Church Encouragement Services Seminar Teacher Manual By Larry D. Ferguson Written 1985 Latest Revision July 2009 -1- Church Encouragement Services Information Sheet How to: Motivate, Delegate, Deal with Problems, Create a Vision, Establish an Evangelism Ministry, Oversee, Identify Problems, Plan, Implement, Equip, Make Sunday Special, Identify Needs, Make Meetings Productive, Bring Visitors Back, Develop New Leadership, and especially How to Bring God’s Direction to Your Church. Also: Suggested Agendas, Job Descriptions, Priorities of the Church, Milk of the Word, Meat of the Word, Signs of a Dying Church, Re-establishing proper authority, Leadership skills, Preparing a Lesson, Developing Curriculum, Finding Hope in Hopeless Situations, Examples of churches that died, A dying church brought back to life, Dealing with discipline, Tools and methods to accomplish God’s task. Twelve barriers that bring death to a church: 1. Not recognizing problems 2. Leaving God out 3. No Vision 4. Bible not final authority 5. No Good News 6. Dysfunctional Leaders 7. Preacher, Elder’s, Deacon’s job description distorted 8. No one being equipped 9. Poor or no preparation 10. Sunday not special 11. Problems ignored or poorly handled 12.Much talk but no implementation Solutions that bring new life: 1. Problems identified 2. God brought back into the picture 3. Discovering a vision 4. Re-discovering the Bible 5. Good news abounds 6. Leaders lead 7. Job descriptions clearly defined 8. Christians equipped for ministry 9. Quality preparation 10. Sunday made special 11. Problem solving procedure 12. Dreams and plans implemented 2 C E S General Bible Quiz 1. What must one do to be saved? ______________________________________________________________________ 2. What Scripture would you use to show some one how to become a Christian? ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Have you come to a place, in you spiritual life, where you know for certain that if you died tonight, you would go to heaven? (Question designed by Dr. James Kennedy.) ______________________________________________________________________ 4. If you died tonight and stood before God and He asked, “Why should I let you into my heaven” what would you say? (This question was also designed by Dr. James Kennedy.) ______________________________________________________________________ 5. What are God's basic principles of finance? ______________________________________________________________________ 6. Where do you find the life of Jesus in the Scriptures? ______________________________________________________________________ 7. What book in the Bible emphasizes comfort and praise? ______________________________________________________________________ 8. What books in the Bible best answer the question what must I do to be saved? _____________________________________________________________________ 9. What is the book of wisdom? ______________________________________________________________________ 10. What book was written “. . . that we might believe?" ______________________________________________________________________ 11. What Scriptures are most direct on husband and wife relationships? ______________________________________________________________________ 12. Where do you find the Ten Commandments in the Bible? ______________________________________________________________________ 13. What is the work of the Preacher? ______________________________________________________________________ 14. What is the work of an Elder? ______________________________________________________________________ 15. What is the work of a Deacon? (Or ministry leader?) ______________________________________________________________________ 16. What are the three most important tasks of the church? ______________________________________________________________________ 17. What are the best ways to grow in the Lord? ______________________________________________________________________ 18. How big do you think a church should be? ______________________________________________________________________ 19. What does the Bible mean, we are the body, Christ is the head? ______________________________________________________________________ -3- CES Bible Reading Questions 1. How many years have you been a Christian? ______________________________________________________________________ 2. What is your favorite Bible? (Translation, version or paraphrase) ______________________________________________________________________ 3. How much time do you spend reading the Bible each day? ______________________________________________________________________ 4. How many times have you read the Bible completely through? ______________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you desire to read the Bible more? ______________________________________________________________________ 6. What time of day do you read the Bible? ______________________________________________________________________ 7. Do you believe it is important to read the Bible? ______________________________________________________________________ 8. Why? ______________________________________________________________________ 9. Have you read the Bible more in the past? ______________________________________________________________________ 10. How has the Bible helped you most? ______________________________________________________________________ 4 TITLE TEXTS John 5:21 "For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it.” Ephesians 5:14 "For it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." (Scriptures are New International Version unless otherwise stated.) DEDICATION I dedicate this book to my family to which the church has been so prominent. My grandparents, Jay and Myrtle Ferguson, led us to Christ. My parents, Robert and Caryl Ferguson, taught my sister and me the value and joy of the church. My sister, Joyce Settle, married a preacher. (She and Larry have been ministered at their congregation for over thirty years.) I met my wife, Cathie, in the church and her love for the church equals mine. PREFACE The primary purpose of this book is to the discouraged church. To its preacher, deacons and teachers, to you who have hungered to see the church alive and well. But it is especially to elders; elders who have had so much responsibility and so little help. However there are three secondary purposes to this book that make just as great of an impact: (1) Good old fashion revival and new life to any church. (2) Leadership training, discipling, or equipping the saints. (3) A source for Bible college level practical ministries. -5- FOREWORD Church leaders want to: Focus on the priorities of God. Be a people of prayer and the Word. Be a church that knows and loves the Bible. Receive God's guidance and direction. Be moved by the power of God. See the church grow. Reach new people. Reach their whole community for Jesus. See people saved. See more baptisms. Help young people want to live for Jesus. Develop new leaders. Do things decently and in order. Be a congregation excited about Christ. Be a warm and friendly people. Be a people that have the joy of the Lord. Meet needs. Have a vision. Demonstrate the Love of God. Reverse that feeling that meetings are a waste of time. See productivity and progress in meetings. Look forward to meetings. Get rid of that “what's the use” feeling. Not give up because so and so is against it. Stop futile arguing. Have a sense of accomplishment. Receive God's blessing. These are great objectives. To you leaders who have served in a negative, unproductive situation for years. You've lost hope that your dreams for the church will ever come true. Here are Biblical principles and workable methods that can bring those dreams into reality. They range from bringing God into the picture, to problem solving with positive results. Hope will be restored. Your church will become alive and become what Christ intended it to be. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Texts ........................................................................................................................ 5 Dedication ....................................................................................................................... 5 Preface ............................................................................................................................ 5 Foreword ......................................................................................................................... 6 Contents .......................................................................................................................... 7 Charts and Forms ............................................................................................................ 8 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 11 Chapter One ............. CONSEQUENCES OF MAJOR PROBLEMS ............................. 13 Chapter Two ..............IT STARTS WITH A REVIVAL OF PRAYER .............................. 26 Chapter Three ............................ CREATING A VISION ............................................... 40 Chapter Four ....................... REDISCOVERING THE BIBLE ........................................ 49 Chapter Five ............. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GOOD NEWS? ............................. 58 Chapter Six .......................................... LEADERS ........................................................ 77 Chapter Seven.................................. PREACHERS...................................................... 99 Chapter Eight........................................ ELDERS........................................................ 110 Chapter Nine ...................................... DEACONS ...................................................... 142 Chapter Ten....................................... EQUIPPING ..................................................... 146 Chapter Eleven ......................... IT PAYS TO PREPARE ............................................ 158 Chapter Twelve .................... MAKING SUNDAY SPECIAL ........................................ 177 Chapter Thirteen............. PROBLEM SOLVING PROCEDURE .................................. 189 Chapter Fourteen .......... IMPLEMENTATION & CONCLUSION ................................. 197 -7- CHARTS AND FORMS ABBREVIATIONS OF DETAILED SCHEDULE ...................................... PREPARATION ATTITUDE (Swindoll) ........................................................................................ LEADERS CHURCH SECRETARY JOB DESCRIPTION ................................................. LEADERS CENSUS FORM......................................... WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GOOD NEWS? CUSTODIAN JOB DESCRIPTION ................................................................... LEADERS DEACON'S JOB DESCRIPTION ..................................................................... DEACONS EDUCATION DIRECTOR JOB DESCRIPTION ............................................ EQUIPPING ELDER'S JOB (CHART) ......................................................................................ELDERS ELDER'S JOB DESCRIPTION ............................................................................ELDERS ELDER'S MEETING AGENDA ............................................................................ELDERS ELDER'S QUESTIONNAIRE ...............................................................................ELDERS GOD DELEGATES JOBS (Chart) .......................................................................ELDERS LESSONS FROM HEZEKIAH .......................................................................... LEADERS LESSON FROM HILKIAH ................................................ REDISCOVERING THE BIBLE MASTER WEAVER POEM .............................................. REDISCOVERING THE BIBLE MINISTRY OF TEACHING (Scriptures) ........................................................ EQUIPPING MINISTRY OF THE WORD (Scriptures) .............................................................ELDERS PLACARDS / SILENT SERMONS................................................. CREATING A VISION PLANNING DAY AGENDA .......................................................... IT PAYS TO PREPARE PLANNING PROCEDURE........................................................... IT PAYS TO PREPARE PREACHER'S CONTRACT ........................................................................ PREACHERS PREACHER'S JOB DESCRIPTION ........................................................... PREACHERS PREPARED TO GIVE AN ANSWER...................................................................ELDERS PRIORITIES OF THE CHURCH ....................................................................... LEADERS PROVERBS AND PLANNING ..................................................... IT PAYS TO PREPARE SCHEDULE (DETAILED) ............................................................ IT PAYS TO PREPARE SCHEDULE FORM ......................................................................IT PAYS TO PREPARE SCHEDULE (GENERAL) ............................................................. IT PAYS TO PREPARE SIGNS OF A DYING CHURCH .......................................................... CONSEQUENCES SPIRITUAL GIFTS CHART .................................................................................ELDERS SUGGESTED BOOKS ................................................................... CREATING A VISION TAKING GOOD CARE OF YOUR PREACHER……………………….. ……PREACHER TEACHER'S LESSON PLAN......................................................................... EQUIPPING TEACHER'S JOB DESCRIPTION ................................................................. EQUIPPING TIME MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET .........................................IT PAYS TO PREPARE WORD USE IN THE NEW TESTAMENT ............................................................ELDERS WORK OF AN ELDER CHARTS .........................................................................ELDERS YOUTH MINISTER'S JOB DESCRIPTION ...................................................... LEADERS VIEW OF A HEALTHY CHURCH ……………………………….. ……CONCLUSION 8 176 92 90 76 91 146 154 139 134 135 136 141 83 52 50 157 137 48 170 168 107 107 126 89 160 174 175 174 22 141 44 108 157 156 173 134 139 & 140 90 207 UNLESS THE LORD BUILD THE HOUSE THEY LABOR IN VAIN THAT BUILD IT Psalm 127:1 -9- Make Absolutely Sure That The Emphasis Is Clear 1. Including God in Everything 2. Acknowledging God 3. Crying Out to God 4. Calling Out to God 5. Inquiring of God 6. Asking, Seeking and Knocking When we include God, we have the right perspective, the right attitude and the right foundation. If God is not in it, it’s just another organization and not the church. - 10 - SATAN WANTS TO SIDETRACK CHURCH LEADERS AND CHURCHES GUESS WHY? INTRODUCTION This book is a guide to bring new life to churches. This book is for the leaders of the church, to discouraged elders, deacons, preachers and teachers. To those serious about learning to do whatever it takes to lead the church to productive growth. The Bible is the final and only authority. Methods follow, to implement the Biblical principles. The focus is to elders who feel like they're in a hopeless situation. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COPY ANY PARTS OF THIS BOOK Alternate titles are: Biblical Priorities for the Local Church Church Case Studies with Important Applications Something Is Missing In Our Church Examples from Successful Churches That Help Us All God Help the Elders How to Kill a Church Without Even Trying Is There a Difference in Churches? It Starts With a Revival of Prayer - 11 - Life vs. Death in Your Church Practical Ways to Help Your Church Grow Revival for a Dead Church I'm including some of my experience and background to establish some credibility. It looks like the cover letter in my resume. It answers two questions. Who is this guy and is there any reason to regard his conclusions? The church has been a part of my life since I was a kid. I accepted Christ when I was twelve. I broadcast Sunday services on the radio in my teen-age years. During high school I began preaching and helped with the starting of a new church. My grandfather and dad were both active leaders in the church. Grandpa Ferguson was a deacon; Dad was a deacon, an elder and a teacher. Grandma Ferguson and Mom were Sunday school teachers. After high school I went to Bible College for four years. During those years I sang in vocal groups learning from as well as ministering to dozens of churches. After college I was a preacher for fifteen years. I studied church growth and visited a few of the largest churches in America. After these years in located ministries I traveled nationally in a gospel quartet. This was another opportunity to visit many denominations along with churches of my own brotherhood. I had the opportunity to get back into Christian radio and Christian education. I hosted a daily broadcast, called “The Soul-winners Clinic" At that time I accepted the position of principal of a small, k-12, Christian school. Then I had the opportunity to be Sr. minister of a church that had been struggling. They became vibrant with new life. It’s was a pilot program of the very principles suggested in this book. I teach these principles to other churches as the opportunities arise. I’ve worked in Christian radio, been a Christian school principal, a preacher, teacher, elder, deacon, education director, song leader, evangelist, vocalist, church janitor, Bible school superintendent, associate minister and guest speaker. I love the church. My heart is sickened when I see dying churches, struggling, unhealthy, cold and not bearing fruit. But, it's wonderful to see churches productive, changing lives, saving souls, becoming more and more like Christ, bearing fruit, alive with enthusiasm and displaying the joy and power of the Christian life. I've seen strong and weak churches and everything in between. I've observed things that bring life and other things that cause death. Over half of the churches I've visited are struggling. However, when the principles in this book are put into practice, a dying church can have new life. Thus the reason for my title, “Raising the Dead." Each chapter focuses on a major problem and how to solve it. The contents are based on practical Biblical solutions, personal experience and workable methods. - 12 - 1 Consequences Of Major Problems BENEATH THE SURFACE Fun song - John Jacob Jingle Theme Song - Through It All - 13 - Questions Answered In Chapter One 1. What must you do before you start to solve problems? Answer: Don't deny, identify. 2. What's the difference between surface problems and major problems? Answer: Surface problems are caused by the major problems. If you don't solve the major problems the surface problems will not go away. You'll waste time putting out fires. 3. How can you discover if your church is unhealthy? Answer: Self evaluation check list, "Signs of a Dying Church." 4. Can you give some examples of unhealthy churches? Answer: Two churches in this chapter. 5. What's the difference between what can and what cannot be changed? Answer: You can't change Biblical dictates, but traditions and methods can. 6. Is there useful help from the denominations? Answer: Yes Introduction Major problems produce a barrage of negative consequences. I call them surface problems. Each chapter focuses on one of these major problems. This chapter looks at surface problems. Chapter One CONSEQUENCES OF MAJOR PROBLEMS Barrier 1: Negative consequences come from major problems. Struggling churches tend to deny instead of identifying their problems. Dialogue 1 - Elder's Meeting - Complete Disharmony We'd better get started. I call this meeting to order. Wait - I want to get a cup of coffee. You always have to have your coffee. Go ahead and get your coffee, we'll start anyway. I'll be right back. As far as I'm concerned, the first order of business is Joe Smith. Coming to worship late every Sunday and dressed like that! Elder three - Someone should talk to him and set him straight. Elder two - (Returning from getting his coffee.) What are you guys talking about? Elder five - I think we should talk about getting the parking lot fixed first. Elder one - Can I have your attention? Elder three - We already have a topic on the floor. Elder four - If Joe Smith keeps coming to church dressed like that, I’m going to quit coming here. Elder five - The parking lot is old business that should come first. Elder two - We never accomplish anything anyway. Elder one - If you guys would just quiet down for a minute. Elder three - Elder 4, It’s the preacher's job to handle situations like Joe Smith. Elder four - Now we're getting somewhere! Elder five - I'm tired of you guys by-passing everything I bring up. Elder two - Let's discuss the parking lot then! Elder one - Order, Order, Order! Everyone quiet down! 14 Elder one Elder two Elder three Elder one Elder two Elder four - Elder one Elder five Elder one Elder four - Elder's meetings should be run like a business - this meeting is going nowhere. If we had a chairman that knew how to run a meeting we wouldn't have this problem. That's it. I quit! For all I care Elder 5 you can be chairman, I’ve had it! Things have been a mess ever since that new preacher came. I Corinthians 14:33 "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace…” The Church Is Meant To Grow Disharmony should be an uncomfortable visitor to any church. Disharmony is an i n f e c t i on that makes a church sick. The church was meant to grow. It was designed by God to grow. It's made up of His people, believers, disciples, followers of Christ and we are commanded to grow. Jesus did not intend for His church to be lifeless, dormant, stagnate or dead. We are to love our friends and enemies, bear fruit, reach the lost, let our light shine, do good works, be the salt of the earth, minister, meet needs, witness, evangelize, teach, equip, be examples, give help and feed the flock. We are not to hoard the truth of Scripture for a few interested members and exclude trying to reach the whole community. Focus Point 1: We should be Active, A g g r e s s i v e and Accelerated in our effort. Focus Point 2: This work is vital because of its e t e r n a l consequences. Local church p r I o r i t i e s should line up with the priorities of God. God's priority list begins with bringing Him glory. He is glorified as He brings all people unto Himself, through Jesus. God teaches us the value of the human soul. That includes yours, as well as your friends, neighbors, relatives, loved ones and even your enemies. Do we need to be reminded of the terrible price that was paid for the soul of man? I'm afraid we do! We need to be reminded of our need to be saved from Hell, that we are to be followers of Christ, ambassadors for Him and to equip the saints for the work of ministry. We need to be reminded that all Christians are to be e q u I p p e d for this work, leaders and members alike. The church is meant to grow. 15 The PURPOSE of the CHURCH Start with 2 great commandments * LOVE GOD & LOVE PEOPLE 1. TO GLORIFY GOD Ephesians 1:6b 1:12b 3:20,21 2. TO BRING IN THE LOST Matthew 28:19 3. TQ EQUIP, TEACH, DISCIPLE, AND TRAIN THE SAVED Matthew 28:20 - Ephesians 4:11,1263 The Purpose of the Church Ephesians 1:6b “to the praise of His glorious grace" 1:12b “in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory." 3:20,21 "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (NIV) (Emphasis is mine.) God's creation, including mankind as a whole and Christ’s 16 c h u r c h , were created ultimately to bring glory to Him. Under that primary purpose comes the mission of the church to lead the world to Christ and equip Christians to be conformed to the likeness of Jesus Himself by teaching what He commanded. The Church We need to be reminded of how i m p o r t a n t the church is. It is not an optional, if we feel like it, man made organization. The church is part of the eternal plan of God. Every Christian is to be an active part of it. In Ephesians we see the church as the body of Christ, that He loves His church, He gave Himself for it and that He wants to present it as a glorious church. The church is God's instrument for His children to bring Him glory. This is done by bringing the lost to Christ and bringing Christians progressively into the likeness of Jesus. Here is one example of a “M I s s I o n S t a t e m e n t” We believe that our model for priorities and direction must come from the Word of God and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the foundation for our lives. (Psalm 127:1-5). Because of these beliefs we’re committed to: Provide the opportunity to know God through Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:18-20) Teach and demonstrate how to live the abundant life. (John 10:1-10) Equip each other to meet the needs of our community, neighbors, family and friends with the same love and compassion shown to us by Jesus Christ. (James 2:14-26) One church in Indiana has this simple mission statement: “Bring them in, build them up, send them out.” Difference in Churches Churches are so d I f f e r e n t. Some are positive and others negative. Some churches are good and, (It's sad to say this) but, some are bad. Some are healthy and some unhealthy. I've seen churches close their doors and I've seen dying churches come back to life. The more churches I've visited the more aware I was of the differences. Some of these differences are startling. Contrasts like: The alive church and the dead church. The friendly church and the unfriendly church. The warm church and the cold church. The growing church and the stagnate church. The exciting church and the boring church. The enthusiastic church and the church that acts like everything is a burdensome task. The active and the inactive church. The teaching and equipping church and the church where leaders and members are u n t a u g h t and u n t r a I n e d. The soul winning church and the church where there haven't been any decisions for a long time. Some churches have a beautiful music ministry and some don't. Some are giving, shepherding and missionary minded and some aren't. 17 Some are meeting needs and others are not. Some focus on the p r i o r i t i e s of God and His Word and others have lost Focus Point 3: Serious problems are caused by a b a n d o n I n g the purpose and the priorities of God. Doing things our way instead of His sight of these p r i o r I t i e s. Some churches are growing leaps and bounds and others aren't. Yes, there’s a difference in churches all right. Some we'd like to be like and others we wouldn't. There's no p e r f e c t church on earth, because the church is made up of people and none of us are perfect. But, it’s not our imperfection that causes the problem. A Small Country Church That Died This little country church was over a hundred years old. Yet an example of a church that forsook the purpose and priorities of God. The church's history showed some glorious experiences in days gone by. Their outreach had touched many lives. Souls had been saved and Christ had been glorified. The church grew and they made plans to build. The leaders made a recommendation to the congregation. They recommended putting in a basement with a kitchen, rest-rooms and some class space. They took a vote and it was dramatically split. Half said yes, accepting the recommendation. The others said no, leave things as they are. The result of this meeting is a pathetic part of history. The i n f l e x I b i I l I t y of the two sides resulted in a church split and what a split it was. It eventually caused the death of the church. Those that didn't want the change refused to worship with those that did. It came to the place where each side called their own preacher and met in the same building at different times. They even bought separate coal to heat the building. They froze the money that was in the bank because both groups had contributed and couldn't agree on its use. They took it to court and put a lock on the door. They were mocked in the community. Some time after this I came to the congregation to begin my first ministry. Efforts were made to bring the factions together, but years had passed and the bitterness was deep. Because of this bitterness and hatred, there was little healing. There were some highlights to this ministry, but because of this s p i r i t u a l c a n c e r most efforts were superficial. This went on for years. The Lord led me in a new direction. I left with a learning experience that I'll never forget. The two groups dwindled down to a handful. The doors were finally closed. Some time ago Cathie and I drove by the old building. We walked around looking in where we could. It was being used for storage. The bell tower had been torn down. I got a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. I remembered the four years that I had sought to serve the Lord there. I remembered the few that had come to Christ. I thought of that hundred year history. I felt rotten and wondered how God must feel. No it is completely torn down. There is no question about this church; it is d e a d.” God allows this to happen, but it isn't His fault. He didn't intend for it to be this way and it doesn't have to be this way. This is the result of stubbornness and 18 forsaking the priorities of God. Oh that churches on this kind of path would see it before it's too late! The picture on the cover is this church as it looked shortly before it was torn down. A Suburban City Church That Died Here's another example of an unhealthy church. This one was a suburban city church. In its forty-year history it had only three preachers. It had been a thriving church and had grown to a glorious ministry within its first ten years. The facilities were splendid. They included a magnificent auditorium and a quaint chapel. Two hundred people could be seated in the chapel alone. The education building was state of the art with even a gym. The church had a full paid staff: senior minister, associate, education director, youth minister, music director, secretary, organist and janitor. But the community changed. The all-white community changed to a black, Hispanic and white community. Some of the l e a d e r s did not want to change with the area. Some were prejudiced. They wanted to remain a white island. They asked the staff to call o n l y in white neighborhoods. They threatened to withdraw their support if blacks came there. The soul winners called at any door. Bitterness began to grow. Even though the church remained one of the fastest growing churches in the area, division continued w i t h i n . Priorities were neglected and eventually the doors were closed and the buildings were sold. This church also d i e d. The Difference Between What Can And What Cannot Change When death knocks on the churches door, something must change to bring about new life. Yes, some things m u s t change, but what should change and what shouldn't? There's a big difference between things that must not change and sacred cows that have to go. Biblical d o c t r I n e must not change. Doctrines like: salvation through Jesus, Jesus is God, the virgin birth, His death on the cross, His bodily resurrection, His second coming, the work of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the Bible. But, on the other hand, there are things that can change and many that should. Just because something is a tradition doesn't make it wrong or harmful to the church. But it's p e r m I s s I b l e to change a tradition. You have to remember that man created the traditions and God created the doctrines. That's why doctrines cannot change. Here are some examples of deep-seated traditions: the times of services: Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship 11:00 a.m. and evening service 7:30 p.m. There's nothing wrong with these times within themselves, but you get the feeling in some churches that there would be a better chance of changing a Biblical doctrine than dare suggest a different time for services. (No matter what the reason.) Another example is length of services, sixty minutes. If the service goes over time, somebody’s in trouble, it had better never happen again. Times of services and length of services can be changed. Also meetings can be changed. Sometimes we forget that Prayer meeting, Bible study, Sunday school, and evening service are all man made meetings, although they are designed to meet God given directives. NonBiblical man made o r g a n I z a t I o n s can be changed. Constitution and bylaws can be changed. Agendas and methods may be changed. Meeting rooms can be changed and leaders can be changed. 19 Focus Point 4: If there's reason to believe, that in all likelihood, a ministry of the church can be improved by change, we should not only feel free to do it, but do it q u I c k l y. Focus Point 5: Don't confuse the things that can change with the things that can't. Don't think of the traditions and methods of man as unchangeable doctrine. This attitude leads to d e a t h . Life demands growth. Growth and life demand c h a n g e. Satan delights in the rigidity of church leaders that refuse to make needed changes. (I refuse to capitalize the name of the evil one.) Focus Point 6: Newman said, "Growth is the only evidence of life." Help From the Denominations There are serious doctrinal differences between denominations. But we can still learn from each other's methods. We can even learn from the c u l t s. I'm sure you'll agree that we can learn boldness and persistence from the Jehovah's Witnesses and the importance of the family from the Mormons. Even if a non-Christian comes up with a good idea, can’t we use it for the glory of God? I don't know if the chalk board, radio or television were invented by Christians, but nonetheless we can use them for the Lord. It's that old business of confusing doctrinal and non-doctrinal issues again. Some will not touch a method with a ten-foot pole if it's not from “Our people." lucifer probably laughs and the cause of Christ definitely suffers when we exercise that kind of an a t t i t u d e. Focus Point 7: The cause of Christ is more important than w h o came up with the idea. If someone comes up with a new idea, support it like you want them to do when you come up with one. (God's plan of using everyone and the importance of each individual 20 Christian is covered later. See Chapter Six, “Leaders” under lack of Team Spirit.) But before you hang me. Remember, I’m just like you. I don't believe in changing one dot or one tittle of the H o l y W or d. It is possible to see the difference. There are worthy ideas from the denominations. Some are old and still work. Some are new and work. Good ideas come from our churches too. Be objective and use what works no matter what the source. Consider these examples: 1. Jerry Falwell's success with Christian education, evangelism, television and Christian music. 2. Jack Hyles success with the bus ministry and helping preachers. 3. Gene Edwards and the evangelism survey, in communities that said it couldn't be done. 4. Oral Roberts and seed faith. 5. James Kennedy’s in depth soul-winning plan. 6. Robert Schuller putting faith in action with possibility thinking. 7. Bill Gothard with practical applications to Biblical principles. 8. Ray Stedman and the body life of the church. 9. Don Gossett and the power of our words. 10. C. Peter Wagner and his research on church growth. 11. Elmer Towns and his research on growing churches. 12. Dr. James Dobson on the home and the family. 13. Dr. Howard Hendricks on church leadership. There are many more, but this gives you the idea of what I'm talking about. There are good methods that come from a variety of sources. Things that bring n e w l I f e to the church. Many come from Scripture and are either commands or examples. New life is kindled by contemporary methods that implement B I b l I c a l principles. Interesting Methods God Used Did you ever notice the interesting methods God used on the day of Pentecost? It was part of His great plan to get the church started. It seems that His purpose was to get a large crowd together to hear Peter's sermon and for them to become Christians. He got their attention with a sound, a mighty rushing wind. The visual could not be ignored, tongues of fire. Then thousands heard in their own language without an interpreter. I have no intention of making light of these great and powerful miracles, but I do wish to point out that God used some i n t e r e s t I n g m e t h o d s. And they succeeded. He drew many thousands to the message. Three thousand were baptized and the church had begun. DON’T DENY IDENTIFY 21 Watch For the Signs There are hundreds of struggling churches. They aren't dead yet, but they are headed in that direction. I saw the signs in many of the churches I visited. Any visitor could see the coldness and the indifference. The inner workings would reveal other warning signs. The a r g u m e n t s in board meetings—Many times over non-Biblical issues, Board meetings that everybody dreads. Name calling at congregational meetings that resembled political debate. Arguments over what missionary to support or whether to support any at all, what color to paint the building, where to set the temperature, the color of a telephone, how much to pay the preacher, if the preacher should be given a raise, the order of service or the slightest hint of change. The list goes on and on. These are w a r n I n g s Watch for the signs. Focus Point 8: DON'T D E N Y, I D E N T I F Y ! Signs of a Dying Church Just one or a few of these signs doesn't mean that your church is dead. It may mean that some attention is needed. However, if you discover that many of these signs are present, consider the urgency of the warning and take appropriate corrective action. If you're in the worst situation possible, it’s an opportunity to call out to God. When His priorities are given proper attention, “our labor is not in vain in the Lord!" D e n i a l or n e g l e c t I n g problems not only prevent growth but lead to the death of the church. Identifying problems is the first step toward solving them. Here are consequences of major problems. These are signs of a dying church: 1. No decisions. 2. No baptisms. 3. No new members. 4. No new life. 5. No or few children. 6. No or few college age. 7. No or few young couples. 8. All or mostly elderly. 9. Few or no visitors. 10. Routine b o r I n g services. 11. Talk mostly about money at board meetings. 12. No prayer meetings. 13. Preacher doing all the leading. 14. Cancel youth meetings. 15. Little or no fellowship. 16. Little or no hope. 17. Believe that it's impossible to grow there. 18. Much bickering. 19. Much gossip and b a c k b i t i n g. 22 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. No soul winning. Power struggle among the leaders. Preachers don't stay long. Music is a slow and lifeless routine. There's no testimony of what Christ is doing in lives. The facilities are in poor condition. Visitors feel that the church is cold and dead. Lack of unity. Preachers are f i r e d time after time. Not meeting the n e e d s of the church or the community. No equipping of Christians for ministry. The elders are not teaching. Sermons lack power. No Biblical application to everyday life. Giving is minimal, few tithers. No missions or constant struggle against any giving outside the local congregation. Lack of c o – o p e r a t I o n. No one sent out to become preachers. No volunteers. The Biblical purposes of the church are lost. Pessimistic. Attendance low or stagnate. No vision. Sunday school attendance is minimal. Preacher dominated by leadership instead of team effort. Problems poorly handled, ignored or magnified. No plans for growth. Little or no show of love. Hold g r u d g e s. Arguing at business meetings. Threats to quit. Forget the purpose of the church. Priorities confused. Lose touch with God. Fail to seek God's advice and direction. Bitterness, hatred and a lack of forgiveness. Critical with a focus on people’s f a u l t s. The Holy Spirit is neglected. The joy of salvation and serving Jesus is lost. Routine, rut, ritual and action without meaning. Problems are not looked at as o p p o r t u n I t I e s. Things are thrown together and done second class with God getting the leftovers. Confusion. Disorganization. No world vision. Not aware of God's plan. Minimal k n o w l e d g e of the Bible. No calling out or crying out to God. 23 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. Division. Cliques. Emphasis on social rather than spiritual. Rejection of new ideas. (Rigid instead of flexible) Resistance to change. (Argue over music styles) It won't work here syndrome. Everything seems too much of an effort. Not willing to give any time. Sacrifice is out of the question. Not familiar with the d a n g e r s of apostasy. (backsliding) Don't know how to fix it. Blame each other. Not willing to take a stand for anything. Isolation from other churches. Against multiple staff. Against having a secretary. Against visuals. Against new songs. Not against s i n. Don't make waves philosophy. Discipline without love. Uncomfortable talking about the things of God. Outdated stuff on the bulletin boards and walls. Building used very little. (Only Sundays.) Little or no activities. Parsonage in poor repair. (If there is a parsonage.) Preacher not given a raise in pay. The preacher is not allowed to go to seminars, clinics, conventions and not allowed days off or vacations. Not aware of the preacher's n e e d s. (Or his wife and family.) No goals, targets or dreams. F u n e r a l type music. Attitude of do it and get it over with. (Sermons, baptisms, prayer etc.) The preacher does most everything. The preacher is paid to do it philosophy. Warnings to the seven churches from the book of Revelation: A. Lost their first love. B. Lukewarm. C. Afraid and unfaithful. D. Tolerate sin and b a d a t t I t u d e s. E. False teaching and no repentance. F. Asleep. G. Respect for the wealthy more than others. D o n ‘ t s t a r t o n t I m e. Teachers are unprepared. A loud minority runs the church. What they say, more than what is right or wrong. Complain about what's wrong, but never how to fix it God's way. Tell what to do but not how to do it. Act like they are perfect. (Holier than thou.) 24 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. Take credit for others work. Always looking for the glory. Want the praise too much. No appreciation given for those that do s e r v e the Lord. No effort to bring anyone. Thankful for Christians That Know I'm so thankful for Christians that are aware of s t r u g g l i n g churches; those that are warning of the dangers and trying to do something about it. People like Jerry Paul, past president of Great Lakes Bible College and Bob Girdwood Editor of “More Than Conquerors.” I pray for them and that more will be alerted to the need. Coming Up Hundreds of churches are sick and dying. We have seen many consequences of the major problems. The following chapters will identify the major problems and provide solutions for correction. Bottom Line 1 Consequences of Major Problems Churches have forsaken the p r I o r i t i e s of God and are suffering the consequences. Before correction begins you must see the weak areas. What needs to be fixed. "Don't Deny, Identify." Douglas A. Dickey hit the nail on the head, in the title of his book, “Sermons for s I d e t r a c k e d Saints." (Standard publishing) II Timothy 3:5b “Having a form of godliness but denying its power." The Bible reveals what Jesus intends His church to be. Compare your congregation with the Lord’s blueprint and then make the necessary corrections. God has given us the power and the tools to accomplish the task. Become equipped from the Bible to do the work of ministry, and then implement Bible principles with creative methods. The result will be new life and excitement. The dead will be raised. The next chapter describes where to begin. 25 2 It Starts With A Revival Of Prayer PRIORITY COMMUNICATION Song - What a Friend We Have In Jesus 26 In Everything Give Thanks I Thessalonians 5:18 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Questions Answered In Chapter Two How do we leave God out? Answer: We don't include Him in on everything. I have trouble spending much time in prayer and can't remember all the things I should pray for. What should I do? Answer: Establish prayer lists, a journal. What is the key to a healthy prayer life? Answer: "Acknowledge Him in all of your ways." Include Him in on everything. What are the primary topics of prayer? Answer: Four kinds of prayer. What are four ways to let God know you are serious? Answer: Inquire, call out to God, cry out to God and fast. What is a key phrase in praising God? Answer: You are . . . How long should an unhealthy church emphasize prayer? Answer: Three months at the beginning. How do you know that a dying church can come back to life? Answer: Example of a dying church that came back to life. Chapter Two REVIVAL OF PRAYER Barrier 2: Not calling out to God. Isaiah 30:1 (Living Bible) "Woe to my rebellious children, says the Lord; you ask advice from everyone but me," 27 Leaving God Out A church that forsakes the priorities of God pays the price. Hundreds of "dead churches” can trace their lack of life back to a neglect of effectual fervent prayer. Neglect in seeking G o d ‘ s direction. James 4:2 is direct, “You do not have because you do not ask God.” Quotes Martin Luther said, “Prayer is the most important thing in my life, If I should neglect prayer for a single day, I should lose a great deal of the fire of faith." John Wesley said, “I have so much to do that I must spend several hours in prayer before I am able to do it." A Dying Church That Turned It Around This church had a glorious past, but that was a long time ago. Now it was sick and dying. It was battling over the hiring and firing of preachers. (This is a prevalent consequence of major problems.) The leaders discussed the kind of preacher they wanted. One time they would seek a man who was the teacher/ shepherd type. After he was there about two years they decided that they needed some one who would be more aggressive and evangelistic. They would subtly (sometimes not so subtly) ask the preacher to leave and then hire a real gogetter. After another two years or so they felt that a change was needed again. Now the preacher was too assertive and they believed they needed the shepherd type again. This devastating p a t t e r n went on for over twenty years. I knew these men first hand. They were not fired because of moral issues or because they absconded with the church funds. They were fine men. Imagine what this experience did to them, their wives and the church. The church became bitter and cold. They became known in the community as, “The church that always had p r o b l e m s." An elder walked into the empty church building one night. He remembered the exciting days gone by, days when the church was alive and thriving. But, it was different now. It had been a long time since those days. Now the church was having one struggle after another. Attendance was dwindling down to a few. Sunday morning attendance looked more like a large committee meeting than a worshiping church. They could seat several hundred and there were only fifty or less. The elder went to the pulpit. Silently and in fervent prayer he called out to God. He asked for revival. He asked for God, the Great Causer, to revive His people and for them to seek first His kingdom. After praying a while at the pulpit he went to each class room. He prayed that classes would be filled with students and that the Bible would be taught in all of its fullness. Then he went to the fellowship hall and prayed that it would be filled with people enjoying the warmth of Christians getting together. He went to the kitchen, the nursery and the offices, praying at each place. He went to the baptistery and prayed that it would be used over and over again with many being baptized into Christ. When he told me about this, I told him that I had been doing the same thing. We decided to meet with the preacher and discuss what could be done to motivate others to c r y out to God in prayer. This was the first step toward a revival of prayer. Prayer had been n e g l e c t e d and now it was being revived. The elder and I met with the preacher. We discussed the options. I was asked to teach the adult Sunday school class. We decided 28 to temporarily drop the Standard format and teach prayer for three or four weeks. I ended up teaching prayer for thirteen weeks. We studied the commands of prayer, Old Testament teaching on prayer and prayers of the Old Testament characters, New Testament teaching on prayer and prayers of the New Testament characters. We studied prayer hymns and prayers of modern day evangelists, missionaries, preachers and teachers. We studied the power of prayer, results of prayer and prayer and fasting. Through the weeks the class doubled and enthusiasm grew. I'll get back to the conclusion of this story, but here are the details of what we studied. I'm calling it Curriculum for a three-month emphasis on prayer. It unfolded into this but; actually it developed as we went along. Curriculum For a T h r e e M o n t h Emphasis On Prayer A. Promises 1. