NSW Ambulance electronic Medical Record (eMR version 2.3.1) Data Request Form October 2015 Dear Researcher NSW Ambulance datasets NSW Ambulance routinely collects operational and clinical data. Operational data are captured in the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. The paperbased Patient Health Care Record (PHCR) and electronic Medical Record (eMR) are NSW Ambulance’s principal clinical datasets. This document lists the research-related variables captured in eMR that may be requested for research purposes. Brief descriptions and possible predefined values of these data elements are provided. Operational information o CAD is a centralised state-wide emergency and patient transport call-taking and dispatch system that utilises VisiCAD software for the logging and allocation of resources to Triple Zero (000) calls. o It has an integrated mapping component that displays vehicle and incident information in real time and utilises GPS tracking of all frontline ambulances to assist in the dispatch process. o CAD records are available from July 2000. Clinical information o Data collected during the patient care episode are recorded by paramedics in either the PHCR or eMR. This includes information about the incident (e.g. reason for call and scene location), patient information (e.g. demographics, injury/illness characterisation, vital signs and assessment results), treatment details (e.g. pharmacology and interventions), and outcomes (e.g. transported, not transported, died). o Paramedics complete a clinical record for all incidents including inter-hospital/facility transfers. Clinical records are required, even if there is no patient contact, for all road traffic incidents, for incidents where the patient cannot be found or has left the scene, or where services are not required. Cases where a patient is already deceased prior to paramedics’ arrival are also documented. o Since its staged introduction in 2011, the eMR is the preferred clinical record. o The PHCR is completed by paramedics only in the absence of an eMR. At the time of writing, Extended Care Paramedics, volunteers and single responders only use the PHCR. The PHCR is also used in some regional areas. o Unlike the PHCR, the eMR directs compulsory completion of some screens/fields. o PHCR data are available from April 2001 and eMR data are available from 2011. NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form i This document lists research-related fields recorded in the eMR. Please enter your research question/s and the relevant date range/s in the table below. On subsequent pages, indicate the variables required to: Identify cases of interest (inclusion/exclusion criteria) - e.g. determining included cases by ‘case nature’. Address the research question. Please also briefly outline how each variable directly relates to the stated research question/s. CAD and PHCR data requests should be lodged separately if required. Please note that data extraction is associated with a cost to NSW Ambulance. These costs may be passed on to the researcher. Costs are determined by the extent of work that is necessary to satisfy the request. Data will not be provided for non-specific enquiry. Please direct queries to: E: research@ambulance.nsw.gov.au P: 02 9779 3865 Date range/s of interest Click here to enter text. Research question/s 1 Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 2 Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 3 Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form ii In all Tables, yellow shading denotes data fields that are mandatory for paramedics to complete. Description Required? Justification for this request Crew Fleet unit # Vehicle number and division ☐ Click here to enter text. Unit skill set The highest clinical level of the crew ☐ Click here to enter text. Case number (EPCIRD) Unique eMR incident number ☐ Click here to enter text. Date Date of incident ☐ Click here to enter text. Case given as Suspected patient problem, e.g. ‘fall’ ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. Priority – e.g. ‘lights & sirens’ emergency or urgent ☐ Click here to enter text. Location type E.g. residence, hospital ☐ Click here to enter text. Common location List of high frequency locations specific to an area ☐ Location name E.g. Residential Aged Care Facilities ☐ Street Full street information ☐ Click here to enter text. Suburb Suburb - postcode auto pop ☐ Click here to enter text. State E.g., NSW, Victoria ☐ Click here to enter