Key: T4LZ-EQ9E-JXVS You can begin working on your homework as soon as you register! • In this course, you will use a textbook and Aplia's website. • In most cases, you can save money if you buy Aplia and your textbook together. See payment options below. • You will have access to a digital version of your textbook using Aplia. Registration If you have never used Aplia before... 1. Connect to 2. Click the New Student link and enter your Course Key: T4LZ-EQ9E-JXVS. Continue following the instructions to complete your registration. If you have used Aplia before... 1. Connect to 2. Sign in with your usual e-mail address and password and enter your Course Key when prompted: T4LZ-EQ9E-JXVS. If you are not prompted for a new Course Key, click the Enter Course Key button to enroll in a new Aplia course. Enter your Course Key when you are prompted. * You will have different payment options after you register for your course. If you choose to pay later, you can use Aplia without paying until 11:59 PM on 01/25/2009. Payment Option 1: Digital Textbook with Aplia Access • From Aplia: Purchase access to your course from Aplia's website for $70.00 USD. • From Bookstore: Purchase an Aplia Access Card from your campus bookstore. Option 2: Physical Textbook with Aplia Access (also includes digital textbook) • From Aplia: Purchase access to your course for $70.00 USD and a physical book for $50.00 USD from Aplia's website. * If you purchased an Aplia Access Card from a bookstore, enter the Access Card's payment code on Aplia's website as payment for your Aplia course. * You will have access to your digital textbook up until the end of this course.