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. “Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him?" Matthew 7:7-11 2. “Come near to God and he will come near to you." James 4:8 3. “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." John 16:24 4. “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." James 1:5 5. "Don't w o r r y about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand, His peace will keep your thoughts and hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6,7 (Living Bible) 6. “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16 7. "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14 8. "…As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success." II Chronicles 26:5 9. “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4 10. "C a l l unto me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3 11. "And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Joel 2:32 B. Special Instructions Concerning Prayer 1. " the prayer of the upright is His d e l I g h t Proverbs 15:8 2. “Seek me and live.” “Seek the Lord and live." Amos 5:4, 5, 6 and 14 3. "…pray continually." I Thessalonians 5:17 4. Jesus told His disciples that “they should always pray and not give up." Luke 18:1b 29 C. Kinds Of Prayer 1. Thanksgiving Focus Point 9: There is a rich reward in store for the Christian, who comes to the place in his faith, that he is thankful to God, n o m a t t e r w h a t, for the good things and the bad, for the positive and the negative. To go so far, as to even say thank you before you see His answer, because you know everything is in His hands. 1. 2. " Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what he has done " Ps.105:1 “Always be joyful. Always keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's w i l l for you who belong to Christ Jesus." I Thessalonians 5:16-18 (Living Bible) 2. Praise "Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for men…." Psalm 107:8, 15, 21, 31 Focus Point 10: When your purpose is to praise God, begin your thoughts with, “G o d Y o u a r e . . . . "and then add His attributes one by one. Like, “God, you are the creator of the universe." " God, you are Love." " God, you are the giver of all good and perfect gifts." Focus Point 11: Pray through the Psalms. The 63rd is an example. The Bible is full of scriptures teaching us to praise God and examples of people doing it. No other section is more full of praise than the Psalms. As you read the Psalms, take David's praise and m a k e i t y o u r o w n. Chaplain (LTC) Merlin R. Carothers books, “Prison to Praise” and “Power in Praise” are classics on this subject. I highly recommend them. 30 Focus Point 12: Any study of prayer should include a major section on p r a I s e 3. Inquiry 1. "Go and inquire of the Lord for me." II Kings 22:5b 2. "For the will of God.” II Kings 3:11 (Scripture: "inquired of God " twice and "inquire of God " nineteen times.) 4. For Others "…pray for each other." James 5:16 5. For Wisdom "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask G God od, who gives l i b e r a l l y to all without finding fault." James 1:5a 6. Confessing Sins "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." I John 1:9 7. For Laborers "Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to s e n d out workers into His harvest field." Luke 10:2b 8. Crying Out 1. Jesus did. “During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of His reverent submission." Hebrews 5:7 2. "The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God " Exodus 2:23b 3. "I have heard them crying out " Exodus 3:7 4. "If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry." Exodus 22:23b Focus Point 13: David asked for a record to be kept of his t e a r s when he cried out to God Psalm 56:8 31 Times for Prayer 1. Example of Jesus. "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." Mark 1:35 2. "Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice," Psalm 55:17 3. "Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before." Daniel 6:10b Warnings About Prayer Focus Point 14: If God is left out of the picture, if we don’t include Him in our plans, if we act as though He isn’t important in our lives and we don’t care how He feels, then we will suffer the terrible c o n s e q u e n c e s. 1. Joshua got in trouble because he, “did not inquire of the Lord." Joshua 9:14b 2. "And you have forgotten me, declares the Sovereign Lord." Ezekiel 22:12b 3. “Since you have forgotten me and thrust me behind your back, you must bear the consequences of your lewdness and prostitution." Ezekiel 23:35 4. “The shepherds are senseless and do not inquire of the Lord; so they do not prosper and all their flock is scattered." Jeremiah 10:21 5. "So Saul died for his transgressions which he committed against the Lord even against the Word of the Lord, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to inquire of it; a n d i n q u I r e d no t o f t h e L o r d— I Chronicles 10:13,14a Prayer Requirements 1. Be a Christian. John 15:7 John 9:31 2. Faith, believing. Hebrews 11:6 James 1:5-7 Matthew 21:22 3. In Jesus' name. John 14:14 John 15:16b John 16:23,24 4. Humility. II Chronicles 7:14 5. Repentance. I John 1:9,10 II Chronicles 7:14 6. Boldness, ask specifically. Hebrews 4:14-16 James 4 7. According to His will. I John 5:14,15 8. E x p e c t i n g . Psalm 62:5 Hindrances to Prayer 1. A poor h u s b a n d a n d w I f e relationship. I Peter 3:1-7 2. Doubt or lack of faith. James 1:6,7 3. Indifference. Proverbs 1:24-29 4. Unconfessed sin. Psalm 66:18 5. Holding a grudge, not forgiving. Matthew 5:23,24 6:14,15 6. Disobedience. I John 3:22 32 Old Testament Prayers 1. Abraham, for God's mercy and patience. Genesis 18:23-32 2. Gideon, for God's direction. Judges 6:36-40 3. Samson, for strength. Judges 16:28 4. Daniel, for Jerusalem. Daniel 9:3, 16-19 5. Jonah, to repent and to get out of his mess. Jonah 2:1-9 6. Solomon, for wisdom. I Kings 3:7-14 II Chronicles 1:10-12 New Testament Prayers 1. The church, for Peter Acts 12:5,12-15 2. Example from the Old Testament repeated. James 5:17 3. Paul, about his thorn in the flesh. II Corinthians 12:8,9 4. Cornelius. Acts 10:2 5. The Apostles. Acts 1:24,25 6. Paul. Ephesians 6:18 7. Prayer for the saints. Revelation 8:3 8. The Lord's Prayer. Matthew 6:9-13 Luke 11:2-4 PRAYER AND FASTING Many People in the Bible Fasted 1. Moses fasted on Mount Sinai - Exodus 34:28 2. Hannah fasted when she wanted a son from God - I Samuel 1:7 3. David fasted on several occasions - II Samuel 1:12; 12:22 4. Nation of Israel fasted on the day of atonement - Leviticus 23:27a 5. Jesus fasted in the wilderness - Matthew 4:2 6. John the Baptist taught the disciples to fast - Mark:2:18 Luke 5:33 7. Anna served God in the temple by fasting - Luke 2:37 8. Cornelius fasted - Acts 10:30 9. The Antioch church fasted - Acts 13:3 10. Paul and those on ship abstained from food for fourteen days - Acts 27:33 11. Esther called for a fast - Esther 4:16 12. Jehoshaphat called for a fast - II Chronicles 20:3 13. Ezra called for a fast - Ezra 8:21 Fasting in History 1. The Pilgrims fasted 2. Early settlers fasted. 3. Luther, Calvin and Knox fasted. 4. Jonathan Edwards fasted. 5. Charles Finney called for fasting and prayer for revival. 6. United States founding fathers fasted in times of crisis. Fasting Frequently Linked With Prayer 1. Psalm 35:13 2. Matthew 6:5-18 3. I Corinthians 7:5 33 When to Fast? 1. In time of national crisis. 2. For individual needs. 3. During periods of distress. 4. When facing spiritual decisions. 5. Because the B r I d e g r o o m is coming. Luke 5:35 Kinds of Fasts 1. The typical fast - with liquids, without food. 2. The complete fast - no food or water for a short time only, check with Doctor. 3. The partial fast - like eat only bread - abstain from certain foods - for a specific period of time - abstain from sexual relations - I Corinthians 7:5a Length of Fast 1. One day - sunset one day to sunset the next 2. Three days - Esther 4:16 3. Forty days - Moses, Elijah and Jesus. Dangers of Fasting 1. Physical dangers - proper preparation. One day usually not harmful. 2. It should be connected to prayer. 3. Spiritual hypocrisy. Warning! Do not call a t t e n t I o n to it. 4. Legalism - This is not making an impression on God so He will save you. 5. The emphasis is not abstinence but the sincerity of prayer. 6. Do not equate spirituality with fasting. Like you are a better Christian than those who don't 7. Not forced, but f r e e w i l l. How to Fast 1. Determine the length of your fast. 2. Begin by refraining from solid foods, but drink liquids. 3. Plan to spend long periods of time in prayer. 4. Begin by repenting. 5. Ask for forgiveness. 6. Pray continually for s p e c i f i c r e q u e s t s. Focus Point 15: Conclude your fast with praise and celebration Remember do not b o a s t about your fasting - Matthew 6:16 34 Joel 2:12, 13 "Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God , for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity." Matthew 17:21 "Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." (KJV) Ministry of Prayer Practical Applications to the Church 1. Prayer and fasting. Matthew 17:21 2. Prayer meetings. 3. Telephone prayer chain. 4. Developing a ministry of prayer with a ministry leader. 5. Classes teaching prayer. 6. Sermons on prayer. 7. Prayer team during the service. (Details following.) 8. Fifteen minutes of prayer as part of every meeting. Elder's, Deacon's, Board, Women's, Youth, Choir, etc. 9. Prayer at the time of conflict, a special need or problem. 10. For God's will, direction, wisdom and power. Practical Applications for Individuals 1. Prayer and fasting. 2. Prayer of confession. Heavenly Father I'm stingy, proud, greedy, lazy, scared. I don't pray, read the Bible, or talk to people about Christ. Help me! (Confess specific sins.) 3. Simple, direct, straight forward praying. Like: God , I don't know what to say, I don't understand, what should I do? Show me, help me, lead me, help me make the right decision, Thy will be done, help me with my doubts, my attitude. Help me with my fears, my weaknesses, give me wisdom, opportunities, and fill me with your Holy Spirit. God I have a bad attitude, help me look at life from your point of view. 4. Set a time. Maybe a walk. Get up a little early. 5. Have prayer that is motivated by your Scripture reading. 6. Make a prayer list. Four Categories of Prayer 1. A doration - Worship and praise. 2. C onfession - (Examples already given.) 3. T hanksgiving - For salvation, the Bible, the church, etc. 4. S upplication - Asking for self and others. For loved ones, friends, relatives, the sick, the poor, individual Christians, the lost, the homeless, the hungry, for needs and desires. For problems, help, wisdom, churches, Bible colleges, Elders, Deacons, Preachers, Teachers, all Christians, our nation and missionaries. (The above acrostic is comes from Standard Publishing Company.) This is the heart of the study we had. The church you see there today is a 35 r e v I v e d church. There are decisions every Sunday and most every day. They are averaging near two thousand in attendance. I wish you could hear the testimonies of what Jesus is doing in people's lives. I wish you could hear the singing. I wish you could see the teen-agers soul-winning ministry. I wish you could just see all the babies in the nursery. I don't want to o v e r s i m p l i f y. It took some time. Attitudes started to change within months. Attendance increased within the first year. It started to multiply within three years. There are other factors that make up this death to life story, but I do want to make it clear, this church is what it is today, a dead church brought back to life, because of a R e v I v a l o f P r a y e r. It began when they called out to God . Starting a Revival of Prayer 1. A church that’s been neglecting meaningful prayer should make a specific emphasis. I recommend t h r e e m o n t h s. When the church becomes stronger there should still be special prayer emphasis from time to time. Include prayer in all priorities of the church such as: soul winning, worship, Bible study, praise and stewardship. In this three month emphasis, study prayer, preach prayer, have special prayer times with groups of the church: Like elders, deacons, teachers, women, men and youth. Let's use Sunday School classes as an example of prayer emphasis in groups by having F i f t e e n m i n u t e s of prayer each week. (Fifteen minutes of prayer suggestions included in “Prayer Kit”. Pray by name for each student. Pray for their needs. Include prayers of praise and thanksgiving. (A revival of prayer will make a difference.) You think that fifteen minutes of prayer would be boring? It doesn't have to be. In fact, it can be just the opposite. Or, you might think there isn't enough time to spend fifteen minutes in prayer. The blessings outweigh the delay. Remaining time becomes more productive. Prayer should be a d y n a m i c p a r t of any meeting. Appreciation for prayer grows when you experience the difference and see answered prayers. Spend fifteen minutes of prayer in e v e r y group meeting of the church and you'll soon see a positive change. Focus Point 16: Make prayer s p e c i f i c , not too general. 2. Have twenty-four hours of prayer and fasting. 3. Develop a prayer room in the church building. (Make it available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. If that's not possible make it available as often as you can. Talk about it and encourage it.) 4. A Prayer team. (At least two, in a special place praying during t h e S u n d a y m o r n I n g s e r v I c e. Give them some help. List the things that will be a part of that particular service. Give the Scriptures that will be used, the names of those participating in the service, a copy of the sermon outline and those you hope will make decisions. Also pray about the music, the offering and the communion. 36 Have sound hooked up to that room. Turn the volume down softly and pray along as the service progresses. Rotate this team from Sunday to Sunday. Focus Point 17: No one should miss the worship service c o n s I s t e n t l y for any length of time. The rotation allows others to share in this blessing. Find some one with a burden for prayer and offer them this ministry. Thirteen weeks of prayer emphasis will be a precious time of cultivation. Other priorities must follow b e f o r e the true harvest. But, this time of emphasizing prayer will produce some e a r l y f r u i t. And it's especially sweet because it has been a long time since any spiritual emphasis like this. A long time since the congregation has made a special effort to grow closer to God and call upon Him. You'll begin to see new life. You sense that you are about the business of God . Deeper faith is produced and developed. “Some plant and some water, but G o d g I v e s t h e i n c r e a s e.” I Corinthians 3:6,7 (KJV). The blessings of a "Revival of Prayer!" Focus Point 18: The sweet blessing of including God in on e v e r y t h i n g . Focus Point 19: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in a l l your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5'6 IF GOD SHOULD SPEAK "Our Father, who art in heaven . . . " "Yes?" "You startled me!" "But you called me." "Called you? I was just praying." "Well, here I am, why did you call?" "I didn't mean anything by it. I was, you know, just saying my prayer for the day." 37 "Good, Go right on." "Hallowed be Thy name . . . " "What do you mean by that?" "By what?" "By Hallowed be Thy name." "It means . . . it means . . . I don't know what it means. It's just part of the prayer. What does it mean?" "It means honored, holy, wonderful." "Thank you, Lord. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth at it is in heaven." "Do you really mean that?" "Sure, why not?" "What are you doing about it?' "Doing? Not much, I guess. I just think it would be great if you got control of everything down here like you have up there." "Have I got control of you?" "Well, I go to church 2 or 3 times each week." "That isn't what I asked you. What about those bad habits you have that you know are in direct conflict with my desire for your life? Also, how about your Three T's: Temper, Thoughts and Tongue? You've really got a problem there." "But Lord, I’m just as good as most of the people in the church!" "Excuse me. I thought you were praying for My will to be done. If that is to happen, it will have to start with the ones who are praying for it. Like you, for example." "Oh, all right . . . I guess I do have some hang-ups . . . now that you mention it. You could probably name some others." "Good. Now we're getting somewhere. We'll work together, you and I. Some tremendous victories can truly be won. I'm proud of you." "Look Lord, I need to finish up here. This is taking a lot longer than it usually does. Give us this day our daily bread . . . " "You need to cut out the bread. You're overweight as it is." "Hey, what is this, criticize me day?" "Praying is a dangerous thing. You could wind up changed, you know. That's what I'm trying to get across to you. You called me, and here I am. It's too late to stop now . . . Keep on praying. I'm interested in the next part of the prayer . . . Well, go on." "I'm, afraid." "Afraid? Of what?" "I know what you'll say." "Try me and see." "And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors . . . " "What about?" "See, I knew it! I knew you would bring up! Why, Lord, you know the lies that have been told about me, and they continue until this very day. I have lost friends because of, not to mention what has been done to my reputation. I know it was wrong to swear to get even with, but . . . " "Forgive. Then I will forgive you. Then the hate and sin will be his problem and not yours. You will have settled the matter in your heart and before my throne." "But, Lord, I can't forgive." "Then, I cannot forgive you." "Oh, you’re right. You always are. And more than I want revenge on . . . I want to be right with you. Alright, alright, I forgive. I want to walk the right road in life. I'm tired of 38 always feeling miserable. Now that I think about it, no one can cause me to feel miserable without my permission. But, please help me, Lord, to let my actions do the talking in showing my forgiveness. I am really going to need your help, your grace and your Spirit." "There now! Wonderful! How do you feel?" "Hmm. Well, not bad. Not bad at all. In fact, I feel pretty good! You know, I don't think I'll have to go to bed uptight tonight for the first time in a long time. Maybe I won't be so tired from now on because I'm not getting enough rest." "You're not through with your prayer. Go on." "Oh! Alright. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" "Good! Good! I’ll do that. Just don't put yourself in a place where you can be tempted." "I don't understand." "Sure you do. You have done it a lot of times. You get caught in a bad situation. You get into trouble and then you come running to me, " Lord, help me out of this mess, and I promise you I'll never do it again." You remember some of those bargains you tried to make with me, don’t you?" "Yes, and, good grief, I’m ashamed, Lord, I really am." "Which bargain are you remembering?" "Oh, come on, Lord . . . give me a break! I'm sorry, Lord, I really am." "Go ahead and finish your prayer." "For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever and ever." "Do you know what would bring me Glory? What would really make me happy?" "No, but I'd like to know. I want to please you. I can see what a real mess I've made out of my life. And I can see how great it would really be if I was truly one of your followers." "You just answered My question." "I did?" "Yes. The thing that would really bring me Glory is to have people like you truly love me. And I see that happening between us, now that some of those old sinful attitudes are exposed and out of the way . . . well, there's no telling what we can do together." " Lord, let’s see what we can make of me, OK?" "Yes, let’s just see." "Amen." Author Unknown Printed and distributed by: American Rehabilitation Ministries P.O. Box 1490 . Joplin, MO . 64802 Focus Point 20: "What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry e v e r y t h i n g to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry e v e r y t h i n g to God in prayer!” (Written by Joseph Scriven and C. Crozat Converse 1868.) 39 Focus Point 21: "We have not because we ask not." James 4:2 Bottom Line 2 It Starts With a Revival of Prayer Once you recognize and identify needs, you’ll wonder where to begin. Have a revival of prayer. Start acknowledging Him in a l l o f y o u r w a y s. Make it a point to include Him in on everything before, during and after you do it. Call out to Him. Seek His wisdom and guidance. Start everything you do with prayer, even each item on an agenda. 3 CREATING A VISION HOW TO START A FIRE Fun Song – I’ve Got the Victory Song - Faith Is The Victory 40 Questions Answered In Chapter Three 1. What should I do when no one is interested or willing to help? Answer: Create a vision. 2. What are the four parts of planning and implementation? Answer: Evaluate, set goals, choose methods and delegate follow-through. 3. Is there some way to cause others to catch the vision you have? Answer: Yes, assign books that inspire and then visit dead and alive churches. 4. Is there help to determine if a church is healthy or not? Answer: Yes, the “Evaluation Form." 5. What are "Placards?" - Answer: Sentence Sermons 6. Name books that inspire. Answer: List in Chapter Three. Chapter Three CREATING A VISION Barrier 3: The dying church has lost its vision. Dialogue 2 - Elder’s Meeting - No Vision Elder 1 - What do you think of the preacher's idea of adding another worship service? Elder 2 - I think it would divide the church. Elder 3 - The preacher said we could reach more people. Elder 1 - Where would we get the extra workers? Elder 2 - People wouldn't get to see each other. Elder 3 - We can still get more in the auditorium as it is. Elder 2 - The preacher always has some crazy ideas. Elder 1 - We need to focus in on the people we've got. Elder 3 - Those that are serving now are already overworked. Elder 1 - I recommend keeping things just the way they are! Elder 3 - I agree! Elder 2 - I do too! Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision the people perish:" Definition of Vision The second major problem is a church with no vision. The definition here is, scarcity of Biblical goals and a deficiency of e x c I t e m e n t in attempting to reach those goals. How can we give leaders vision? Attitude about Change An evaluation of your church will show the need for c h a n g e and the need for a new beginning. Most people are not comfortable with change. So if change isn't presented 41 properly you'll have trouble from the start. It must be communicated that this can be a blessing to all. It must be presented with a positive and exciting challenge. It will bring new hope for a productive future and the prospect of needs that will be met. This will be a blessing to their personal life. It's uncomfortable for a while because we are comfortable with things being done the same old way and uncomfortable doing things differently. But, it's worth it. Everything is carefully thought out. We are going forward with a plan and a purpose. Focus Point 22: “Soaking The B e a n s ” (The idea that you present a new idea, a challenge, and talk about it, discuss it and dream about it for a while before you actually do it. WARNING – don’t soak them so long that they rot. A guideline for most things would be a month minimum to two or three months maximum.) There must be a willingness to admit that there is a need for change and improvement. Some think that if it appears you have all the answers and everything is great, this will create an air of optimism and a confidence in leadership. However, a rigid, non-flexible leader that appears to be perfect, acts like he knows it all and anything wrong is someone else's fault will be disliked and resented. His leadership will come to be ignored. You need to a d m I t that there may be some b e t t e r w a y s of doing things and have a humble and flexible spirit. Honesty brings love, respect and admiration. This applies to all leaders, elders and preachers alike. Focus Point 23: Who came up with the idea isn't important. What matters is, what works and what doesn't. Focus Point 24: Give methods a fair opportunity to reach the goal. (Six months to a year.) Then re-evaluate. Try things with the idea that it’s an e x p e r I m e n t. If your personal idea accomplishes the goal and purpose, great! If not, it is not only a waste of time but a hindrance to the work of God. 42 Pessimism to Optimism Focus Point 25: Pessimism is c o n t a g i o u s, a destroyer, a tool of the devil and the opposite of faith. Optimism is also contagious and is an expression of f a i t h. Faith without works is dead. Optimism is faith at w o r k . Optimism will be evident in a person with a vision. Optimism causes you to want to work for God. Pessimism in the church is a sickening thought. It's shown in accusations, accusing each other of failure. We forget that the accuser of the brethren is s a t a n. We're instructed to build each other up, not tear each other down. Elders blame the preacher. The preacher blames the elders. The deacons blame the congregation and the congregation blames the deacons. What a mess! The devil will claim another victory when we spend our time blaming each other instead of doing the work of the Lord. A church that is healthy and growing e I i m I n a t e s blame. Accusing, giving up, quitting, throwing in the towel or voting out the leadership are a part of the pessimistic picture. Focus Point 26: Voting out leadership may be necessary, but only as a last resort. First, every effort must be made to c o r r e c t the problem and b u I l d each other up. I've made some of these mistakes myself. They seemed right at the time. But, “there's a way that seems right to a man that leads to destruction." Why do we wait till all else fails and then call out to God ? Get in the habit of asking for His leadership from the beginning. The ministry of the Vision Team is exciting and optimistic. The establishment of a new h o p e. Vision's Task Vision, like faith, is demonstrated by action. This action is vision's task. 1. Establish Biblical priorities. 4. Set goals. 2. Evaluate to discover needs. 5. Choose methods. 3. Make recommendations. 6. Implement follow-through. Those with a vision see the task, and then enthusiastically do what it takes to accomplish it. Paul was an expert at this. He would evaluate, see the need, then do all that he could to solve the problem, motivating others to do the same. Getting Started 43 Don't be afraid to prayerfully a p p o I n t a small ministry. Titus appointed elders. Not over four couples. (We used three couples the first time.) Too many, on this kind of an assignment, slows down productivity. Choose those that are most optimistic, however, this experience could bring new life to o n e with a strong lack of vision or faith. The team should have the attitude, “We can do all things through Christ ", “With God all things are possible." Elders and deacons can be represented on the team. Choose people who will be r e s p e c t e d when they make their presentation and recommendations later on. Stability is established with at least one elder. We appoint a “Vision Team” as part of the CES Seminar. Initial reports should come to the preacher after training is completed and the data is gathered, then the final report to all the leaders. The Purpose Made Clear The purpose is to create an exciting vision and bring new life to the church. This team will establish important goals and a delight about reaching them. They must see the Biblical priorities. Then read four books, research 4 churches 2 that are weak and 2 churches that are strong. Then evaluate your church. They will have a first hand experience, witnessing causes of death and life. After the research is completed, the “Vision Team” sets goals and recommends methods. Books Motivate Good Christian books motivate, excite and equip. They help create a vision. Many a leader feels that he is the only one with a vision in the whole church. Sometimes it's true. Here's a way to share your vision and it works. Books to Consider: 1. How to Have A Soul Winning Church by Gene Edwards. 2. Body Life by Ray Stedman. 3. Seed Faith by Oral Roberts. 4. Move Ahead With Possibility Thinking by Robert Schuller. 5. Your Church Has Real Possibilities by Robert Schuller. 6. Church Aflame by Jerry Falwell. 7. What You Say Is What You Get by Don Gossett. 8. Largest Sunday Schools by Elmer Towns. 9. Ten Of Today's Most Innovative Churches by Elmer Towns. 10. Leading Your Church to Growth by C Peter Wagner. 11. Strategies for Church Growth by C Peter Wagner. 12. The Frog In The Kettle by George Barna 13. Prison To Praise by Chaplain (LTC) Merlin R. Carothers. 14. Power In Praise by Chaplain (LTC) Merlin R. Carothers. 15. Publicize Your Church by Thomas R. Edwards. 16. Hind's Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard. 17. Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor. 18. If Only He Knew by Gary Smalley. 19. D. L. Moody by Faith Coxe Bailey. 20. Dare To Discipline by Dr James Dobson. 21. Your Pastor and You by Richard W DeHaan. 22. Triumphant Missionary Ministry In The Local Church by Norman Lewis. 23. Training For Service - A Survey Of The Bible by Orrin Root. 24. Dealing with the Devil 44 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. God's Chosen Fast by Arthur Wallis Sit, Walk, Stand by Watchman Nee. Competent To Counsel by Jay E. Adams Fresh Wind Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala Partners In Prayer by John Maxwell The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren (Those underlined recommended first.) Picking and Assigning the Books Assigning motivating books with a c c o u n t a b i l i t y is very important. Let me explain what I mean by a c c o u n t a b i l i t y The books are provided at the end of the seminar. Usually it is four weeks until the “Revival of Prayer” begins, then thirteen weeks until it ends. This allows around four months for the “Vision Team” to read all four books and then visit the four churches. After each book is read the book should be turned back in with a simple, one page, over-view. Do this from book to book. Assignment one begins as soon as possible, so set a reasonable date to get back the first report and continue accordingly. Ask the readers to put their name and date on the inside back cover of each book. This gives a record and helps motivate. It forms a history of those that have read the book. It is good if you have enough copies so that each person on the “Vision Team” can be reading the same book at the same time. But one set can be passed around. When the books are turned in, have a brief meeting after church. Discuss the i m p a c t of the book and hand out the new book assignment once again with a reasonable time limit. This causes a consistent accountability. If you have a church paper you could write about the current subject each week, or send out a letter informing the church folk of the “Vision Teams” progress. Let them know and become excited about what the "Vision is doing. Some of the books have doctrinal issues that need to be pointed out. Point these out before and after the reading. This is an opportunity to teach what is scriptural, un-scriptural or anti-scriptural. Don't lose the value of the motivating teaching because of doctrinal issues. By the way, if you haven't read the books yourself, by all means read them before you assign them. Visiting Churches What's next? After the books are completed, prepare the team for visiting churches. Preparation is important. Carefully and prayerfully select f o u r d i f f e r e n t c h u r c h e s: two very much alive and healthy churches and two unhealthy churches. An example of an evaluation packet is at the end of this chapter. Enough copies are provided at the seminar for this project. Enough for each couple on the “Vision team” to have their own copy. Prepare the team for any possible doctrinal differences. It's O.K. if all four churches are from “your people", but don't eliminate the learning potential from churches that are not. Remember, we can learn from churches of other denominations. This is another time for equipping the Saints. Make sure they are clear about the purpose: - - This research will reveal, from real life situations, what to do and what not to do. The research will be used to lead your church in growth. 45 LAUNCHING THE “VISION TEAM” Emphasize Prayer Remind them of the emphasis on p r a y e r and w h y it's so important. Have a fifteen minute time of prayer at each meeting. Seek God's direction in every detail. 1. Give the four books out week by week. (Collect 1 page reports after each week.} 2. After the books have been completed. You have selected the four churches to be visited. Meet with the "Vision Team" to prepare for their four visits. Choose a convenient time each week to discuss the previous visit and assign the next one. Possibly Monday night. 3. Hand out copies of the Evaluation Forms and familiarize them. 4. Assign the first church to visit and be evaluated. 5. Set time for meeting next Monday to share results and give the next assignment. They will be looking for what's right and what isn't. Husbands and wives make a good team. All members of the "Vision Team" go together to the same church the same Sunday. If people at the church you visit, wonder why you are there, kindly tell them where you're from and that you are visiting churches to learn ways to help your church grow. Continue this procedure until all four churches have been visited. Evaluating Your Church After the four churches have been visited and evaluated. Now the fifth week is set aside to evaluate your church. Use the same “Evaluation Form" This experience, reading four motivating books, visiting four churches and evaluating your church, will provide some valid goals and methods. It will create a vision for this team and they become positive evaluators. When conclusions are reached, recommendations should be made. Remember, after this evaluation comes setting goals, choosing methods and delegating follow-through. This is an interesting and enjoyable experience and a meaningful part of bringing new life. Placards – Sentence Sermons There are many projects that the vision team could work on after these initial assignments. Because of their experience they will be good at almost any research and recommendation task. One assignment could be to develop "Placards." Key phrases, Scripture, job descriptions and other motivational material (Neatly framed.) and placed on the walls. (Examples are provided throughout this book.) Get On Board Churches that begin to have revival, that are converted from death to life, are like a train that slowly begins to move after having been stopped for some time. It picks up speed as it moves toward its destination. After being silent and still for so long, some will want to get off or refuse to get on board. But the train can't remain still and silent or it will never reach its destination. 46 Focus Point 27: Precede change with prayer, thoughtfulness, communication, caution, care, love and instruction. Focus Point 28: Those that are bent on stopping all change and refusing to be a part should not be allowed to sidetrack the body of Christ. Suggestion: Find a ministry for them so they can feel a part of all this. Plug them in to a ministry where they can use their Spiritual Gift. When a church is small and struggling you can't afford to lose anyone. However, sad to say, in most struggling churches where there is new life, new methods and change, it seems i n e v I t a b l e. that a few leave to find a church where they are more comfortable. Make every effort to love and care for these people. Explanation, prayer, careful communication and becoming a part of an enjoyable ministry often help. BUT, sometimes it doesn't and after being so careful, they still leave. *Some leave and come back later. Reviewing the Steps that help create A Vision 1. Pray. Ask God to lead in who should be appointed. 2. Appoint a team. 3. Assign books. 4. Meet regularly to review and assign new book. 5. Meeting (After books have been read.) 6. Send them out to evaluate churches. 7. Meet each week to review each church and assign a different church. 8. Evaluate your church. Turn in report and recommendations. 9. Assign the "Placards” project. 10. A representative of the "Vision Team” could give a report at your first "Annual Planning Meeting." (Annual Planning Meeting details in Chapter Eleven.) 11. When these three projects are completed and as momentum builds, give this team assignments to investigate the possibility of new ministries. The "Vision Team" can be on the cutting edge of church growth. Each individual; on the team fills out an evaluation form. The whole team goes to the same church the same Sunday. Pray before you go. Ask God to use this for His glory. After you leave the church and before you bring in the results, rate each answer on a one to ten scale and then total, the higher number, the more favorable the response. 47 Bottom Line 3 Creating a Vision Church growth does not have to be one person or two struggling a l o n e against all odds. Here's a method that will develop a team of enthusiastic leaders. Remember, “Where there is no vision the people perish." The “Vision Team” helps create a vision that brings excitement to the whole church. Placards – Sentence Sermons These are m o t I v a t I o n a l phrases. They can be placed in a prominent place like a training room, where you have meetings, a Sunday School class room or a hallway. They motivate for training new members, teachers, elders, etc. Perhaps the place where the “Vision Team" meets. Place job descriptions, guidelines, Scriptures and inspiring sayings on the walls. Nicely printed and framed. They serve as “Silent Sermons." or “Sentence Sermons.” A reminder to those who know them well and a teaching tool for those who don't. They remind of key issues and help in staying on target. They aid in training leaders and equipping the saints. Here's a list to get started. You can add some good ones of your own. 1. "Priorities of the Church” (At the end of Chapter six on "Leaders.") 2. "All Things Building Up" I Corinthians 14:26 3. "All Things Decently And In Order" I Corinthians 14:40 4. "In All Things Love" I Corinthians 16:14 5. " God Deserves First Class" 6. " God Didn’t Make No Junk” copied (Poster available.) 7. "Set Things Up For Success" 8. "Use Me or Lose Me" 9. "Plan Your Work - Work Your Plan" 10. "It starts with a revival of prayer." 11. "Preacher's Job Description" (Copy at the end of Chapter Seven.) 12. "Elder's Job Description" (Copy at the end of Chapter Eight.) 13. "Deacon's Job Description" (Copy at the end of Chapter Nine.) 14. "Teacher's Job Description" (Copy at the end of Chapter Ten.) 15. "Acknowledge Him In All Of Your Ways And He Will Direct Your Paths" Proverbs 3:6 16. "Planning Procedure” (Copy at the end of this chapter.) 17. "Problems Are Opportunities." 18. "Always Be Joyful" I Thessalonians 5:16 19. "Pray Without Ceasing” I Thessalonians 5:17 20. "In Everything Give Thanks” I Thessalonians 5:18 21. "Where God Guides, He Provides" 22. "Plan Success for the Low Times" 23. "Take Time to Show Appreciation" 24. "What You Say Is What You Get" 25. "When God Shuts One Door He Opens Another" 48 26. "Don't Deny, Identify" 27. "The Family Doesn't Grow If There Are No New Babies" "Silent Sermons" or “Sentence Sermons” like these are in books and on shelves where they're not seen to encourage and motivate. Placards will cause them to be noticed and referred to. The directory of "Charts and Forms" in the front of this book is another good source. 4 REDISCOVERING THE BIBLE Fun Song – Cheer Up Ye Saints of God Song - Wonderful Words of Life 49 The Master Weaver anonymous My life is but a weaving, Between my Lord and me; I may not choose the colors; He knows what they should be; For He can view the pattern, Upon the upper side, While I can see it only, On this, the under side. Sometimes He weaveth sorrow, which seemeth strange to me; But I will trust His judgment, And work on faithfully. 'Tis He who fills the shuttle, He knows just what is best, So I shall weave in earnest, and leave with Him the rest. Not till the loom is silent, and the shuttles cease to fly; Shall God unroll the canvas, and explain the reasons why... The dark threads are as needful, in the weaver's skillful hand; As the threads of gold and silver, in the pattern He has planned. Questions Answered In Chapter Four 1. What do you do when everyone has their own idea of how to run the church? Answer: Return to the authority of the Scriptures. 2. How can you discover your congregation's Bible reading habits? Answer: "Bible Reading Questionnaire." 3. How can you discover the most urgent truths that need to be taught? Answer: "General Bible Quiz." 4. What are the seven things Josiah did to restore the authority of Scripture? Answer: List on page 92. 5. What should you do if the Bible is boring and you hate to read it? Answer: Confess it and cry out to God for help. 50 Introduction We’ve looked at a stagnate church where God had been left out. However, prayer is priority number one, learning to include Him in on everything. The next thing is to create a vision. Leaders will see the need for change and get excited about returning to God's priorities. The foundation of all t r u t h is the Scriptures. Research shows that there is a serious lack of Bible knowledge in churches today. The authority of God's Word must be accepted, respected and implemented. Chapter Four REDISCOVERING THE BIBLE Barrier 4: Lack of knowledge of Scripture. Dialogue 3 - Elder’s Meeting - Constitution and By-laws Elder 1 - We need to prepare for selecting elders. Elder 2 - The constitution and by-laws says we should always have five elders and we only have three. Elder 3 - I think Mr. New Christian would make a good elder. He’s here every Sunday. Elder 1 - What does the Scripture say about a new Christian being an elder? Elder 2 - The constitution and by-laws says they must be a member a year. Elder 3 - Last month Mr. New Christian finished his first year. Elder 1 - Is he able to do the job of an elder? Elder 2 - The constitution and by-laws says he should serve at the communion table and be present at the elder's meetings. Elder 3 - Mr. New Christian can do that! Elder 1 - Doesn’t the Bible say . . . . . Elder 2 - The constitution and by-laws says . . . . . Hosea 4:6a “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” Hebrews 13:7a (Living Bible) "Remember your leaders who have taught you the Word of God ." Prayer is priority number one in a stagnate church, because a non-growing church needs to be reminded of the reality of the Heavenly Father. This church needs to call upon Him and include Him in on everything and to come to Him in humble repentance and seek His direction in every detail. Then a vision is needed. Discover what God wants, to know you can do it and finding ways to get it done. U r g e n c y demands recognition of the authority and directives of the Bible. Lack of Bible Knowledge Problems raise their ugly heads because l e a d e r s don't know the Bible. It's a major problem that causes an abundance of consequences. Christians aren't able to apply God's principles to their lives because they don't know what they are, and then the Holy Spirit 51 is hindered because of lack of Bible knowledge. Satan gets victory because the church doesn't know the Bible. The church has the responsibility and privilege to pass the love of the Scriptures on from g e n e r a t I o n to g e n e r a t I o n . The restoration fathers had a great knowledge of the Bible. But, t h a t d o e s n ‘ t h e l p t o d a y Focus on reading, studying, teaching and preaching the Bible. At this point the prayer should be, “Father we need love and respect for your Word!" Lesson from Hilkiah Hilkiah rediscovered the Scripture. This Old Testament history is a challenge today. It's recorded twice. II Kings 22:8 through 23:25 and II Chronicles 34:15 through 35:27. They were concerned about paying the bills. (Kind of like priority number one in too many churches today.) While looking for something of value in the old temple treasury Hilkiah discovered a copy of the book of law. Shaphan brought it to King Josiah and read it to him. King Josiah could hardly believe it. The warnings caused the fear of God to come upon him. He i m m e d I a t e l y sought God to find out what He wanted him to do. Josiah said, “the wrath of God is kindled against us, because our fathers have not hearkened unto the words of this book. God said He would bring evil against this place, even as His Word had warned, because “y o u h a v e f o r s a k e n m e.” Josiah had a repentant spirit when he found the truth of God . So God promised to show him mercy. When the king received mercy, he went about making all the proper corrections according to Scripture. First he gathered the l e a d e r s and congregation together and read the entire book to them. Then he made a promise before all the people. "We will perform the words of God with all our heart." He put his promise into action. He destroyed the idolatrous priests. He tore down the idols and took a stand against sin. He followed God's instructions. "There was not a king before him that turned to the Lord with all his heart, with all of his soul and with all of his might. Neither after him arose any like him." Seven Lessons from Josiah This applies directly to the problem of a lack of Bible knowledge. We could follow this Scriptural example step by step. 1. R e d I s c o v e r the Word of God . 2. Realize the consequences of not accepting God's authority. 3. Seek God's guidance with a repentant spirit. 4. The leaders and the congregation should read it through. 5. Then heed its warnings and claim its promises. 6. Get back to God's priorities. 7. Put this knowledge into action. What the Bible Is 1. The only source of divine truth. 2. God's Holy Word. 3. It tells us where we came from. 4. It tells us why we are here. 5. It tells us where we are going. 6. It shows how to be saved. 7. It shows the plan for Christ's church. 8. It gives a description of Heaven. 52 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. It gives a description of Hell. It alerts us to Jesus’ second coming. It gives the signs of the end times. It acquaints us with the Father. It acquaints us with the Son. It acquaints us with the Holy Spirit. It informs us about the angels. It reveals the tools to accomplish God's task. It describes the work of the ministry. It presents the message to be preached. It reveals God's priorities. It describes the work of the elders. It describes the work of the deacons. It describes God's task for women. It describes God's task for men. It gives instruction for children. It explains what marriage should be. It gives the blueprint for the family and the home. It gives instruction on how to raise children. It teaches the importance of forgiveness. It teaches and demonstrates what love really is. It gives warnings to be heeded. It gives commands to be obeyed. It gives promises to be received. It gives instructions to be followed. It gives principles to be applied. It gives prophecies to be fulfilled. It's the final authority on earth. It's the most important book in the world, there is no other like it. It's God's revelation to His creation. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more that could be said about the u n i q e n e s s of the Bible. But this is enough to show why it's the most important book in the world. And that's why the Restoration Fathers said, “Where the Scriptures speak we speak, and where the Scriptures are silent we are silent." In time past, Christians in warm friendly discussion would seriously state, “please show me chapter and verse." Because if it was in the Bible, that was the f i n a l a u t h o r i t y If it wasn't in the Bible, one man's opinion was as good as another's. Consequences of No Bible Knowledge 1. Biblical job descriptions are confused or forsaken. Like the job of preacher, elder and deacon. 2. Doctrine is muddled and distorted. 3. Christians don't know why they believe what they do. There is confusion between Biblical fact, tradition, preference, expedience, constitution and by-laws or just simply the opinion of those currently in leadership. 4. God's priorities are confused. Christians don't know them. 53 5. Christians don't know what God says about: homosexuality, abortion, lesbianism, sex, marriage, discipline of children, women's lib, why baptism is emphasized or teaching concerning the Lord's Supper.. 