text. Case Odom start (km) Dispatch code Scene NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 1 Description Required? Justification for this request Patient The patient’s sex: male/female Full date of birth will only be supplied if sufficient justification is supplied that age is insufficient. Best estimate or actual ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. As scene May be same as scene address ☐ Click here to enter text. Location name Landmarks only, including Residential Aged Care Facilities ☐ Street The patient’s street name ☐ Click here to enter text. Suburb The patient’s suburb ☐ Click here to enter text. State The state in which the scene is located, e.g., NSW, Victoria ☐ Click here to enter text. Gender Date of birth Age Address (patient) NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form Click here to enter text. 2 Past history Pre-existing conditions Select from REFERENCE TABLE 1, pages 4 and 5 Required? Click here to enter text. Justification for this request: Click here to enter text. Allergies Justification for this request: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Indicate required fields: No Known Allergies ☐ Local Anaesthetic ☐ Unknown Allergies ☐ Mannitol ☐ Adhesive Tape / Dressing ☐ Metaraminol Bitartrate ☐ Adrenaline Tartrate ☐ Methoxyflurane ☐ Amiodarone ☐ Metoclopramide ☐ Antibiotic ☐ Midazolam ☐ Aspirin ☐ Milk Products ☐ Atracurium ☐ Morphine Sulphate ☐ Atropine Sulphate ☐ Naloxone Hydrochloride ☐ Bee / Wasp / Ant Sting ☐ Nifedipine ☐ Benztropine ☐ NSAIDs ☐ Birds / Feathers ☐ Nuts / Seeds ☐ Box Jellyfish Antivenom ☐ Ondansetron ☐ Chlorhexidine ☐ Other ☐ Chocolate ☐ Pancuronium Bromide ☐ Codeine or Prescribed Opiates ☐ Paracetamol ☐ Dextrose ☐ Parecoxib Sodium ☐ Diazepam ☐ Pet Hair ☐ Dobutamine ☐ Pethidine Hydrochloride ☐ Dopamine ☐ Prochlorperazine ☐ Drixine ☐ Promethazine ☐ Eggs ☐ Propofol ☐ Entonox ☐ Rocuronium ☐ Fentanyl ☐ Salbutamol ☐ Fruit / Vegetable ☐ Seafood ☐ Frusemide ☐ Sodium Bicarbonate ☐ Glucagon ☐ Steroid ☐ Gluten ☐ Suxamethonium Chloride ☐ Glyceryl Trinitrate ☐ Tirofiban ☐ Grass / Pollen ☐ Tramadol ☐ Haloperidol ☐ Vaccine ☐ Hartmanns ☐ Vecuronium ☐ Heparin ☐ Verapamil Hydrochloride ☐ Iodine / Betadine ☐ Vinegar ☐ Ipratropium Bromide ☐ Virkon ☐ Latex ☐ Wheat ☐ Lignocaine Hydrochloride ☐ X-Ray Contrast ☐ Zinc ☐ NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form 3 REFERENCE TABLE 1: Pre-existing conditions (continued on page 5) Nil Known ☐ Atrial Fibrillation ☐ Cardiomyopathy ☐ Deep Vein Thrombosis ☐ Gallstones ☐ Unknown ☐ Atrial Flutter ☐ Carotid Endarterectomy ☐ Dementia ☐ Gastric Reflux ☐ Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ☐ Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ☐ Repair ☐ Abdominal Pain ☐ Autonomic Dysreflexia ☐ Carotid Stenosis ☐ Depression ☐ Glaucoma ☐ Back Pain ☐ Cataract/s ☐ Diabetes ☐ Gout ☐ Back Problems ☐ Cataract Surgery ☐ Dialysis ☐ Grommets ☐ Acquired Brain Injury ☐ Back Surgery ☐ Cellulitis ☐ Diarrhoea ☐ Haematemesis ☐ Acute Myocardial Infarction ☐ Bipolar Disorder ☐ Cerebral Aneurysm ☐ Dislocation ☐ Haematuria ☐ Angiogram ☐ Bladder Cancer ☐ Cerebral Haemorrhage ☐ Diverticular Disease ☐ Haemoptysis ☐ Acute Pulmonary Oedema ☐ Bleeding Disorder ☐ Cerebral Palsy ☐ Down's Syndrome ☐ Haemorrhoids ☐ AIDS ☐ Bleeding in Pregnancy ☐ Chest Infection ☐ Drug Abuse ☐ Hallucinations ☐ Alcohol Abuse ☐ Bleeding - Other /Not Listed ☐ Chest Pain ☐ Drug Overdose ☐ Headache ☐ Alcohol Overdose ☐ Bone Cancer ☐ Ear Infection ☐ Hearing Loss ☐ Alzheimer's Disease ☐ Bowel Cancer ☐ Eating Disorder ☐ Heart Transplant ☐ Amputation ☐ Bowel Obstruction ☐ Cholecystectomy ☐ Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ☐ Cirrhosis ☐ Ectopic Pregnancy ☐ Heart Valve Problem ☐ Anaemia ☐ Bowel Resection ☐ Coeliac Disease ☐ Emphysema ☐ Heart Valve Repair ☐ Anaphylaxis ☐ Bradycardia ☐ Colostomy / Ileostomy ☐ Encephalitis ☐ Hemiparesis ☐ Angina ☐ Brain Surgery ☐ Congenital Heart Defect ☐ Endometriosis ☐ Hemiplegia ☐ Angioedema ☐ Brain Tumour / Cancer ☐ Hernia ☐ Breast Cancer ☐ Constipation ☐ Corneal Transplant ENT Problem ☐ Anxiety ☐ Epiglottitis ☐ Hepatitis A ☐ Appendicectomy ☐ Bronchiolitis ☐ Coronary Artery Graft Surgery ☐ Epistaxis ☐ Hepatitis B ☐ Arm Pain ☐ Bronchitis ☐ Coronary Angioplasty/ Stent ☐ Eye Injury / Problem ☐ Hepatitis C ☐ Arrhythmia-Other/Not Listed ☐ Bundle Branch Block ☐ Cough ☐ Fainting Episodes ☐ Hip Joint Replacement/ Repair ☐ Arthritis – Osteo ☐ Burn/s ☐ Cramps ☐ Falls ☐ HIV Positive ☐ Arthritis – Rheumatoid ☐ Cancer - Other / Not Listed ☐ Crohn's Disease ☐ Femoropopliteal Bypass ☐ Hydrocephalus ☐ Ascites ☐ Cardiac Arrest ☐ Croup ☐ Fracture - Neck of Femur ☐ Asthma ☐ Cardiac Failure ☐ Cystic Fibrosis ☐ Fracture - Other ☐ NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form 4 REFERENCE TABLE 1 continued: Pre-existing conditions Hypercholesterolaemia ☐ Lung Surgery Pancreatic Cancer ☐ Renal Calculi / Colic ☐ Throat Infection ☐ Hyperlipidaemia ☐ Lung Transplant ☐ Pancreatitis ☐ Renal Failure ☐ Thrombolysis (Cardiac) ☐ Hypertension ☐ Lymphoedema ☐ Panic Attack ☐ Respiratory Arrest ☐ Thrombolysis (Cerebral) ☐ Hyperthyroidism ☐ Malignant Hyperthermia ☐ Paraplegia ☐ Respiratory Tract Infection ☐ Thrombolysis (Other) ☐ Hypotension ☐ Melaena ☐ Parkinson's Disease ☐ Rhinoplasty ☐ Thyroid Surgery ☐ Hypothyroidism ☐ Meningitis ☐ Peg Tube ☐ Schizophrenia ☐ Tonsillectomy ☐ Hysterectomy ☐ Menstrual Disorder ☐ Pericarditis ☐ Seizure/s / Convulsion/s ☐ Tracheostomy ☐ Incontinence - Faecal ☐ Migraine/s ☐ Peripheral Vascular Dis. ☐ Self Harm Attempt ☐ Transient Ischaemic Attack ☐ Incontinence - Urinary ☐ Infectious Disease - Other / Not Listed ☐ Influenza Illness ☐ Motor Neurone Disease ☐ Personality Disorder ☐ Self Harm Thoughts ☐ Tremor ☐ Multiple Sclerosis ☐ Plastic Surgery ☐ Sepsis ☐ TURP ☐ Myasthenia Gravis ☐ Pleural Effusion ☐ Septicaemia ☐ Ulcer ☐ Injecting Drug Use ☐ Nausea ☐ Pneumonia ☐ Shingles ☐ Ulcerative Colitis ☐ Intellectual Impairment ☐ Neck Injury ☐ Pneumothorax ☐ Shoulder / Clavicle Repair ☐ Urinary Catheter ☐ Internal Defibrillator ☐ Neck Pain ☐ Post Natal Depression ☐ Skin Cancer ☐ Urinary Tract Infection ☐ Irritable Bowel ☐ Nephrectomy ☐ Post Partum Haemorrhage ☐ Skin Problems ☐ Urine Retention ☐ Ischaemic Heart Disease ☐ Obesity ☐ Pre-Eclampsia ☐ Sleep Apnoea ☐ Vaccination / Immunisation ☐ Kidney Transplant ☐ Oesophageal Varices ☐ Spasm/s ☐ Vaginal Bleeding ☐ Knee Replacement / Repair ☐ Oesophagitis ☐ Spina Bifida ☐ Varicose Veins ☐ Laminectomy ☐ Osteoporosis ☐ Pregnancy ☐ Pregnancy Induced ☐ Hypertension ☐ Prostate Cancer ☐ Spinal Fusion ☐ Ventricular Shunt ☐ Leg Pain ☐ Other - Specify ☐ Prostate Problem ☐ Spinal Injury ☐ Ventricular Tachycardia ☐ Leukaemia ☐ Ovarian Cancer ☐ Post-Traumatic Stress Dis. ☐ Splenectomy ☐ Vertigo ☐ Liver Cancer ☐ Ovarian Cyst ☐ Psychiatric Problem ☐ Spontaneous Abortion ☐ Violent Behaviour ☐ Liver Disease ☐ Pacemaker - Permanent ☐ Pulmonary Embolus ☐ Stroke ☐ Vision Impairment ☐ Liver Failure ☐ Pacemaker - Temporary ☐ Pyrexia (Unknown Origin) ☐ Supraventricular Tachycardia ☐ Weight Loss ☐ Liver Transplant ☐ Pain - Other / Not Listed ☐ Quadriplegia ☐ Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ☐ Wound Infection ☐ Lung Cancer ☐ Palpitations ☐ Rectal Bleeding ☐ Surgery - Other / Not Listed ☐ NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form 5 Description Justification for this request Current medications Captures any recorded medications Risk factors As below: Click here to enter text. Indicate required fields: Nil Known Click here to enter text. NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form Age Click here to enter text. Alcohol Abuse Click here to enter text. Diabetes Click here to enter text. Drug Abuse Click here to enter text. Family History Click here to enter text. Hypercholesterolaemia Click here to enter text. Hypertension Click here to enter text. Infectious Disease Risk Click here to enter text. Obesity Click here to enter text. Occupational Click here to enter text. Other - Specify Click here to enter text. Smoker Click here to enter text. Unknown Click here to enter text. 6 Case History Case nature Justification for this request: Indicate required fields: Paramedic determined main problems Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Nil Problem ☐ Foreign Body ☐ Unknown Problem ☐ Gastrointestinal Problem ☐ Alcohol Requesting Detox ☐ Genitourinary Problem ☐ Alcohol Withdrawal ☐ Hanging ☐ Allergy ☐ Immune Problem ☐ Animal Related Injury - Other ☐ Inhalation ☐ Assault ☐ Lightning Strike ☐ Bicycle Collision ☐ Medical - General ☐ Biological Exposure ☐ Motorcycle Collision ☐ Bite / Sting / Envenomation ☐ Motor Vehicle Collision ☐ Cardiovascular Problem ☐ Musculoskeletal Problem ☐ Chemical Exposure ☐ Neurological Problem ☐ Crush ☐ Obstetrics / Gynaecology Problem ☐ Dermatology Problem ☐ Oncology Problem ☐ Drowning / Immersion ☐ Other - Specify ☐ Drug Requesting Detox ☐ Overdose / Exposure ☐ Drug Withdrawal ☐ Pedestrian Collision ☐ Electrical Contact ☐ Psychiatric Problem ☐ Emotional