Common Themes

Ten Common Literary Themes
Created by Kathryn Reilly
Defining Theme
• Theme is a unifying idea that an author
communicates in a work.
• Themes are abstract ideas that an author
explores through concrete means such as
characters and settings.
– Note: Many literary works may have multiple
Common Literary Themes:
Good vs. Evil
• Works with this literary
theme struggle to define
good and evil.
• Definitions of good and evil
may change depending on
the era and society.
• Characters may wrestle with
their actions and the
consequences of their
• Literary works exploring this
theme include:
The Crucible
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Lord of the Rings
Common Literary Themes:
The Journey
• Works with this literary
theme follow a character
through many events and
• The journey may be a
physical, emotional or
spiritual journey.
• Throughout the journey the
character learns new things
about himself and the
world, and becomes a wiser
• Literary works exploring this
theme include:
The Odyssey
Their Eyes were Watching God
Gone with the Wind
Don Quixote
The Call of the Wild
Common Literary Themes:
Coming of Age
• Works with this literary
theme focus on a
character leaving
adolescence and
entering adulthood.
• As the character loses
his or her innocence, he
or she gains a more
realistic view of the
• Literary works exploring
this theme include:
Huckleberry Finn
To Kill a Mockingbird
Lord of the Flies
Catcher in the Rye
Common Literary Themes:
The Role of Fate
• Works with this literary
theme explore how
many of life’s events are
beyond humanity’s
• Characters must come
to terms with life’s
unpredictability and
decide how to respond
to it.
• Literary works exploring
this theme include:
– Oedipus Rex
– Siddharta
– The Great Gatsby
Common Literary Themes:
• Works with this literary
theme examine the
necessity of sacrifice in
order to obtain a goal.
• The sacrifice may be a
tangible item, or an
intangible idea or
• Literary works exploring
this theme include:
– A Tale of Two Cities
– Death of a Salesman
– “The Gift of the Magi”
Common Literary Themes:
Overcoming Adversity
• Works with this literary
theme present characters
who must overcome great
obstacles in their lives.
• Characters must choose
how to respond to
difficult situations and
endure circumstances
when they cannot be
• Literary works exploring
this theme include:
– Jane Eyre
– Vanity Fair
– The Scarlet Letter
Common Literary Themes:
The Cost of Revenge
• Works with this literary
theme explore both the
tangible and intangible
costs of revenge.
• Novels with this theme
often warn against
revenge, as many
characters face
unhappy endings.
• Literary works exploring
this theme include:
– Moby Dick
– The Count of Monte
– Wuthering Heights
Common Literary Themes:
Importance of Friendship
• Works with this literary
theme examine the
importance of
• Friendship between
characters is often
tested, and authors
explore what being a
good friend entails.
• Literary works exploring
this theme include:
– Watership Down
– The Kite Runner
– Of Mice and Men
Common Literary Themes:
Heritage and Family
• Works with this literary
theme explore the
importance of one’s
heritage and family in
understanding oneself.
• Authors may explore
different ideas of family
and how family shapes
the individual.
• Literary works exploring
this theme include:
– Roots
– Little Women
– One Hundred Years of
– The Joy Luck Club
Common Literary Themes:
Death’s Inevitability
• Works with this literary
theme explore humanity’s
fear of death.
• Characters often review
their lives and meditate
upon what awaits them
after death.
• Novels with this theme
may also examine
society’s views on death.
• Literary works exploring
this theme include:
– The Death of Ivan Illyich
– Death Comes for the
– A Christmas Carol
– As I Lay Dying
Common Theme Review
• A theme is a unified idea an author explores in
his or her work.
• Themes are abstract ideas.
• Literary works may have more than one