6. The worst and most dangerous consequence of all is when Christians lose respect for the a u t h o r i t y of Scripture. From Generation To Generation There’s a danger to second and third generation Christians. First generation Christians usually study the Word for themselves and develop a deep personal faith. Second generation Christians tend to be involved because their folks are so enthusiastic about it. Third generation Christians often drop out as soon as they are on their own. They lack that need, love and respect for the Bible. So they seldom, if ever, read it. What if one generation f a i l s to pass on the love for the Bible? Stop and think about it for a minute. Responsibility to Know the Bible Dr. Henry Brandt, noted Bible scholar, lecturer and successful business man, said, “I expect a lawyer to know the law, a plumber to know plumbing, a doctor to know medicine, an electrician to know electricity and an airline pilot to know how to fly an airplane. Is the expectation for a preacher to know psychology, philosophy, politics and sociology? No! We have a right to expect a preacher to know the Bible." This expectation and responsibility applies to every Christian as well, but especially to the leaders of the church. Christians need to be in the life long process of ever learning more of the Word of God. I Peter 3:5 states that we should be able to give an a n s w e r for our faith. (See Chapter Eight - Elders) To be able to give an answer for our faith, we must know the Bible. A Closer Look at Consequences The Holy Spirit Is Limited If we don't know the Scriptures we limit the Holy Spirit. He teaches us through the Word. If we don't know the Word, how will He be able to bring it to our mind for daily application? satan Gets Victory Ephesians 4:14 - warns not to be tossed about with every wind of doctrine. satan is the author of confusion. Sincere belief in something that is not true is, none the less, false doctrine. satan is the father of lies. The Church Suffers If we don't know Scripture, the church suffers. The church is healthy when it knows and practices the truth of the Bible. When there is a lack of Bible knowledge, it leads to spiritual death. Without the Bible the church is just another o r g a n i z a t i o n. Our Children Suffer If we don't know the Scripture our children suffer. The Bible is the heart of our relationship with God. We have the sweet privilege of passing on these truths to them. When 54 this is done, they come to love the Word as we do and their faith becomes strong. If we don't know it, how can we pass it on? Our children lose. How Do You Restore Bible Knowledge? How can the Bible have the respect and reverence it deserves? How can we come to hunger and thirst after righteousness? How can we develop a love and passion for the Bible? Pray For God's Help Those that influenced my life for the Lord motivated me well. I knew that the Bible was the divine and Holy Word of God. I knew that the Bible was essential to grow as a Christian and was the source of knowing God and His will. But I hated to read it. It seemed boring to me. It seemed dry and lifeless. It was a task for me to read it every time I tried. I would force myself to do it because I knew it was the right thing to do. I not only felt this way as a Christian but also as a preacher and teacher of the Word. I felt insecure and inadequate in my Bible knowledge. On more than one occasion I was embarrassed because of this lack. But, now I have such a love for the Word. It comes alive to me every time I read it. I want to read it every chance I get. I read it over and over and can't seem to get enough of it. I learn new truths and principles almost every time I study. What changed? Before I dreaded it and now it's a pleasant part of my everyday life. What made the difference? I recognized I had a bad attitude about it and brought the problem to God in prayer. I told Him how I felt. That I knew these feelings were wrong. I confessed my sin of not studying to show myself approved. I repented of my lack of time spent in the Word. I asked God to help me to have a love and desire for the Bible. I asked Him to make it meaningful to me. It didn't happen like a flash of lightning. I just found myself reading it more and enjoying it. This is a personal example of what I've been saying about prayer. Talking to God about your lack and needs, about your sins and desires. Telling it to God like it is, h o n e s t a n d s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d .Share all of your life with Him. He answered my prayer and my faith was strengthened. He'll do the same for you. The Bible promises, “When we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He directs our paths." Preaching People need to know why the Bible is so important. Preaching is one way of letting them know. Some times it's not that we are neglecting important subjects like this in our preaching. It's just that we pass by them too quickly. One sermon a year on the importance of Scripture is not enough. There are so many important topics for the preacher to preach on that it's easy to by-pass this one. The importance of Scripture should be emphasized whether we are preaching the milk or the meat of the Word. It should be touched on as we present any topic and instead of preaching just one sermon a year on the importance of the Bible, how about four? Do a series of four sermons in a row. A good sermon series, properly prepared and advertised, is a powerful tool. Help the Children There are several very good approaches to teaching the Bible to our kids. Two are used the most. One is to handle things as they come up. When a subject comes up, turn to the Bible for the teaching and application. The other is making a list from the Bible of the most 55 important things you believe children need to know. Then proceed to teach them one by one. Both of these methods are good and should be a part of their over-all Bible training. But, there is an approach that's even more important than these two. Teaching them the i m p o r t a n c e of the Bible itself. Help the kids to establish their own Bible reading time. Help them develop a l o v e for the Scriptures. Pray about it and ask for God's help. If our children have a respect and love for the Bible, if they read it every day, if they are Christians, the H o l y S p i r i t will do His teaching work. Answer any questions and point out the appropriate teaching as the opportunity arises, but there will be times when we can't be there. There will be situations that we have not covered. But, the Holy Spirit will make the application at the right time. Teaching our children to love the Bible is the m o s t I m p o r t a n t thing that we can do for them other than leading them to accept Jesus as their Savior and have a personal relationship with Him. Focus Point 29: Be sure your children see you studying and e n j o y I n g the Bible. This applies to the church as well. If the congregation has a love for the Word of God and reads it, then the Holy Spirit will make the proper application at the right time. Teaching Prepare lessons with much prayer. Emphasize the importance of the Bible regularly and a series annually. Here are topics to consider: 1. The importance of reading the Bible. 2. How to study the Bible. 3. Why the Bible deserves our reverence. 4. The Bible and the Holy Spirit. 5. The power of the Word. 6. How did we get the Bible? 7. How to find what you need, when you need it. 8. Bible Survey. Through The Bible in One Year There are inexpensive plans for reading through the Bible in a year. They can be purchased at your local Bible book store or make up your own. You can even get them free by writing the American Bible Society or the Gideon’s. Place them in your Sunday bulletin at the end or the beginning of the year along with a sermon on “The Importance of the Bible!" Make these Bible reading plans available all year around and put one in the new member packet. Daily Reading at the Church At one church we met every morning for an hour. (From seven to eight A.M.) We had coffee, tea or hot chocolate and met around a banquet table. We began in Genesis and took turns reading a page or two out loud. We didn't allow any commentary; the purpose was simply to read the Scriptures. I participated in this for three years. We read through the Bible about three times a year and it was a sweet blessing to everyone involved. 56 This would be a good ministry for any church. The time of day could vary. It could be for women, men, youth, senior citizens or anyone interested. The preacher could invite anyone who wanted to come to share in his Bible reading time each morning. Through The Bible in A Week? I've had this idea for a long time, though I quickly admit I've never tried it or heard of it done. I hope to some day. I also admit that it seems overwhelming and next to impossible. But before you pass it up, consider how it could be done. 1. Set aside a winter week at the church camp grounds. (Assuming that your camp is winterized for year around use.) 2. The cost would be a fee per person that would cover the camp rental, food, Bibles, guest music etc. 3. Start on Sunday afternoon and conclude the following Saturday afternoon. 4. The mathematics of accomplishing this goal is possible. (Total the time from audio tapes of the Bible.) 5. Have area preachers take turns reading out loud while others follow in their Bibles and listen. A short break after each hour of reading. 6. Furnish each person a Bible paid for by the registration fee. This way everyone would be reading from the same version on the same page. 7. Have the Scripture text on a large screen. 8. Have displays from area Bible book stores, Christian publishing houses, American Bible Society and the Gideon’s. Bibles and Bible study helps available for purchase. 9. At breaks, during meals and evenings feature special Christian music. 10. Advertising and promotion would be very important. Get several area churches involved. A unique opportunity. A blessing of a life time. 11. Award a certificate of completion. There are other ways to motivate Christians to read and study the Bible. The introduction to this seminar included a quiz that reveals needs to be met by Bible teaching and preaching and also a questionnaire. We recommend using these for the entire congregation. The Bible is the f i n a l a u t h o r i t y. If Christians don't know the Bible the Holy Spirit is limited, satan has victory, and God's work is hindered. Only with the knowledge of Scripture will we know God's priorities and follow the pattern He has set. However knowing is not enough. We are instructed not only to be hearers of the Word but doers of the work as well. Bottom Line 4 Rediscovering the Bible Focus Point 30: The more methods you use to reach a goal the greater probability of reaching it. 57 5 WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GOOD NEWS? GOD’S HEART OUR HANDS Fun Song – I’m on the Rock Song - Jesus Saves Story - Boy Made Boat Questions Answered In Chapter Five 1. If there were only one priority, what should it be? Answer: Soul winning. 2. What are three essentials in helping Christians to become soul winners? Answer: Teaching doctrine, methods and role modeling. 3. What are twelve methods that work? Answer: Detailed in this chapter. 4. How has satan so cleverly deceived us concerning the Good News? Answer: He has put forth the lie that a person cannot know that he is saved. 5. What is the primary emphasis in the plan of salvation?" Answer: Jesus saves! 6. What must one do to be saved? Answer: Detailed in this chapter. Introduction When considering problems in the church, none is more serious than abandoning God's number one priority. When the church forsakes God's priorities, is it still the c h u r c h? Chapter Five WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GOOD NEWS? 58 Barrier 5 Church sidetracked from number one priority. Dialogue 4 - Elder’s Meeting - Wrong Priorities Elder 1 - Do you guys want to start an evangelism program? Elder 2 - We’ve got to get the finances in order, before we do anything. Elder 3 - I know you’re right. We've got to put our efforts into getting that roof repaired. Elder 4 - I can't add anymore time to my schedule. I'm doing all I can now. I don't have time for any evangelism program. Elder 2 - The preacher can handle the evangelism. I'll bring some ideas to the next meeting to help with the finances. Elder 3 - I’ll talk to Joe Fixit about what it will take to get the roof fixed. Elder 4 - I’ll tell the preacher to announce our financial needs and ask for volunteers for the roof. Elder 1 - You guys really know how to get the job done! Romans 10:14b “. . . how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?" Why Priorities Are Different If a church is healthy, the priority is one thing. If it's not healthy, the priority is something else. This may seem confusing at first. Let me explain what I mean. A healthy church should have soul winning as its number one priority. But, in this book, I have listed soul winning as priority number four. Remember, the purpose of this book is to bring life to a struggling church. My conviction is that the unhealthy church must first recognize its condition, have a revival of prayer, create a vision, re-discover the Bible and then get back to priority number one, soul winning. In Matthew 23:15 Jesus continues His reprimand to the Pharisees. He said, “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.” There is an old saying that is appropriate. "If you keep doin what cher doin, y o u k e e p g e t t i n w h a t c h a g o t ." Life begets life. Death begets death. When the church gets turned around in the right direction, then it's ready to bring in new people. It doesn't have to take a long time. Three months of prayer, a month or so of evaluation and a month of Bible emphasis. In a little over five months the church should be ready. (This concept of priorities is my opinion, based on my understanding of God’s priorities of in Scripture.) What Is The Good News? Let's be blunt. All human beings are doomed to eternity in hell if they don't have Jesus as their Savior. With Jesus, sins are forgiven and we spend eternity with God in heaven. This is Good News! The death, burial and resurrection message is Good News to the whole world. "For God so loved the world." God put the responsibility, of bringing this message to the world, in the hands of the church and every Christian. This is priority number one because of its e t e r n a l c o n s e q u e n c e s. It's Good News for Christians to g i v e and Good news for the world to r e c e i v e . 59 What Happened to the Good News? Struggling churches don't have this Good News message as their first priority. In those churches the preachers rarely preach about it and believers aren't telling their relatives, friends and neighbors. What happened to the Good news? The task is p o s t p o n e d, n e g l e c t e d and n o t t a k e n s e r i o u s l y . Then it isn't Good News! When that happens it's bad news! It's a major problem in the unhealthy church. Focus Point 31: The family doesn't grow if there are no new b a b i e s. It Must Be Done It's not an o p i n i o n or an o p t i o n . When we re-discover the Scriptures, like Hilkiah of old, we see God's priority and why. Evangelism must be re-studied, taught and preached. We must be about our Father's business. We must be role models and take others with us to see how it's done. New converts need to be started right; equipping them from the beginning to be soul winners. They'll begin with a zeal for the lost that can last a lifetime. We should teach the doctrine from the Bible, show the selection of methods available and rolemodel, providing motivation and encouragement. It must be done. Presentation of the Good News A simple presentation of the Good News is needed. A good tract is terrific. You, the Christian and the pre-Christian can each have a copy. They follow along in their copy as you lead and you can leave a copy with them. Tract or not, your presentation should include these basics: The Good News begins with a problem and ends with a solution. The problem: sin has separated all mankind from the love of God. The solution: results in being accepted by God and His mercy through Jesus. There's a sequence of events that must take place to bring an individual to this wonderful conclusion. First, you must r e a l i z e you are lost. Lost means that we have broken God's laws (sin) and are separated from Him because of it. God is Holy and can not look at sin. He has a penalty for every one in that condition. That penalty is called Hell (Or the second death, according to the book of Revelation.) "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23. “For the wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23 Second, God loves you, He loves His creation. "He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." II Peter 3:9 Sin is the only thing that separates us from our Creator. That is why God sent His Son. "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” John 3:17 Jesus said, "No one comes to the Father except through me.. John 14:6. The only way we could be saved from our sin, (Come back to God and become a Christian.) was for God to send His Son to die on the cross. It was there that Jesus paid the price for our sins 60 Third, you must believe this is true; believing the facts of the Bible. It's called faith. Jesus said to Thomas, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29 That’s us! “For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever b e l i e v e s in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 Next it's necessary to repent. "In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent." Acts 17:30 Repentance is simply changing direction, turning around. We were headed in the wrong direction without God and without Christ, living as we pleased. Then we repent. We see God's plan. Accept Christ as our Savior and turn our lives in His direction. It includes being sorry for the sin in our lives and telling God we are sorry. That's very personal, between you and the Lord. The obedience part of repentance is making the effort, with God's help, to stop sinning. He gives us help with this after we become a Christian. Here is a sample prayer of repentance. Heavenly Father, I recognize that I'm a sinner. I've disobeyed you. I'm sorry. I'm turning my life over to you. With your help I want to turn from disobedience to obedience. Then in a personal prayer confess your sins in detail to Him, naming them. If this is sincere, this is repentance. Next is confession. " For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved (Romans 10:9,10 – emphasis mine) You make a simple, straight forward, public statement that you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that you accept Him as your personal Savior. Some have confused this "confession” with confessing sins. But a study of Scripture shows it is not that at all. It is confessing that we believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God. Next, the Bible instruction to the new believer is to be baptized. This is done by a Christian. It is being gently taken completely under the water and quickly back up again. It's a picture of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. We are buried in water to rise to a new life. The Scripture says, “…be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Acts 2:38 The last part of God's plan is living the Christian life. This includes the church, worship, fellowship, learning, growing and serving. The Bible says, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." II Peter 3:18 It includes reading the Bible, praying and learning to be like Jesus. It's done little by little, step by step and day by day through out your entire life. God gives us all kinds of help and promises. He says, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33 Simple Review That was a presentation of the Good News. It can be studied from Scripture with much more detail. Here is a simple review: 1. Realize that you are a sinner. 2. Know that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. 3. Believe and have faith, trusting in Jesus. 61 4. 5. 6. 7. Repent. Confess publicly that you believe Jesus is the Son of God. Be baptized. Live the Christian life. God's plan includes being part of a Bible believing, Bible preaching and teaching church. There the new Christian learns, grows in maturity, is fed spiritually and has the opportunity for fellowship and Christian service. Correct Emphasis Regarding Salvation Salvation Titles and Requirements There are several different terms that are synonymous with salvation. Some of them are: made righteous, saved, justified, sanctified, forgiven or become a Christian. Following is a list of twenty-three different things in the New Testament that are linked with becoming a Christian. This list is not intended to give every instance, but more than enough to make the point. There's much confusion in the Christian world regarding the order and importance of these things. The question is asked, “Which one or ones actually s a v e us? Or, which one is most i m p o r t a n t? My emphasis here is, where should the focus be? They are listed in alphabetical order. 1. 2. Baptism A. Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” B. Mark 16:16 "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved" C. Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." D. Acts 22:16 "And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on His name." E. Romans 6:4 "Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” F. I Corinthians 12:13 "For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body,” G. Galatians 3:27 "For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body …” H. I Peter 3:21 “…this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God . It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ …" Believing A. Mark 16:16 “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved" B. Luke 8:12 “…so that they may not believe and be saved." C. John 3:15, 16 “…that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." D. Acts 10:43 "All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through His name." 62 E. F. G. H. I. Acts 16:31 “They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved— you and your household." Romans 3:22 “This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe." I Corinthians 1:21 “God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.” II Thessalonians 2:13 “And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God , which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God , which is at work in you who believe:" Hebrews 10:39 “…but of those who believe and are saved." 3. Blood A. Matthew 26:28 "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." B. Romans 5:9 "Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him." C. Ephesians 1:7 “In him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,;" D. Colossians 1:14 "in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins:" E. Hebrews 9:22 “In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." F. Hebrews 10:19 "Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus…” 4. Calling A. Acts 2:21 “And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." B. Romans 10:13 "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." 5. Church A. Acts 2:47 “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” 6. Confessing A. Romans 10:9 "That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." B. I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 7. Endureth To The End A. Matthew 10:22 “… he who stands firm to the end will be saved." B. Matthew 24:13 “…but he who stands firm to the end will be saved." 8. Faith A. B. C. Luke 7:50 “- - Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Luke 18:42 “…your faith has healed you." Acts 15:9 “he made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith.." 63 D. E. F. G. H. I. J. 9. Romans 3:25 " God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in His blood." Romans 3:28 "For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law." Romans 5:1 "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith:" Galatians 3:26 "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus." Ephesians 2:8 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast;" Philippians 3:9 “…but that which is through faith in Christ —the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith;" Acts 15:9 “He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith." Gospel A. Romans 1:16 "for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth;" B. I Corinthians 15:1, 2 "Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain." C. Ephesians 1:13 “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation:" 10. Grace A. Acts 15:11 “…We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are…” B. Romans 3:24 " And are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus::" C. Ephesians 2:5 " —it is by grace you have been saved;" D. Ephesians 2:8 " By grace are you saved, through faith;" E. II Timothy 1:9 " Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace," F. Titus 2:11 "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.” G. Titus 3:7 "That being justified by His grace," 11. Hearing A. Acts 28:28 "Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it." 12. Hope A. Romans 8:24 “For in this hope we were saved…” 13. Mercy A. Luke 1:77,78 "to give His people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God , by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven ," B. Titus 3:5 "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according His mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost." 64 14. Name A. B. C. Acts 4:12 "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 10:43 “To him give all the prophets witness, that through His name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins." Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved " 15. Obedience A. Hebrews 5:9 "eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;" 16. Paul A. B. I Corinthians 9:22 " - - - that I might by all means save some " I Corinthians 10:33 "Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved." 17. Prayer A. James 5:15 " And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up, and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him 18. Preaching A. I Corinthians 1:18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish, foolishness; but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God." B. I Corinthians 1:21 “- - - it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe." 19. Repentance A. Luke 24:47 "That repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." B. Acts 2:38 "Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” C. Acts 3:19 "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, D. II Corinthians 7:10 “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret…" 20. Water A. John 4:14 “…but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” B. I Peter 3:20 “…souls saved by water." 21. Word A. B. Acts 13:26 “Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God , to you is the word of this salvation sent." I Timothy 4:16 "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee." 65 C. D. II Timothy 3:15 "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." James 1:21 “- - - the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls." 22. Words/Things Said A. John 5:34 "But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say that ye might be saved." B. Acts 11:14 "And shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved." 23. Works A. Acts 2:40 "And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, save yourselves from this untoward generation." B. Philippians 2:12 “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." C. I Timothy 4:16 "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee." D. James 5:20 "Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." 24. God A. B. C. D. Luke 3:6 "And all flesh shall see the salvation of God." II Thessalonians 2:13 " God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation - - " I Timothy 2:3 " - - - God our Savior;" I Timothy 4:10 "because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, specially of those that believe." 25. Jesus A. Matthew 1:21 "She shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS: for he shall save His people from their sins." B. Matthew 18:11 “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost." C. Luke 19:10 "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." D. John 3:17 "For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world: but that the world through him might be saved." E. John 6:35, 37 "Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never thirst." 37. "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." F. John 10:9 "I am the door: by me if any man enters in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture." G. John 11:51,52 "And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad." H. John 12:32 "I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." I. Romans 5:10 "For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." J. Romans 7:24,25 "O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord." 66 K. L. M. N. Galatians 1:4 "Who gave himself for our sins," I Timothy 1:15 "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners:" II Timothy 1:9 "Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose, and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began." Hebrews 7:25 "Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” Clear Source of Salvation Everything listed is from New Testament Scripture. Some denomination emphasizes one or another. It's so easy to get sidetracked. If one Christian group neglects one truth, then another feels compelled to emphasize it. But w h e r e should the real emphasis be? The point is one of focus or priority. It is so obvious, yet subtly diverted. G o d s a v e s u s and most directly, J E S U S saves! You think. Of course! But, ask Christians when they were saved and by the way they answer, will reveal correct or incorrect emphasis. A correct answer will point to God or J e s u s . An incorrect answer will point to one or more on the list of twenty-three. Those are the things that Christ uses to bring us unto himself. If any one of the things on that list would have made us right with God, Jesus would have never had to die on the cross. When we talk about salvation, either our own or leading some one to Christ, the emphasis must be on J e s u s. What He did and making Him our Savior and Lord. The glory belongs to J e s u s. "Glory to the lamb that was slain and is risen and stands on the right hand of God!" EMPHASIZING JESUS WHEN SHARING GOD’S PLAN OF SALVATION 1. BELIEVING - Shows Jesus that you accept Him and His Word. 2. REPENTANCE - Shows Jesus we are sorry for our sins. 3. CONFESSION - Shows Jesus that we are not ashamed of Him. 4. BAPTISM - Shows Jesus that we are ready to be obedient to Him. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IF YOU ONLY LOOK AT THE SCRIPTURE ON: BELIEVING - You will come to the conclusion that believing alone saves. REPENTANCE - You will come to the conclusion that repentance alone saves. CONFESSION - You will come to the conclusion that confessions alone saves. BAPTISM - You will come to the conclusion that baptism alone saves. My friend, JESUS SAVES! Assurance The Question and the W r o n g Answers If you died tonight, would you go to Heaven? I hope so. I think I might. I'm not sure. I can't know until then. I doubt it, I’m not good enough. I think so because: I go to church, I read my Bible, I pray, I try to live a good life, I try to be good to people, I give lots of money, I put in a lot of time at the church or I'm better than most people. It's a fair question. After all, the end result of Christianity is where we spend eternity. Yet, so many Christians give these wrong answers. They don't realize that this is something that we can k n o w. The 67 B i b l e says that we can k n o w. In fact it isn't an isolated text with a questionable application. It's repeated over and over again. God wants us to know. Look for this in each of these verses: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:36 “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him." John 5:24 " I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." John 10:27-30 Jesus gives eternal life to followers. John 11:25, 26 “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” Acts 10:43 "All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through His name.” Romans 5:1-5 " . . . justified by faith . . . we have peace with God . . . through Jesus . . . access by faith . . . grace wherein we stand . . . rejoice in the hope of the glory of God." Romans 5:10 "For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life!" Romans 8:32-34 "He that spared not His own son . . . freely gives us all things." I Corinthians 1:30 "He is made unto us wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption." II Corinthians 5:21 "we are made the righteousness of God in him." Ephesians 2:8 "by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God lest any man should boast." I Thessalonians 4:10-17 " . . . died in Christ . . . ever be with the Lord." II Timothy 1:8-10 " . . . hath saved us . . . not according to our works . . . according to His own purpose and grace." Hebrews 6:10-12 " . . . the full assurance of hope." I John 3:1-3 "behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." I John 5:13 "these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God , that ye may k n o w that ye have e t e r n a l l i f e .” Satan will do everything he can to hinder our progress. You can imagine the impact when Christians are convinced they cannot know if they are saved or not. What a blessing to know that you are saved, because of what J e s u s has done. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood In the Old Testament those who had obediently put the blood on their doorway escaped death by the mercy of God. They knew that if the blood was there, they were saved. God promised and God always keeps His promises! This was true of the Jews preparing to leave Egypt. This is true of all Christians, preparing to leave this world. When we have accepted Jesus and His blood we are saved. It's unfortunate that thousands of Christians are robbed of this, “blessed assurance." This assurance is part of the “Good News." Knowing this causes us to give more p r a i s e. It causes us to o b e y and to s h o w o u r 68 l o v e . It makes us e x c i t e d to share God's message to the world. "A Savior which is Christ the Lord" Methods It's wonderful that there are so many methods or ways to share the "Good News." It's easier than ever to find one that's right for you. Here are several to choose from. Each one has been used successfully. Putting some one in charge of each method will make an evangelism ministry. A person that feels comfortable with a method, is capable and willing, would be the right one to he encourage others to join him. (Check Chapter Seven “Leaders” under Enlisting.) Calling Night A two and a half hour evangelism ministry one night a week (We recommend seven to nine-thirty P.M.) 1. Have an orientation with training. Role plays showing the right and wrong ways to present Christ. 2. Use a simple plan of how to present the Gospel. 3. It's important to be ready. A. Prepare prospect cards with name, address and phone number. B. A map of how to get there on the back of each card. C. A little information about the people you will be visiting. D. Make appointments, so you are expected and time is not wasted. (No one should ever say, “Anybody have any idea where we should go?) 4. Just make one call per team. 5. Start on time. Have fifteen minutes of prayer and motivation. 6. Pass out assignments. 7. Go out by two's. 8. Be friendly and warm with a caring attitude. Show some enthusiasm about the things of God. 9. Tell good things about your church, preacher, people and music. 10. Remember the purpose for this kind of call is to lead them to Jesus! Most of the time, Christians make calls like this and never get around to presenting the Good News. Tell it, give your testimony and give them an opportunity to make a decision. The Holy Spirit will do the rest. Focus Point 32: satan loves it when we make visits and never talk about J e s u s . 11. Leave a brochure, last Sunday’s bulletin and a copy of the Gospel of John. 12. Return to the church building an hour and fifteen minutes after you left. It's important to come back. Here's why: A. It's encouraging to share experiences. 69 B. C. D. E. It's a motivation to keep the volunteers coming. (There are usually some disheartening calls. It's encouraging to hear that some of the experiences are exciting.) Remind callers that it's a privilege to share the Good News and not our responsibility to convict people of their sins. (The Holy Spirit handles that.) If the message is rejected, they’re not rejecting us, they’re rejecting Christ. Have a short time of praise and a snack. You want a spirit of looking forward to coming back next week. It's satisfying to know you are doing something that is so important to both God and people. End with a prayer of praise. Praise God for Good News and the workers. Chick Tracts Chick is a company that prints soul winning comic book type tracts. They are very readable and effective. A couple of package programs are available. One is of samples and the other is called “Operation Somebody Cares." To order write: Chick Publications P.O. Box 662 Chino, California 91708-0662 Or telephone (909) 987-0771 Administrative offices: 8780 Archibald, Cucamonga, California Send $5.00 for sample assortment and price list. Here's how this program works. 1. Always prepare with much prayer. 2. Select a geographical area. Maybe (50) homes. 3. Get names and addresses for these homes. (There are sources available with a little digging.) 4. Send an introduction letter to each home. (Chick provides a sample letter.) In the letter you let them know that you are a church that cares about people. Share some good things about your church and explain the program. That you will be sending or leaving them a little booklet each week for four weeks. On the fifth week some one from the church will come by for a short visit and answer any questions. If possible, promise to bring them a free gift on that last visit. (The "One Year Bible” Living Bible paraphrase in paperback.) This expense is more productive than many church projects and well worth the effort. In fact this is a ministry itself. 5. List the addresses conveniently and in order. 6. Assign lists to the prepared and trained callers. 7. Weekly for four weeks either mail or personally deliver a Chick tract to each home. 8. On the last week make the personal visit. Tell about your church, be friendly and caring, leave a brochure and a Sunday bulletin and make a simple presentation of the Good News. 9. After the five weeks, invite all fifty homes to a special program at the church. The Choir A church of two hundred became a church of two thousand. If you ask those that were there at the beginning how this happened, they would mention several things. But, one thing would be mentioned for certain. The choir. In those early days the choir put evangelism as 70 priority number one. They realized the importance of every Christian having a part in leading the lost to Christ and they decided that one place to make this emphasis was in the choir. They believed that if they put Jesus first in this way, it would show in their music and singing. Before practice they talked of their experiences that week. They brought new found friends to choir practice. There were baptisms week after week, a t c h o i r p r a c t i c e . Dozens were visiting the church and becoming Christians, because of the choir. I wish you could have heard them sing about Jesus. The message was vibrant and the smiles were sincere and warm. They expressed the sincere joy of the Christian life. Here’s an outline of that kind of ministry: 1. Talk about evangelism and soul winning in the choir devotion each week. 2. Pray, by name, for the choir members lost friends, relatives and neighbors. 3. Choose a simple and direct tract presentation of the Good News. 4. Have a monthly soul winning time of about two hours. Meet at the church, make a call or two, and then meet back at the church to report and fellowship. They sang exciting music for Christians and for the lost that were visiting. Happy faces with “people music” that touched hearts with a stirring message. Focus Point 33: Being soul winning conscious, on a weekly basis, has a tremendous impact. Evangelism Explosion This soul winning method was developed by Dr. James Kennedy of the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Obtain the complete program at your Bible book store. The program includes a motivational film called, “Like a Mighty Army." It not only gives the history, but shows the program being used. There's also a text book, called “Evangelism Explosion", that would be an asset to your soul winning library. A week of training is available at the Coral Ridge church each year. This is how this program works: 1. Sunday morning visitors are the prospects. The visitor’s card is used to make appointments for Monday evening visits. 2. They go in teams of three. One trainer and two trainees 3. The team works together for three months. 4. Each of the three then takes on two new trainees. 5. This is done one night per week for approximately two hours. 6. One hour is training and study and a one hour visit. 7. An excellent outline is used. It leads to a meaningful conclusion and is done in a warm and acceptable manner. 8. Two important questions are asked during the visit. The callers know how to proceed by the way that the questions are answered. One question is, “Have you come to the place in your spiritual life, where you know for certain that if you died tonight you would go to heaven?" The other is, “If you died tonight and stood before God and He said, ‘Why should I let you into my heaven’, what would you say?" These questions get right to the point. 9. After the visit they come back to the church to report. 71 10. The skeleton outline is memorized and yet gives room for the personal touch. 11. To start the program one person needs to be trained. By writing Coral Ridge you'll discover training sessions that are available in your area. 12. This program gradually trains a large segment of the congregation to be soul winners. Film Strips This is available through the non-instrument Church of Christ. It’s a series of film strips with sound—a Bible survey course that ends with a presentation of the Good News. 1. Start with an orientation that shows how the program works. 2. You'll need a set of films, a tape player, film projector and small screen. 3. Have a sign out sheet for the equipment and materials. 4. Be sure those using this program preview it before it's shown. 5. Motivate and encourage all workers. Recognition and appreciation are important. 6. Friends, relatives and neighbors are the prospects. People interested in a better knowledge of the Bible and how it all fits together. (Mini survey course) 7. Invite the prospect to your home one night a week for five weeks. Prepare a snack and look forward to a good time of fellowship. (Or go to their home.) 8. The last film strip fits in with the Bible survey and gives the prospect a no pressure opportunity to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. Group Evangelism The choir was an example. This method applies to men's groups, women’s groups, youth groups, elders, deacons and senior citizen and most any group of the church. Once per month will work for most groups. 1. Pray for wisdom, courage, love and each individual soul winner and prospect by name. 2. Being made conscious of the need is a good beginning. 3. Have an orientation. Teach the appropriate Scriptures, do’s and don'ts and role playing. Orientation and training will take about half an hour each week. 4. Hand out prepared assignments. Appointments should be made in advance. 5. Go out by twos making about a one hour visit. 6. Use a simple tract or outline to introducing them to Christ. 7. Prepare simple, direct maps on the back of the prospect cards. 8. It is important to meet back at the church for a time of fellowship and sharing. Have some coffee and dessert—maybe, fruit and cheese in this day and age. This time is important because of the fellowship and opportunity to end on a positive note. The encouragement makes people want to come back. It's great knowing they are doing what God asked them to do and giving Him pleasure. Operation Andrew This method was motivated by Scripture. It's based on the account of Andrew bringing his brother, Peter, to the Lord. It has been used by the Billy Graham organization to invite people to crusades. There are many variations, but the original can be purchased at your local Bible book store. A card with ten blank spaces is handed out to volunteers. They invite ten people to a special meeting. Their names are written in on one of the blank spaces. This is fine and has some success in assuring a good attendance for a special program. In no way am I putting down inviting people to a church related activity. That is an important ministry. 72 But, let’s not be c o n f u s e d about the difference between i n v I t i n g s o m e on e t o a m e e t i n g and i n v i t I n g s o m e o n e t o a c c e p t J e s u s a s L o r d a n d S a v i o r. Operation Andrew is used in another way as an evangelistic method. A list of ten is great for inviting to a special service, but it's too many for soul winning assignments. In fact one name at a time is much better. 1. Enlist a few people to be in the “Operation Andrew” ministry. (Check under enlisting in Chapter Seven “Leaders”) 2. Have an orientation meeting. Explain that each Sunday morning you will give them a name. Some time during that week they are to make an appointment and meet with the prospect to present the Good News. They make an appointment that is convenient for themselves and the prospect 3. The following Sunday collect the cards and give them a new one. 4. These Christian workers need help and encouragement: A. A simple and direct presentation of the Gospel. B. The basic does and don'ts. C. Helpful information about the prospect. D. Their telephone number. E. Good directions to the prospects home. (It's even better for the soul winner to invite the prospect over to their home to have refreshments and make the presentation.) Sunday school / Bible School / Small Group For years the Sunday school was the most successful evangelism program of the church. Pre-Christians came and visited, learned the why and how of becoming a Christian and responded. This can happen with an “as it may” attitude, but it's more productive when it's planned. 1. Have a goal for each class. (Try to lead one person to Christ each month.) 2. Challenge, motivate and encourage soul winning at each monthly Teacher's Meeting. (Hint about having Teacher's Meetings!) 3. Briefly meet with the teachers each Sunday morning before class. Have a short time of prayer for the lesson and the individual prospects by name. 4. At a special Teacher's Meeting show and tell how to use the class to win souls. The Survey Gene Edwards wrote the inspiring book “How to Have a Soul Winning Church." The book contains an excellent method of presenting Jesus to every home in your community once a year. Elmer Townes book “Ten of Today's Most Innovative Churches” gives an example of a church doing this. Both of these books can be purchased at your Bible Book Store and would be an asset to your soul winning library. Mr. Edwards’s book tells you where it has been done and how to do it. He did it in communities where they said it couldn't be done. Here's how this method works: 1. Pick a geographical area to survey. 2. Choose a simple and direct presentation of the Gospel. 3. Train callers and put them in teams of two. Good orientation is vital. 4. A set time every day. 73 5. Prepare a good identification name tag for the callers to wear. 6. Prepare a "Community Church Census." news release for your local paper. 7. A survey form to open the conversation and get information. There is one in Mr. Edward's book. Campus Crusade International has one in their book "Lay Institute for Evangelism” and my version is at the end of this chapter. 8. You'll have opportunities to introduce people to Christ at the door and you'll develop prospects to go back to later. 9. Leave a brochure and a bulletin. 10. Keep good records. 11. Statistics of denominational affiliation can be shared with area churches. Bus Ministry The bus ministry is a proven and productive evangelistic method. You can target neighborhoods, trailer parks, military bases, or college campuses for this ministry. People get involved that would be reached in no other way. 1. Bring in an expert to present this ministry to your people. 2. Once you're convinced that this is a ministry for you, purchase a good bus. 3. Have training for drivers and captains. 4. A motivational breakfast every Saturday morning for the bus ministry team. 5. After breakfast the teams go out and visit their routes until noon. This alone provides many opportunities to present the Good News. 6. Every Sunday morning pick up the riders before Sunday School and deliver them back home after worship. 