Problem ☐ Radiation Contamination ☐ Endocrine Problem ☐ Respiratory Problem ☐ ENT Problem ☐ Shooting ☐ Environmental Exposure ☐ Social Situation Problem ☐ Explosion / Incendiary Device ☐ Sporting Injury ☐ Eye Injury / Problem ☐ Stabbing ☐ Fall ☐ Struck By Object ☐ Fire / Smoke Exposure ☐ Surgical - General ☐ Case description Free text description of case-related events Required? ☐ Justification for this request: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form 7 Description On arrival Scene findings Justification for this request: Dangers, patient position, social situation, ethnicity Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Others at scene All others at scene on arrival (e.g. Police, family, GP) Required? ☐ Justification for this request: Prior care management Justification for this request: Indicate required fields: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Activities occurring prior to paramedic arrival Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Unknown ☐ Airway Management ☐ Cervical Collar/Spine Immobilisation ☐ Chest Compressions ☐ Compression Bandage ☐ Cooling ☐ Defibrillation Prior to Ambulance ☐ ECG ☐ Expired Air Resuscitation ☐ Haemorrhage Control ☐ Heat Pack ☐ Massage / Stretching ☐ Medication ☐ No Prior Care ☐ Oxygen Therapy ☐ Position ☐ RICE ☐ Splint / Sling ☐ Ventilation – Manual ☐ Witnessed Arrest ☐ Other - Specify ☐ NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form 8 Patient complaint Indicate required fields Justification for this request: Nil Complaint Reported ☐ Depression ☐ Hallucinations ☐ Neck Stiffness ☐ Suicidal ☐ Unknown Problem ☐ Diarrhoea ☐ Headache ☐ Noisy Breathing ☐ Suicide Attempt ☐ Agitation ☐ Difficulty Standing ☐ Heart Burn ☐ Not Speaking ☐ Swallowing Problems ☐ Alcohol / Drug Use ☐ Discharge ☐ Hiccups ☐ Obvious Death ☐ Sweating ☐ Alcohol Withdrawal ☐ Discomfort ☐ Hives ☐ Oliguria ☐ Swelling ☐ Altered Sensation ☐ Disoriented ☐ Hoarse Voice ☐ Other - Specify ☐ Swollen Glands ☐ Anxiety ☐ Distension ☐ Homeless ☐ Pain ☐ Swollen Joint ☐ Behavioural Change ☐ Dizzy ☐ Hunger ☐ Palpitations ☐ Swollen Limb ☐ Bite / Sting / Envenomation ☐ Domestic Conflict ☐ Hyperventilation ☐ Panic ☐ Tenderness ☐ Bleeding - Arterial ☐ Drooling ☐ Inadequate Resource for Care ☐ Requirement ☐ Post Partum Bleeding ☐ Thirst ☐ Bleeding - Venous ☐ Drowsy ☐ Incontinence ☐ PR Bleeding ☐ Tightness ☐ Bleeding - Other / Not Listed ☐ Drug Withdrawal ☐ Insomnia ☐ PV Bleeding ☐ Tinnitus / Ringing ☐ Bloating ☐ Dysmenorrhoea ☐ Itch ☐ Rapid Pulse ☐ Tired ☐ Body Fluid Contact ☐ Emotional Distress ☐ Jaundice ☐ Rash ☐ Toothache ☐ Breathing Problem / Difficulty ☐ Epistaxis ☐ Laceration ☐ Redness ☐ Tremor ☐ Bruising / Haematoma ☐ Facial Droop ☐ Lesion ☐ Respiratory Arrest - Suspected ☐ Unable to Self Care ☐ Burn/s ☐ Feeling Faint ☐ Light Headed ☐ Ruptured Membranes ☐ Unconscious ☐ Cardiac Arrest - Suspected ☐ Fainted ☐ Light Sensitivity ☐ Seizure/s / Convulsion/s ☐ Unwell ☐ Childbirth ☐ Feeling Cold ☐ Loss of Hearing ☐ Self Harm Thoughts ☐ Urine Flow / Frequency Problem ☐ Chills ☐ Feeling Hot ☐ Loss of Memory ☐ Shaking / Tremor ☐ Urine Retention ☐ Choking ☐ Fever ☐ Loss of Power ☐ Shivering ☐ Vertigo ☐ Collapse ☐ Flu - Like Symptoms ☐ Loss of Sensation ☐ Short of Breath ☐ Violent Behaviour ☐ Confusion ☐ Foreign Body ☐ Loss of Vision ☐ Skin Irritation ☐ Visual Disturbance / Loss ☐ Constipation ☐ Goose Bumps ☐ Loss Of Appetite ☐ Skin Lesion ☐ Vomiting ☐ Contractions ☐ Haematemesis ☐ Melaena ☐ Sore Throat ☐ Weakness ☐ Cough ☐ Haematuria ☐ Migraine/s ☐ Spasm/s ☐ Weight Loss ☐ Cramps ☐ Haemoptysis ☐ Movement Problem ☐ Speech Problem ☐ Wheeze ☐ Deformity ☐ Haemorrhoids ☐ Nausea ☐ Spinning Out ☐ NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form 9 Description On examination Primary Survey The findings from a preliminary examination, which identifies potentially immediately life threatening issues. Indicate required fields: No immediate life threat Airway ☐ Breathing ☐ Circulation ☐ Response ☐ Cervical spine ☐ Ventilation ☐ Haemorrhage check ☐ Justification for this request: Secondary survey Justification for this request: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. The findings from ‘head to toe’ examination. Select from REFERENCE TABLE 2, page 11 Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Assessment Initial assessment Justification for this request: Primary assessment Justification for this request: Secondary assessment Justification for this request: NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form The patient’s main problem as determined by the paramedic. Select from REFERENCE TABLE 3, page 12. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Paramedics select only one as per RERERENCE TABLE 3, page 12. Please print second copy of TABLE 3 if required ‘Primary’ assessment variables differ from selected Initial Assessment fields. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Any secondary concerns – may be many or none. Select from REFERENCE TABLE 3, page 12. Please print another copy of TABLE 3 if required Secondary Assessment variables differ from selected Initial or Primary Assessment fields. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 10 REFERENCE TABLE 2: Secondary Survey No Abnormality Detected ☐ No Other Abnormalities Detected ☐ Dislocation ☐ Itch ☐ Rash ☐ Distension ☐ Jaundice ☐ Redness ☐ Unknown / Not Assessed ☐ Dizzy ☐ Joint Stiffness ☐ Reduced Movement ☐ Abrasion / Graze ☐ Drooling ☐ Joint Warmth ☐ Retrograde Amnesia ☐ Altered Conscious State ☐ Drowsy ☐ Laceration ☐ Response - MSA ☐ Alcohol Involved ☐ Drug Paraphernalia Present ☐ Lacrimation / Tearing ☐ Rigidity ☐ Altered Sensation ☐ Dry Mucosa ☐ Lethargy ☐ Rigor Mortis ☐ Amputation ☐ Dysphagia ☐ Light Headed ☐ Seizure/s / Convulsion/s ☐ Anxiety ☐ Engorged Neck Veins ☐ Ligature Marks ☐ Shivering ☐ Aphasia ☐ Epistaxis ☐ Limb Rotation ☐ Short of Breath ☐ Appearance ☐ Erythema / Reddening ☐ Limb Shortening ☐ Skin - Localised ☐ Ascites ☐ Evisceration ☐ Limb Threatening Injury ☐ Skin Turgor ☐ Aspiration ☐ Extremity - Movement ☐ Loss Of Appetite ☐ Soot In Mouth / Airway ☐ Avulsion ☐ Extremity - Sensation ☐ Loss of Function ☐ Sore Throat ☐ Behaviour ☐ Extremity - Temperature ☐ Lump ☐ Spasm/s ☐ Bite Mark ☐ Eye Movement ☐ Mass ☐ Speech ☐ Bleeding - Arterial ☐ Facial Expression ☐ Melaena ☐ Sputum ☐ Bleeding - Venous ☐ Fatigue ☐ Mood ☐ Stiffness ☐ Bleeding -Other/Not Listed ☐ Fever ☐ Mottled Skin ☐ Sting Mark ☐ Blister(s) ☐ Flaccidity ☐ Mucosa ☐ Surgical Emphysema ☐ Breath ☐ Foreign Body ☐ Nausea ☐ Sweating ☐ Bruising / Haematoma ☐ Fracture/s ☐ Neatness ☐ Swelling ☐ Burn/s ☐ Groaning ☐ Neck Stiffness ☐ Swollen Glands ☐ Cataract/s ☐ Grunting ☐ Neck Veins ☐ Teeth Missing ☐ Cellulitis ☐ Guarding ☐ Necrosis ☐ Thirst ☐ Childbirth - Actual ☐ Haematemesis ☐ Neuro Facial Droop ☐ Thought ☐ Childbirth - Labour ☐ Haemoptysis ☐ Neuro Grips ☐ Tinnitus / Ringing ☐ Cleanliness ☐ Haemorrhoids ☐ Neuro Speech ☐ Trachea ☐ Concentration ☐ Headache ☐ Neurovascular ☐ Observations ☐ Tremor ☐ Constipation ☐ Hearing Loss ☐ Not Speaking ☐ Unconscious ☐ Cough ☐ Hemiplegia ☐ Nystagmus ☐ Unnatural Movement ☐ Cramps ☐ Hemiparesis ☐ Oedema ☐ Unsteady Gait ☐ Crepitus ☐ Hiccups ☐ Other ☐ Urinary Problems ☐ Crying / Tearful ☐ Hoarse Voice ☐ Pain ☐ Cyanosis ☐ Hyperventilation ☐ Palpitations ☐ Vertigo ☐ Visual Disturbance / Loss Deformity ☐ Impaled ☐ Perceptions ☐ Vomiting ☐ Degloving ☐ Incontinence ☐ Weakness ☐ Diaphoretic ☐ Inflammation ☐ Photosensitivity ☐ Poor Short Term Memory Diarrhoea ☐ Injection Marks ☐ Postmortem Lividity ☐ Discharge ☐ Insight ☐ Pregnancy ☐ Discolouration ☐ Irregularity ☐ Pulseless Limb ☐ NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form ☐ ☐ Weight Bearing ☐ Wound / Puncture ☐ 11 REFERENCE TABLE 3: Assessment Primary assessment - paramedics select only one main condition Secondary assessment – paramedics can select none or many secondary conditions Final assessment - paramedics can select none or many Revised assessment – main problem after examination No Problem Identified Select. Constipation Select. Unknown Problem Select. Cough Select. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Select. Cramps Select. Abdominal Distension Select. Croup Select. Abrasion / Graze Select. Deceased Select. Acute Coronary Syndrome Select. Decompression Illness Select. Acute Myocardial Infarction Select. Deep Vein Thrombosis Select. Acute Pulmonary Oedema Select. Dehydration Select. Airway Obstruction Select. Depression Select. Allergic Reaction Select. Diarrhoea Select. Altered Conscious State Select. Diplopia Select. Amputation Select. Dislocation Select. Anaphylaxis Select. Dizzy Select. Angina Select. Dysuria Select. Anxiety Select. Ear Problem Select. Aortic Dissection Select. Eating Disorder Select. Arrhythmia Select. Ectopic Pregnancy Select. Asthma Select. Emotional Distress Select. Asymptomatic Select. Epiglottitis Select. Avulsion Select. Epistaxis Select. Blister(s) Select. Eye Injury / Problem Select. Bowel Obstruction Select. Face Injury / Problem Select. Bronchiolitis Select. Faint Select. Bronchitis Select. Febrile Select. Bruising / Haematoma Select. Feed Tube Problem Select. Burn/s Select. Flail Chest Select. Cardiac Arrest Select. Fracture/s Select. Cardiac Failure Select. Gastrointestinal Problem Select. Cellulitis Select. Haematemesis Select. Chest Infection Select. Haematuria Select. Childbirth Select. Headache Select. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Select. Head Injury Select. Collapse Select. Hearing Loss Select. Compartment Syndrome Select. Heat Stress Select. Confusion Select. Heat Stroke Select. NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form 12 REFERENCE TABLE 3: Assessment Primary assessment - paramedics select only one main condition Secondary assessment – paramedics can select none or many secondary conditions Final assessment - paramedics can select none or many Revised assessment – main problem after examination Hyperglycaemia Select. Renal Failure Select. Hypertension Select. Respiratory Arrest Select. Hyperventilation Select. Respiratory Failure Select. Hypoglycaemia Select. Respiratory Tract Infection Select. Hypotension Select. Seizure/s / Convulsion/s Select. Hypothermia Select. Sepsis Select. Implantable Defibrillator Problem Select. Short of Breath Select. Incontinence - Faecal Select. Sleep Disorder Select. Incontinence - Urinary Infection - Other / Not Listed Intracranial Haemorrhage Select. Social Problem Select. Select. Soft Tissue Injury Select. Select. Spasm/s Select. Joint Effusion Select. Spinal Cord Injury Suspected Select. Laceration Select. Strain / Sprain Select. Melaena Meningococcal Septicaemia (Possible) Migraine/s Select. Stroke Select. Select. Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Select. Select. Sunburn Select. Mobility Problem Select. Surgical Emphysema Select. Nausea Select. Suspected Internal Haemorrhage Select. Other - Specify Select. Swollen Joint Select. Pacemaker Problem Select. Swollen Limb Select. Pain Select. Tension Pneumothorax Select. Palpitations Select. Throat Infection Select. Panic Attack Select. Throat Problem Select. Pneumonia Select. Toothache Select. Pneumothorax Select. Transient Ischaemic Attack Select. Post Ictal Select. Unconscious Select. Post Immersion Select. Urinary Catheter Problem Select. Post Loss of Consciousness Select. Urinary Tract Infection Select. Psychiatric Episode Select. Urine Retention Select. PR Bleeding Select. Vertigo Select. Pulmonary Aspiration Select. Visual Disturbance / Loss Select. Pulmonary Embolism Select. Vomiting Select. PV Bleeding Select. Weakness Select. Rash Select. Wound Inflammation / Infection Select. Renal Calculi / Colic Select. Wound / Puncture Select. NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form 13 Description Required? Justification for this request Vital Signs Survey (VSS) Time Of observation ☐ Click here to enter text. Pulse Beats/minute Systolic/Diastolic or palpable Breaths/minute 00 = No pain 10 = Worst pain o C ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. Skin ☐ Click here to enter text. Temperature ☐ Click here to enter text. Colour ☐ Click here to enter text. Moisture ☐ Click here to enter text. Blood pressure Respiratory rate Pain (score) Temperature Route Blood sugar level (BSL) mmol/l Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) Total/15 ☐ Click here to enter text. Eye Opening /4 ☐ Click here to enter text. Verbal Response /5 ☐ Click here to enter text. Best Motor Response /6 ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. Pupils (L/R) Size mm ☐ Click here to enter text. Reactivity to light Yes, no ☐ Click here to enter text. APGAR score for newborns Total/10 ☐ Click here to enter text. Appearance 0-2 ☐ Click here to enter text. Pulse 0-2 ☐ Click here to enter text. Grimace 0-2 ☐ Click here to enter text. Activity 0-2 ☐ Click here to enter text. Respiratory effort 0-2 ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. Electrocardiograph (ECG) Rate Beats/minute ☐ Click here to enter text. Rhythm Heart rhythm ☐ Click here to enter text. Blocks Type (e.g. LBBB) ☐ Click here to enter text. Ectopy Type ☐ Click here to enter text. Ischaemia Cardiac location ☐ Click here to enter text. Oxygen saturation (SpO2) % ☐ Click here to enter text. oxygen/air Select ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. End tidal CO2 ☐ Click here to enter text. Waveform Description ☐ Click here to enter text. Respiratory status Degree of distress Includes child pain score ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. mmHg Paediatric vital signs NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form 14 Management: Procedures and medications. Indicate required fields in TABLE below Justification for this request:Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Abdominal Thrusts (Adult) ☐ Dressing - Wound / Burns Cover ☐ Isoprenaline Hydrochloride ☐ Paracetamol 500mg/Codeine 30mg ☐ Enoxaparin Sodium ☐ Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation ECMO ☐ Ketamine ☐ Parecoxib Sodium ☐ Laryngeal Mask Airway ☐ Pethidine Hydrochloride ☐ Adrenaline ☐ Advice to Patient/Carer Specify ☐ Extrication ☐ Lateral Chest Pressure ☐ Phenytoin ☐ Ergometrine ☐ Lateral Chest Thrust (Paed) ☐ Potassium Chloride ☐ Airway Clearance ☐ Fentanyl ☐ Lignocaine ☐ Position ☐ Amiodarone ☐ Fexofenadine ☐ Hydrochloride ☐ Magnesium Sulphate ☐ Prasugrel ☐ Apnoea (Prescribed) ☐ Frusemide ☐ Mannitol ☐ Pre Cordial Thump ☐ Arterial Line ☐ Gastric Tube ☐ Prochlorperazine ☐ Aspirin ☐ Glucose - Oral ☐ MAST ☐ Mental Health - EEO Completed ☐ Assistance Only ☐ Glucagon ☐ Metaraminol Bitartrate ☐ Propofol ☐ Atracurium ☐ Atropine Sulphate / Obidoxime Chloride ☐ Glucose 5% ☐ Methoxyflurane ☐ Restraints Applied ☐ Glucose 10% ☐ Metoclopramide ☐ Restraints Removed ☐ Atropine ☐ Glucose 50% ☐ Metoprolol ☐ Reassurance Provided ☐ Back Blows ☐ Glyceryl Trinitrate ☐ Midazolam ☐ Resuscitation Ceased ☐ Balloon Pump ☐ Haemorrhage Control ☐ Misoprostol ☐ RICE ☐ Benztropine ☐ Haloperidol ☐ Rocuronium ☐ Benzylpenicillin Sodium ☐ Hartmanns ☐ Morphine Sulphate ☐ Midazolam / Morphine Infusion ☐ Blood Product ☐ Helmet Removal ☐ Naloxone Hydrochloride ☐ Sling ☐ Box Jellyfish Antivenom ☐ Heparin ☐ Nasopharyngeal Airway ☐ Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% ☐ Calcium Chloride 10% ☐ Humidicrib / Portacot ☐ Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate ☐ Nitrous Oxide / Oxygen ☐ Spinal Immobilisation ☐ Nifedipine ☐ Splint ☐ Ceftriaxone ☐ Hypertonic Saline 7.5% ☐ Noradrenaline ☐ Suxamethonium Chloride ☐ Central Venous Access ☐ Hypertonic Saline 20% ☐ Normal Saline ☐ Synch Cardioversion ☐ Chest Thrusts ☐ Ibuprofen ☐ Ondansetron ☐ Tenecteplase ☐ Childbirth ☐ Ice Pack/s ☐ Infection Control Measures Pt Based ☐ Oropharyngeal Airway ☐ Tension Pneumothorax Needle Test ☐ Oseltamivir ☐ Thoracostomy ☐ Compression Bandage ☐ Continuous Positive Airway Pressure CPAP ☐ Influenza Virus Vaccine ☐ Other Equipment ☐ Tirofiban ☐ Insulin ☐ Other Medication ☐ Trial Equipment ☐ CPR ☐ Intercostal Catheter ☐ Urinary Catheter ☐ Cricothyroidotomy ☐ Intraosseous Needle ☐ Other - Specify ☐ Other Therapeutic Procedure ☐ Defibrillation ☐ Intubation ☐ Oxygen Therapy ☐ Vecuronium ☐ Dexamethasone ☐ Intubation Check ☐ Oxymetazoline ☐ hydrochloride ☐ Ventilation - Manual Diazepam ☐ Ipratropium Bromide ☐ Oxytocin ☐ Ventilation - Mechanical ☐ Dobutamine ☐ Irrigation ☐ Pacing ☐ Verapamil Hydrochloride ☐ Dopamine ☐ IV Access ☐ Pancuronium Bromide ☐ Vinegar ☐ Paracetamol ☐ Wheelchair ☐ Revised assessment Assessment following examination. RERERENCE TABLE 3, page 12. Please print another copy of TABLE 3 if required Revised Assessment variables differ from selected Initial, Primary or Secondary Assessment fields. Activated Charcoal ☐ Adenosine ☐ Calcium Gluconate 10% ☐ Clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate ☐ NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form Promethazine ☐ Salbutamol ☐ Valsalva Manoeuvre ☐ 15 Protocols: Paramedics select one chief protocol / one or many associated protocols. Indicate required fields in TABLE below Justification for this request: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Foundation care M20 Gastroenteritis ☐ T7 Limb injuries and fractures ☐ S3 Mental health emergency ☐ A1 Principles pre-hospital care ☐ M21 Hypoglycaemia ☐ T8 Penetrating trauma ☐ S4 Assault/sexual assault ☐ A2 Basic patient care ☐ M22 Hyperglycaemia ☐ T9 Pelvic injuries ☐ S6 Suicide risk asses manage ☐ A3 Informed consent, capacity, competency ☐ M23 Sepsis ☐ T10 Traumatic hypovolaemia ☐ S8 Elderly at risk ☐ A4 Medication administration ☐ M24 Adrenal crisis ☐ T11 Soft tissue face and neck ☐ S9 Palliative care ☐ A5 Recognition sick baby child ☐ M25 Medical hypoperfusionhypovolaemia ☐ T12 Burns ☐ Drug/toxicology Cardiac/cardiovascular C1 Acute coronary syndrome ☐ T13 Eye injuries ☐ D1 Drug overdose poisoning ☐ T14 Electric shock ☐ D2 Organophosphate poison ☐ A6 Pain management ☐ A7 Patient management ☐ A8 Urgent transport ☐ C2 Resuscitation decision