7. A good Children's Church ministry is needed. Children come that have never been in church before and they come without their parents. They need special attention and training. The whole congregation gets excited as this ministry develops and as buses and routes are added. Life Style Evangelism - (One of my favorite methods.) The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19, 20 begins with, "Go into all the world." The original language brings out a thought that we miss. It teaches “As you go” instead of just go. Sharing the Good News with those with whom we come in contact “as we go” through our daily lives. If this were practiced, no other method would be necessary. This is the way Jesus himself touched lives. Ask God to help you to be that kind of a Christian. Willingness, your testimony and a simple presentation of the Gospel is all that are needed. Joseph C. Aldrich has written two great books on this subject—"Life-Style Evangelism” and “Gentle Persuasion." Copies can be obtained through your Bible Book store. Meeting Needs - (Another favorite method) Meeting needs is not usually considered a method of leading people to Jesus. It's sad that often, meeting needs is not considered a ministry at all. Notice that J e s u s usually met a need and then dealt with relationships to God. Meeting needs is an essential part of the Christian life and God is our example. Needs are an opportunity to demonstrate our love. We do this to show that we care and it provides an opportunity to present the Good News. It’s a non-threatening atmosphere where people are more willing to listen. Consider these needs: 1. Senior citizens, widows, widowers and retired. 2. The sick. 74 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Divorced. Those with financial difficulties Single parents. Strangers and visitors The homeless. Ethnic groups. Helping parents raise their kids. Helping with moral problems. Drug and alcohol problems. Community needs. The poor. The working mother. Those without jobs. The hungry. Those that have made mistakes and need another chance. The newly married. The first time parent with the new baby. New in the community and don't know anyone. Pray that God will help you be aware of needs. Discover ways to meet them. Start by letting people know you care and then do everything possible to help. Don't worry about the p o s s I b I l I t y of being taken a d v a n t a g e of, just do all that you can. A non-judgmental attitude opens many doors of opportunity to present the Good News. Developing Relationships Here is an idea of what I mean. One church I know buys tickets to a popular sports event. The church pays for the tickets (what can be afforded and used) Individual Christians are invited to take two tickets. (One for themselves and one for a non-Christian friend or acquaintance) The purpose is to develop a relationship to the level where it is comfortable to present the “good News.” This was used for like 12 men at that church. It could be used for other groups, youth women etc. and varied events, concerts, stage plays etc. There are many more methods of leading the lost to Christ. Even as I write I think of the great program of Campus Crusade for Christ, Arrowhead Springs, California and their Lay Institute for Evangelism. Check your Bible book store for this one as well. I remember being a part of a street ministry in Tacoma, Washington for three years with Christians going to the “bad part of town” every Friday night. Many were introduced to Jesus and some even became a part of the local church. Jay E. Adams in his book “Competent to Counsel” suggests “Problem-oriented Evangelism."—The opportunity to lead people to Christ in the counseling setting. I look at the ministry of funerals and weddings as an opportunity to introduce people to Jesus. This is not every method there is of sharing the Good News, but it shows that there are numerous ways to do it. The method is optional. The task is absolute! If it were possible I would incorporate all of these methods into your evangelistic ministry. Focus Point 34: The more methods, the better chance of reaching the maximum number of people. 75 One method does not fit every Christian. With many methods available, individuals are more likely to find one that fits them. May it never be said at your church, What happened to the Good News? Bottom Line 5 What Happened to the Good News? No one comes to the Father but by J e s u s. The church must realize the e t e r n a l c o n s e q u e n c e s of this and take the Good News to their world. There are many methods available. "The family doesn't grow if there are no new babies." Home 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Not Home Community Religious Census Not Interested Interest Level: _____ (1-10, 10=high) Name: ________________________ Address:_______________________ Telephone: ____________________ Area: _________________________ Date: _________________________ Interviewer: ____________________ How long have you lived here?: __________________ Religious Preference: Catholic Baptist Lutheran Methodist J.W. Pentecostal Presbyterian Mormon Charismatic Other ________________ Attend church regularly?: Yes No How often? Weekly Twice a month Monthly 4 times a year How many in your family? ________ If you died tonight and stood before God and He said, “Why should I let you in to my heaven?” what would you say? _________________________________________ Have you come to the place in your spiritual life where you know for certain that if you died tonight you would go to heaven? Yes No 76 6 LEADERS EFFECTIVE LEADERS Fun Song – God Is My Father Song - Sound The Battle Cry Story - Entertainment Committee 77 Always Be Joyful 1 Thessalonians 5:16 __________________________________________________ What You Say Is What You Get 78 Questions Answered In Chapter Six 1. What is the most important thing we can do to help the leaders? Answer: Equip them for their particular task. 2. What is the first thing that must be done before equipping begins? Answer: Prepare and provide job descriptions. 3. Where do we get the basis for these job descriptions? Answer: From the Bible. 4. Is there a key to moral? Answer: Yes, a team spirit. 5. What is a major destroyer of the leader’s productivity? Answer: A poor attitude. 6. Is there a key to help stay on target? Answer: Yes, focus in on a goal. 7. What Old Testament king started from a negative situation and his leadership led to success? Answer: Hezekiah 8. Is there help for the difficult task of enlisting? Answer: Yes, the right way and the wrong way. 9. What are ten attributes of a good leader? Answer: (Details in this chapter.) 10. Are there forms available as guidelines for the leader’s task? Answer: Yes, provided in this chapter and throughout the book. Introduction A major problem in dying churches is a lack of good leaders. It's usually not the leaders fault. It's because they've not been equipped or trained. Some times they are not aware of the priorities. Often they have no vision. This entire book is to them, but this chapter gives some specific insights and tips. Chapter Six LEADERS Barrier 6: Leaders not equipped to do their work. Dialogue 5 - Elder’s Meeting - Boring Routine Elder 1 - Old business? Elder 2 - Nothing, let’s go to new business. Elder 3 - Not much, same old stuff. Who'll have the communion meditation this month? Elder 2 - I will. Elder 1 - O.K. What else? Elder 3 - Guess the shut-in report is next. Elder 1 - Just Edith and Hazel. Elder 2 - I’ll take communion to them this month, since I'll be having the devotion. Elder 1 - O.K. That takes care of that. Elder 3 - Can we hurry this thing along? I've got to get going here soon. Elder 1 - Not much else. That's about all I've got. Elder 2 - I can't think of anything else. 79 Elder 3 - Then let’s call it a night. Elder 1 - I don't think we need a meeting next month, do we? “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things." Mark 6:34 Leaders Not Equipped A major problem in a dying church is leadership. As the leaders go, the church goes. I advise y o u n g p r e a c h e r s to develop their relationship with the church elders as the number one priority as they begin a new ministry. Many leaders don't know how to go about their task. They don't know the priorities and lack ability and skills. In most cases, it’s not their fault; they have not been properly trained and equipped. Jesus trained and equipped the apostles for three years. He did it on a day to day basis. Paul had a good education plus a special period of time with the Lord, before His great ministry. I can't help but note how there’s an emphasis on preacher training and the contrasting l a c k of equipping of the local leaders. The potential leader can learn by working side by side with the experienced leader. Some one has well said that the preacher should never go anywhere alone. He should always take a man with him, not only for fellowship, but to train and equip. This on the job training covers areas that are learned from experience. However, many skills can be studied and learned. Following are some basics and helpful tips. First of All Christians First of all a church leader must be a Christian. It seems obvious, but sometimes we miss the point that a leader should be doing the b a s I c s of the Christian life before he is assigned a particular leadership task. The basics include being an active member of the church, a tither, having a daily Bible reading and prayer life and seeking to become more like the Lord. For instance the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19, 20 applies to all Christians. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Jesus said to us all, “seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…" Matthew 6:33 Being a practicing Christian precedes the special, a b o v e a n d b e y o n d, responsibilities of a leader. Check the Blueprints The New Testament is the blueprint for the church. Prepare yourself for a shock. Study the priorities, organization and administration of the church in the B I b l e. Then compare this with your church. We must return to God's design. Our age of technical advancement provides new applications and techniques. Remember we are free to change methods, not doctrine. Leaders must be familiar with the B I b l e to implement God's priorities and do things His way. Lack of Team Spirit There’s often a struggle over which job is the most important or “who's the boss”. It’s similar to our social struggle between men and women. Which one is the most important? In the Bible, God shows a different point of view. We look at the pyramid of a corporate 80 structure. From the president or chairmen of the board down to the janitor, God looks at us in a different way. More like a t e a m. Each is e q u a l l y important in his own s p e c i f i c area—different job descriptions, yes, but all of equal value. This includes the men and the women, along with the deacon, the preacher, the elder, the average church member and the teacher. Jesus gave an eye opening perspective when he said, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40b The Bible teaches that God is no respecter of persons Acts 10:34 and he who would be greatest, must be servant of all. Matthew 23:11 Perhaps the best directive of all, on this subject, is the illustration that Christ is the head and we are the body. Every part of the body is important. One part must not say to another part, “I have no need of you." 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. By looking at the church leader from God's point of view, we eliminate jealousies, power struggles and deviation from God's task. We see that our i n d i v i d u a l i t y can be molded into a powerful team to accomplish God's purpose. Leaders m u s t acquire a team spirit. Attitude We need the attitude of Jesus. "When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things." Mark 6:34 Some of the hymns and choruses say it well. 1. "I am determined; I've made up my mind. I'll serve the Lord. I've left this world and its pleasures behind. I'll serve the Lord. I'll follow wherever He leads me. I'll pasture wherever He feeds me. I am determined; I’ve made up my mind. I'll serve the Lord. 2. "Oh Jesus I have promised, to serve thee to the end." 3. "Take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord to thee." 4. "Rise up oh men of God. Have done with lesser things." 5. "Who is on the Lord's side, who will serve the King?" 6. "Give of your best to the Master." 7. "There is joy in serving Jesus.' A d e d i c a t i o n to Jesus and His kingdom. An attitude of love and compassion for people. A w i l l i n g c o m m i t m e n t to His task. With a spirit of j o y and p l e a s u r e in doing the things of God. A Goal A goal is needed. The New Testament church had goals. We can call them priorities, tasks, directives or commands, but they knew what they were to do. The restoration preachers had a goal: restore the church as it was in the New Testament. If there is no goal, then we can be busy about many things and still not accomplish God's purpose. If we don't have a target it’s difficult to measure success. How do we know if we’re getting the job done or not if we don't know what the job is? In fact without a goal we create the e n v I r o n m e n t for failure. Paul said, “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I p r e s s o n t o w a r d the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.." Philippians 3:13.14 81 We Need a Commitment to Bible-Centered Specifics: 1. Help Christians mature. Teach them, equip them, model for them and give them opportunities to serve. 2. Personal Christian service. 3. Become prayer warriors. 4. Become soul winners. 5. Live the victorious Christian life. Be over-comers. 6. Have victory over sin, temptation and satan. 7. Demonstrate the joy of serving Jesus. 8. Be led by the Holy Spirit. 9. Walk by faith and not by sight. 10. Completely trust God . 11. Live the separated life. 12. Feed the new convert. (One of our greatest opportunities) 13. Help the young marrieds. 14. Help the children, the youth, the young adult, the mature Christian and the senior citizens. 15. Help the divorced. 16. Bring back the backslidden. Strong leaders carrying out our God -given, Bible directed job descriptions. This is not a time to b l a m e, f i n d f a u l t , b e d i s c o u r a g e d or c r y o v e r s p i l t m i l k . This is a time for f o r g e t t i n g t h e p a s t a n d p r e s s i n g t o w a r d t h e m a r k. Lessons from Hezekiah Hezekiah was one of the rare “good kings” of the Old Testament. He faced a seemingly hopeless situation. Under the direction of God, he brought new life to a dead situation. The account begins with the doors of the temple being n a i l e d s h u t and ends with the temple thriving and the people rejoicing and praising God. Leaders used of God made the difference. There are some great lessons here for us, lessons from the days of the temple that apply to the c h u r c h. II Chronicles 28:22-31:21 The text begins by noting that king Ahaz led the people in trespassing against the Lord. This resulted in shutting the doors of the house of God. When we leave the p r I o r I t I e s o f G o d , it results in a d y I n g c h u r c h and eventually the closing of the doors. Then came a new king, Hezekiah. New life to a dying church either requires new leaders or, preferably, repentance of the present leaders. We find both in this account. Hezekiah did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. They opened the doors of the house of the Lord and repaired them. Hezekiah rose early. It is not a time for slothfulness. The priests made reconciliation and atonement for all Israel. Leaders were getting right with God. They sacrificed and sang unto the Lord. The entire congregation worshiped. They brought sacrifices and thank offerings. So the service of the house of the Lord was set in order. God prepared the people and the thing was done suddenly. There is an urgency and haste about the business of God. Hezekiah wrote letters to all the people, to come unto the house of the Lord. First the leaders and then the people were brought back to God . The time for celebration followed. When people turn to God, He turns to them. 82 ( A p r o m i s e f o r t h e n a n d n o w.) They were instructed to serve the Lord to turn away His wrath. (This is an example of the importance of service and the use of our spiritual gifts today.) Through this attention to service there came about a new unity. The leaders humbled themselves before the people. They were ashamed of what they had allowed to happen. Hezekiah p r a y e d that they might be forgiven. G o d a n s w e r e d h i s p r a y e r. The leaders praised and sang unto the Lord day after day. Hezekiah spake encouragement and taught the good knowledge of the Lord. There is a place for exhortation and rebuke, but equally important is e n c o u r a g e m e n t. They took counsel with gladness and were happy to learn how to improve their service to God. There was great joy. There had been nothing like it for two hundred and fifty years. Their voice was heard even unto heaven. When all was finished they broke down the idols and destroyed them. The time and place for attacking sin. Hezekiah appointed men to their service. Since the people began to bring their offerings into the house of the Lord, they had enough and plenty left over. For the Lord had blessed His people. Result II Chronicles 31:20, 21 “This is what Hezekiah did throughout Judah, doing what was good and right and faithful before the Lord his God. In everything that he undertook in the service of God’s temple and in obedience to the law and the command, he sought his God. and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered.” 32:8 “…’But with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.’ And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the King of Judah said.” Nine Lessons from Hezekiah 1. Let the church be the church or shut the doors. 2. The need for aggressive leaders. 3. The importance of doing things God's way. 4. Put the building in first class condition. 5. Prepare the leaders. 6. The priorities of prayer, sacrifice, worship, praise, consecration, setting things in order, acting quickly, repentance, service, unity, humility, encouragement, solid teaching, the separated life, attacking sin and appointing ministries. 7. The example of letter writing. 8. The great need to depend upon God. 9. Expect miracles and enjoy the victory. Yes, when Ahaz was king, things looked hopeless. The temple was dead with the doors shut. Hezekiah and the r e v i v e d l e a d e r s brought new life, with the h e l p o f G o d. A great Biblical example that gives us hope, when all seems hopeless. Implementation of this Bible example will help “Raise the Dead." Enlisting Enlisting and delegating are both important functions of a good leader. 83 Focus Point 35: Enlisting is recruiting new people to help with the work of the Lord. Focus Point 36: Delegating is not only appointing others to share with the work, but giving them training, authority and encouragement to accomplish their task. Enlisting is often a problem for leaders, because it can be difficult to get others to help. More workers are always needed. Help is needed with Vacation Bible School, to teach Sunday School, to sing in the choir, for visitation, to serve communion and take the offering, to help with a pot-luck dinner, to work with the youth, to help with the building and many other areas. Leaders need to enlist and people need to serve and use their spiritual gifts. Have You Heard of Spiritual Burn Out? Focus Point 37: Spiritual burn out is the term applied to those that get overloaded with church responsibilities, discouraged they finally just drop out. It's sad when this happens. Good people drop out and don't come back. Many speak of how they u s e d to serve so diligently in the church. In the study of spiritual gifts it’s discovered that when individuals are matched with tasks they are gifted for, it all but eliminates spiritual burn out. Rather than a burdensome job that has to be done, the task becomes a joy. It is so satisfying when a leader finds an i n a c t I v e Christian and matches them with an area of service they enjoy. The Wrong Way to Enlist What’s the usual method of trying to get workers? It is usually a plea from the pulpit or an announcement that workers are seriously needed. These methods are n o t v e r y p r o d u c t i v e and h a v e l i t t l e o r n o r e s p o n s e . Then leaders are discouraged and feel that nobody cares. Just as bad is the use of the Sunday b u l l e t I n or the church n e w s l e t t e r or even a special letter. The problem with these approaches is the lack of the personal touch. Another problem is that it does not allow the matching of spiritual gifts with tasks. When a sincere person does respond, they are often matched with an area they are not interested in or qualified for. That can create another problem. Now how do you get them out of the position? 84 The Right Way to Enlist P r a y t o t h e L o r d o f promised to send forth laborers. Matthew 9:38 t h e H a r v e s t, He has Focus Point 38: Enlist by personal contact, o n e o n o n e. P r a y as you consider the task, the person and their spiritual gift. Talk to someone over a cup of coffee about how they can serve the Lord. Here is a checklist for that purpose: 1. First p r a y about it. 2. Discover their spiritual gift. 3. Let them know that it's an important job. It’s a ministry for the Lord! 4. Let them know that it's n o t easy. 5. Let them know that they c a n do it. 6. That you will be there to help them and back them up. 7. That they will be provided whatever they need to do the job. 8. Share the importance and satisfaction of serving God. 9. Do not forsake them. 10. Give c o n t i n u e d encouragement. Enlisting At a Sign up Table A sign up table is a good method to pre-register for Vacation Bible School, or getting a good turn out for a special activity. Have tables set up before and after the morning service. Staff the table with those that believe in the cause. Prepare those at the table with appropriate information and sign up sheets. This is a great method to help cause good attendance at an important activity. But, this is a poor method to enlist someone to a ministry. 22 Tips for Becoming a Better Leader 1. Prayer, Prayer, Prayer A. Include God In On Everything. B. Direct and specific prayer, is more important than the length. C. Don't leave God out of your plans, dreams, needs or problems. 2. Remember that the Bible is the only authority 3. Build Up (The ability to cause individuals to be stronger and more mature.) A. B. C. D. E. F. Give kind words. Notice good qualities. Show appreciation. Give needed training. Give proper recognition. Say thank you often. Write a note of recognition and appreciation. 4. Be Humble A. Be a servant to all. 85 B. Be a resource person. C. Don't have a “know it all” attitude. D. Be caring. How do you feel? What can I do? How can I help? Not, if you need me I'll be in my office. E. Provide the best (first class) resources possible. Know where and how to get them quickly. 5. Have the “Problems Equal Opportunities” attitude. A. Eliminate the concept that, “if you fail, you’re out." B. Treat every problem as an opportunity to improve, to teach, to give help, to love, to show how, to lead, to equip, to defeat satan and to glorify God. C. Eliminate the failure, firing and kicking out syndrome. 6. Help Individuals Look Good and Feel Good A. Develop a servant’s heart. B. Help and show them how to do their best. Set them up for success. C. Do not humiliate or embarrass. 7. Build up Self Images A. B. C. D. Many people have a low self image. Remind them that they are the King's kids. Remind that we are in the King's business. Remind that we can do all things through Christ. 8. Leaders Go First A. Show the way by doing it yourself first. B. Remember that Jesus led by going first. C. Timothy and Titus teach leaders to guide by being examples. 9. Everything First Class A. “God didn't make no junk." (People or things) Poster can be ordered at most Bible Book Stores. B. Many leaders have the attitude, “How can we get by the cheapest?" C. God deserves the very best. D. The Bible shows that whenever God made anything, it was the best. E. Where God guides, He provides. 10. Job Descriptions A. Every one should know exactly what is expected of them. B. You should know exactly what is expected of you and those you are responsible for. C. Don't pile on more and more. D. We all feel good when we know that we have completed what is expected and have done it to the best of our ability. 11. Clear-Cut Goals A. Every one should know what you are shooting for. B. Evaluate, set goals, choose methods and delegate follow through. C. Nobody's ideas are stupid. 12. Try Not To Add Extra Time A. A rare exception must be productive. B. With some creativity, more can be accomplished in the present schedule, rather than adding more meetings. Time normally available includes Sunday school hour, evening service and the mid-week hour. Occasionally you can cancel a regular meeting for something special like a retreat, planning meeting, clinic or seminar. It is not out of the question to add something; but only when you expect it to be productive and motivational. Those involved 86 should feel it was g r e a t and w o r t h w h i l e. An attitude of, “I'm sure glad I came." Sometimes the leaders feel it was great, but others are not convinced. When you respect volunteer's time, they have more respect for you and the project, program or ministry. Their serving commitment should be for exact periods of time, like three to six months maximum, then opportunity for a breather and a fresh commitment. 13. Think of Ways You Can Help People Grow A. B. C. D. E. Time management training. Motivational books and tapes. (Make a list.) Latest data and statistics. Send people to clinics and seminars. Subscribe to top notch Christian publications. (Makes a nice gift of appreciation) F. Develop and maintain a quality resource library. G. Help people to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. H. Find ways to show that you are proud of them. a. Personally, one on one. b. In the church bulletin. c. In the church newsletter. d. A special A.M. worship service for appreciation. e. An appreciation banquet. f. Remember their birthdays. g. A Christmas gift from the church. 14. Learn To Listen A. Poor listeners are poor leaders. B. Listen for: a. Depression b. Ideas (Give credit where credit is due.) c. Cries for help d. Low self image e. Insecurity f. Resentment g. Anger h. Jealousy i. Needs, problems, hopes, desires and dreams. 15. Admit It When You Make a Mistake (Notice I didn't say, if you make a mistake.) A. Everybody makes them. B. It takes a big person to admit it. C. Believe me, you will be more respected. D. They usually know it anyway. E. If you don't admit it, communication and respect are shut down. It looks like you think that you are better than everyone else 16. 17. 18. 19. Be Available Through Prayer Seek What Jesus Wants Have the Faith That God Has You Right Where He Wants you. Surrender Yourself to Him Over And Over Again 87 A. Take up your cross daily. B. Be a living sacrifice. C. Surrender your: a. Talents b. Will c. Sins d. Dreams e. Hurts f. Problems g. Needs h. Body i. Mind j. Temptations 20. Develop Time Blocks For: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Leaders and staff. Bible reading. Bible study. Prayer. Meditation. Quiet time. Your family and loved ones Recreation and times of refreshment. Praise. 21. In All Things Love 22. All Things Decently and In Order Board Meeting Agenda (Bold leadership help in “Church Leadership Breakthrough Kit” Given at the end of the seminar.) There are better ways to conduct church business—once a quarter or every other month is often enough or as needed is even better. (It is important to have “Elder’s Meetings more often.) The board meeting is no place for unproductive routine or argument. Board meetings are notorious for tying the hands of leaders. This causes discouragement and stops the forward thrust of the church. Many leaders are afraid of losing control or that something might happen without them knowing about it. Yet the exact opposite is demonstrated in the New Testament church. There we see freedom and creativity for the cause of Christ, no wonder the church grew so fast. With so many hindrances, no wonder it grows so slowly today. The average board meeting can be a serious hindrance to church growth. Come to these meetings prepared. Here are five helpful steps: 1. Present your research. (Do it clearly and quickly.) 2. Make your recommendation. (Also clearly and quickly) 3. Short discussion. 4. Group makes its decision. 5. Then delegate assignments for the next meeting. Board meetings should primarily be for building and grounds and finances in contrast to elder’s meetings that should focus primarily on feeding the flock. 88 Study this out. Consider the options and come up with an improvement. Don't spend a lot of time over repetitious routine that isn't necessary. Go over your agenda item by item. Is it needed? Why? The elder's meeting is something altogether different than the business meeting. An elder's meeting agenda is at the end of Chapter Eight. There’s a system that is working for many. Instead of the traditional board, have an interested group of four or five. This group is more of a Financial Committee. They come up with ways to meet the dollar needs of the church ministries. The ministries themselves (missions, Sunday school, youth, worship etc.) Have an authorized annual budgeted amount that they can use as they need it and it is available. They only go to the "Financial Board” for items over and above those budgeted. This group only meets as needed, instead of every month. And often meets for a quick meeting as a need arises. (Like, on Sunday after the morning worship service.) This system keeps the "Board" from being a b o t t l e n e c k to church growth. At the end of this chapter is a Church Priority List and job descriptions for Secretary, Youth Minister and Custodian. Job descriptions for preacher, elder and deacon are at the end of the Chapters by that name. Job descriptions for Teacher and Education Director are in the Equipping chapter. Bottom Line 6 Leaders Leaders need to look at the church from G o d ‘ s p o I n t o f v I e w. The Biblical task must not be ignored, nor the opportunity to seek the counsel of God. These are insights that will help leaders improve. Priorities of the Church 1. Glorify God. 2. Much Time In Prayer. Talk to God about every detail; before, during and after every action. Include Him in on everything. Seek His answers. 3. Know The Bible. It is the blueprint, pattern, bottom line and all authority. Getting sidetracked comes from not knowing or following the Bible. 4. Lead The Lost To Christ. Make every effort to share the Good News. 5. Equip ALL Christians. Train to serve. Build up the church. Use their spiritual gifts. Build strong Christian families. Teach youth to stand alone. Teach the milk and the meat of the Word. 6. Make Time for Fellowship—the good rich times of Christians being together. 7. Have Clear Job Descriptions—for the preacher, elders, deacons, teachers and staff. Do this through careful study of Scripture, not what people dream up. 89 8. Meet Peoples Needs—the ministry of meeting spiritual, physical and material needs. As you see or hear of a need, then meet it for the Glory of God. 9. Give the What and How. Tell the truth of God by reproving, rebuking and exhorting, then show and tell how, with love and compassion. 10. Plan for Success. Provide best preparation for everything. God deserves first class. 11. In All Things Love! Youth Minister Job Description 1. Attend weekly staff meeting and other appropriate meetings. 2. Monthly youth newspaper and/or mail-out. 3. Coordinate all youth work. A. Recruitment and training of sponsors. B. Junior youth group. C. Junior High youth group. D. Senior High youth group. 4. Key emphasis for youth. A. Leading non-Christians to accept Christ. B. Keep all programs Bible centered. C. Involve the youth in worship and service. D. Guiding youth in their spiritual growth: a. To become soul winners. b. To be students of and fall in love with the Bible. c. To have an effective prayer life. d. To learn the joy of giving. e. To live the Christ centered life, falling in love with Him. f. To learn to stand alone for Jesus. g. To discover their spiritual gift. h. To find an area of Christian service. E. Guide youth toward camp and Bible College. 5. Develop a youth mailing and prospect list. 6. Have an annual youth revival. 7. Lead in a weekly youth Bible study and prayer time. 8. Work directly under the senior minister. 9. Promote and be involved in area church youth activities. 10. Preaching opportunities mutually worked out with senior minister. 11. Special youth nights four times a year. 12. Weekly article for church news letter. 13. Welcome to have part in any community organizations and meetings that the senior minister is a part of: Ministerial Association etc. 14. Prepare for annual planning meeting. Evaluate, set goals, choose methods and delegate follow through and annual budget. Church Secretary / Office Manager Job Description 1. Daily prayer with the staff. 2. Work directly under the senior minister to prevent too many bosses. 3. Prepare, print and mail the church news letter. 4. Prepare, print and fold the weekly bulletin. 5. Sort silent roll call cards as to visitors, prospects, prayer requests and information for the elders. 6. Letters sent to visitors, new members and new Christians. 7. Answer telephone. 90 8. Print forms. 9. Letters to congregation. 10. Basic annual printing jobs: A. Annual planning meeting B. Vacation Bible School C. Congregational meeting D. Camp E. Evangelistic meeting F. Deeper life week G. Youth Revival H. Education Clinic I. Faith promise rally 11. Order office supplies as needed. 12. Prepare annual office budget. 13. Prepare for annual planning meeting: (Evaluate, set goals, choose methods and delegate follow through.) 14. Bring in mail and file in proper boxes. 15. Keep records and statistics. 16. Record total home Bible study attendance. 17. Public relations: Smooth ruffled feathers, build up church, minister, elders and staff. Be warm and friendly. 18. Keep confidences; carefully avoid carrying on gossip or gripes. 19. Keep copies of all printed material for church files and for the preacher. 20. Keep filing up to date. 21. Typing of committee reports and correspondence. 22. Print and post office hours. 23. Print regular meetings and activities in church paper and bulletin: A. Pot-lucks B. Committee meetings C. Board meetings D. Ladies meetings E. Youth meetings F. Prayer meetings (Check annual calendar.) 24. Dress professionally. (Some of these jobs could be delegated to volunteers Custodian's Job Description 1. General cleanliness of all buildings. 2. Rest rooms cleaned weekly. (Bowls, mirrors, toilets, urinals and floors) 3. Locking and unlocking doors. (Half an hour before and after services unless otherwise arranged) 4. Heat set at 72 degrees all year around. 5. Turn on lights thirty minutes before services. 6. Setting up and taking down of tables and chairs. (Check with the deacons.) 7. Vacuum the auditorium weekly. (Check hymn books, silent roll call cards, etc. Good general appearance. - Check with the deacons. 8. Check with the staff about cleaning their offices. 91 9. Keep hall ways waxed and/or buffed. 10. General appearance of outside of building—Parking lot, lawns, shrubs, etc. (Check with deacons and/or trustees.) 11. All hard surface floors washed and waxed every three months--swept weekly. (Check weekly for exceptions as needed.) 12. Wash all windows inside and out every six months. (Check with the deacons.) 13. Put all trash out according to weekly scheduled pick up. 14. Inform office of need for supplies: Paper towels, toilet paper, urinal tablets, window cleaner, floor cleaner, floor wax, hand cleaner, air freshener, Kleenex, light bulbs, special cleaners and other basic custodial supplies. Prepare annual budget. 15. Replace light bulbs inside and out as needed. 16. Keep baptistery full of warm water. Drain, clean and refill every two weeks. (Check with the deacons.) 17. Prepare for annual "planning meeting." Evaluate, set goals, choose methods and follow through. 18. Work under the Senior Minister unless instructed otherwise. (Check with Deacons and/or Trustees refers to assistance they can offer.) ATTITUDE "The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company...a church...a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for the day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our Attitudes." Charles Swindoll 92 Take Time To Show Appreciation ____________________ All things Decently And in Order 1 Corinthians 14:40 93 All Things Building Up 1 Corinthians 14:26 _____________________ When God Shuts One Door He Opens Another 94 God Deserves First Class ____________________ God Didn’t Make No Junk 95 In All Things Love 1 Corinthians 16:14 __________________________________________________ Plan Your Work Work Your Plan 96 Set Things Up For Success ____________________ Where God Guides He Provides 97 Plan Success For The Low Times __________________ Use Me Or Lose Me 98 7 PREACHERS THE COACH Song - I Am Happy In the Service Of The King 99 Questions Answered In Chapter Seven 1. Does the Bible give a job description for the preacher? Answer: Yes 2. What are nine parts of the preacher's job description? Answer: Detailed in this chapter. 3. What guidelines should be established between the preacher and the congregation? Answer: Preacher's contract, example in this chapter. 4. What part of the sermon is most often left out? Answer: How to do it, how to get started. 5. What are two of the most serious mistakes a church makes regarding the preacher? Answer: Making his job description so cumbersome that he isn't able to concentrate on his God given priorities, and not seeing that he and his families needs are taken care of. 6. What kinds of topics should the preacher be covering in his preaching? Answer: It should be based on the needs of the local congregation, then directing appropriate Scripture to meet those needs. Introduction Look at the Preacher's job as described in the Bible. Are what you see there and what you see in your church the same? Chapter Seven PREACHERS Barrier 7: Confusion about the Preacher's job description. II Timothy 4:2 "Preach the word . . . " There Is a Problem The average job description for our preachers has come from years of input and modification. Sincere elders and other leaders have come up with what they thought the preacher was supposed to do and what they wanted the preacher to do. i n v e n t i n g the Preacher's job description causes the church to become disoriented and sidetracked. There is a discrepancy between common practice and Biblical directive. When the Scriptures are searched and the true assignment is discovered (and we get over the initial shock) errors need to be corrected and clear d i r e c t i v e s r e–e s t a b l i s h e d. Things We Expect From Preachers That Are Not From Scriptures We make lists of the jobs we expect our preachers to do. We call these lists "The preacher's job description." Be careful or we'll find ourselves creating our own Scriptures. Remember God's warnings not to add to or take from His Word? We would quickly respond by stressing that we would never be found guilty of such a heresy. But how serious are we about insisting that the preacher implement the directives listed below? By the way, the B i b l e doesn't demand a n y of these of the preacher. 1. Do all the weddings. 2. Do all the funerals. 100 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Attend board meetings. Be the church's soul winner. Visit all the members on a regular basis. Call on the sick. Take care of the building and grounds. Do the secretarial work. Do the preparations for anything special. Pick up and deliver people to their homes. Keep the records. Be at every meeting. Put out the church paper. Make sure the building is at a comfortable temperature. Keep the Priorities Straight Be careful when you say, “That’s the preacher's job." All kinds of lists can be made up and called “the preacher's job description." We can print them, post them and even include them in our “Constitution and By-laws." Most of them are good and honorable expectations. But are they from Scripture? I f the other church leaders and the preacher agree, I f the preacher has the talent interest and ability, I f time allows, the preacher might add some of Focus Point 39: The priority must be what G o d asks His preachers to do. these non-Biblical expectations. He could pursue some worthwhile areas of service, but not to the neglect of what God directed the preacher to do. Neither the preacher, the other leaders or the entire church should demand the things t h a t a r e n o t d e m a n d e d b y G o d. Scriptures Regarding the Preacher's Job How This Section is Formatted The format of this section is: (1) key texts examined. (This study is not intended to produce every Scripture that can be applied to the Preacher's job description; however it's a composite of the primary texts regarding the work of the preacher.) (2) Directives from these passages are highlighted. At the end of the chapter is a Preacher's Job Description b a s e d o n t h i s s t u d y. (1) - Acts 6:4 “…and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word." 101 (2) - Directives Highlighted This example of the apostles applies to the work of church leaders, including elders, teachers and preachers. The priorities are few and simple: 1. Church leaders prepared by conversation with God. 2. About the business of i m p l e m e n t I n g the directives of the Bible. (1) - II Timothy 4:1-5 "In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." (2) - Directives Highlighted 1. Preach the Word whether it's convenient or not. 2. Re-prove those things already learned. (To remind) 3. Rebuke concerning disobedience to God (things left undone that He commanded us to do or things that He said not to do) 4. Exhort concerning v a l i d I t y and u r g e n c y of G o d ‘s d i r e c t I v e s . 5. Be patient about the task set before you. 6. Emphasize doctrine, the truth of Scripture. 7. Familiar with the Word so there is an awareness of things not Biblical. 8. Share the Good News and teach others to do the same. 9. Be productive, bear m u c h fruit. (Fruit = spiritual and numerical growth some of the best fruit is Christians learning to reproduce and equip others) (1) - Titus 1:5 “The reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.” (2) 1. 2. 3. 4. - Directives Highlighted Everything decently and in order. Decently because you love the Lord and love people. (in a kind loving way) Orderly comes from the Bible blueprint. (satan is the author of confusion) Precedent for the preacher assigning tasks and ministries. (1) - Titus 2:15 "These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you." 102 (2) - Directives Highlighted 1. Speak. Silence will not get the job done. 2. Exhort. Being convinced, enthusiastic and serious. 3. Rebuke. With love insist that changes be made to conform to the Word of God and not to the world. 4. With all authority. The mandate to implement Biblical directives is clear. If the command is from Scripture, no other is required or no one has the power to demand. T h e a u t h o r I t y I s t h e W o r d o f G o d. It is not the leader's authority but, rather, the leader's responsibility. (1) - I Timothy 4:12 "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." (2) - Directives Highlighted (Guide lines regarding the kind of man, when considering a candidate for ministry. 1. Be an example! (Of course this is important, yet no man is perfect.) 2. By the way he talks, teaches and preaches. (Practice what he preaches.) 3. A model of Christian love. 4. A demonstration of faith. 5. Living a wholesome life. (1) - I Timothy 4:13 "Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching." (2) - Directives Highlighted 1. A priority of the preacher is reading the Holy Word. 2. Exhortation comes from reading the Word. The Holy Spirit, through Word, informs what God wants us to be and do. The preacher looks at the Word and at the people that hear him preach. The comparison of the two motivates the preacher to bring the people to be what God intended. Exhortation will include what God desires and how to do it. 3. Doctrine is the truth, the priorities and the principles of G o d. (1) - II Timothy 2:25 "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2) - Directives Highlighted 1. Not only reading but studying the Bible. (Research) 2. There are many good reasons, but most of all to have God's approval. Preachers are most certainly representatives, spokesman and ambassadors for God . Speaking on His behalf is an awesome responsibility and must be done by speaking the Bible. The greatest satisfaction comes, not from completing the task, the appreciation of people or 103 even the evidence of fruit, but from knowing that G o d a p p r o v e s. (this is what He wants). 3. Credentials come from education and experience but the true credential is a man unashamed, because reading and studying the Bible have caused him to know the Scriptures. 4. "Rightly dividing the word of truth” is another product of reading and studying the Bible. This spiritual discernment is a Holy confidence of what is right and wrong and what Scripture applies to the current situation. (1) - II Timothy 3:16, 17 "All Scripture is God -breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2) - Directives Highlighted 1. Doctrine and reproof have been highlighted previously. (Only want to note the emphasis of repetition) 2. Correction is the result of exhortation, reproof and rebuke of sound doctrine. When the preacher follows God's instruction to read and study the Word, applying these truths to himself and meeting the needs of the people, then correction is not only the goal but also the result. 3. This instruction will equip Christians for the work and service of the Lord and for a Biblical life style. (Conforming to the image of His dear Son) (1) - Ephesians 4:11-16 “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." (2) - Directives Highlighted Church leaders, including preachers, have a c o m m o n t a s k. (We are a team) We are to equip Christians to minister so we will all be like Jesus. Be As Effective As Possible We preachers are a touchy bunch. Don't tell us what or how to preach. That’s personal, between us and God. But let's face it. We have all preached powerful and meaningful messages and we have all preached bombs. (Sorry Lord!) (Thank God that His Holy Spirit even uses our most feeble efforts!) Some of our sermons have been effective and some have been ineffective and some times the ineffective ones have been our own fault. Sometimes the messages could have been better. We could have prayed more about it. We could have sought the Lord's leading more fervently. We could have spent more time in 104 preparation. We are not perfect. In any area of life, it’s a severe handicap to think we know it all and have no room for improvement. This is true regarding preaching as well. We should seek to improve as long as we live. We can improve. Topics Are Important Topics are consequential. Choose them carefully. Ask the H o l y S p i r i t to lead and make you aware of the needs of the people. Here are some topics to consider. Topics Emphasizing the Power Of God : 1. His power to save. 2. His power through faith. 3. His power through the Bible. 4. His power when we pray. 5. His power when we are good stewards. Topics That Are the Foundation of the Christian Life: 1. Prayer 2. Assurance of salvation. 3. Edifying, building each other up. 4. Faith 5. Vision 6. Taking up our cross daily. 7. Forgiving others. 8. God gives you another chance. 9. Giving God our best. 10. The Bible. 11. Evangelism. 12. What must I do to be saved? 13. How to lead some one to Christ. 14. God's great plan through the ages. 15. Church leader's job descriptions. 16. The work of the ministry. (Everyone a minister) 17. The work of the Holy Spirit. 18. Equipping the saints. 19. Bearing fruit. 20. Spiritual gifts. 21. Meeting needs. 22. Preaching through books of the Bible. (Romans, Ephesians, Philippians etc.) Topics That Meet Needs: 1. What after adultery? 2. My finances are a mess, what should I do? 3. I need help in raising my kids. 4. I've sinned; will I go to Hell? 5. I've messed up my life; can I still be useful to God ? 6. I feel like I'm worthless. 105 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. How can I know that I'm saved? Teach me how to love. Restore to me the joy of my salvation. The peace that passes all understanding. The power of kindness. Are we sometimes too rough with people? Levels of faith. I feel like life is hopeless. Does God have a sense of humor? Goals that make your dreams come true. Trusting Him in all things. A revival of respect. God didn't make no junk. Something to get excited about. God's vitamins for us. Courage. What? Why? How? God is optimistic. All things through Christ. Not willing that any should perish. Important Parts of the Sermon We know about parts of the sermon. The introduction, the body and the conclusion or; tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them and tell them what you told them. We have heard teachings and suggestions like these in our earliest public speaking classes. But of all the parts we could list, including the text, illustrations and applications, there is a part that is often left out. It's like a silent cry from millions of church goers as they leave the building after being taught, rebuked, reproved and exhorted. The cry is, “H e l p m e, t e l l m e h o w t o g e t s t a r t e d, t e l l m e h o w t o d o i t, t e l l m e h o w!” Preaching should meet needs. Strong pointed sermons that tell us what God wants us to do and how to do it. People need to know what God says about the issues of life today. But, they also need a lot of help and encouragement in getting started. Straight forward preaching that rebukes and exhorts, but ending on a positive note; that there is hope; that God loves and forgives and that the church understands and is ready to give help—then a loving invitation to make a decision and a commitment. The Sermon Should Include: 1. What the Bible says about the subject. (Instruct and teach) 2. What God wants us to do. (Exhort, rebuke and reprove.) 3. How to get started. 4. Hope, help and encouragement. 5. Invitation to make a commitment. Bottom Line 7 Preacher’s Scriptural Job Description 106 The preacher is either a pastor/teacher, an evangelist or both. He is to feed himself on a rich diet of the Word along with a very active prayer life. His purpose is to feed himself spiritually so he can feed his people the milk and the meat of the Word. In doing this, he e q u I p s the saints for the work of the ministry. His preaching and teaching lead all into the likeness of Christ. With the Bible as the blueprint, he sets things in order. He trains the flock to introduce the lost to Christ. In all things love. If he is a pastor, the elder's job description applies. Preacher's Job Description 1. 1. Preach the Word of God . Exhorting, reproving and rebuking. The milk and the meat of the Word. Enthusiastically in love with pointed applications. Explaining how to get started. 2. Much personal Bible reading and study. 3. Much personal prayer in conversation with God . 4. General study. Reading, listening to tapes, attending seminars, clinics and conventions. Feeding himself to feed others. 5. Equipping. Training others to lead, serve and use their spiritual gift. 6. Setting in order. Like a coach, directing by the blueprint of God's Word. Delegating to see that God's purposes, plans and priorities are carried out. 7. Decently and in order. God is not the author of confusion. 8. Soul winning. Motivating and equipping others to be soul winners by teaching and example. 9. In all things love. Preacher's Contract This is a sample of a written agreement between the preacher and the church leaders. This reduces misunderstanding and confusion. It produces a security and an understanding between the preacher and the leaders. It's, “Doing all things decently and in order." The best time to establish this contract is at the beginning of a ministry. If it wasn't done then, the sooner the better. Each ministry will call for a personal application but here's a guide. 1. Termination of this ministry will be sixty days notice by preacher and/or the leaders. Exceptions by mutual agreement. 2. Beginning Salary $ yearly $ weekly Automatically reconsidered each year at the preacher's anniversary date. The recommendation will come from the finance committee at that month's board meeting. (Note: If when a preacher is being considered, he wants to come and the church wants him to, yet there is a lack in the area of salary and benefits, the preacher can make a list of his needs and desires to be reconsidered every three months. His salary would be increased to meet those considerations as quickly as possible.) 3. Two weeks vacation with pay after the first year. After the second year, three weeks vacation with pay. 4. Salary goals: A. Hospitalization: $ ________ . ___ B. Life Insurance: $ ________ . ___ C. Car Expense: $ ________ . ___ D. Social Security set aside: $ ________ . ___ E. Federal Tax set aside: $ ________ . ___ 107 F. G. H. I. J. K. L. State Tax set aside: $ ________ . ___ Housing Allowance: $ ________ . ___ Retirement: $ ________ . ___ Convention Expense: $ ________ . ___ Library Allowance: $ ________ . ___ Living Allowance: $ ________ . ___ Total: $ ________ . ___ There should be an understanding that the preacher is not paid for his service, but that his needs are taken care of so he is able to devote full time to his ministry without other employment. 5. The preacher is given the privilege of supplying his pulpit, special speakers at his discretion, as opportunities present themselves or when he will be absent. This would include those he feels would be an asset to the congregation. The customary honorarium would be presented at the conclusion of the guests responsibilities. (Good judgment as to frequency implied.) 6. The preacher would have the freedom to serve other congregations as opportunities present themselves. (Good judgment as to frequency implied.) 7. Adding Staff. Secretaries, music ministries, youth minister, education director, assistant minister, etc. Mainly at the recommendation of the preacher. His screening is most important. He checks credentials, experience, expertise, personality, etc. Staff would work under the direction of the preacher. They would serve in specific areas of need and ministry to the congregation. This would be in cooperation with the elders, finance committee and the congregation. 8. The preacher's planned absences will be presented annually. Included are camp, vacation, conventions, clinics, seminars, education, revivals and evangelistic meetings. Unforeseen exceptions presented as soon as possible. 9. Be frank and straight forward concerning talents, abilities and expertise. Every one has areas where they excel and are gifted and areas of little or no talent or ability. This is without any apology or embarrassment. The New Testament teaches that we differ in gifts, abilities and talents. It even points out that it's good that the whole body is not a nose, eye or a hand. However less talented areas are still important. Fill these gaps. Like the cabinet of the President of the United States. Christians gifted in areas that the preacher isn't. Look at the preacher as the coach of the team. 10. The Preacher's Job Description. (Already included in this chapter, but should be a part of the contract.) Take Good Care of God’s Anointed Loving Your Preacher When preachers talk among themselves they share positive and negative experiences of ministry. This section is designed to correct those negative experiences—things that pull a preacher down and cause him to loose his productivity and things that cause many to leave the ministry. We can help preachers continue in spite of negative experiences. We can show them how much we love and appreciate their dedication to God’s cause. Here is a contrast of preacher supporters and preacher killers. The purpose of this consideration is to identify the problem, identify the solution and cause a revival in churches that leads to the proper care and feeding of your preacher. 108 Preacher Supporters: 1. Pray daily for their preacher. (Learn how to) 2. Encourage their preacher. (Learn how to) 3. Invite to meals and fellowship. 4. Take him out to dinner. 5. Remember special days: birthdays, anniversary’s etc. 6. Send encouraging cards. 7. Ask how they can help. 8. Attend special courses and functions he presents. 9. They brag on him to others. 10. Look for opportunities to provide a blessing. (Some times $ and sometimes not.) 11. Kind words are much appreciated 12. See that his needs are met, Take time to discover what they are 13. Help make his dreams come true. 14. Expedite with a sense of urgency. 15. Tell their world about his great sermons. 16. Find opportunities to compliment him. 17. Write him encouraging letters. Preacher Killers: 1. Always complain about him. (Gloom & doom type people) 2. Criticism is the norm 3. Nay-sayers - negative all the time. 4. They don’t support his leadership. 5. They talk him down behind his back. 6. Don’t support classes & functions. 7. Sour attitudes. 8. They drag their feet and produce red tape to progress 9. Vote down his recommendations. 10. They criticize his wife. 11. Leave him out of their social life 12. They vote him out while he’s on vacation, sabotage his leadership. Other Ways To Be A Blessing: Repair his car certificate for his cleaning All expenses paid to flowers etc. - pamper her his favorite seminars Buy them groceries Help him with his insurance phone Keep his computer upgraded equipment Retirement benefits Gift certificates end - all expenses paid 109 Get him a gift Bless his wife Buy him a new suit Buy him gasoline Get him a cell Good church office Books for his library A get-away week- Significant raises vacations Help $ with his Realize that there are no perfect preachers or church members 8 ELDERS SHEPHERDS Fun Song – It Is Summer Time in My Heart Song - I Am Determined Questions Answered In Chapter Eight 1. What is the key word in the elder's job description? Answer: Teach, equip or feed. 2. So much to do, how can the elders stay on track? Answer: Elder's meeting agenda based on Biblical job description. 3. What are the guidelines for discipline? Answer: Listed in this chapter. 4. The New Testament commands us to be prepared to answer those that ask about our faith, what should that answer be? Answer: Detailed in this chapter. 5. What are twenty-one lessons from Ezekiel that are needed today? Answer: Listed in this chapter. 6. How are elders to rule? Answer: Not rule, responsibility 110 7. How do you train a man to become an elder? Answer: Experience and equipping 8. What is the milk of the Word? Answer: in this chapter. 9. What is the meat of the Word? Answer: in this chapter. 10. How can you identify the deceiver? Answer: Recognize what to look for. Chapter Eight Contents – Elders Introduction Many problems in the church are caused by confusion over job descriptions. Not knowing the Biblical job description or, knowing it and not implementing it. The blueprint from Scripture solves the problem. There is more confusion over the elder's job description than any other. Chapter Eight ELDERS Barrier 8: Confusion about the elder's job description. Jeremiah 3:15 "Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding." Books Recommended Listed are some excellent books on the subject of Elders. Add them to your church library. 1. The Eldership by J. W. McGarvey 2. Church Officers Guide by Edwin V. Hayden 3. A Functioning Eldership by W. R. Walker 4. How to Be a Better Church Officer by Guy P. Leavitt 5. Vision in Church Leadership by John B. White 6. Leadership Training Manual by Pearl Willis 7. What the Bible Says About Leadership by Arthur R. Harrington 8. Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch The Need I considered titling this book “God Help the Elders." I have a deep c o m p a s s i o n for the elders. Here’s why I feel this way and they need help. 1. Most Elders have not been equipped or trained to do their work. 2. They have a major responsibility in God's plan. 3. They are almost forgotten in church training. 4. Many preachers are intimidated and don't help train them. 5. They are taken for granted. 6. The church has high expectations of them. 7. The Lord has high expectations of them. 8. They are short on resources. 9. They are not appreciated. 10. They are misunderstood. 111 11. There is confusion about their job description. 12. They are blamed for everything. Being an elder is a serious responsibility, mandated by Scripture. These men need our prayers, respect, encouragement, cooperation and support. But even more they need the Biblical foundation and u n d e r s t a n d I n g of what G o d wants them to do. They need direction, teaching, training and clarification of duties. The New Testament purpose must be restored. Yes, God help the elders! Misconceptions Some of these misconceptions are not necessarily wrong but, some are. None of them are in the Bible. The mandate of G o d ‘s blueprint has been lost. Adaptation of our o w n ideas have replaced it. The problem is worse because our ideas have become strong tradition and part of many constitutions and by-laws. Even worse yet, we have come to believe that these i n v e n t I o n s o f o u r s are from God and His book. A cunning deception from satan. Some churches have died because of this deception alone. As you consider this list, remember, they are not from the Bible. 1. The elders are the only ones who can serve at the Lord's Table to the exclusion of other Christians of the church. 2. The elders are in charge of “board meetings" to the exclusion of other Christians of the church. (By the way, "board meetings" aren't even in the Bible!) 3. One of the elder's primary responsibilities is to hire and fire preachers. (They should be involved as overseers, but not to the exclusion of all other Christians in the church. Definitely not their primary function.) 4. Their main job is to keep the preacher in line. As overseers their input is necessary. They should be respected as to the kind of man that is called to the local ministry. There should be Bible reasons that a preacher is asked to leave. However every ministry in the church should be given maximum freedom to accomplish their God given task. (New Testament Christians had more freedom to serve the Lord than today's church.) A ministry should not be bound by the elders in some non-Scriptural d I c t a t o r s h I p , When there a r e weaknesses, failings and even sins, love and restoration should prevail, rather than termination. 5. The elder is given this position for life. No matter what! The church would have a “millstone” around its neck if it discovered it made a poor decision in their selection of an elder. A man that not only fails to function as an elder, but holds back the progress of the church. In love and kindness the man should be trained and then re-installed to the responsibility or directed to another ministry where he is more suited. It would be better to elect elders for a one year term with the option to be re-elected. This makes it easy to re-elect a functioning man and re-direct a non-functioning one. Insisting that a man can only serve a fixed number of years and then m u s t take at least one year off can subtract much needed leadership. Teach the congregation the kind of man God wants and the job He wants him to do. Remember, in most cases even the election process is a method chosen by the leaders and not a B i b l i c a l directive.) 6. It's not necessary for elders to teach. 7. The elders are the most important people in the church. 8. The by-laws are as important as the Scriptures. (How does this kind of thinking come about? It seems inconceivable, that a Christian could allow a man-made guide line to become as important as the Holy Word of God.) 112 Scripture about the Titles Acts 20:17-35 Acts 20:17-35 gives three different titles referring to the same function: "From Miletus, Paul sent to Ephesus for the elders of the church. When they arrived, he said to them: "You know how I lived the whole time I was with you, from the first day I came into the province of Asia. I served the Lord with great humility and with tears, although I was severely tested by the plots of the Jews. You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house. I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus. "And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me--the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. "Now I know that none of you among whom I have gone about preaching the kingdom will ever see me again. Therefore, I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God . Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God , which he bought with his own blood. I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears. "Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. I have not coveted anyone's silver or gold or clothing. 34You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' " 1. Presbyter - the Greek word for elder. This refers to the age, or more importantly, the spiritual maturity of the man. No exact age is given in the Bible. The emphasis is a mature Christian, familiar with the Word of God . 2. Bishop - has the same meaning as overseer. Meaning a kind of superintendent. Aware of spiritual strengths and weaknesses. Strengths that are spiritual gifts to be used in building up the body of Christ and weaknesses that are spiritual needs, met through the teaching of Scripture. 3. Shepherd and pastor have the same meaning. The emphasis is to feed/teach, protect and lead the flock, the church. Scripture about the Kind of Man The New Testament reveals the k I n d o f m a n God wants His elders to be. I'm not covering this, because most churches know, and much has been written about it. My emphasis here is on t h e w o r k, once the man has been chosen. I will make a couple of comments and provide Scriptures on qualifications. One qualification is often missed. Candidates for elder must have an overall knowledge of the Bible. This is one reason that a new Christian does not qualify. When we look at the elders work, we’ll see why, of all qualifications, this one must not be 113 o v e r l o o k e d. There is no perfect man, only Jesus. The qualifications guide us to the kind of man that is needed. The Bible is emphasizing, M A T U R E. Any honest man will admit that he doesn't perfectly match every detail on this Biblical list. You will not find a man that does. Working toward perfection is the goal. Remember you are picking a man for a particular job. The more clearly you u n d e r s t a n d t h e j o b the easier it is to pick the right man. Here are the key scriptures that speak of qualifications: I. Timothy 3:1-13 2. Titus 1:5-9 Good studies on qualifications are found in W. R. Walker's book “A Functioning Eldership” Chapter Three page sixteen and J. W. McGarvey's book “The Eldership” page fiftythree and following. Again, no man is perfect. The apostles weren't. And It is n o t what a man w a s, but what a man is! These Scriptures are a guide line for the kind of man God wants. I Timothy 3:11 states that a man should first be proved. Proving that the man knows the Bible, knows what the job is and that he has the willingness and the ability to do this job. We should not chose men that are new Christians. Neither should we chose them because they are nice guys, come regularly, are educated, have prestigious positions in the community or are wealthy. The work doesn't get done when we pick men for the wrong reasons, and they are not equipped to do the job. It is vital that the man knows, loves and is able to t e a c h the Word of God. I Timothy 5:22 instructs that we lay hands on no man quickly. Scripture and Highlights about the Job Description Acts 20:28-35 “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God , which he bought with His own blood. I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears. “Now I commit you to God and to the word of His grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. I have not coveted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing. You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Highlights Paul is speaking to the elders at Ephesus and the application is to all elders. Just before he leaves them he points out their m o s t I m p o r t a n t task or job. 1. Feed/teach the church. 2. Take heed to yourselves as models/examples. The elder is a model of the kind of Christian God wants His whole church to be. 3. Take heed to the flock. This is the “overseeing” part. Aware of the spiritual needs of the church. Strengths, spiritual gifts and weaknesses. Then teach, warn, lead and love to meet those needs. 114 4. Committed to God and His Word. I Peter 5:2,3 "Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; 3not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." Highlights Notice the pattern when you compare the Acts 20 passage with this I Peter 5 passage? The priorities and the directives become more clear. 1. Feed\teach the flock. (Repeated) 2. The oversight, being aware of strengths and weaknesses of the flock. 3. Attitude. Not because you are forced to, but willingly. 4. Attitude. Not bosses, but examples. Ephesians 4:11.12 “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." Highlights The elders, or pastors as they are called here, are given directions as to their job along with others of God's leaders. But the emphasis is the same as we found in Acts 20 and I Peter 5. The goal is to perfect and edify. (Feeding or teaching) this is the way God has chosen to perfect and build up. (Or edify.) See chapter ten on “Equipping." Perfecting and equipping is teaching. The next key text is from the Old Testament. This very pointed lesson is directed to the Shepherds. It applies to the Elders, God’s shepherds today. Ezekiel 34:1-19 “The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who only take care of themselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock. You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally. So they were scattered because there was no shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals. My sheep wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. They were scattered over the whole earth, and no one searched or looked for them. “‘Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, because my flock lacks a shepherd and so has been plundered and has become food for all the wild animals, and because my shepherds did not search for my flock but cared for themselves rather than for my flock, therefore, O shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock. I will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them." 115 Highlights The Problems 1. The flock was not fed. ( N o t t a u g h t.) 2. The diseased not strengthened. (Because they were N o t t a u g h t, they received false doctrine and were overcome by satan.) 3. The sick were not healed. (The spiritually and physically weak were not taken care of.) 4. The broken were not bound up. (Those discouraged and losing hope.) 5. Those that were driven away were not brought back. 6. The lost were not sought. (The dropouts or backsliders.) 7. The shepherds ruled with a hard hand. (Pushy, thoughtless and a lack of love.) 8. It was like having no shepherds at all. 9. The sheep became meat for beasts. (Easy prey for false doctrine and satan.) 10. The sheep were scattered. 11. The shepherds fed themselves and not the sheep. (They got the teaching they needed, but they didn't teach the flock.) B. The Solution 1. Search and seek out these unhealthy, hurting and lost sheep. 2. Deliver them to the fold. 3. Feed them in good pasture. (Even the “cause to lie down” has a wonderful application. These lost, scattered, broken, diseased, sick and led astray sheep are so battle worn and scarred that they need rest. It's sweet for them to be loved and fed in a good pasture. To these sheep the "rest” is a blessing from heaven. A h e a l t h y c h u r c h will provide the rich green pasture they need. C. The Solution Requires 1. Knowing the condition of the flock. 2. Going and getting dying sheep and bringing them back. 3. Loving them with care, concern and compassion. 4. Feeding them. ( T e a c h i n g t h e m ) Focus Point 40: IF THESE SHEEP HAD BEEN F E D (t a u g h t ) A HEALTHY DIET IN THE FIRST PLACE, MOST OF THESE PROBLEMS WOULD HAVE NEVER OCCURRED ! D. Shepherds Warned 1. They will be held responsible. 2. The privilege of feeding the flock will be taken away. 3. They will not be allowed to feed themselves anymore. E. General Conclusions and Application The shepherds didn't feed the sheep and God was angry. It resulted in terrible consequences. Today, when the shepherds (or elders) do not feed (t e a c h) the flock, there are terrible consequences. Eventually the church dies. Once again the number one priority of elders is emphasized. Feed the flock! (t e a c h) 116 It's the command, the charge, the mandate and the number one priority. Feed the sheep. Feed means t e a c h. The church will never be what God planned for her to be if we do not match our priorities with His. It's the primary function of elders to feed the sheep and t e a c h Christians the Bible. In Jeremiah 3:15 God says that feeding is teaching. "And I will give you pastors (Or elders.) according to my heart, which shall f e e d y o u w i t h k n o w l e d g e a n d u n d e r s t a n dI n g” Paul instructs Timothy that the elders are to be able to t e a c h . To Titus he wrote for the elders to, “hold fast the faithful word." Jesus repeated three times to Peter, “feed my sheep” Peter said to the elders, “feed the flock of God ." In Acts 20:28 Paul say to the Ephesian elders, “feed the church of God,” And let's not forget this powerful text from Ezekiel that demands that the shepherds feed the sheep. Paul said that those that labor in the word and teaching deserve double honor. McGarvey wrote, “We must acknowledge that there are many congregations among us with elders in office who d o n o t t e a c h and who are incapable of teaching. All such should do one of two things - either resign the office, or put into exercise their latent powers, and prove themselves capable of teaching and therefore qualified for the office." Teach What? The primary work of an elder is to t e a c h . It's not his only work, but we'll deal with that later. Accepting that the Elders number one priority as teaching, it’s natural to ask, what is the elder to teach? One Bible answer is from Jesus Himself. He said, “and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you “Matthew 28:20 Teach what Jesus commanded, but what did He command? We are too careless with church curriculum. (The topics and material that we choose to teach.) This includes Sunday school, youth groups, new converts classes, teacher training and even sermons. We need to evaluate what is being taught. What are the Bible priorities and are we teaching them? When we teach God's priorities they produce the kind of people H e wants us to be. If we want a church to be full of Christians that will share their faith with non-Christians and lead them to Christ, then we must teach, train, set examples and give opportunities for evangelism. If there are no soul winners in the church, then we must equip people to become soul winners. We must motivate and encourage. So, is this a God given command? Y e s! Is this a “whatsoever I have commanded you” of Jesus? Y e s ! Is this a part of the elders responsibility? Y e s! Is this feeding the sheep? Y e s! This same pattern applies to a praying people, a Bible-reading people, a giving people and a fruit bearing people. People with Christian character and separated from the world using their spiritual gifts. The Word of God has the priorities established. Our teaching targets should be what God says is important. Then we'll enjoy the harvest from what we sow. The targets must be s p e c i f i c! Bible Priorities When we teach and demonstrate forgiveness, the congregation will learn to forgive. When we teach and demonstrate love, the congregation will learn to love. 117 Here are God's priorities from the New Testament: 1. Salvation. A goal that every Christian would know why we need to be saved and how to lead some one to Christ. 2. Prayer. A people of prayer. Including God in on e v e r y t h i n g . 3. Bible. A people that l o v e to read and study God's Word. 4. To bear fruit. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self control. Galatians 5:22,23 (fruit is also the lost being saved and the saved being discipled) 5. To be salt, light and ambassadors. 6. To seek first the kingdom of God. 7. To put on the full armor of God. 8. To be a joyful giver. 9. To love God, 10. To have God's power in our lives. 11. To love people. 12. The church, the body of Christ, spiritual gifts and building each other up. 13. To have the assurance of salvation. 14. To know the work of the Holy Spirit. 15. In all things love. 16. Forgiveness. 17. Wisdom. 18. Faith. 19. Hospitality. Who Is To Be Taught? Those needing milk, immature Christians. Those needing meat, mature Christians. New converts, teachers, leaders, deacons, senior citizens, college age, youth, young marrieds and elders. The sheep, the whole body, the church. How Can It Be Done? Elders need to feed, teach God's priorities, to the church. But, how is it done? How do you get started? 1. Search the Scriptures for G o d ‘s p r i o r i t i e s . List them in order of importance. Then compare the list you have from the Bible with the most urgent needs of your church. This book is focused on the unhealthy church and urges that church to begin with p r a y e r. Prayerfully seek God's wisdom and His discernment as you set your own goals. It's imperative that you develop a curriculum with s p e c i f i c t a r g e t s. 2. Have the Sunday school classes target these same goals. 3. Have guest speakers come and speak on this subject. 4. Have classes on the subject before or after the evening service. 5. Focus in on this subject at your mid-week service. 6. One-on-one studies in the homes or small groups. (Same topic.) 7. Elders prepare to teach the Holy Word that's dear to your heart. 8. Of course the preacher should be preaching sermons on this subject as well. Leaders agree with the Biblical job description. Goals are targeted. Now the times and methods are just a matter of convenience. Great blessings are in store. 118 Ruling Hebrews 13:7, 17, 24 speaks of the elders ruling and the church obeying. The misunderstanding of this text has led to all kinds of problems, an important Scripture to study. The Greek word for rule is hegeomai. "Strong's Concordance,” Greek dictionary reference 2233, “To lead, command with official authority." Vine, in his “Expository Dictionary", says to lead, to rule, meaning elders are guides and guide. This is on page 307 under rule. J. W. McGarvey's study on page 28 of his book “The Eldership", states that this same word means primarily to lead. The B I b l e does not c o n t r a d i c t itself. It teaches that all authority belongs to Christ. Our authority on earth and in the church is directly from the Bible. No man on earth, in the church or out, has any other authority. In other words, elder or not, if the Bible gives a command we are to obey it because that command is from God. If the Bible does not give a command, we all have the liberty to make decisions by what the Bible does teach. When Scripture speaks of elders ruling it's not a ruler in the sense of a king or dictator. God has given the elder the r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of carrying out His directives. Sheep look to the shepherds for feeding/teaching, for guidance and protection. We owe the highest appreciation and respect because of this responsibility given to the elders by God . We look up to them because they have been Christians longer than we have, because they know the Bible better than we do and because they have grown in Christ to a place of maturity that is an example to us all. Man has a nature that longs for power. Important responsibility has caused many men to misuse their duty as a license to dominate and rule. This has happened to elders. It's even worse when elders believe that God has given the directive to do so. (It's like husbands who feel they can dominate their wives and then say, “That’s what the Scripture teaches.") I Peter 5:3 warns elders against this. "Not lords but examples." One prayer priority should be to ask God to give direction and p r o t e c t t h e e l d e r s from this temptation. The Elder's Attitude 1. All things decently and in order. I Corinthians 14:40 2. In all things love. Colossians 3:14, I Corinthians 16:14 3. All things edify/build up. I Corinthians 14:26 Congregation and Leaders Need To Be Prepared When men are chosen to become elders, the congregation needs to prayerfully and carefully p r e p a r e. The elders need to prayerfully and carefully prepare as well. The weeks leading up to the decision making are the perfect time for p r a y e r , teaching and preaching on the kind of men that are needed and the job they are to do. Use your news letter to help with this goal. Training Men to Be Elders The natural process of Christian growth and maturity should produce men who qualify and desire to be an elder. This would occur under the best of conditions in a “healthy church." 119 However we remind ourselves that this book is not written to “healthy churches", but to “unhealthy” or “dying churches." With this in mind I will proceed to answer the question, what should be included in an elder training program? Through visiting dozens of churches and the results of an elder's questionnaire it was discovered that most elders have not had a n y special training. The reason is, the church does not provide it. It seems unusual, because so much emphasis is placed on the education of the preacher. Yet, so little is done to prepare men for the work of an elder. The education of preachers is as it should be. But the training of elders is of equal importance. So why are elders being left untrained? The supposition is that the church will naturally produce men who have grown in Christ to this level of maturity and make them qualified to be an elder. But, nothing is done to bring this about. This l a c k in the training of elders was one of the reasons I wrote this book. Here are things that should be included in an elder training program. Learn To Love the Things God Loves 1. Love the Church like Christ loves the church. 2. Love the world like God loves the world. 3. Love the Word like God loves the Word. 4. Love prayer like God loves prayer. 5. Love the lost like Jesus loves the lost. 6. Love to teach like Jesus loved to teach. 7. Love the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 8. Love a cheerful giver. Learn To Hate the Things God Hates 1. Hate sin like God hates sin. 2. Hate lying like God hates lying. 3. Hate greed like God hates greed. 4. Hate deceit like God hates deceit. 5. Hate pride like God hates pride. 6. Hate satan like God hates satan. 7. Hate divorce like God hates divorce. 8. Hate robbing God like God hates it Identify the deceiver Learn to identify the deceiver, the accuser of the brethren, the father of lies, the devourer, satan. (See Chapter Thirteen “Problem Solving Procedure” under “Recognize the Enemy.") Milk I Corinthians 3:2 and I Peter 2:2 speak of the milk of the Word. Milk is the Bible term for the most necessary b a s i c s that must be taught to all beginners or "babies" in the Christian life. This is as vital as milk to the new born baby. This “milk” is even more important 120 for the church leader. Sometimes problems with elders go back to some initial doctrine that was missed. It's not only important to know about the “milk” for elders to teach others, (especially new Christians) but equally important for the elders themselves to partake. For instance, not only to know the need for repentance, but to be repentant themselves. Spiritual Milk I Corinthians 3:2 and I Peter 2:2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Confess publicly of this belief in Christ. Repent. (Sorry for sins turned to Christ.) To be baptized. To be assured of salvation. We’re not saved by being good. A tither. A daily prayer life. Reading the Bible daily. Know God's plan for the church. To find a place in Christian service. Learn God's priorities. Familiar with Biblical job descriptions. A soul winner. (As you are going.) To know the Holy Spirit's work. To discover your spiritual gift. 121 Meat "Meat” is a Biblical term for the d e e p e r t h I n g s o f G o d . (See I Corinthians 3:2 and Hebrews 5:12-6:2) Meat is needed as we mature and grow in Christ. We are instructed not to remain babes but to go on to the deeper things. Elders need to know what the meat of the Word is, to partake of it themselves and to share it with the flock. Here are examples of spiritual meat: (These examples of “milk” and “meat” are not intended to be all inclusive. Spiritual Meat I Corinthians 3:2 and Hebrews 5:12-6:2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. From giving tithes to tithes & offerings. Learn / practice unlimited forgiveness. Learn / practice, “In all things love." Every thing decently and in order. Totally trusting God. Totally surrendered to God. Praising God for “everything." Acknowledging Him in all of your ways. See yourself & others thru God's eyes. To accept people, not sin. To learn to be content. To love enemies along with all mankind. To build each other up. Put aside your desires, for God's best. To hate sin. Seeking first the Kingdom of God. Looking at life from God's point of view. 122 18. Putting on the armor of God. 19. Hunger and thirst after righteousness. 20. Be light and salt. On-The-Job Training On the job training is the concept of learning to do the job along with a mature Christian. Focus Point 41: D o the job first and then get the title. (“First be proved.”) Jesus used this concept as He prepared His disciples by being an example to them, seeing Him in action, as part of the preparation for their ministry. Here are some ways to carry this out: 1. Serve with a prayer warrior for a time. 2. Serve with a soul winner for a time. 3. Serve with an experienced deacon for a time. Assisting in his ministry. 4. Then serve as a deacon. (As stated in the next chapter, every deacon isn't necessarily a candidate for elder. But it is advisable that every elder have the experience of serving as a deacon.) 5. Serve with a teacher for a time. Assisting in his ministry. 6. Then serve as a teacher. 7. Serve with the preacher for a time. Assisting in his ministry. (Maybe even do some preaching.) 8. Serve with an elder for a time. Assisting in his ministry. 9. Then serve as an elder. During On the Job Training Concentrate on these important issues as the elder trainee is given the opportunity to have experience with the veteran leader. 1. Developing your spiritual gift. 2. Developing and understanding of the t o t a l w o r k of the church. 3. Developing love for people. 4. Spending more time reading the Bible. (Spend time with someone that loves the Bible.) 5. Spending more time in prayer. (Spend time with a prayer warrior.) 6. Developing a clear focus on G o d ‘ s priorities. The Elder at Work Part of the training of an elder candidate should include an overall picture of the elder at work. Here is a view of the elder's job based on the six different titles the Bible gives this ministry. 123 1. The work of the “bishop” or “o v e r s e e r” is to evaluate. A. S e e their strong points, gifts, potential, talents, interests and abilities. (Each Christians abilities/interests should match his area to serve. B. S e e Christian's weaknesses, sins and needs. (Provide the proper spiritual food (Or teaching.) To correct the weakness or sin and see that his needs are met. C. Observe the dangers to the flock. (Protect the flock from dangers. This is accomplished by teaching and instruction.) For instance if the Mormons are having a strong influence in your community, it’s time to teach about the dangers of this cult so your people are prepared. 2. The work of the “shepherd” or “pastor” is to feed, teach and equip. A. Teach the milk of the Word where needed. B. Teach the meat of the Word where needed. C. Care for the weak, sick and broken. D. Bring back the Christians that have strayed away. 3. The work of the “elder” or “presbyter” is sharing the maturity of God's wisdom from the Word. Example as well as teaching. A. A mature prayer life. Seeking God's direction in everything. B. Mature personal Bible study. Developing an exceptional knowledge of the Scriptures. C. Godly wisdom. Looking at life from God's point of view. D. Be an example to the flock. How Do Elders Teach, Feed, Train And Equip? 1. By overseeing the congregation they evaluate and discover what the needs are. What is lacking? What needs to be taught? 2. They set goals or targets: A. Soul winning - because they see soul winners are needed. B. Prayer Warriors - because they see that prayer warriors are needed. C. Bible Scholars - because they see that is the need. D. Givers - because they see that is the need. E. Able To Stand Against Sin - because they see that is the need, etc. 3. They search the Scriptures to form a curriculum of what the B i b l e says on the subject. (There is help available on writing your own curriculum, but two things are fundamental. What does the Bible say about the subject and what is the application to daily life? Or answering the question, so what?) 4. They decide when the best time is to teach this. Some possibilities are: A. Sunday school hour. B. Mid-week Bible Study C. Other already in action small group studies etc. 5. They decide who is going to teach what and when. A priority of church curriculum is, how did we get the Bible? The authority of Scripture. Benefits of knowing the Word. How to study the Bible. Focus Point 42: Feed the sheep with a purpose! Equipped to do w h a t? 124 This outline is not all inclusive. It lays the ground work for an elders training ministry. A l l the material in this book should be included as part of elders training. Always Be Prepared To Give an Answer This material is copied from the book “Christianity in Crisis” by Hank Hanegraaff, President of the Christian Research Institute. Chapter 28 page 309, “D = Defense” and from Appendix B page 367 “Apologetics: The Defense of the Faith" The Apostle Peter put it this way: "Always be prepared to give an answer (apologia) to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (I Peter 3:15). I. THE UNIVERSE WAS INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED BY A CREATOR AND THUS DID NOT EVOLVE BY RANDOM CHANCE: A DESIGNED UNIVERSE First, we must be prepared to demonstrate that the universe was created by God and did not evolve by random chance. In dealing with the creation/evolution issue, you should know that: The fossil record is an embarrassment to evolutionists. Darwin said that the fossil record would bear him out, yet more than 100 years after his death is no evidence for transitions from one species to another (macroevolution). Ape-men frauds and blunders abound. Perhaps the most notable is Pithecanthropus erectus (Java man). You may remember him staring back at you from the pages of your school textbook. You know - - - the one with the eyes of a philosopher. More than 60 years after he was thoroughly discredited, he still appears in some textbooks! The idea that the organized complexity of the universe came about through chance is a statistical impossibility. Even forming something as basic as a protein molecule by random processes is unthinkable. The basic laws of science refute the theory of evolution. The second law of thermodynamics - - - entropy - - - in particular contradicts the theory of evolution. Evolution postulates that everything goes from randomness to complexity and from disorder to order. Entropy demonstrates that everything is going in exactly the opposite direction - - - toward randomness and disorder. It should also be noted that evolution is an unproved hypothesis, while entropy is a well documented law of science. II. JESUS CHRIST IS GOD AND PROVED IT THROUGH THE UNDENIABLE FACT OF His RESURRECTION: JESUS, THE INCARNATE SON OF GOD Second, we must be equipped to demonstrate that Jesus Christ is God and proved it through the undeniable fact of His resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest feat in the annals of recorded history. Through the resurrection, Jesus demonstrated that He does not stand in a line of peers with Buddha, Mohammed, or any other founder of a world religion. They died and are still dead, but Christ is risen! The resurrection is the capstone in the arch of Christianity; if it is removed, all else crumbles. It is the singular doctrine which elevated Christianity above all the pagan religions of the ancient Mediterranean world. As Paul put it, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. . . . If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men" (I Corinthians 15:17, 19). It is precisely because of its strategic 125 importance to the Christian faith that each person who takes the sacred name Christian must be prepared to demonstrate that: * the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a well-attested fact of history. It is neither myth, legend, nor hoax. The first major fact supporting the resurrection of Christ is the empty tomb. Even the enemies of Christ admitted that the tomb was empty and could not produce the body. The second major fact supporting the resurrection is the appearances of Christ. After the resurrection He appeared to over 500 eyewitnesses at a single time (I Corinthians 15:6). He also appeared to numerous other people, providing "many convincing proofs” of His resurrection (Acts 1:3). The third great apologetic for the resurrection is the radical transformation which took place in the lives of Christ's disciples. After the crucifixion they were scattered, disappointed, and without hope. After the resurrection, however, they united to change the world, confident and secure in the fact of the resurrection. From them emerged the greatest movement in history. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is an undeniable fact of history. And that's not just anyone's opinion. That was the opinion of Dr. Simon Greenleaf, the greatest authority on legal evidence of the nineteenth century. In fact, he was the famous Royal Professor of Law at Harvard and was directly responsible for the school's rise to eminence among American law schools. After being goaded by his students into examining the evidence for the resurrection, Greenleaf suggested that any cross-examination of the eyewitness testimonies recorded in Scripture would result in “an undoubting conviction of their integrity, ability and truth." Dr. Greenleaf not only became a Christian, but in 1846 wrote a defense for the resurrection titled: An Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by the Rules of Evidence Administered in the Court of Justice. Indeed, the evidence for Christ's resurrection is so overwhelming that no one can examine it with an open mind, desiring to know the truth, without becoming convinced that it really happened. III. THE BIBLE IS GOD-GIVEN RATHER THAN HUMAN IN ORIGIN: THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD Third, we must be prepared to demonstrate that the Bible is divine rather than human in origin. In fact, if you can demonstrate that the Bible was inspired by God rather than conspired by men, you can answer a host of other objections by referring directly to Scripture. It is crucial that every believer can demonstrate that: * The manuscript evidence for the preservation of the biblical text is stronger than for any other manuscript of classical literature - - - including Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Caesar, and Tacitus. The reliability of Scripture is also confirmed through the eyewitness credentials of the authors. We can be confident that the text we possess today accurately represents the original text of Scripture. * Archaeology affirms the historical reliability of the Bible. In order to be intellectually responsible, secular scholars must revise their biblical criticism in the light of solid archaeological evidence. Truly, with every turn of the archaeological spade we see even more evidence for the trustworthiness of Scripture. The Bible records predictions of events that could not have been anticipated by chance, common sense, or collusion. Careful research affirms the predictive accuracy of the Bible. Predictive prophecy is a principle of biblical reliability that often reaches even the hard-boiled skeptic! It is statistically impossible that the Bible's very specific detailed prophecies could have been fulfilled through chance, good guessing, or deliberate deceit. The Bible was written over a span of 1600 years by 40 authors in three languages 126 (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek) on hundreds of subjects. And yet there is one consistent, noncontradictory prophetic theme that runs through it all: God's redemption of humankind. Clearly, statistical probability concerning biblical prophecy is a powerful indicator of the trustworthiness of Scripture. That, in a nutshell, is what Apologetics is all about. And remember - - - if you're looking for a real experience, try becoming a defender of the faith. Not only will you experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit working through you, but you may just find yourself in the middle of an angelic praise gathering when a lost son or daughter of Adam finds his or her way into the Kingdom of God." Discipline Dialogue 6 - Elder’s Meeting - Discipline Elder 1 - Men, this is a tough one. Joe Weak Christian is committing adultery with Mr. Deacon’s wife. What should we do? Elder 2 - It’s none of our business. Let's just keep our noses out of it. Elder 1 - I don't think that is the answer, but what should we do? Elder 3 - We’ve just got to face them and kick them both out of the church. Elder 4 - You’re right! There is no place for dirty sin like that, in this church! I'm shocked! Elder 1 - I sure don't want to be the one to go to them! Elder 2 - You guys are just stirring up a bee hive. Leave it alone! Elder 4 - I make a motion we table it till next month. Elder 3 - I second the motion. Entering the personal life of a fellow human is very sensitive. Church discipline has been utter c h a o s in too many situations. One denomination is known for the discipline portion of every monthly congregational meeting. One young person reported that another has been listening to unapproved music. The guilty teen-ager is brought before the congregation and given an opportunity to repent. If he didn't, he would be ostracized immediately. Some call it churched or kicked out of the membership. Issues such as hair length, style of dress and who you spend your time with are fair game for this church's discipline. Some of the young people think that it's fun, as long as you're not on the hot seat. These churches are usually very small. Visitors hear of the scrutiny and refuse to become a part. They are afraid of being embarrassed and humiliated. Although this seems a distortion of what the Bible instructed, there i s Scriptural direction for church discipline. Discipline is part of the elder's responsibility of shepherding and oversight. In preparation for this book, a questionnaire to elders asked, where they needed the most help. A popular response was discipline. What issues should be disciplined and what shouldn't? Who should be disciplined? When is it necessary and how should it be done? God's Word a n s w e r s these questions. DEALING WITH AN INDIVIDUAL DISCIPINE PROBLEM Matthew 18:15-17 “If your brother sins against you go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over." (N o 127 n e e d f o r t h e e l d e r s h e r e ) "But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” (N o n e e d f o r t h e e l d e r s h e r e ) "If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church;" (N o n e e d f o r t h e e l d e r s h e r e )"and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector." (There I S need for the elders here.) I Corinthians 5:1-13 "It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that does not occur even among pagans: A man has his father’s wife. And you are proud! Shouldn’t you rather have been filled with grief and have put out of your fellowship the man who did this? Even though I am not physically present, I am with you in spirit. And I have already passed judgment on the one who did this, just as if I were present. When you are assembled in the name of our Lord Jesus and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present, hand this man over to satan, so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord. Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb has been sacrificed. Therefore let us keep the Festival, not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness, but with bread without yeast, the bread of sincerity and truth. I have written you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people -not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat. What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked man from among you” (Emphasis mine.) II Corinthians 2:5-11 "If anyone has caused grief, he has not so much grieved me as he has grieved all of you, to some extent—not to put it too severely. The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for him. Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. I urge you, therefore, to reaffirm your love for him. The reason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in everything. If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I have forgiven—if there was anything to forgive—I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes." II Thessalonians 3:6 “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us." Galatians 6:1, 2 “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Matthew 18:22, 35 “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.” (v.35) 128 John 8:10, 11 “Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin." These Bible instructions are to all Christians and not primarily to elders. Much is to be handled between the parties involved and only brought before the church as a l a s t resort. Christians need to be taught to help and as a last resort withdraw from violators and bring it to the church. Here are guidelines for elders in those rare occasions when they do need to be involved. The A t t i t u d e of Those Doing the Disciplining 1. In all things love. I Corinthians 16:14 2. All things build up. I Corinthians 14:26 3. All things decently and in order. I Corinthians 14:40 4. Consider yourself. Galatians 6:1 5. Mercy. John 8:1-11 6. As much as we do it to the least of these our brethren, we do it unto Jesus. Matthew 25:40, 45, 46 Remember the Goal 1. To save the individual. For their good. 2. To lead them to repentance. 3. To condemn sin, not the person. 4. To show the love and mercy of God. 5. To glorify God. 6. To defeat satan. Focus Point 43: Pray before, during and after all teaching. Some Don'ts and Do's 1. Don't destroy a person, but build them up. 2. Don't punish a person, but bring healing. 3. Don't get rid of someone, but bring them back. 4. Don't humiliate an individual, but teach them the love of God and His way. 5. Don't strip them of all pride, but equip them for the work of ministry. I remember one of the best bosses I ever had. He called you into his office when you committed an error. From the start he made his purpose clear. Not towards termination, but correction. The g o a l was I m p r o v e m e n t in becoming skilled professionals. To handle the situation better next time. You felt better when you left his office, instead of 129 worse. Church discipline should be handled this way. Goal: help the disciplined become a better Christian and not make the same mistake again. Remember Who the Enemy Is Ephesians 6:12,13a "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God " Help the weak Christian put on this armor. The Right Things to Say 1. We know this is touchy. 2. We care about you. 3. We want to help. 4. satan deserves part of the blame. 5. We are all weak. 6. There, but for the grace of God , go I. 7. Jesus came for sinners, not for the righteous. 8. Where would any of us be, if we didn't have another chance? 9. Jesus understands. 10. We understand. 11. It's not necessary to come before the congregation. 12. Handle it here and now and be done with it. 13. Point out the Scriptures that apply and read them. 14. Pray together. 15. Accept it as taken care of. 16. Forgive. 17. Hold no grudge. 18. Help the person find a place to use their spiritual gift. 19. If they want to come before the congregation, it’s O.K. If so, make it short and sweet. No details are necessary. 20. No victory for satan. 21. With sincere repentance come God's peace and forgiveness. Wrong Things to Say and Do 1. We don't want you. 2. You are bad, rotten and dirty. 3. "I always thought you were that kind of a person." 4. This cannot be forgiven. 5. Stay away, don’t ever come back. 6. We don't care about you, we just care about the church. 7. Work this out yourself. 8. Blame, shame and degrade. 9. You should have known better. 10. Come across superior, we are better than you. 11. Jesus will punish you. 12. This is your last chance. 13. This is a hopeless situation. 14. Hold a grudge. 130 15. We will need to tell this to everyone. 16. Go some place else and worship. 17. You are a loser. Examples from the Bible 1. David was forgiven for adultery and murder. 2. Peter was forgiven for denying the Lord. 3. Paul was forgiven for murdering Christians. 4. Adulteress was forgiven after being caught in the act. 5. Jonah was forgiven for refusing God's direction. 6. Rehab the harlot was forgiven. 7. Crucifiers were forgiven. Jesus said, “Father forgive them -” 8. Jesus forgave the thief on the cross next to him. Focus Point 44: Hate the Sin and Love the sinner Kinds of Sins to Be Disciplined 1. Immorality 2. Adultery 3. Fornication 4. Covetous (Greedy) 5. Extortioner (Swindler) 6. Idolater 7. Railer (Abusive) 8. Drunkard 9. Brother that trespasses against thee. 10. Disorderly 11. Overtaken in a fault. 12. Trespasses (Sins) against God. Focus Point 45: Discipline applies to those things that are publicly (or commonly) known. We Are Not Investigators The phrase, “It is reported commonly” in the I Corinthians 5:1 passage deserves some special attention. This is a tip to the kinds of things that should be handle in church discipline. There are many sins in the lives of the people of a congregation. (Even in y o u r life.) 131 Generally we help overcome sin by prayer, preaching and teaching. Christians are exhorted to read their Bibles, pray, be obedient and repentant. We allow the convicting to be done by the Holy Spirit. Nowhere are we instructed to be like a private detective and discover everyone's secret sins. Change or get out of the church is not the instructions we are to give. In fact the changing process is often a slow and tedious process of growing in Christ. However, there are sins that become public, “reported commonly." The church must take action when this happens. Not only is it important to help the individual involved, but the witness to the church and the community must not be blackened. These rare occurrences must be addressed in a Christ like manner, with love and the hope of restoration. Dialogue 7 - A Good Elder's Meeting (Much of their j o b description is demonstrated here.) Elder 1 - Let’s go over our agenda first. Elder 2 - I’ve prepared to lead us in Scripture and a time of prayer on our knees. Elder 3 - I have a report and recommendation on the Spiritual gifts of those that accepted Christ this month. Elder 4 - I have a report and recommendation for curriculum and teaching ministry assignments for the next three months. Elder 5 - I have a report and recommendation on our equipping ministry. Three more are equipped to be soul winners. Elder 1 - Sounds encouraging gentlemen. God is truly blessing. I'm looking forward to this meeting tonight. Elder 2 - I’m excited about helping Mr. Backslider. He responded positively to our love, instruction and encouragement. He accepted the ministry we offered him. Preacher - Before you begin Elder 2, I just want to say how proud I am of you guys. You are a blessing to me and to this church. Bottom Line 8 The Elders Scriptural Job Description Elders are mature Christian men that fervently pray and know the Word. God gave these prepared men an important ministry. F e e d the flock. T e a c h and e q u I p the saints. This Biblical job description is often missed. Elder's Job Description 1. Much time reading and studying the Bible. Know God's priorities. 2. Much time in prayer. Seeking God's direction, calling on the Lord, crying out to God , praising, supplication, thanksgiving, confessing and adoration. Including God in on everything. Fasting on occasion. 132 3. Equipping, teaching, training, indoctrination, feeding the flock. Teaching the milk and the meat of the Word. Giving Biblical council.(teaching for special situations.) 4. Bring back those that have strayed away. 5. Minister to Christians that are hurting. Bind up the broken. 6. Protect. Watch for false doctrine. 7. Tend to the sick. Physical and spiritual. 8. In all things love. Including hospitality. 9. Lead the lost to Jesus. 10. Be an example. 11. Oversee. Identify needs and spiritual gifts. 12. Ordaining. Setting aside for special ministry. Word Use in the New Testament 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Bishop - 7 Bishops - 1 Elder - 6 Elders - 64 Overseer - 1 Oversight - 1 Pastor - 0 Pastors - 1 Presbytery - 1 Shepherd - 13 Shepherds - 4 Feed, Feeding, Feedeth - 9 Teacher - 4 Teaches - 9 Teachest - 7 Teaching - 23 Teacheth - 6 Edify - 3 Edifying - 8 Edifieth - 3 Edified - 2 Perfecting - 2 Preacher - 4 Preaching – 26 The Elder's Job To Teach (How teaching relates to the six titles of the elder.) 133 1. Elder or 2. Presbyter (Greek) (Meaning older in the Word, because he must teach.) 3. Bishop or 4. Overseer (To observe and discover what needs to be taught.) 5. Pastor or 6. Shepherd (To feed and protect the sheep by teaching.) Jesus said, “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." Ephesians, “Some pastor teachers to equip the saints." Jesus, Peter and Paul said, “Feed the sheep." Feed means teach. Elder's Meeting Agenda In all things: love, decently and in order, give thanks, call on God and edify. (Problems are opportunities.) Share a section of Scripture. Pray on knees about Scripture and Agenda I. Overseeing Report Spiritual gifts discovered and documented Strengths, talents and abilities considered Weaknesses, needs to be met II. Shepherding Christians missing or backslidden Christians driven away or Sick (Spiritual and physical) Broken (Divorce, lost job, death etc.) Need to lie down and rest (Recover and be restored} Who needs milk? Who needs meat? III. Discipline Problem identified by Scripture Commonly known Step one, two and three have been rejected Step four (No repentance - asked to leave with plans to bring back.) (Each step is the resolution, if they repent.) IV. Feed / Equip / Build Up / Edify / Teach / Train / Indoctrinate Training of equippers Elders sharing the teaching responsibilities Milk and meat needs defined and met (Complete meal) Non-spiritual needs met (Delegate to deacons or ministry leaders.) Connect gifts with ministries (Pray for each thing on the check list - acknowledging God in everything.) God Delegates Jobs God's work is t a s k oriented. He provides help, gifts and tools for every Christian and every job. Each one’s needed, special and important. Not a question of who's most important on God's team. But a team working together. 1. The Father has a particular work. He gave His Son. 2. The Son has a special work. He gave His life. 3. The Holy Spirit has a special work. He teaches comforts and convicts. 4. The angels have a special work. They are messengers for God. 5. The prophets had a special work. They represented God to man. 134 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. The priests had a special work. They represented man to God. The kings had a special work. Rule the people. The apostles had a special work. Get the church started. The preacher has a special work. Preach the Word. The elders have a special work. Feed the flock. (Teach) The deacons (or ministry leaders) have a special work. Help the preachers, elders, teachers and staff. The evangelists have a special work. Preach and teach the Good News. The teachers have a special work. Teach the Word. Men have a special work. Lead in the home. Women have a special work. Older women teach the younger women. Every Christian has a special work, depending on their spiritual gift. (These job descriptions are not all inclusive. They illustrate that God gives different tasks to different people and they are all important.) Elder's Questionnaire This is to help determine the elder's needs and problems. There is a high expectation of elders and very little help. This is an effort to give that help. 1. What is the elder's Biblical job description? (Not qualifications.) A. ______________________________________________________________ B. ______________________________________________________________ C. ______________________________________________________________ D. ______________________________________________________________ E. ______________________________________________________________ 2. Why are these things important? A. ______________________________________________________________ B. ______________________________________________________________ C. ______________________________________________________________ D. ______________________________________________________________ E. ______________________________________________________________ 3. How can these things be accomplished? A. ______________________________________________________________ B. ______________________________________________________________ C. ______________________________________________________________ D. ______________________________________________________________ E. ______________________________________________________________ 4. Are other jobs equally or more important? Yes No If yes, what?: _____________________________________________________ 5. How much time do you average reading the Bible each day?: _________________ 6. What is the biggest need or problem in the church today?: ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ 7. Where do you need the most help? Better understanding of the elder's job Elder, preacher relationships Elder, deacon relationships 135 Elder, member relationships More time More money Church discipline Methods to get the job done Other: ________________________________________________________ 8. How much time do you average in prayer each day?: ________________________ 9. Who has the most authority? Preacher Elder Deacon Congregation Why?:_____________________________________________________________ 10. What are the priorities of your church?: A. ____________________ B. _____________________ C. _______________ D. ____________________ E. _____________________ F. _______________ 11. Do you enjoy being an elder? Yes No Why?: _______________________ 12. Would you be interested in more training/help for elders? Yes No Comment: _________________________________________________________ 13. If special training were available, what topics would you be interested in? __________________________________________________________________ 14. How much special elder training have you had? Weeks or hours?: _____________ What topics have you covered?: ________________________________________ 15. Do you feel that the Bible Colleges are missing anything important in the training of preachers?: Yes No If Yes, what?: ______________________________ 16. How long have you been a Christian?: ___________________________________ 17. How long have you been an elder?: _____________________________________ 18. Any additional comments that you think would be helpful?:____________________ __________________________________________________________________ 20. What does “feed” the flock mean?: ___________________________________________ Ministry of the Word 1. Acts 20:32 - The Word of grace will build you up. 2. I Timothy 5:17 - Labor in the Word. 3. II Timothy 1:13 - Hold fast sound words. 4. II Timothy 2:15 - Study the Word. 5. II Timothy 3:15 - Scriptures 6. II Timothy 3:16, 17 - Scriptures 7. Titus 1:9 - Hold fast the faithful Word. 8. Titus 1:13 - Sound in the faith. 9. Titus 2:1 - Sound doctrine. 10. Titus 1:7 - In doctrine. * Also Acts 20:28, I Peter 5:2, I Timothy 3:1-13 and 5:17136 137 BRING BACK -BIND UP FEED EQUIP TEACH DISCIPLINE ORDAIN PROBLEM SOLVING •CURRICULUM •MILK-NEW CHRISTIANS •MEAT-MATURE CHRISTIIANS EXAMPLE •HOSPITALITY •FELLOWSHIP OVERSEE •SPIRITUAL GIFTS •WEAKNESSES BIBLE •STRENGTHS PRAYER THE WORK OF AN ELDER 138 139 STEWARDSHIP PRAYER MERCY EQUIPPING GOOD NEWS ORGANIZATION MISSIONS BIBLE VISION DEVELOP CURRICULUM MEETING NEEDS 140 SERVICE 103 9 DEACONS OR MINISTRY LEADERS THE SPARK PLUGS Fun Song - I’m So Happy Song - Oh Jesus I Have Promised Questions Answered In Chapter Nine 1. What's so important about deacons or ministry leaders? Answer: They are the key helpers in the church. 2. What is their job description? Answer: Described in this chapter. 3. How much freedom should they have? Answer: Freedom to serve and accomplish their task. 4. Examples of their ministry. Answer: From the Bible and in the church today. 5. Key concept 141 Answer: Find some one doing the job then give them the title, not - giving a title and then hoping they will do the job. Introduction Preachers, teachers and elders need help to accomplish their task. God provided this ministry to meet that need. Chapter Nine DEACONS OR MINISTRY LEADERS Barrier 9: Confusion concerning the deacon’s job description. I Timothy 3:13 (Living Bible) "Those who do well as deacons (servers) will be well-rewarded both by respect from others and also by developing their own confidence and bold trust in the Lord." Deacons are often considered the “lowest” or most insignificant of Biblical church leaders. Remember God's perspective. Contrary to a chain of command, from least important to most important, God has s p e c i a l i s t s assigned to specific tasks. (See chart titled “God Delegates Jobs” at the end of Chapter Eight.) The team concept applies here. The deacons have a special and important part on the team. It's not only physical duties, in contrast to spiritual duties. But both physical and spiritual duties. Philip and Stephen are excellent examples. They were both considered deacons and served in physical and spiritual areas. The First Deacons Acts 6:1-7 “In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith." Highlights of Acts 6:1-7 The seven men that were chosen were deacons by a c t i o n, if not by title. They were helpers ready to serve in an assigned task. In fact, the seven are not only a pattern for the first deacons; the apostles are a pattern for the first elders. Some question whether these were deacons, because the title “deacon” is not used in the narration but, this is clearly the task. Deacon means, t o s e r v e or h e l p , and these men were chosen to serve and help. 142 Scripture for The Kind Of A Person A comparison of qualifications, for elder and deacon, show very little difference in their requirements. The differences are that the elder is to have no wine, (A deacon may have a little.) And the elder is to be able to teach. God wants h i g h l y q u a l i f i e d p e o p l e for this area of service. Qualifications for deacons are found in: 1. Acts 6:1-8 2. I Timothy 3:8-13 Not Inexperienced I Timothy 3:10 "They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons." Don't choose an inexperienced person. Look at the words describing the men chosen in Acts 6. “…full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom." These characteristics are required along with the instruction to, “Look ye out among you." We should choose men “among us” considered S p I r I t f i l l e d Christians and of honest reputation. They have been Christians long enough to have had experience and established the proper reputation. Mature enough to understand the organization of the church and the biblical job descriptions. A degree of maturity in the faith is required. Men have been chosen with the purpose of helping them grow in the Lord. T h i s i s w r o n g. Serving does give opportunity for spiritual growth but, an experienced Christian is needed for this responsibility on the team. Focus Point 46: Find someone doing the job, t h e n give them the title. Some Times Deacons Become Elders It's possible for a deacon to become an elder, but not necessarily so. Every deacon should n o t b e e x p e c t e d to become an elder. A man can be a deacon all of his life and be just as honorable and productive as a preacher, teacher or elder. On the other hand it's good if an elder has first been a deacon. How Long? Scripture suggests that the job lasts as long as it's necessary to complete the task. T h e t a s k i s p r o j e c t o r m i n i s t r y o r i e n t e d. Not that a person is ordained one week and not a deacon the next. But going from one task to another as the need arises. 143 What Kind of Restrictions? Deacons or Ministry Leaders should be able to minister f r e e l y. They are often limited and hindered from accomplishing their purpose. Assign the task, offer assistance and expect it to be taken care of. Occasionally check to see how things are coming along. The preacher and the elders offer a degree of accountability under their oversight ministry. They are there more to encourage and support rather than crack the whip and make demands. Examples of Jobs for the Deacon or Ministry Leader 1. Responsible for particular ministries. (Some times called ministry leaders.) 2. Work on the “Vision Team." 3. Serve in Christian Education. 4. Help with the youth program. 5. Serve in the mission’s ministry. 6. Work with the fellowship ministry. 7. Work in the stewardship ministry. 8. Help with worship and/or music. 9. Serve in ministering to the senior citizens. 10. Help with Christian sports teams. 11. Work in the area of community service. 12. Keep statistics. 13. Be a church representative to the media. 14. Head up a printing ministry. 15. Serve on an evangelism or prayer team. T h e y a r e h e l p e r s f o r t h e p r e a c h e r , e l d e r s , t e a c h e r s a n d s t a f f . A help to the members as well. This help can be spontaneously when a need arises or assigned to a specific task. Focus Point 47: Qualified Christians to help with specific needs. Bottom Line 9 Deacons or Ministry Leaders They are an important part of God's team of leaders. Qualified people to help wherever and whenever needed. The Deacon or Ministry Leader Job Description 1. Read the Bible daily. 144 2. Spend time in prayer each day. Ask God for a servant's heart and opportunities to serve. 3. Be alert for ways to help the 1) Preacher, 2) Elders, 3) Teachers, and 4) Staff so they can focus in on their ministries. Also, look for ways to help at the regular services, when asked, and where you see a need. 4. Attend appropriate meetings. 10 EQUIPPING Song - More about Jesus Questions Answered In Chapter Ten 1. What are Christians to be equipped to do? Answer: The work of ministry. 2. How do you equip Christians? Answer: Teach, motivate, example and on-the-job training. 3. How do you select curriculum? (Or doctrine that needs to be taught.) Answer: Evaluate needs, search the scriptures and choose a target. 4. How do you get started? Answer: Choose the most urgent need (Example - "Revival of Prayer.") 5. What part do the preacher, elder, deacon and teacher play in equipping? Answer: They share the task. Good if they all focusing on the same target. 145 Equipping Introduction - A major part of the preacher's, elder's and teacher's job. Why is it important? What are Christians equipped to do? How/when is it done? Chapter Ten EQUIPPING (Often called the Christian Education ministry of the church.) Barrier 10: Christians don't accomplish their ministry, because they're not equipped. Ephesians 4:12 (New American Standard Bible) “. . . for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;" Exciting Ministry Equipping the saints for the work of ministry is one of the most exciting ministries of the church. I remember back in the seventies, Dr. Medford Jones, then President of Pacific Christian College, went everywhere preaching the message of equipping the saints. It was an inspiration to me as I ministered in the Los Angeles area. Equipping is one of the churches p r i m a r y ministries. It's part of the Biblical job description for preachers, elders, and teachers. Christians are to be equipped to do the work of m i n i s t r y. The ultimate goal is to be like Christ and glorify Him. Actually, most everything in this book could be under the heading of equipping. Today's term for equipping is - Christian education. Mistakenly, Christian education is often applied only to the Sunday school. It should include the entire equipping ministry of the church. The elder's principal task is to feed the flock. Feeding is teaching, training and equipping the church. It's so exciting because it spreads the w o r k l o a d , gets people I n v o l v e d, bears f r u i t and brings a j o y a n d s a t i s f a c t i o n to both the one equipping and the one being equipped. It can also be called discipeling or “teaching them to observe all things.” Whose Responsibility Is It? Preachers complain about the poor quality of elders. By the way, I’ve done my share of it. The complaint goes something like this, “We don't have any strong leaders. They don't know what their job is. They are not qualified. A New Testament elder, shepherd of the flock, can’t be found." I agree with these complaints. It's often true. But, whose responsibility is it to equip the elders? Mature elders should help, but the finger of blame points to the average p r e a c h e r! The purpose is not to blame but to correct. To eliminate those things that cause the church's death and incorporate those things that bring life. Follow with me for a moment as I continue with this problem of unequipped elders. Don't Give Up The scenario goes something like this. The preacher tries to get the elders to teach and shepherd the flock. To shepherd the newer Christians with the milk of the Word and the older Christians with the meat of the Word. He tries to get them in the homes and serve in Biblical ministries. He tries to get their support in the growth of the church. (A new preacher can rather quickly take the pulse of the church and see the challenges and the needs.) But after all of his efforts, the preacher fails. He runs into a brick wall. He discovers elders with limited 146 Bible knowledge and a shallow prayer life. Elders that have little idea of what their Biblical job description is. He gets frustrated and then tries to get rid of the present leaders and start over with new. When this fails he decides either to live with things as they are and do the best he can, or quit. At this point many good preachers r e s I g n a n d l e a v e t h e m I n i s t r y . This is a sad and oft-repeated story. A Current Example As I was typing one afternoon the power went out. Men from the power company were outside working on the line. I asked one of the workers, “How long until the power will be back on?" I told him I was using my computer to write a book. He said that it wouldn't be long and asked me what my book was about? I said, “ I t “s a b o u t H e l p I n g d I s c o u r a g e d c h u r c h e s w i t h a R e v i v a l o f P r a y e r.” He proceeded to tell me about the church he attended not far away, that they were in a struggle over authority. They had been firing one preacher after another. Most of the people had quit coming because of the preachers being fired. He said that there was more arguing among themselves than ministry. He felt like he wanted to quit. I told him about the church that I described in Chapter Two. How it almost died, but came back to life because of a revival of prayer. Hundreds of churches have this same problem. They need to start from scratch and e q u i p t h e e l d e r s . It's true. New life begins with a revival of prayer. But it includes equipping the saints. We know that preachers need to be equipped. But every deacon, teacher, elder and member needs to be equipped as well. The electrician's sad story illustrates my point. This unhealthy, dying church needs to be raised from the dead. They feel like giving up. They need to have a revival of prayer and be equipped for ministry. This is not an isolated situation; it’s repeated over and over again in hundreds of congregations. I encourage you not to give up. Don't give up and quit the church. Don't give up on the congregation and the leaders. Don't give up on the elders. Most of them are doing the best that they can with what they know. When they are equipped, they will become the leaders God intended them to be. I want to encourage you, d o n ’ t g i v e u p! Equipped To Do What? What should be included in your m e n u o f s p i r i t u a l f o o d ? What does the Bible say that Christians are to be equipped to do? 1. To have an effectual, fervent prayer life. 2. To love God 's Word. To read, study and apply it. 3. To know the H o l y S p i r i t ‘ s work. (To allow Him to work in our lives.) 4. To share the Good News at every opportunity. 5. To learn how to praise God. 6. To practice an active faith. 7. To learn to love all people. 8. To model the life of Jesus. 9. To implement God's blueprint for the New Testament Church. 10. To learn to forgive like God forgives. 11. To become faithful stewards. 12. To develop a Godly vision. 147 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. To know God's priorities. To be able to stand against satan. To live according to God's character values. To learn to worship God properly. To implement God's plan for the home. To live the separated life. To bear the fruit of the Spirit. To practice Christian fellowship. To know their spiritual gift and use it. To recognize the signs of the end times and Jesus' second coming. To teach. (This list is not all inclusive or in an order of priority.) The Best Time to Equip Equipping needs to be done faithfully and regularly. It should be a regular part of the ongoing ministry of every church. It doesn't have to be added to an already busy church schedule. Make it a part of time a l r e a d y scheduled. Start each session with fifteen minutes of prayer. Focused equipping brings positive change. People become equipped for areas of service that have long been neglected. We can sit in a corner and pout and complain. We can blame our problems on someone else. Or we can call out to God for help, roll up our sleeves and do something about it. Focus Point 48: Make time already scheduled, more productive. When should this equipping be done? 1. As part of the agenda, whenever leaders get together. 2. An hour class before the evening service. 3. An hour class after the evening service. (if you have an evening service.) 4. Sunday evening classes instead of an evening service. 5. A topic for mid-week studies. 6. A special Sunday school class for leaders. 7. A special Sunday school class for any Christian. 8. At the beginning of a new ministry. 9. Home Bible studies or small groups. Sunday school Consider reorganizing the Sunday school. It may be long overdue. Is it doing what it was intended to do? I understand why many would rather use the title “Bible School." The title Bible School emphasizes that it's a school to study the Bible. Proof that it needs reorganized is that many students have attended for years and still lack a good general knowledge of G o d ‘ s W o r d . Others know the Bible, but don't know how to apply it to their life. The Bible should be the heart of the class. Students need to be taught in simple straight 148 forward terms with applications for today. A system of accountability is seriously lacking. Teachers don't know if their students are learning or not. Pick A Target God wants His creation to pattern their lives after His Son. But the goal is much more specific than that. To be like Jesus, but how? Teaching is often too general. I call it “the shot gun method." General teaching is certainly better than nothing. But it can be more productive. We can accelerate Christian knowledge and growth. It only takes a few adjustments to what we're already doing. Start by identifying the kind of person God wants us to be. This is what I call “the rifle method." Zeroing in on targets with accountability. If doctors were taught the way most Christians are, their education would be too general to help anyone. Clear objectives help students put Scripture into practice. Clear Objectives Assist Accountability It's easier to see results when the teaching goals are s p e c i f i c and identified. The fruit of the teacher's labor will be demonstrated by changed lives. For instance, if the teaching target is Stewardship and it’s taught with Scripture and application, the result would be students giving tithes and offerings. Or if we teach soul winning with Scripture and application we should see students leading the lost to Christ. Or if we teach prayer and the students become prayer warriors. With these kinds of targeted goals we know we have reached our objective when we see the positive result. We see c h a n g e d l i v e s. The equipping ministry should be like an academic program whose objective is skilled experts. We discover from The Bible an attribute God wants in His people, then do the equipping to bring it about. The equipping ministry should be like preparing our young men in the armed services. They are equipped for battle. They must be skillfully trained. If the training is inadequate, they will fail on the battlefield. They will not achieve their objective. Steps Summarized 1. The equipper discovers God's objectives from scripture, what He wants Christians to be. 2. Then comes the actual equipping. Teaching Scripture with application. Role modeling and on-the-job training. 3. Look for the fruit to see if we are reaching our goal. 4. The joy of all joys. Those equipped are not only practicing what they have learned, but they have proceeded to e q u I p o t h e r s . Two Parts of Equipping As church leaders we feed, teach, equip, train, lead, set examples and implement onthe-job training. That is our part and our task. But that's not the whole picture. A. B. Simpson in his book of sermons called “A Larger Christian Life" points out, "Let us therefore stop thinking and speaking of the Christian life as a mere matter of education. Let us fully realize that it is a new creation - a miracle of infinite and omnipotent grace. All that God requires in us 149 is an opportunity to show what H e can do and to prove over and over again that wherever sin increases, grace increases all the more!" We do our part. And it must be done. God instructed us to do it. But He is at work in us and in our students as well. "… being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6 Two parts of equipping, our part and God's part, the work of the Holy Spirit. Develop Your Own Curriculum Most buy their Bible curriculum (Teaching materials) from a trusted publishing house. Would a church dare to develop its own curriculum? Some think that the local church is not q u a l i f i e d Who thinks that way and why? Who is more qualified to know the particular needs of the local congregation? The preacher and the elders should be qualified to do it. Like anything, your skills sharpen as you gain experience. Curriculum writing requires: 1. Evaluation, to see what the most urgent needs are. (Overseeing) 2. Search the Scriptures, to see God's instruction to meet those needs. 3. Show the consequences of not doing this God's way. 4. Show the blessings of doing it God's way. 5. Giving suggestions of how to get started. 6. Application. An example is in Chapter Two, “It Starts with a Revival of Prayer." Curriculum targeted to produce prayer warriors calling out to God. Why the Sunday school is An Important Method for Equipping The Sunday school is traditionally the primary teaching arm of the church. There are other methods of teaching, but this one is in place and still has the p o t e n t i a l of effective equipping. It helps make disciples. It demands continued evaluation for maximum effectiveness. Periodically reconsider the priorities. What needs to be taught regularly and what needs to be taught n o w ? More people learn God's truths through Sunday school than all other church teaching times combined. Discovering Needs There's a tool that helps discover what needs to be taught the most. What's most urgent? It's a carefully prepared s u r v e y o r q u e s t i o n n a i r e. It reveals what's known and what isn't. It should be used in a very low key fashion that is both comfortable and productive. Preaching and teaching can be targeted to meet these newly discovered needs. Students should not write their names on the questionnaire. It makes them feel uncomfortable and it isn't necessary. At the beginning of the seminar was an example of this kind of a questionnaire. (Bible Quiz) At What Age Should You Begin? There are important questions to ask yourself about your teaching ministry. Not only, what are the priorities of subjects and topics, but at what age should certain topics be taught? At what age should you begin teaching children about tithing, soul winning, or God's point of view of sex? It's great to teach children about the love of God, John 3:16, the Ten Commandments and the parables. But where do the soul winners, the prayer warriors, the lovers of the Word and the committed tithers come from? One major source is lovingly trained 150 children. As foreign as it may seem, in this modern age of low morals, there are Christian young men and women who are still virgins and haven't even kissed the opposite sex before they marry. How did this come about? Teaching that began when they were little children. Some might think that this is too strict. The evil one begins his teaching younger than you imagine. Hitler brainwashed youth into a powerful army. The children of the church are a vast resource for the cause of Christ. We need to begin this training while they are young. Youth Ministries Many youth programs look like a baby-sitting service, a social club or an entertainment program. These kinds of programs are fun for kids. But fun activities, without Biblical training of Scripture and application, process the youth straight out of the church and into the world. Then we wonder why? What went wrong? They were raised in the church. They came every Sunday. They were so involved. But they don't come anymore. What happened? When the o n l y activities are beach parties, pizza parties, roller skating, bowling etc. we eventually lose the kids. I don't want to be misunderstood. These activities are not wrong in themselves. In fact they can be a great ministry of fellowship, when Christ is included. But let me give you an example of what I mean. I've seen church softball teams where someone says, “Don't talk about the church or the Bible, or some of these good ball players won't come anymore." Doesn't something seem wrong when you can't talk about the church, the Bible or Jesus at a church activity? Keep the Purpose Clear Let's remind ourselves of the unique ministry of the church, of what our purpose is. No wonder thousands of young people go through church Sunday schools and youth programs and come out with no personal relationship to Christ or no commitment to His church. On the other hand there are church young people leading high school campus ministries, prayer groups and Bible studies. There is a reason for this striking contrast. This difference begins with the p u r p o s e and d e s i g n of the Sunday school and youth program. It includes giving young people meaningful r e s p o n s i b i l i t y . They enjoy sharing in God's eternal purpose. Equipping Ministries 1. Vacation Bible School 2. Christian Service Camp 3. Youth Ministries 4. Leadership Training Class 5. New Convert Training Class 6. New Member Class 7. Teacher Training Class 8. Soul Winning Class 9. Counselor Training Accountability Part Three Part-one of accountability is being a fruit inspector. Observing if what you are teaching is evident in your student’s lives. Part-two is the questionnaire. Checking with general 151 questions to see what is known and what is not. Part-three is giving tests. About every month or so have a short quiz on the material most recently taught. This can be a touchy subject. Touchy because we are afraid if we test and the students fail, or feel uncomfortable, they won't come back. And if this isn't h a n d l e d right, it’s true, they won't come back. What If We Don't Test? There are c o n s e q u e n c e s of not testing. If we don't have some kind of an accountability tool, we don't know what the students know and what they don't. We don't know if we are getting the lessons across or if they are actually learning. We don't know what has already been learned and what still needs to be taught. This is one of the reasons that so many have gone to classes for years and still don't know the Bible or how to apply it. The Right Perspective Our perspective needs to be right. The one who is being tested is the t e a c h e r and not the student. It's more teacher accountability than student accountability. Inform the students that we are checking to see if we as teachers got the material across or not. Make it s i m p l e and easy. Have n o - n a m e tests with multiple choice questions. There is no need to put names on the test. Individual names aren't important because we just want to discover if the class has learned what we taught. Did we hit the target or not? Repetition Repetition is a p r e d o m i n a n t principal of learning. Go over the major points several times to make the lesson stick and have long lasting effect. At the beginning of the class, point out what your expect them to learn. Then teach, with the major points on the chalk board or in a handout outline. At the end of the class review the major points. Give a monthly quiz concentrating on these same things. Application Life changing teaching must have an application. Bible teaching focuses on a doctrine from Scripture and then applies it to the student's life. 1. Equal time should be given to both parts of the lesson. 2. There should be no question that this is something God has instructed for our lives, from the a u t h o r i t y of His Word. 3. The teacher must help the students visualize it for their own lives. 4. Prepare by knowing the text or texts well. 5. Half of the teacher's preparation should be given to the application. 6. How does this apply to my students today? Bring it home to their lives. 7. Paint word pictures of situations, where this Bible lesson can be applied. 8. Point out and talk about consequences, where it's not applied. 9. Give examples of those who have applied it and the benefits. Proper application makes the Bible become interesting and beneficial. Students receive real help with their needs and problems. 152 Warning to Teachers There are several dangers we teachers need to be aware of. Here is one of them. Many Bible classes have lost their p o w e r. The power to c h a n g e l i v e s and the power to e q u i p . The power to strengthen faith and to bring glory to God. Here's an example of what I mean. A student will comment, “I think that the Scripture means. . . “And then proceeds to make an application that is completely contrary to the Bible. The teacher responds, “Well, I guess it c o u l d mean that too." As teachers we need to, “study to show ourselves approved unto God." We must not be, “tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine." We need to know what the Bible says and what it means. I'm not talking about when we're asked a question and we don't know the answer. When that happens, we need to admit that we don't know the answer, study and bring back the answer as soon as possible. The point is we should not allow the Bible to be so meaningless that teaching comes to, “Well, it just depends on how you look at it. I see it my way, you see it yours." I'm not advocating argumentative confrontations. I am advocating, teaching the truth of the literal Word and teaching it b o l d l y. Christians will never be equipped with a “wishy washy” lesson and a watered down application. We are equipping the saints for the work of ministry. The task God has given His church will be accomplished when His people are equipped. This is as Jesus planned it. This is as He expects it. Result? A productive church, b e a r i n g f r u i t. Challenge from Proverbs Proverbs 15:2 “A wise teacher makes learning a joy." Proverbs 16:21 “A pleasant teacher is the best." (Living Bible) Bottom Line 10 Equipping We are given the mandate, " e q u I p the saints for the work of ministry." A prepared teacher will accomplish that task. An equipped Christian will do the work of ministry and bear fruit. Christian Education Director's Job Description 1. Oversee the Bible School - as a School of the Bible. A. Teachers a. Recruitment and training. b. Development of assistants (Substitutes) for every class. c. Conduct monthly teachers meeting. (Resourceful and motivational.) 153 B. Special Bible School Programs a. Christmas b. Before V. B. S. c. Promotion Sunday etc. C. Upgrade Bible School a. Curriculum under the direction of the Elders. b. Classrooms c. Resources for teachers. D. Order Supplies E. Contests to stimulate attendance a. Each year with another church. (percentage growth) b. Competition between classes (Team etc.) F. Department Superintendents a. Recruitment b. Job descriptions G. Add classes as soon as possible. 3. Annual Christian Education Clinic A. Choose top notch guest speaker. B. Advertise one month in advance. C. Precede with one week teacher training (Details included.) D. Invite area churches. E. Decide amount of enrollment fee: a. To help with cost of outside speaker. b. To help with expense of training materials. c. To cover the cost of the teacher's banquet. F. Have registration receipts printed. G. Begin enrollment one month early. H. Begin clinic with banquet and teacher appreciation. I. Put weekly reminders in teacher's rooms. J. Encourage ALL teachers to go through the training. 4. Teacher's Training (One week of two hour sessions and clinic.) A. Promotion ideas included under Christian Education Clinic. B. Motivational materials C. Visual Aids D. How to prepare a lesson. E. How to hold interest. F. How to handle discipline. G. How to study the Bible. H. Bible survey overview. I. Evangelism in your class. J. Your class and prayer. K. As you grow they grow. L. Ideas on getting your class to grow. M. Current needs and interests of your teachers. N. How to make the application. 