algorithm ☐ T15 Trapped patient ☐ D3 Alcohol intoxication ☐ A9 Bariatric patients ☐ C3 Cardiac arrest ☐ T16 Limb realignment, difficult extrication ☐ D4 Oleoresin capsicum spray exposure ☐ Medical C5 Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema ☐ T16A Limb realignment, difficult extrication – Ketamine ☐ D5 Nerve agent poisoning ☐ M1 Abdominal conditions ☐ C6 Cardiogenic shock ☐ T17 Deteriorating trauma patient ☐ Obstetrics/newborn M2 Airway obstruction foreign body ☐ C7 Bradycardia ☐ T18 Wound care ☐ O1 Obstetric general protocol ☐ M4 Asthma ☐ C8 Tachycardia ☐ T19 Falls in the elderly ☐ O2 Pregnancy related PV haemorrhage ☐ M6 Nausea & Vomiting ☐ C9 Hyperkalaemia ☐ T20 Traumatic cardiac arrest ☐ O3 Postpartum haemorrhage ☐ M7 Croup ☐ C11 Stroke ☐ Environment/envenomation O4 Prolapsed umbilical cord ☐ M8 Dehydration ☐ C12 Cardiac reperfusion – Primary angioplasty ☐ E1 Chemical biological radiological (CBR)/HAZMAT ☐ O5 Pregnancy related hypertension ☐ M9 Seizures ☐ C13 Cardiac reperfusion – Prehospital thrombolysis ☐ E2 Diving emergencies ☐ O6 Newborn care ☐ M13 Meningococcal septicaemia ☐ Trauma E3 Hyperthermia ☐ Patient transport decisions M14 Respiratory distress ☐ T1 Major trauma ☐ E4 Hypothermia ☐ P1 Authorised care ☐ M15 Autonomic dysreflexia ☐ T2 Multiple victim situations ☐ E5 Drowning ☐ P2 Patient refuses paramedic advice ☐ M16 Anaphylaxis, allergic ☐ T3 Helicopter operations – major trauma – “Primary” ☐ E6 Bites and Envenomation ☐ P5 Referral decision ☐ M17 Epistaxis ☐ T4 Head injuries ☐ E7 Smoke noxious gas, carbon monoxide poisoning ☐ P6 Incident control another agency ☐ M18 Dental problems ☐ T5 Spinal injuries ☐ Specialised care P7 Non transport – Non health issues ☐ M19 COPD ☐ T6 Chest injuries ☐ S1 Home dialysis emergency ☐ NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form 16 Required? Justification Details of vehicle ☐ Click here to enter text. Vehicle type ☐ Click here to enter text. State ☐ Click here to enter text. Vehicle registration ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. Impact type ☐ Click here to enter text. Helmet status ☐ Click here to enter text. Helmet damage ☐ Click here to enter text. Mode of impact ☐ Click here to enter text. Description RTA Motor cyclist details Road traffic accident details Cyclist or motorbike ☐ Click here to enter text. Vehicle safety details Seat belt, airbags etc. ☐ Click here to enter text. Vehicle impact details Speed, direction, damage ☐ Click here to enter text. Patient information Crushed, trapped, ejected etc. ☐ Click here to enter text. Other vehicle NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form 17 Description Required? Justification Billing Section 20, pensioner type, police custody etc. ☐ Patient not treated Reason ☐ Patient not transported Click here to enter text. Referral Reason ☐ Problem at RERERENCE time of TABLE 3, paramedic page 12 discharge Specialised Medical Service Indicate required fields: Assessment Team Click here to enter text. Doctor Click here to enter text. Patient Click here to enter text. Social Worker Click here to enter text. Case Worker Click here to enter text. 000 Referral Service Click here to enter text. Other Team Click here to enter text. NETCOM Click here to enter text. Other Health Professional Click here to enter text. Police Click here to enter text. Drug Referral Service Click here to enter text. Detox Service Click here to enter text. Family Click here to enter text. Other - Specify Click here to enter text. Observed outcome Unknown Click here to enter text. Indicate required fields: Dead on arrival Click here to enter text. Died at scene Click here to enter text. Died en route Click here to enter text. Died in ED/hospital Click here to enter text. ROSC at hospital Click here to enter text. Billing type Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Result Final assessment Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. Final odometer ☐ Click here to enter text. Total trip odometer ☐ Click here to enter text. Major trauma criteria? Transport reason Protocol T1 ☐ Click here to enter text. Time Reason E.g. ‘lights & sirens’ from scene Load time ☐ Click here to enter text. Destination type E.g. hospital ☐ Click here to enter text. Hospital name Hospital name ☐ Click here to enter text. Destination name If not hospital To/from another crew ☐ Click here to enter text. ☐ Click here to enter text. Transport code Patient handed over NSW Ambulance eMR Data Request Form Click here to enter text. 18