5. Vacation Bible School 6. Children's Church program 7. New member training. 8. Leaders training. 9. Attend the weekly staff meeting. 10. Prepare weekly article for the church news letter. 154 A. About the Sunday school. B. For the teachers. 11. Prepare Annual Budget. 12. Prepare for the annual planning meeting A. Evaluate B. Set goals C. Choose methods D. Delegate follow through Teacher's Job Description 1. Read the Bible every day. 2. Have a daily prayer life. Pray for your students by name. Ask God to lead and guide the coming lesson. 3. Prepare the lesson for the coming Sunday. 4. Have a goal or target for each lesson. 5. Have a Bible lesson with an application for student’s lives. 6. Prepare the class-room for maximum effectiveness. 7. Contact students and prospects once a month either by telephone, mail or personal visit in their home or yours. 8. Attend teacher's meeting. 9. Make an effort to improve your teaching skills and grow in Christ by reading, clinics, seminars etc. 10. Make every effort to be an example in worship, life and service. 11. Make the effort to lead every non-Christian student to Christ. 155 Teacher's Lesson Plan Goal for this lesson and series of lessons. What is the purpose? What am I trying to achieve? What part of the equipping ministry is this meeting? TIME 3 12 3 3 FOCUS Fellowship Time Prayer Review Last Week's Lesson Lesson Today, Purpose, Questions We Will Answer ______________________________________________________________________ 15 Bible Text ______________________________________________________________________ 15 Application 2 Review Main Points 5 Teacher Accountability Quiz ______________________________________________________________________ 2 Coming Activities 2 Prayer 1 Next Week's Lesson (Whet The Appetite - We Will Answer The Question . . . ) MINISTRY OF TEACHING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Matthew 28:19, 20 - Teaching John 14:26 - Holy Spirit teaches. Acts 20:20 - Teaching from house to house. Acts 20:27 - Example of Paul; teaching. Acts 28:11 - Teaching I Corinthians 2:12, 13 - Taught by the Spirit. Galatians 6:6 - Taught and teaching. Ephesians 1:16, 17 - May the Spirit give us knowledge. I Timothy 3:2 - Able to teach. I Timothy 5:17 - Elders teaching II Timothy 2:24 - Able to teach. II Timothy 3:10 - Holy Spirit teaches. I Peter 5:2 - Feed. 156 11 IT PAYS TO PREPARE BE PREPARED Song - All Things Are Ready 157 Questions Answered In Chapter Eleven 1. What are the three most important reasons to plan? Answer: a. Focus on a target or goal. b. Establish accountability regarding time. c. Maximize productivity. 2. What are the three laws of time management? Answer: a. Listing: Goals, jobs, responsibilities and dreams. b. Prioritizing. c. Putting into a time slot. 3. Describe a planning day and what it accomplishes. Answer: Details in this chapter. 4. How do you get ready for something like this? Answer: Details in this chapter. 5. What are the consequences of not planning? Answer: Productivity minimized. 6. What does the Bible say about planning? Answer: Content in this chapter. Introduction Church activities are thrown together and done half way. How does that attitude affect results? Preparation attitudes, skills and techniques. Chapter Eleven IT PAYS TO PREPARE Barrier 11: Things are thrown together and produce poor results. Dialogue 8 - Throwing Things Together Elder 1 - What about the revival? Its next week. Elder 2 - I’ll ask Joe Preacher, from the church in the next town, if he'll preach a week for us. Elder 3 - I’ll ask Bob Song-leader if he'll lead the singing. Elder 4 - I’ll ask Sally Secretary to print some flyers. Elder 2 - Elder 1, will you announce it Sunday? Elder 1 - I will. But people don't turn out for these things anymore. Elder 3 - You’re right. But what else can we do? Elder 4 - Maybe we should start getting ready a little sooner next year. The Problem with Poor Planning So many things are started with little or no planning. Then the leaders and the congregation are disappointed at the r e s u l t s . This is for those who don't know what to do to make it better or didn't know that it could be made better. These are guidelines. You'll come up with good ideas of your own. Making the e f f o r t gets better results. God is our example. He not only plans, but He teaches planning. There are things to do that guarantee a higher probability of success. "He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin." James 4:17 There is a philosophy that says, we don't have to do anything. It's all 158 up to God. Just preach the gospel and whatever happens is God's will. satan surely uses that kind of thinking. God says, “faith without works is dead." The Scripture gives the example of going to the highways and by-ways and compelling them to come in. We must do everything within o u r power, while c a l l i n g upon His. What the Proverbs Say About Planning (Living Bible) Proverbs 13:19 "It is pleasant to see plans develop. That is why fools refuse to give them up even when they are wrong." Proverbs 14:8 “The wise man looks ahead. The fool attempts to fool himself and won't face facts." Proverbs 14:16 “A wise man is cautious and avoids danger; a fool plunges ahead with great confidence." Proverbs 14:22 “Those who plot evil shall wander away and be lost, but those who plan good shall be granted mercy and quietness." Proverbs 15:22 “Plans go wrong with too few counselors; many counselors bring success." Proverbs 16:1 “We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in God's hands." Proverbs 16:9 “We should make plans - counting on God to direct us." Proverbs 18:15 “The intelligent man is always open to new ideas. In fact he looks for them." Proverbs 19:2 “It is dangerous and sinful to rush into the unknown." Proverbs 20:18 “Don't go ahead with your plans without the advice of others; don’t go to war until they agree." Proverbs 22:3 “A prudent man sees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences." Proverbs 24:3,4 "Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts." Proverbs 27:1 “Don't brag about your plans for tomorrow - wait and see what happens." Proverbs 27:12 “A sensible man watches for problems ahead and prepares to meet them. The simpleton never looks and suffers the consequences." Proverbs 27:24-27 “Riches can disappear fast. And the king's crown doesn't stay in his family forever - so watch your business interests closely. Know the state of your flocks and your herds; then there will be lambs wool enough for clothing, and goat's milk enough for food for all your household after the hay is harvested, and the new crop appears, and the mountains grasses are gathered in." God Has Plans God is not the author of c o n f u s I o n . He instructs us to do all things decently and in o r d e r . Scripture reveals that He had a plan from the beginning. In both the Old and New Testaments God teaches the importance of preparation. Paul sent a team on ahead to prepare for his coming. We are to prepare for the coming of Christ. He has gone to prepare a place for us. The Bible precedent is strong. 159 Focus Point 49: "Plan your work and work your plan", makes good sense. First Seek God's Direction Seek the Lord, His will and His direction before any preparation. This is always the first step. Ask for H i s direction. Call out to H i m . Let Him know how much you want His will. Let Him know that you want Him to be glorified. Be sensitive to doors being opened and closed. Praise Him either way. Your persistence must be seasoned with discernment. Remember, Proverbs warns of the danger of an idea that seems so good, you are so proud of it, that you proceed whether it's God's will or not. On the other hand, satan will attempt to hinder progress in the Kingdom. See how the knowledge of the Word and discernment to know God's will is consequential? Ask God to lead in choosing those that will be involved. Ask Him to provide the finances needed. I don't think that anyone i n t e n d s to leave God out. Especially in the work of the church. But intend to or not, He gets left out. I wonder how many times God thinks, why didn't they ask Me about it. "In a l l of your ways acknowledge Him and He w i l l direct your paths." Focus Point 50: The more effort made to reach a goal the greater probability of achieving it. Set Things Up For Success A juvenile delinquent treatment program has an expectation that applies to the church. "Set things up for success!" If you want successful results, then plan for it to be that way. Planning for success causes the project to be more successful. 10 Advantages of Good Planning 1. Higher quality of activities. 2. More people involved. 3. Less confusion. 4. More satisfaction, knowing you've done everything possible. 5. Better attendance. 6. More people reap the benefits. 7. Workers feel like they know what is going on and why. 8. Eliminates that feeling that things are just thrown together. 9. Less frustration. 10. More fruitful. 160 General Guidelines . The process applies to most activities of the church. No matter what you are planning, it takes t i m e . Several weeks in advance. Involve as many people as possible. Make job descriptions clear. Stay on top of the planning as it proceeds and comes closer to the event. What adjustments need to be made? Is everything getting done? Does anyone need help or encouragement? Focus Point 51: Two areas of focus for Good Preparation (1) Make the event worthwhile to attend. (2) Make a special effort to let everybody know about it. Variety of Prayer Emphasis' Have s e v e r a l different prayer emphases: A week of prayer. Prayer and fasting. Twenty-four hours of prayer. A prayer time at the planned meeting. Different groups of the church praying. Each of these prayer times should have someone in charge with another person directing the over all prayer emphasis. Involve People Have more people involved. It helps towards success and I'll tell you why. When more are involved the work load is shared, the enthusiasm is shared and the word-of-mouth chemistry begins. This alone creates a probability of greater attendance. Often the preacher is the only one doing the preparation. One reason for Billy Graham's success is involvement. However, the more people involved, the more important it is to have a master plan and to supervise it, a ministry leader. One person should oversee the whole thing. The ministry leader is a resource person, a trouble shooter and a motivator. A little side note here. In committee work three to five people are just right. Too many in a committee slows it down, bogs it down and hinders progress. But, the opposite is true in preparing for an event. The more the merrier! As long as you have a master plan with a clear cut purpose, clear job descriptions, encouragement, resources to accomplish the task and supervision. Identify the Purpose Focus in on exactly what you want to accomplish. If you have a revival, you want to end up with Christians being revived and criteria to know if they are or not. Maybe what you intend is a soul-winning emphasis or a combination. But be more specific. Like an emphasis to reach high-school kids and/or a geographical area. Other possibilities are: meeting the needs of the family, the senior citizens, teaching basic Christianity to new Christians or deeper things for mature Christians. 161 Focus Point 52: "Aim for nothing and you'll hit your target every time." Pick a Theme When you pick a bull's eye or a specific target you increase your probability for success. After you pick a target or an exact purpose, put your purpose into an eye-catching theme. Like, “An Overview Of The Bible In One Week", “The Deep Things Of God ", " God Has Something Special For High School Kids", "Christ Can Solve Your Problems", " What's So Important About God Anyway?" Or “Now That You're A Christian." Involve Area Churches Involving area churches is a source of p r a y e r support, talent, fellowship and a boost to attendance. An invitation by mail is not enough. Preparing with their preacher in a d v a n c e gives him time to motivate his congregation for good participation. Music The music is important and requires good planning. A m a j o r portion of your budget should be set aside for this ministry. Consider music that will appeal to those that hear about it and inspire those attending. It should be music that's easy to invite people to. A high caliber of talent is discovered at conventions and rallies. It needs to be booked well in advance. There are many options. From choirs and quartets to instrumentalists and orchestras. (Tip: Have the special music come well in advance of the event and make a special presentation. Your people will be inspired and excited to invite the public to come.) I repeat, have something worthwhile for people to come to, and then let them know about it! All of these areas of music are ministry. Let everyone know how important they are and how much they are appreciated. Advertising It pays to advertise! It does if you have something that's worth coming to. Ask someone to oversee this important task. Any method that could be effective and is affordable should be considered. This also requires a major part of your budget. You have done all of this preparation and you do have something worthwhile for people to come to, something dynamic. You are excited to let the public know about it, because it's first class! You are so excited about it that you want to get as many people to come as humanly possible. You know that when people do come, they are going to be blessed and that their time will be well spent. It's with this “Do everything that you c a n” attitude, that you launch your "Let them know" campaign. 162 Focus Point 53: Have a public relations ministry all year around. Contact the area media on a regular basis. Most churches have many activities each year, activities that require much work and effort to prepare. The public will enjoy it and you will reach more people and new people. Let the community know about your Vacation Bible School, choir cantatas, dramas, musical talent and special speakers. Ways to Let Them Know Some of these “ways” relate only to an evangelistic meeting, others apply to your overall advertising ministry. 1. A letter to the congregation and the area churches from the preacher. Explain what will be happening and why it's important not to miss it. Add a personal comment or two. First class hand written mail is most effective. Focus Point 54: Here’s a new ministry: A team to hand write letters. 2. A professionally prepared poster and flier. 3. A special issue of your newsletter. 4. A newspaper release. Focus Point 55: Newspapers print news releases free. However it will only be used if it's properly prepared. Ask your local newspaper how they want them prepared. 5. A newspaper advertisement. Focus Point 56: It pays to purchase a good sized spot in your local paper. 6. Radio spots. 163 Focus Point 57: Research the market. Many short spots are better than fewer long ones. 7. Television Advertisement. Focus Point 58: Check the cost before you give up on television. It may be within reach. The spot requires preparation for a specific audience, like " God has help for the divorced." 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Telephone campaign. Help the youth tell the youth. Help working people inform those they work with. Yellow pages. A quality brochure. A weekly newspaper spot. Focus Point 59: A quality brochure is important. Don't allow them to sit on a shelf gathering dust. Think of creative ways to put them into the hands of your community. Kick Off Banquet I can't seem to be able to get our people motivated! Here is a way to motivate your congregation. Get all the workers together for a special evening. Do it several weeks before the event. Introduce all of the ministries. Those that will do the telephoning, the prayer team, the letter writers, the visitation team, those in charge of hospitality, advertising, music, special nights, after glows etc. Every individual that has any part. If you want them to say a word, make sure it's short and to the point. You'll have a night of enthusiasm and create an air of e x p e c t a t i o n. Afterglow Use your guest speaker as much as possible while you have the privilege of him being with you. As much as he is w i l l i n g Afterglows are special times of fellowship after the service. It depends on the expertise of your guest, but here are some possibilities. 1. A word to the Sunday school teachers. 2. To the leaders of the church. 3. To the women. 4. To the youth. 164 5. A session on the care and feeding of your preacher and his family. Focus Point 60: The care and feeding of your preacher and his family is affective, given by a special guest. It's a good time to send your preacher and his family out to dinner. (On the church) It's a nice thing to do for them and the guest can speak more freely. Afterglows turn a coffee and pie time into something even more productive. It's effective every night. We can burn people out, but usually those that want to come do and those that don't want to, don’t. One special group is targeted each night, n o t e v e r y o n e . Your guest could talk to other small groups in the afternoon. They turn into great times of fellowship and sweet memories. Big Deal Are you thinking, this sure is making a big deal? It should be a big deal! Too many things are just t h r o w n together, often with little preparation or prayer. Then we wonder why the poor results. We end up saying, “people just won't come out anymore” or “they aren't interested in the things of God” or “attendance was low, but those of us that did come were blessed." After we have done all we can, then maybe we have the right to make these kinds of statements. But not when we have been lazy and thoughtless. Planning properly is productive, exciting and fun. Expect Great Things Inviting guests to a great banquet and having no food is disastrous. Having tons of great food and nobody shows up is also disastrous. Success is the combination. When you p r e p a r e by having something w o r t h w h i l e and l e t p e o p l e k n o w in an effective way, you achieve your goals. Expect great things. Overall Church Planning At the end of this chapter is a "Planning Procedure." Here is one way to use that procedure, an annual or semi-annual church planning meeting. The planning meeting activates a four step process: evaluation, setting goals, choosing methods and delegating follow-through. This is done for every ministry of the church. The Annual Planning Meeting Before you begin, the leaders must have a consensus of a l l of the ministries of the church. Here's a possible list of ministries that can be adapted to your church. 1. Building and grounds 2. Education (Including equipping the Saints, Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, Camp, and Special training.) 165 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Evangelism (Leading the lost to Christ.) Fellowship and hospitality Greeters Missions Shepherding (Elders ministry to the congregation.) Stewardship (Finances, budget, tithes, and offerings.) Worship (Preaching, communion, praise, music etc.) Youth (Ministries to the young people) Special ministries (Senior citizens, sports, women, men, deacons, music etc.) Discover Spiritual Gifts Teach what the Bible has to say about spiritual gifts, help each member discover their’s. Keep a record of whose gift is what. Prayerfully match gifts with ministries. God planned to have an e q u i p p e d people to serve and b u i l d each other up in the faith. He never intended for one or two to serve alone. Delegate Ministries Eleven areas of ministry are listed above. Match up gifts with ministries. People serve best in areas they e n j o y . If you have no one to serve in a particular area, there is more help under “Enlisting” in Chapter Six on “Leaders." Enlist someone whose spiritual gift matches that ministry. Focus Point 61: "Use me or lose me” often proves true. 166 (1) THREE TIME DIMENSIONS: 1. Long Term (Five years on) 2. Short Term (Five year span) 3. Immediate (The coming year) EVALUATE ITEMS: 1. Constituency 2. Leadership 3. Organization 4. Facilities 5. Finances 6. Morale 7. Spirituality 8. Program Evaluation 1. Tells where you have been 2. Tells where you are 3. Reveals weaknesses 4. Reveals strengths 5. Reveals patterns 6. Reveals needs P P L A N N I N G R O C E D U R E (2) (4) Delegate Follow-Through FOLLOW-THROUGH BY: 1. Weekly staff meetings (All report) 2. Have adequate records of all church functions 3. Have at least one planning conference each year Set Goals SIX KINDS OFOBJECTIVES: 1. Spiritual 2. Numerical 3. Financial 4. Personal 5. Physical 6. Program (3) Choose Methods Note: There are reasons, for success find them. There are reasons for failure find them. Have as many as possible to reach every goal, thus insuring ultimate success by many partial successes. This procedure is adapted Source unknown 167 WHAT GOALS DO: 1. Narrow the effort range 2. Give a clear focus 3. Give logic to the pursuit 4. Give reliable measurements of the effects & validity of decisions. Preparation Meeting A m o n t h before the "Planning Meeting" get the ministry leaders together. Inform them that the purpose of this “Planning Meeting” is to evaluate, set goals, choose methods and delegate follow through in all the ministries of the church. Explain that the first step is to evaluate their ministry. Show them how. That evaluation includes discovering and listing the strong and weak points, what has been done and what needs to be done. Approach your ministry with f a i t h and v i s i o n . Come to the meeting with a concise report, fifteen minutes maximum, including recommendations to be approved for the coming year. Ask God to lead. Offer each other all the encouragement and support possible. Setting Up the Planning Day 1. Create an attitude of e x p e c t a t i o n, be professional, do things first class, everyone prepared, excitement and anticipation. This should be one of the most important meetings of the year. It co-ordinates all of the ministries of the church. This is one of the few times when all of the leaders get an over-all picture of the entire church ministry. Usually they are only able to focus in on their own area. 2. Use a large open room to make everyone comfortable. Plenty of elbow room and space between seats. 3. Put several banquet tables together to make one conference table. Covering them with good paper will make it look like one big table. 4. At each place have a name tag, writing paper or pad, pen, Bible, agenda and individual planning calendar. 5. Have coffee, juice, soft drinks, and ice water available. 6. The local Bible book store will help you set up a display of good books and study helps for leaders. The books listed in Chapter Three, “Creating a Vision" would be good to have available. Arrange for purchases to be made on the spot. 7. Schedule special music for breaks and meals. 8. Time requires that the meals are where the planning day is. Going someplace and coming back disrupts the continuity and momentum of the day. Some drop out or come back late when you go to another place to eat. Have the ladies prepare and serve the meals. Their ministry helps to keep things running smoothly. It could be set up as a retreat at the camp. We have had ours at the Holiday Inn in the area. The room is free by agreeing to buy our meals. Each person pays for their own meal. This would be my first choice. 9. Use visuals, charts, graphs, chalk boards, flip charts, posters, transparencies, slides, power point, etc. Make every effort to hold attention and make this an interesting, productive and enjoyable experience. 10. Make sure that everyone understands that this is a decision making meeting and one of the most important meetings of the year. When this meeting is done properly it eliminates many unnecessary meetings. Individual ministries can then operate more independently and productively. 11. Have a large year at a glance calendar to add special dates as they are confirmed. 12. The best time for this meeting is toward the end of the year in preparation for the coming year. However, it should be well before the holiday season. Expect the day to be productive, enjoyable and to bring about a unity of purpose with an overview of what's going on and why. Remember, a month of preparation is e s s e n t i a l and it starts with p r a y e r. When you seek His guidance He will lead and be honored. He leads in accomplishing His divine purposes. Give Him credit and praise. 168 Planning Day Agenda 9:00 a.m. - Breakfast 9:45 - Preparing the day with prayer. 10:00 - Preacher's State of the Church Address - Scriptural, motivational, and factual. Overall weaknesses and strengths. Overall victories and defeats of the past year. Don't steal the thunder from those to follow. Challenge for the future. Set an exciting tone for the day. 10:30 - Building and Grounds - Evaluation report, goals, needs for the coming year. Suggested methods to meet those goals. Follow through, who and when. How much will it cost? Approval if necessary. 10:45 - Break 11:00 - Christian Education - Equipping, Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, Camp, Leaders, Teacher and New Member Training, Education Clinic. Evaluations, goals, methods, and follow through. Approval if needed. 11:15 - Evangelism - Soul winning program for the year. Evangelistic meeting, survey, calling, tracts, books, and equipment. Evaluation report, goals, methods, and follow through. Approval if needed 11:30 - Fellowship – Carry-ins, picnics, different groups, singles, new members, senior citizens, youth, couples etc. Evaluation report, goals, methods, and follow through. Approval if needed. 11:45 - Missions - Living link support. Faith promise rally. Special speakers for the coming year. Total recommended budget. Evaluation report, goals, methods, and follow through. Approval if needed. 12:00 - Lunch 12:45 - Shepherding - Elder’s report. New member training. Deeper life week. Every member contact. Spiritual gifts and fruit bearing report. Evaluation, goals, methods, and follow through. Approval if needed. 1:00 - Special Ministries - Senior Citizens, women, men, music, deacons, and any other. Evaluation reports, goals, methods, and follow through. Approval if needed. (Time may need to be adjusted according to the number of special ministries.) 1:15 - Stewardship - Financial report. Plans for teaching, training, and motivation. Budget. Evaluation report, goals, methods, and follow-through. Approval if needed. 1:30 - Vision Team - Evaluation report, goals, methods, and follow through. Approval if needed. 1:45 - Worship - The preacher might have some input as to his general methods, and follow through. Approval if needed. 2:00 - Break 2:15 - Youth - Youth minister's report. Youth sponsors, youth revival, budget, programs, materials, and equipment. Evaluation report, goals methods, and follow through. Approval if needed. 2:30 - Praise Time - Singing, prayer and Scripture to end a great and productive day. Planning Your Schedule Time management experts have proven that we can d o u b l e our production, with less stress, when we p l a n our schedule. Scripture teaches “redeeming the time." Colossians 4:5 (Making our time count!) There are at least two objections to the idea of working by a schedule. 169 THESE 15 MINUTE SEGMENTS HAVE WORKED BETTER THAN HALF HOUR SEGMENTS AND HAVE HELPED SHORTEN THE DAY. BUT, THIS 15 MINUTE TIME SHOULD BE HIGHLY RESPECTED, HOWEVER, SOME GRACE IS NEEDED FOR ONE MINISTRY TO TAKE DOWN AND THE NEXT TO QUICKLY SET UP. THIS CAN BE NICELY MANAGED IF EVERYONE IS WELL PREPAFRED.. 1. Objection: Schedules cause stress. Answer: Scheduling can do just the opposite. It can help eliminate stress With a schedule you can focus in on goals, needed rest, and time with the family. 2. Objection: You leave the Holy Spirit out when you schedule. Answer: Ask for the direction of the Holy Spirit before you plan. Be sensitive to His leading in the midst of any schedule. Flexibility allows for changes as you're convinced that God wants you to do something else. For example, if reading time is scheduled and something else comes up, you sense the Holy Spirit leading you in a different direction; of course stop your planned reading to respond. Time spent developing a personal schedule will make you far more productive; you’ll feel better about yourself and less frustrated. Rising Early I read where the late Don DeWelt, outstanding teacher of the Word, got up regularly at four or four-thirty a.m. Many of the great men and women of God, both in secular and Bible history, were early risers. The early morning is an uninterrupted and productive time of the day. Notice what the book of Proverbs says about sleeping in and rising early. Jesus, “rose a great while before day." Early is mentioned eighty-five times in the King James Bible, mostly referring to rising early. Consider getting an earlier start on your day. Of course proper rest is important to maintain your health. But sometimes we don't need as much sleep as we think we do. An extra hour or two allows for time alone, reading the Bible and prayer. Time Management Research I've had the opportunity to study with national time management experts. I also researched other time management programs. After personalizing these concepts, I added an idea or two and subtracted what didn't work for me. Here are the results of my analysis and experience. How Do You Start? 1. Make a list of all the things you would like to do this week. 2. Do this at the end of your work week. 3. Plan the next week at the end of each week. 4. The order of these tasks is not important at this time. Priorities come later. 5. Write down the things that you must do, you need to do, and you would like to do, as you think of them. 6. After you feel the list is complete, go back over it and see if any of the items should be d e l e g a t e d. The preacher should delegate some things to the church secretary, the elders, deacons, teachers etc. Other church leaders have the option to delegate as 170 well. Remember when Jethro, Moses father in-law, taught Moses to delegate his work load? It took a big load off of Moses' back and made it possible for him to do his job better. Delegation will do the same for us. Others are not only capable of doing some of the things on our busy schedule, but it will be a blessing for them. 7. After delegating is done, re-list the things for you to do. 8. Now put them in order of priority. Put the most important thing as number one, the next important as number two, etc. Put the things you hate to do at the top of the list and get it over with. 9. Now you are ready to plan your week. To assist you are four forms at the end of this chapter. These forms are: a general schedule, a detailed schedule, a blank work sheet and schedule prepared for copying. Establish Priorities Do the high priority things f i r s t. Get the things out of the way that you dread doing. The rest of the day will be more pleasant. We put things off and ruin hours and even days because of that terrible dread in the back of our mind. Much more is accomplished when these things are completed. Topics to Consider (Example is for the preacher.) 1. Prayer 2. Sermon preparation 3. Telephoning 4. Reading 5. Time for self 6. Soul winning 7. Listen to tapes 8. Church paper 9. Meals 10. Research 11. Bible study 12. Lesson preparation 13. Letter writing 14. Time for wife and family 15. Special meetings 16. Work on files 17. Sunday's bulletin 18. Program planning 19. Counseling Start Simple If you have difficulty with this kind of thing, yet you realize the value, start simple. Begin with g e n e r a l goals. The General Schedule at the end of this chapter is just for you. The Detailed Schedule will be more productive, but work towards it gradually as you feel more comfortable. Remember the purpose is to be more productive and less frustrated, not to cause a burden! 171 Relaxing Time You might want time for golf, your favorite hobby, to go out to eat, some enjoyable activity with your wife and family or to just do nothing. This is not only normal, it’s n e e d e d. It's very important to schedule relaxing time for yourself. So many Christian leaders feel guilty. You shouldn't feel guilty. After you plan your priorities, the tasks that are the Biblical job descriptions from the Lord, p l a n your times of rest and relaxation. Even the Lord rested one day after six days of work. The lesson of the Sabbath is that G o d wants people to r e s t at least one day a week. Plan these breaks and make sure you get them. Enjoy them and eliminate that guilt. How Much Time Does This Take? It varies from person to person. To the person that enjoys this kind of thing and is excited about it, it will seem short. To the person that hasn't done it and hates this kind of thing, it will seem like forever. It will take longer when you haven't done anything like this before. But after you do it a while and make it personal, it will become routine. It should only take about fifteen minutes a day. Some days longer and some shorter. The time that it s a v e s, the productivity it c r e a t e s the stress and the guilt that it r e l i e v e s , make it well worth while. I have always appreciated the challenge of “a place for everything and everything in its place." Planning your schedule is like that. The elimination of, “what should I do next?" is satisfying. You will be taking a l i t t l e time to save a l o t of time. (The preacher's schedule will adapt to other church leaders.) Bottom Line 11 Preparation God told us, “do all things decently and in order." He informed us that “He is not the author of confusion." He set the example for great planning. We need to set things up for success. What's done for the Lord should be first class. We need to make time count. TIME MANAGEMENT WORK SHEET - WEEK OF _______________________ ACTIVITY PRIORITY ESTIMATED TIME DELEGATED TO GENERAL SCHEDULE For the week of ___________________________________ TIME SUN MON TUES WEDS THURS FRI SAT 172 6AM 7 8 9 10 11 12PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12AM DAY OF SERVICE TO THE LORD ADMIN. EVAN. PRAYER SERMONS STUDY STUDY WIFE AND FAMILY FAMILY FLWSHP FAMILY STAFF MTG. VISIT Notes: DETAILED SCHEDULE For the week of ____________________________________ TIME SUN MON TUES WEDS THURS FRI SAT 6am Up Up Up Up Up Up Up 7 Bible Bible Bible Bible Bible Bible Bible 8 Pr.Wk. Pr.Wk. Pr.Wk Pr.Wk Pr.Wk Pr.Wk Pr.Wk 9 Cls.Pr Of.Or Pro.P Cor.Tel. Staff M Pro.P 10 Su.Sc. B.&C.P Tel.Cl. Cor Tel.Cl. P.Lds 11 Pre.S. Day 12pm Brunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Off 1 With Mus.Md. Deut.P Tapes Tapes 2 Rest Wife Flex Flex Flex. Flex. 3 Tapes Mem. Mem. Mem. Mem. 4 Bible Read Read Read Read 5 Prayer Serms Counsel Serms Sick Serms Date 6 Lds.C. Dinr Dinr Dinr Flex Dinr With 7 Ev.Ser Evan. Staff Tchrs Evng Flwsp. Wife 8 Flwsp. Evan. Staff Class At Flwsp. 9 Flwsp Home 10 11 12am Notes 173 SCHEDULE For the week of ______________________________________________ TIME SUN MON TUES WEDS THURS FRI SAT 6am 7 8 9 10 11 12pm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12am 174 NOTES: ABBREVIATIONS FOR DETAILED SCHEDULE B.&C.P. .................................................................................... Bulletin and Church Paper Class ................................................................................................. Special Study Class Cls.Pr. ......................................................................................... Class Room Preparation Cor. ..........................................................................................................Correspondence Cor.Tel .................................................................................. Correspondence, Telephone Deut. P. ........................................................................................... Deuteronomy Project Dinr. ........................................................................................................................ Dinner Ev.Ser. ..................................................................................................... Evening Service Evan. .............................................................................................. Evangelistic Visitation Flex. .............................................................................................................. Flexible Time Flwsp. ............................................................................................................... Fellowship Lds.C. .................................................................................................... Leadership Class Mem. .................................................................................................. Memorize Scripture Mus.Md. .................................................................................................. Music Meditation Of.Or. .................................................................................................. Office Organization P.Lds. ......................................................................................... Planning For Leadership Pr.Wk. ............................................................................................................ Prayer Walk Pre.S. ................................................................................................... Preaching Service Pro.P. ................................................................................................... Program Planning Sick ..........................................................................................................Visiting The Sick Staff ................................................................................................. Weekly Staff Meeting Staff M. ..................................................................................................... Staff Motivation Su.Sc. ........................................................................................................ Sunday School Tchrs. ....................................................................................... Weekly Teachers Meeting Tel.Cl. ...................................................................................................... Telephone Calls 175 12 MAKING SUNDAY SPECIAL Song - A Church In The Valley 176 Questions Answered in Chapter Twelve 1. What guarantees a boring service? Answer: Neglect and routine. 2. What areas must be considered to make Sunday special? Answer: Every part of the service - plus 3. What are some ways to make Sunday special? Answer: Many ways listed in this chapter. 4. What can be done to encourage visitors to come back? Answer: Check list provided. 5. How long should the service be? Answer: Attitude about length crucial. 6. What is the secret to getting positive results? Answer: First prepare to get results and then expect them. 6. What needs to be ready before the decisions come? Answer: In this chapter Chapter Twelve Contents Introduction The quality of the Sunday experience is in the hands of the church leaders. Some services carry the stench of death, others burst with life. God help us to make Sunday special. Board Meeting Dialogue - “Making Sunday Special” Member 1 - I’ve heard some talk, something about changing things on Sunday. Member 2 - Somebody is always trying to change things. Member 3 - I think we should at least listen to the ideas. What’s it about anyway? Member 4 - Something about “Making Sunday Special.” Member 5 - I think Sunday is special enough like it is, if it was good enough for the Apostle Paul! Member 6 - It’s easy to get in a rut, and then even great things can loose their meaning. Member 4 - I think we could use some fresh ways of attracting new people. Member 1 - Won’t it require a lot of work and time? Member 2 - I like things just as they are, I’m for leaving well enough alone. Member 3 - We could sure use a boost to help build attendance. Member 4 - We older members are going to come no matter what, but new people are usually church shopping and we need to show that Christianity is exciting so they want to come back. Member 5 - What do we have to do, put on a circus to get people to come? Member 6 - As I see it, “Making Sunday Special” does two things. It keeps the important parts of the service fresh and alive and has a special focus to attract new people. Member 1 - I believe that’s what the person that suggested “Making Sunday Special” had in mind. Member 2 - Well, I’ll say this, if that’s the way this church is going, I want no part of it. 177 Member 3 - I’m for anything that will help us reach new people, without sacrificing the Bible pattern for the Church. Member 4 - I feel the same way and I want to admit that when things are routine Sunday after Sunday, I have a rough time staying awake myself. Member 5 - I’m against change of any kind! Member 6 - Jesus’ primary ministry and purpose was all about change! (All members - Deafening silence. with a positive head nod.) MAKING SUNDAY SPECIAL Barrier: Boring and routine Sundays produce lifeless Christians and visitors don't come back. John 10:10b “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Answer To a Boring Service You can sense the lifelessness in a “ d e a d “ church. To the visitor the entire experience is boring. There are arguments that say, “If you have the right attitude, it doesn't matter how uninteresting the service may be." Or, “If you make the effort, you can still get something out of it." Or, “It's not what you get out of it; it’s what you put into it." These statements all have an element of truth, but the v i s i t o r doesn't see it that way and neither do some church members. We get comfortable in our Sunday routines. The visitor sees things from a fresh point of view. They are looking for something; they shop and compare. They're aware of the differences in churches. They want a church that is exciting, meets their needs, and gives help for their problems. Visitors come once and if they are not happy they just d o n ‘ t c o m e b a c k. They have no compulsion to make any kind of a commitment. The answer is not putting on an act or praying that they will be strong enough to stick it out. Part of the answer is not getting stuck in a rut with a dull weekly routine. The visitors and the members b o t h grow weary and lifeless. Sincere worship is needed along with a commitment to make Sunday special. Take a fresh look and see the opportunities. Prepare With Prayer Include God in on your p r e p a r a t i o n for worship. Ask for His guidance and the Holy Spirit's power. The preacher, the elders, the deacons, the teachers, those at the instruments, the vocalists, and anyone serving in any way should be calling on the Lord. A sweet time of prayer before this busy day b e g i n s. Fifteen minutes with those that are to be involved that day. Ask Him to lead in what is said. Ask the Holy Spirit to make the applications to the listener’s life. Ask God to help you stay out of a rut. Ask Him to bring new life and a reality of His presence. Seek for Him to be glorified. "Acknowledge Him in all of your ways and He w i l l direct your paths." Resist satan and he w i l l flee from you. The devil wants the service to be lifeless and dull. he wants you to come to church with a bad attitude. Ask the Lord for His love to be in you, that you might have the mind of Christ, and be completely surrendered to Him. Learn to praise Him no matter what. Then e v a l u a t e what needs to be done to make Sunday special. 178 Guests and Visitors Help visitors feel welcome and comfortable. Make every effort to meet their needs. Try to imagine, or maybe you remember what it was like, the first time visiting a church. A “strange” church. Consider w h y they came. What are they looking for? Maybe they don't know a soul. Maybe they don't know the order of the service. I was embarrassed when I visited one church. Really it was my own fault. I should have paid more attention to the bulletin or even observed what others were doing. Maybe some instruction would have helped. It was during the communion service. They waited until after both the loaf and cup were passed and then took them together. I took them as I received them. I just felt dumb, even though I was mostly to blame. It's that kind of feeling you want to avoid allowing to happen to your visitors. Visitors don't know where anything is or how things are done. They don't know where the classrooms are, the nursery, or the rest rooms. Rather than take the risk of being e m b a r r a s s e d or looking foolish, they would rather not ask. They do want to feel important; they want to sense a friendly atmosphere and that people truly care. It's important for you to be s e n s i t i v e and do everything possible to meet these needs. Welcome Booth The first impression should show that you care. As soon as visitors walk in the door, they should feel welcome because of friendly faces. Build a welcome booth and make it first class. It could be put it on wheels so it's easy to move. Enlist some one to this m i n i s t r y . They should be prepared to provide information. In fact you could call it the “Information Center," information about the church activities and ministries. Provide a cup of coffee, a name tag and a first class welcome packet. Have the visitor register here. Get their name and address for your mailing list. Send them a letter of appreciation for their visit and make a call in their home on Monday evening. Have a big map of the building with an ( X ) showing where they are, even a little gift, like a flower or an area map. The Welcome Packet The welcome packet deserves some special attention. It should contain a good picture of your building, preacher, and leaders. Also a brief description of doctrine and ministries. Even a well-written short history of your congregation. H o w it's printed is almost as important as what's in it. A poorly prepared packet gives a negative message. Too much material is not good either. (A completely different packet is prepared for the new member.) Welcome Time in Worship Some people embarrass easily, so be thoughtful. Have a warm welcome time in the worship. Just a couple of minutes for people to shake hands with those around them. Some enthusiastic music. An alternative to registering at the "Information Center” is for the guests to fill out a welcome card. In one church guest’s names were taken to the platform and announced by the preacher during the announcement time or at the end of the service. The congregation needs to be "e q u i p p e d" to be w a r m, loving and hospitable. Follow-Up on Visitors Call in the visitor's home Monday night. Make an appointment first. When you make the appointment say, “if it's O. K. we just want to drop by for a couple of minutes." You could tell them that you have a gift for them. Something like a New Testament or a good tract or 179 book, even cookies or a loaf of fresh baked bread. The person that sets up these appointments on the phone is important. They need to be warm and sincere. Make the visit short. (No more than half an hour.) Ask if they have any questions. Share some good things about your church and preacher. Let them know that they are important, how happy you were that they came and that you would like them to come back. Making Visitors Welcome Check List □ Appearance of building and grounds □ Lawn □ Shrubs □ Parking lot □ Signs □ Entrance □ Clean, orderly □ says we're glad you're here □ Made to feel comfortable □ Register □ Answer questions □ Given bulletin □ Ushered □ □ Follow up letter Follow up visit Statistics on Why People Come 1. Because they are asked 2. Because of the building 3. Because they like the preacher and the music. 4. Doctrine and denomination are quite a ways down the list. Statistics on Why People Come Back 1. Friendly, felt comfortable and welcome. 2. They feel that their needs are met. (Bible message with a practical application) 3. Like the preacher and the music. The Length of the Service This may seem strange at first. But there is great m e r i t in an hour and a half service. There are some old clichés' that have little to do with purpose, meeting needs or producing results. Like, “if they can do in an hour on T.V. we should be able to keep it to an hour at church." Or, “What needs to be done can be done in an hour." Some are afraid that if 180 the service is over an hour that you will lose people. Surprisingly enough, it’s not the length of the service that determines if people will come back or not. If the service is l i f e l e s s and short they don't want to come back. If it's longer and full of excitement, they will hardly even notice the time. More time, a l l o w s f o r : adequate welcome, more songs of praise. testimony of what Christ is doing in lives, more special music, inspiring offering (With teaching meditation), communion meditation, the Lord's supper, preaching, and invitation. There is no good reason to hang on so tightly to the traditional eleven to twelve o'clock service. People will soon adjust to w h a t e v e r times you set. Focus Point 62 It doesn't hurt to experiment, but when you try something new, give it at least six months and then evaluate its merits. One church has three hour-and-a-half services back to back and they are all packed. (They have three Sunday Schools going on at the same time as well.) Do It, Then Results A s a d s t a t e m e n t is, "We'll consider making some of these changes when we start getting more people. Until then, there is no use doing a lot of things different and just causing confusion." Wrong! Focus Point 63 The shop must be p r e p a r e d before customers make a purchase. The banquet must be p r e p a r e d before people can eat. The church must be p r e p a r e d before growth comes! *First make the changes that bring about growth. *Then reap the fruits of your labor. Praise Time PSALM 67:5, 6 the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise You. 6Then the land will yield its harvest, and God, our God, will bless us. 5May There should be a special time in the service for p r a i s e . Praise brings about some of the richest blessings of all. Remember, we were created to glorify and bring praise to 181 God. A way to accomplish this is for His people to gather together in worship and praise Him. "He loves the praises of His people." Include praise songs, (Old and new.) Praise Scripture, and praise testimonies. Testimonies that are well-prepared and center on what J e s u s is doing in lives today. The Music Not only is music important to the regular attendees, it’s more important to the visitor. There is no question about it, hearts are touched by music. Music expresses our praise in a wonderful and meaningful way. There should be p r a y e r f u l c a r e in the selection of each song. Choose exciting, warm, “people music” with a message to the heart. Have inspiring music, for at least five minutes, before and after the service. Not “filler music” but meaningful music. Some options are starting the service with an uplifting special number by the choir, a quartet, trio, special guest, instrumental or solo. The offering music should also be inspirational. Another special before the message, The options are unlimited. Those that minister in music should p r a y m u c h about their message in song. Then practice and pray some more. Memorize the words when possible. Preparation for music is as i m p o r t a n t a s preparation for the sermon. Give God and His people your best. Everyone will be 290blessed and the visitor will notice the difference and want to come back. Most of this applies to the worship team as well. Offering It shouldn't be a surprise that the offering can be an exciting time that Christians anticipate. Christians should learn to look forward to this opportunity of giving. It should be something they've thought about, prepared for and prayed about. This attitude comes from love, faith, teaching, and spiritual maturity. The music during the offering is significant. Choose up tempo, enthusiastic music of praise. A testimony from someone that put God first in his or her finances, sharing how God blessed and an appropriate and encouraging Scripture text. Significant giving is based on significantly trusting in God. Giving Spirit The spirit of giving is an evidence of our love for Christ and people. "They shall know they are Christians by their love." " God so loved the world that He gave." "It is more blessed to give than to receive." "Freely you have received, freely give." Christians, without a doubt, should be the greatest givers of all. We have more than any other people on earth to be thankful for. We should overflow with generosity. We should recognize that God is our source, “The giver of all good and perfect gifts." " God loves a cheerful giver." We should learn that we N E E D to give. We should put God first in all of our life, including our money. It shouldn't be a have to, but W A N T to. The attitude of looking forward to an opportunity to give and the desire to give even more. I am speaking of tithes and offerings in contrast to the embarrassing stinginess of too many Christians. But, there are other areas of the giving spirit to consider. The church carry-in has been around for a long time. It’s interesting that some churches of fifty people will bring enough food for two hundred and at other churches; two hundred hardly bring enough for fifty? Giving applies to the offering and the food but also to time and talents. The term that covers all giving is stewardship, meaning caretaker. Everything belongs to God and we are taking care of it for a while. We are His stewards. When we learn to be g e n e r o u s , we discover that God still gives more, "good measure and pressed down." He gives back more than we could ever give to Him. On 182 top of all this there is another blessing. The Scriptures reveal that He rebukes the devourer. It's true, you can't out give God. Communion You know how important the Lord's Supper is, but do we ever ask this question: How can we make this part of the service more beautiful and meaningful and less routine? One church uses their large screen during the communion service. The lights were low and beautiful inspiring pictures are projected. The meditation was tied in with the pictures showing how God provides for His creation in many ways, and He provided a way for Christians to remember Calvary. The music should be carefully selected to guide our thoughts. Special music is appropriate and effective. A well-prepared devotion that applies to the teaching of the Scriptures on the subject. I've heard some good devotions but, they had nothing to do with remembering the body and blood of Jesus. There are different ways to serve communion. It doesn't have to be the same way every time. Sometimes waiting until it's served to everyone and taking it all together. Devotion for the loaf, then partaking, followed by devotion, or prayer, for the cup and partaking. On occasion it's meaningful for everyone to come to the communion table and partake, one row at a time. If Bible instruction requires that something be done in one particular way, then it must be done that way. But, if the Bible allows freedom and does not speak on the subject, use some v a r i e t y and creativity to p r e v e n t vain repetition and maximize the true meaning. Preaching The preaching needs to be Bible based with a practical application. The length should not exceed thirty minutes, except on rare occasions. Be Ready for Decisions Numerous churches haven't had decisions for a long time. Many are receiving Christ outside of the formal worship services. However you still need to be r e a d y. Counselors Trained and trusted counselors should be prepared. Those that come forward to make decisions often need special attention. The preacher hits the high spots in a couple of minutes at the end of the service, but counselors can direct them to a private room and spend as much time as necessary. They can teach the plan of salvation, share what the church has to offer to the new member or give loving council to someone that's hurting. This kind of counsel goes on while the service continues. This also helps meet the need to the often-neglected area of follow-up. Hundreds of churches have no follow-up whatsoever. No follow-up to those accepting Christ as their Savior. The new babe in Christ needs much direction, teaching, care and love. These trained counselors are the f i r s t s t e p in this on going ministry. Information Card A good information card is a great help. Get a card that gets the essential information quickly, simply and directly. Most Bible book stores have several to choose from or you can 183 create your own. The counselor should help the inquirer fill out the card and give a copy to the preacher. The preacher needs to quickly know the name and the decision that was made. Giving the Invitation We agree that the invitation is important. But here's what happens. Weeks go by without anyone coming forward. The preacher and the congregation both know that there is no one present that will make a decision. Since no one is expected, going through the routine loses something. On the other hand, when people are coming down the aisle regularly, it’s a different story. Preparation is needed. There are alternatives of different Scriptures and different emphases. Offer the various reasons for making a decision - such as, accepting Jesus as Savior, rededicating your life to Christ, ask the elders to pray for a need or a problem, giving your life to specialized Christian service, or becoming a member of the church. The invitation doesn't have to be long. This is a time to teach the plan of salvation, emphasize faith, repentance, confession, or baptism. Give encouragement for life style evangelism. Decide what song or songs and how many verses. Some songs touch the heart more than others. Usually those that make a decision have planned on it before they came. However some have been touched by the message, the service and the music and need some encouragement. The Bible plainly teaches that the Holy Spirit brings conviction. satan is at work as well, he wants them to put it off. That's why we need to give warm and loving encouragement. Explain What’s Going On It's so obvious to those of us that are long time Christians. But not so obvious to the visitor or the non-Christian. Part of the decision time should explain exactly what is going on. Explain what will happen if they do come forward. People don't want to be embarrassed or confused. They want to know what to expect. How we appreciate the doctor who explains in detail, step by step, what to expect in an upcoming surgery. Tell them to come and sit down, that some one will come and assist. Share any other details that might be helpful. Give explanations for those that would be baptized, those coming for prayer, placing membership, etc. These s p e c i a l e f f o r t s show that we love and care for people. Fellowship Sunday is the l a u n c h i n g p a d for fellowship opportunities the coming week. The congregation needs to be taught why and how to be hospitable. They need to know the value, the blessing, the fun, the encouragement, and the growth opportunity of Christian fellowship. They need to be taught how to initiate fellowship and how to be involved in opportunities that are available. They need to know how neat it is to have people into their home. They need to know that they don't have to go to great expense for fancy food and “putting on the dog." That simple meals or just coffee and cookies are O. K. That the time together is what's important. Some of the greatest joys in life are experienced in Christian fellowship. Sunday is an opportunity to set up fellowship for the coming week. Come to church with a plan to invite some one over one night that week or to take them out for coffee. Check the week's activities for your family or something you want to tell some one else about. When you do get together, you don't have to talk every minute about the Lord and His church. But be positive about the church and the leaders. Small groups definitely address this need. Fellowship shouldn't be given a l o w priority. It’s a very important part of the church. When Christians have a good time together, they enjoy the church more, are more willing to 184 get involved, and grow spiritually. Fellowship develops relationships. Fellowship meets a need to every age group. It should be the kind of activity where Jesus feels comfortable. A part of a hay ride or a great time of prayer. One of my favorite fellowship experiences was at a teacher training class. We had such a good time in the Lord as we studied together week after week. The leaders need to make sure that there are fellowship opportunities for every age group. And don't forget the leaders. They need fellowship too. Sweet good times that result in good memories. The s a d e x t r e m e is the church that only see each other at the regular scheduled services and no other time. Fellowship Calendar It's wonderful when the church loads up its calendar with fellowship opportunities. Don't make the mistake that many of us have made. Thinking that e v e r y Christian must be at e v e r y activity. And even worse, the attitude that if you miss any activity, you’re a second-class Christian. In fact, if you have an active calendar, attending every activity will produce “burn outs." A busy calendar does not mean that everything is for everyone. But, that there is something going on for everyone. There is a big difference. For example, something for the youth, for the senior citizens, the men, the women, for the children etc. Look at the Sunday bulletin as a m e n u for spiritual food. The m e n u doesn't end with just a meal or two on Sunday, but things offered all through the week. Things that will stir the spiritual appetite. As I think of fellowship, my mind fills with numerous happy experiences. There is a couple at one church we were a part of. I believe God Himself would give them the title of “Mr. and Mrs. Christian Fellowship." I have known them for years. They have a great track record in this ministry. They have people in their home. They encourage others to get together with them for a fun activity. You can be sure that the church and the Lord are a part of the conversation. They have been a blessing to many and to Cathie and me as well. God bless you, Sue and Fred Hospitality Neither fellowship nor hospitality are only for Sunday. Christians must be taught and equipped to be warm and hospitable at every opportunity. This is a selfish world. It's filled with people just looking out for number one. Hospitality is an extension of love for others. The elders are exhorted to “Be given to hospitality." Christian hospitality is one good way of demonstrating that we care and are interested in people. Hospitable Christians want to have people in their home. Opportunities include visiting missionaries, choirs, college students, evangelists, new Christians as well as those in need. No one has guests in their home in some churches. Which church do you think the visitor wants to return to? Which church do you think the visitors stay away from? Visitors like churches where members not only say they are friendly, but d e m o n s t r a t e that they are friendly by their hospitality. Remember, it’s possible to entertain angels unawares. Special Sundays When you have been a Christian for a long time, you are more able to discern between what's important and what isn't. More mature Christians (in contrast to brand new Christians) hunger for spiritual meat. Long-time Christians sometimes become impatient with the glitter and hype connected with the church. In fact some of the activities seem almost sacrilegious. Methods are a powerful tool. They help bring the lost, the unchurched, and the weaker 185 Christians to the Lord. Even though I've been a Christian for forty-seven years (at the time of this writing) and I do hunger for the meat of the Word, I still enjoy many of these special activities. I enjoy them because they do bring new people, they also bring a needed and renewed air of enthusiasm and they are good clean fun. Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. I was preaching at an inner city church in the Los Angeles area. We prepared for “Bring Your Doctor Sunday." The announcement was made about a month in advance. Formal invitations were printed. They were made available to the whole congregation. Those interested filled out the invitation for their personal doctors and delivered them. As you know, doctor’s schedules are hectic, so we made the extra effort to get them into their hands well in advance. Several doctors attended. We took a couple minutes to point out how we appreciated the doctors in our area. I preached on “Luke the Beloved Physician." One of the doctors was there with his pregnant wife. The baby turned out to be a boy and they named him Luke, because of that special Sunday and the sermon. Few special Sundays will have that dramatic of an impact but, special Sundays are a positive and productive method. Here is a list of ideas. Most of them I have personally used with success. I suggest that you have a “Special Sunday” once a month. Inform the congregation about a month in advance. This allows the needed time to get the word around and have the maximum effect. In fact as one concludes, announce the one coming up next. Special Sunday Ideas 1. Bring-Your-Doctor Sunday 2. Boy Scout / Girl Scout / Brownies / Cub Scout etc. Sunday (Most effective when all are on the same Sunday.) 3. Military Appreciation Sunday - Army / Navy / Air Force / Marines etc. (Most effective when all are on the same Sunday.) 4. Honor-The-Police Sunday (In uniform - have the chief say a short word.) 5. Honor-The-School-Teachers Sunday (Appreciation banquet following the morning service.) 6. Sportsmanship Sunday (Football, basketball or combination - other sports as well.) (Honor the local high school teams.) 7. Picture-Taking Sunday (Church photographers take pictures of everyone. The church pays for it. There are several variations of this. Babies, as a Christmas present, Mothers or Fathers day, or have everyone bring their camera. Make two copies, one mailed to those photographed and one for a church album.) 8. Outdoor Sunday morning and/or evening service. 9. Home-made ice-cream Sunday. 10. Nationally known Christian music group. 11. Person “X” Sunday. I got this idea from Sherman Nichols (My mentor.) when he was at the River Park Church. I invited the local mayor for a particular Sunday and asked him to say a few words. We didn't announce it to the congregation until after the contest. We gave clues and said whoever happened to invite the guest would receive a family Bible. This motivated the congregation to invite people to church and was fun at the same time. 12. Bring your neighbor Sunday. 13. Bring your relatives Sunday. (Gift for the family that had the most present.) 186 14. Balloon release Sunday. (Everyone present releases a gas-filled balloon with a message from the church and his or her name and address. After two weeks the one with a return letter from the farthest distance receives a gift.) 15. Bring a friend Sunday. 16. Sunday School Sunday. (Special emphasis on the Sunday school. (Or Small Group Sunday, as the case may be.) Set up a booth from each class in the fellowship hall. Make class or group registration available. Could be like a school carnival with each class or group sponsoring an activity or food booth.) 17. Ethnic Sunday. Booths in the fellowship hall representing different ethnic backgrounds of the congregation. (German, Scottish, African, Italian, Mexican, English, French, Spanish etc.) 18. Special Interests Sunday. (Booths set up in the fellowship hall representing the hobbies and special interests of the congregation.) Every holiday is an occasion for a “Special Sunday." They also help the congregation learn more about each other. Here is a m i n i s t r y , for someone to lead, that has an interest in this area. Bottom Line 12 Making Sunday Special Every Sunday should be special. Make the effort to see that it is. A day of power, praise, worship, and decisions. A day for feeding and equipping. Where people receive help for their needs. A day to serve. Special attention and the proper attitude make it an exciting and special day. An opportunity to show that Christianity can be fun. THIS MAKES IT EASEIR FOR THE AVERAGE MEMBER TO INVITE – BECAUSE SOMETHING EXCITING IS GOING ON. 187 13 PROBLEM SOLVING HELP FOR DEALING WITH PROBLEMS Song - Got Any Rivers? Problems Are Opportunities 188 Questions Answered In Chapter Thirteen 1. What attitude is necessary before you begin solving problems? Answer: Attitude of hope and opportunity. 2. What's the first step? Answer: Identify the problem. 3. Where does research come in? Answer: Finding what the Bible says regarding this issue. 4. What is the worst thing you can do with a problem? Answer: Put it off. 5. What is the difference between surface problems and root problems? Answer: Detailed in this chapter. 6. Who's the worst enemy in your church? Answer: satan 7. Is there a way to eliminate problems with leaders without eliminating the leader? Answer: Yes Chapter Thirteen Contents - Problem Solving Procedure Introduction Churches have problems, members have problems, and leaders have problems. What is the best way to deal with these problems? Here are Biblical principles and helpful suggestions. Dialogue How a Dysfunctional Church Board Deals with Problems First of all, many churches don’t even have this kind of a meeting. To address a major issue that has been brought to their attention. Instead they sweep it under the rug or put it off hoping it will just go away & handle itself. Member 1 – Member 2 asked us to have this special meeting to handle this problem. So I’m asking member 2 to explain the problem and then we’ll ask for your suggestions for dealing with it. Member 2 – Most of you know that member X is always critical and negative, but it has gotten worse. Widow “Sweet Christian” has come to me with a broken heart. She says that member X is using the adult Sunday School class to air his grievances. He is criticizing the worship service, the preacher and the church leaders. He is hindering the work of the Holy Spirit and influencing others to join his cause. She says they hardly get to the lesson and if the lesson does begin he interrupts anyway. It is tearing down everything we are trying to do. Member 1 – Thank you member 2 for presenting the situation so clearly. I want to open this up for discussion and see how you fellows think this should be handled. Member 3 – This has been going on for a long time. I think we should just ignore it. Most people just take it with a grain of salt and consider the 189 source, Member 4 – I think we should bring him to a special meeting and ask him to leave the church. Member 5 – He is such a good giver, we don’t want to make him mad and leave the church. Member 6 – I think we should tell the preacher to handle it. All members agreeing – I think that’s a great idea, He doesn’t do much anyway. Chapter Thirteen PROBLEM SOLVING PROCEDURE Barrier 13: Churches face all kinds of problems. Some are with the leaders themselves. Inept attempts make things worse. II Timothy 3:23-26 (Living Bible) "Again I say, don’t get involved in foolish arguments which only upset people and make them angry. God's people must not be quarrelsome; they must be gentle, patient teachers of those who are wrong. Be humble when you are trying to teach those who are mixed up concerning the truth. For if you talk meekly and courteously to them they are more likely, with God's help, to turn away from their wrong ideas and believe what is true. Then they will come to their senses and escape from Satan's trap of slavery to sin which he uses to catch them whenever he likes, and then they can begin doing the will of God." Not Hopeless Consequences to major problems were covered in Chapter One and dealing with individual's sins in Chapter Eight, “Elders” under Discipline. This is different. Leaders need help in dealing with specific and individual problems. Some leaders feel that there is nothing that can be done. They want to help conquer those sins that hinder growth, maturity and victory. But they feel that everything has been t r i e d and there's no use. "That's the way it is and we have to live with it." Or, "We just have to work around these limitations." But it's N O T hopeless. Something can be done about it. The destroyer, the accuser of the brethren, goes around seeking whom he may devour. One of his main targets is this church and its leaders. The devil wants us to think that things are hopeless and give up. As usual, he is wrong. Problems Are Opportunities A problem doesn't seem like an opportunity. It seems like an impassable road block to the growth and progress of the church. Often it's an obstacle that causes good men to throw up their hands and quit. The late Pearl Willis, a great equipper of leaders and author of the outstanding church leader manual, taught that “A man is no better than the p r o b l e m that stops him." That when a leader quits because of an individual or circumstance, he is bound to run into that problem again. And it will cause him to quit again if he doesn't learn to deal with it. If you quit because of a certain problem, then every time you encounter that problem, you’ll have to quit. Learn to look at problems as o p p o r t u n i t i e s. Problems Are Opportunities to: 1. Give help 190 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Teach Preach Equip Improve Call out to God See God work Defeat satan Accept a challenge Taste sweet victory for the Lord Show our love for people Knock down a barrier Lead people to victory Identify the Problem Frequently, problems seem so vague and undefined. Statements are made like, “he's just a trouble maker," "he's against everything” or "he's always negative." Be more specific. Here is a list of surface problems and a list of root problems. Then a p r o c e d u r e for solving these problems with Biblical principles. Surface Problems What seems to be a problem is often a symptom of something else that is the actual cause. The symptoms are called surface problems. 1. Against missions. 14. Negative about everything. 2. Against the youth program. 15. Wants nothing new. 3. Doesn't want a youth minister 16. Against outreach. 4. Against adding staff. 17. No appreciation. 5. Against lengthening service. 18. Stingy, tight with money. 6. Against adding services. 19. Doesn't want to help the poor 7. Against adding a Sunday school. and needy. 8. Harsh with people. 20. Always tearing down. 9. Against change in general. 21. Against changing the order of 10. Over emphasis of Constitution service. and By-laws. 22. Leaves God out, believes 11. Cold results depend only on 12. Desires authority and power, man's efforts. to have the final word. 23. Doesn't want spiritual things in 13. Holds a grudge. the business meetings. There is a place for that kind of stuff, but not here. One of these things doesn't necessarily mean that a leader has a serious problem, not just because he has a different o p i n i o n. But a pattern of these kinds of things is a signal or warning. Root Problems A root problem is the neglect of some basic truth or principle in the Bible. The cause of the s u r f a c e problems. 1. Lack of faith. 12. Not realizing that the greatest 191 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lacking a prayer life. Lack of love. Not hospitable. Doesn't know God's priorities. Not familiar with the Biblical concept of the body of Christ and spiritual gifts. 7. A form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof. 8. Not hungering and thirsting after righteousness. 9. Not acknowledging Him in all of their ways. 10. Not seeking to be salt. 11. Not loving their neighbor as themselves. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. is servant of all. Lack of vision. Lack of Bible knowledge. No assurance of salvation. Poor stewardship. Not evangelistic. Lack of praise and glorification of God. Doesn't understand the purpose of the Church. Not seeking first the kingdom. Not putting on the armor of God. Not seeking to be light. Not taking up cross daily. Not loving Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength . Problem Solving Procedure When root problems are solved, the surface problems d i s a p p e a r. The surface problem relates to some root problem. A Biblical teaching or principle is missing. That's the cause of the problem in the first place. This concept changes the attitude of being against people. Instead of looking at some one as a trouble maker or a monkey wrench in the works, we see them with a problem that will be solved when they are taught. The Godly way to handle problems is to implement Biblical principles. Principles like: seeking God in everything, in all things love, all things building up, equipping the saints, all things decently and in order and people are not our enemies, satan is. Here are steps for problem solving followed by an e x a m p l e for implementation. Step One - Prayer 1. Ask for wisdom. 2. Ask God for love. 3. Ask God to help you with a plan. 4. Ask Him to lead in what He wants you to teach. 5. Ask Him to lead in what needs to be preached. 6. Ask Him to help you be sensitive to the one or ones showing the problem. 7. Ask God to work it out so that He will get the credit and be glorified. 8. Resist satan in the name of Jesus Christ. 9. Have trustworthy prayer warriors pray the same things. Step Two - Research a Biblical Solution 1. Identify the surface problem. 2. Identify the root problem from Scripture. 3. What does the Bible say about it? 4. Warnings from the Scriptures. (Related to the root problem.) 5. Promises from the Scriptures. (Related to the root problem.) 6. What God wants. 7. Ways to achieve it. (What are the ooptions?) 8. The Christian way to handle it. The individual being helped is blessed as well as you and the church. 192 Step Three - Approach The Problem Head On - YET WITH TACT! 1. Don't beat around the bush. 2. After you have spent time in prayer and searched the Scriptures, be direct. 3. If it's an isolated problem, set up an opportunity to teach one on one. 4. Much of the time it is not an isolated problem. Maybe one or two are vocal about it, but many others have the same need. Step Four - Take Some Time It shouldn't be put off, but when you begin, give it enough attention and preparation to get the job done right. Rarely, problems are solved in one sitting. Too often one spurt of “teaching” in anger, unprepared, is expected to result in positive change. Then we say, “I tried, I did my best, they are stubborn and just won't change. There's no use. I give up." The result is total d i s c o u r a g e m e n t. Usually the problem has been around for a long time. An impulsive, rash approach will only make things worse. One sermon that briefly touches on the subject will be of little help. Time spent preparing and teaching are extremely worth while. Step Five - A Series of Sermons and Lessons Address the root problem. We know that r e p e t i t i o n is a key to learning. Take a month to present well-prepared sermons and lessons at the same time. Then present them in love. Use the Sunday school Your regular lessons can be i n t e r r u p t e d Announce that something special is coming up. It's an important topic and will be helpful to all. There is a new interest and enthusiasm when people receive Biblical help for their problems. By announcing this several weeks in advance it will build interest. Register people for the class and use the phone. News Letter A weekly newsletter to members and visitors is a great communications tool. It costs, but it's worth it. Use four issues addressing the root problem. Print notes from the sermons and/or classes as a review. An Expert Invite a special guest who has expertise on this topic. Ask him to have a sermon on the subject. (Along with the local preacher's sermons, teaching etc.) Or better yet a deeper-life week. Center around the issue. An outstanding giver with a week on stewardship. A mission’s expert on faith giving. It takes time to book a special guest, the wait is worth it. Announce and motivate a month in advance of his coming once you have established a firm date. 193 Put Up a Banner - (A positive theme addressing the subject.) Example of Dealing with a Particular Problem 1. The surface problem is someone continually criticizing the worship and music preferring their favorite style. It‘s discovered that many have the same problem. 2. The root problem is not understanding God’s teaching on music and worship in the Bible. 3. Pray and prepare. 4. Plan a month’s emphasis on worship and Christian music. 5. Be sure everyone has the key scriptures printed clearly and simply. 6. Plan a series of four sermons on the subject. 7. Establish a Worship & Christian music study class. 8. Establish a daily Bible reading program for members. Daily scriptures for a week or a month. 9. Write articles about this subject in your newsletter each week for a month. 10. Posters, advertising and a theme banner, 11. A guest for a week. (Maybe an outstanding experienced worship leader who has dealt with this problem.) When the a u t h o r i t y of the Scriptures is established and accepted, Christians will not allow any other source to overrule the superiority of the Word of God. Those that have not come to this place will tend to allow other sources to be equal with or superior to the Bible Of course those that have the need must be involved, for this to be a success. Recognize the Enemy When we talk about problems in the church, it’s important to recognize who the real t r o u b l e m a k e r is. he wants to destroy the church and the Christian home. Here is what the Bible says about it. Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Revelation 12:10 “Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down." Revelation 20:2, 3 “He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time." John 8:44 “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." I Peter 5:8 "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour:" 194 Recognize satan's Tools 1. Harsh criticism. 2. Lack of forgiveness, holding grudges. 3. Accusing each other and blaming. 4. Lies. 5. Tearing down instead of building up. 6. Power struggles. 7. Apathy, no one really caring about anything. 8. Hatred and bitterness. 9. Backbiting and gossip. 10. Doubt. 11. Hopelessness. 12. Fear. Defeat satan God has given us power to overcome all of these problems and more. We are even given the means to cause satan to flee from us. satan is a loser. James 4:7 and I Peter 5:9 teach us to resist him in Jesus name and he must flee from us. We are not helpless, where we must put up with satan's evil schemes. Recognize who he is, recognize what he is doing and do something about it. Experience the victory through Jesus Christ. J E S U S has already defeated him. Bottom Line 13 Problem Solving A problem is an opportunity to equip the Saints. The problem turns into an exciting and productive solution. satan is defeated. This positive action results in people being helped and built up instead of torn down. It results in God being glorified, showing what He has done and can do. 195 14 IMPLEMENTATION & CONCLUSION LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION Song - Work for the Night Is Coming 196 BABY S T E P S 197 Questions Answered In Chapter Fourteen 1. It's easy to talk about what needs to be done and it's not too difficult to come up with some plans. But, how do you put these plans into action? Answer: Implementation 2. What's so important about a master calendar? Answer: Connects plans with a date. Gets things going. 3. What keeps it from becoming an overwhelming task? Answer: Baby steps. One step at a time. 4. What keeps leaders from becoming discouraged? Answer: See things happen. 5. How do you share the work load? Answer: Delegation - Appointing ministries. Introduction You have a plan on paper and in your mind. How do you put it into action? It must be implemented! IMPLEMENTATION & CONCLUSION Barrier 14: There is much talk about what should be done and little or nothing is done about it. Thus the point of the following slogan. Focus Point 62: "Plan your work, w o r k your plan." James 1:25 " But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does." You Need a Plan If you are excited and eager to put these principles into action then you need to come up with a w a y to do it. Great dreams are hopelessly lost by only thinking and talking about them. "Faith without works is dead." The plan must include priorities, names, and dates. Prayer First Spend four weeks in prayer before this is started. I know that you've made up your mind not to leave G o d out of anything. Especially the business of His Kingdom. Talk to Him about how you feel. Share with Him your dreams and concerns. Ask for help with your problems. Glorify Him from the very beginning. Call out for His will to be done. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide in the planning and the carrying out of the plans. Ask for help in being flexible and open, for your attitude to be what He would have it be. Resist satan from the start. After you have sought the Lord you will be ready to proceed. God will h e l p you and it will be exciting. Believe it. 198 My Prayer for You As You Read This Book Dear Heavenly Father, Give new life to dying and struggling and or discouraged churches. I pray that this information will direct sincere Christian leaders, elders and preachers to Your Book and Your principles. I pray that You will receive all the credit and that “Raising The Dead" will be a blessing to Your church and this reader. Help them implement. In Jesus name, amen. 9 Benefits of the Master Calendar 1. It gives an overview of the entire ministry. 2. It causes you to put things in an orderly sequence. 3. It’s a motivation. 4. It creates anticipation. 5. It helps prepare for what’s coming next. 6. It puts “all things decently and in order." 7. It assists with accountability. 8. It makes goals and targets clear. 9. It’s a communication tool so that everyone is on the same track. Organize the Prayer Emphasis Take about four weeks to organize the prayer emphasis. Prayerful planning time is important. Appoint individuals to direct each prayer ministry. Twenty-four hours of prayer, the prayer room, prayer and fasting, prayer team for the morning worship hour, fifteen minutes of prayer at e v e r y meeting, Sunday School classes, prayer lists, and prayer meeting. Prepare the four sermons on prayer. Plan for success. Know exactly what you are going to do before you begin. Let all the leaders know. It is a good feeling to be working together and to know where you are going. It Starts With a Revival of Prayer After the leaders have agreed to use these principles, prepare them for the "It Starts With A Revival Of Prayer" emphasis. Create some enthusiasm. Set a date for the first Sunday. The seminar includes the first sermon and the "New Beginnings" service. In the very first sermon give an overview of the direction the church is planning to go, but don't give t o o much. Even some leaders have a problem considering too much at one time. It could prove overwhelming and defeat your purpose at the very beginning. Instead, just whet their appetite with anticipation. Announce several weeks ahead that this special sermon series is coming. Don't emphasize c h a n g e . Emphasize new help, meeting needs, excitement, hope, joy, becoming the church C h r i s t wants us to be. OVERFVIEW *One month preparation for the “Revival of Prayer” *Four prayer sermons & 13 prayer lessons begin at the same time. “Vision Tem” begins reading four books at this same time. *Week fourteen “Vision Team” begins visiting the four churches. 199 *Week Six through Fourteen sermons – topics to consider for the eight weeks following the “Revival of Prayer” sermons. This is during the rest of the prayer emphasis (total three months) and before the emphasis on the Bible. 1. Assurance of salvation 2. Building up the Body of Christ. 3. Faith 4. Vision 5. Taking up your cross daily 6. Forgiveness 7. God gives you another chance 8. Giving God your best 9. Hospitality 10. Fellowship 11. Love (More ideas are in Chapter Seven on ‘preachers” under Topics are important.) *Week Fourteen – One month emphasis on the Bible: “How We Got the Bible” “The Authority of the Scriptures” “Warnings and Consequences of Neglecting God’s Word” “Promises and the Power of God’s Word” *Week Sixteen through Nineteen – Prepare for the “Annual Planning Meeting” See Chapter Eleven “It Pays to Prepare” *Week Eighteen – Begin the emphasis on Evangelism See Chapter Five on “What Happened to the Good News?” “Sin and Man’s Lost Condition” “Hell and the Consequences of Sin” *Heaven and the Abundant Life” “Grace” *Week Twenty-two – Month of Sermons on Stewardship *Trusting God is the foundation for all giving “Caretakers – All things belong to God” “Man Needs to Give” “The Reward of Giving” “Token Giving, Tithes, Offerings and Total Stewardship DEALING WITH THAT OVERWHELMING FEELING As you look at this chapter on “Implementation” you have mixed emotions. On one hand you feel excited about the possibilities of accomplishing this great task and envision the fruits from your labor. On the other hand it seems overwhelming and impossible to accomplish. I want to help you with those feelings. First it's normal to feel that way when you see any great task. It's easier to think, "Oh well, maybe things are not as they should be, but let's just kind of leave things as they are and work at it a little at a time." Implementation is not as difficult as it might seem. Just start with the revival of prayer. This alone lifts a great load and begins a visual positive change. Another thing that helps is the "Master Calendar." It spreads the work over weeks and months. The work is also shared so as many as possible can 200 participate. Just take it s t e p b y s t e p . One step is completed, you see a measure of success and a small harvest of fruit, and then you focus on the next step. The value of laying it all out at once is that you know where you are headed, you know the priorities and you know what needs to be done next. God's Word is abounding with directives for His people. Some times they also seem overwhelming. Overwhelming to be like Christ in every area of life. Overwhelming to incorporate His directives into our lives and the church. But it's the same thing. We learn what God expects of us and with His help take it one step and one day at a time. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THIS IMPLEMENTATION? That's a good question. At that point the church should be on the right track. The priorities should be in place. Spiritual gifts are discovered and people are enlisted to ministries. Leaders are equipped and focusing in on their job descriptions. Evaluation, setting goals, choosing methods and delegating follow through continue. The annual planning meeting continues. Elders are overseeing by seeing what needs to be taught, discovering Spiritual gifts, equipping and delegating ministries. The lost are being introduced to Christ and the saved are growing and maturing. Expect Things to Happen First, expect there be a new h o p e. Then, expect to see a new a t t i t u d e. After a few months your church will feel so good about what's happening that they will begin to i n v i t e. They will invite because they know that visitors will discover something worthwhile going on there. It will take some time, maybe a year or so, and then you can expect there to be d e c i s i ons. Something that you haven't seen for a long time. Always have the baptistery ready. Some think that baptisms can only be on Sunday. Where do we find that in the Bible? In the same place we find infant baptism, purgatory, and sprinkling instead of immersion. It isn't in the Bible! Yes expect v i s i t o r s to come. But you've got to get the word out. Be ready to follow up on new converts. Expect needs to be m e t. Expect God to make Himself k n o w n in your church. Expect things to happen. Don't Worry About What Can't Be Done We can do far more, with G o d ‘ s help, than we ever dreamed. With Christ there are n o l i m i t s. He will supply all of your needs. Remember we have not because we ask not. God, forgive us for not doing what we can. Jesus said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." I wonder if He might say today, “Father forgive them, for they do not what they know?" God still works and w e need to. "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." "Put on the full armor of God." "Acknowledge Him in a l l of your ways and He w i l l direct your paths." "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness." "Hunger and thirst after righteousness." Ask for wisdom. Ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit. "Put on the mind of Christ." 201 You can't know it all. Especially all at once. None of us are perfect. The key is making the effort to grow and not be satisfied with the status quo, to be ever learning the Word, ever growing, in all things love, a person of prayer, a servant's heart, humble, and willing. "Don't worry about anything." There is so much that you c a n do, don't worry about what you c a n ‘ t do! The Change Can Be Made It must be emphasized that i t c a n b e d o n e . Churches can be saved from a terrible death. Great things can happen for God right there where you are. Remember, “we can do all things through Christ." That, “with God all things are possible." Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a Holy renewal, a real revival? It would be greater still if it happened right there where you are. O n e p e r s o n and G o d are all that is needed to get things started. How Do You Describe Your Church? There is a big difference in churches. Are you dead or alive? Are you active for Him or just busy? Are you hot or cold? Are you friendly or unfriendly? Are you meeting needs or indifferent? Are you stagnate or moving forward? Are you exciting or boring? Are you a soulwinning people or has something else become priority number one? Yes, change is needed and it can be accomplished. It has been done and you can do it. A dead church can come alive. "It s t a r t s with a Revival-of P r a y e r ." God help us in "Raising the Dead." The p r i o r i t i e s of Christ and His church are i n d e s p e n s a b l e. But there must be a practical way to implement these priorities. This chapter provides that implementation process. 14 Barriers that hinder growth & lead to death 1. Not identifying problems. 2. Not calling out to God. 3. No Vision. 4. The Bible is not the ultimate authority. 5. No one is sharing the Good News. 6. Leadership weak. 7. Confusion of preacher’s job description. 8. Confusion of elder’s job description. 9. Confusion of deacon’s job description. 10. No one being equipped. 11. Poor preparation. 12. Not making Sunday special. 13. Problems left unsolved. 14. Little or no implementation. 14 Barriers Eliminated 202 1. Problems identified. 2. Now calling out to God. 3. Vision established. 4. The Bible is the ultimate authority. 5. Now sharing the Good News. 6. Strong Leaders. 7. Clear preacher’s job description. 8. Clear elder’s job description. 9. Clear deacon’s job description. 10. Members being equipped. 11. Quality preparation. 12. Every Sunday special. 13. Problems solved. 14. Strong implementation. Bottom Line 14 Implementation & Conclusion Review of Bottom Lines End of Seminar Bottom Line 1 – Page 26 – Consequences of Major Problems Churches have forsaken the priorities of God and are suffering the consequences. Before correction begins you must see the weak areas. What needs to be fixed. "Don't Deny, Identify." Douglas A. Dickey hit the nail on the head, in the title of his book, “Sermons for Sidetracked Saints." II Timothy 3:5b “Having a form of godliness but denying its power." The Bible reveals what Jesus intends His church to be. Compare your congregation with the Lords blueprint and then make the necessary corrections. God has given us the power and the tools to accomplish the task. Become equipped from the Bible to do the work of ministry, and then implement Bible principles with creative methods. The result will be new life and excitement. The dead will be raised. The next chapter describes where to begin. Bottom Line 2 – Page 67 – It Starts with a Revival of Prayer Once you recognize and identify needs, you’ll wonder where to begin. Have a revival of prayer. Start acknowledging Him in all of your ways. Make it a point to include Him in on everything before, during and after you do it. Call out to Him. Seek His wisdom and guidance. Start everything you do with prayer, even each item on an agenda. 203 Bottom Line 3 – Page 100 – Creating a Vision Church growth does not have to be one person or two struggling alone against all odds. Here's a method that will develop a team of enthusiastic leaders. Remember, “Where there is no vision the people perish." The “Vision Team” helps create a vision that brings excitement to the whole church. Bottom Line 4 - Page 28 – Rediscovering the Bible The Bible is the final authority. If Christians don't know the Bible the Holy Spirit is limited, satan has victory, and God's work is hindered. Only with the knowledge of Scripture will we know God's priorities and follow the pattern He has set. However knowing is not enough. We are instructed not only to be hearers of the Word but doers of the work as well. Bottom Line 5 - Page 174 – What Happened to the Good News? No one comes to the Father but by Jesus. The church must realize the eternal consequences of this and take the Good News to their world. There are many methods available. "The family doesn't grow if there are no new babies." Bottom Line 6 – Page 207 – Leaders Leaders need to look at the church from -God’s point of view. The Biblical task must not be ignored, nor the opportunity to seek the counsel of God. These are insights that will help leaders improve. Bottom Line 7 – Page 261 - Preachers Scriptural job description The preacher is either a pastor/teacher, an evangelist or both. He is to feed himself on a rich diet of the Word along with a very active prayer life. His purpose is to feed himself spiritually so he can feed his people the milk and the meat of the Word. In doing this he equips the saints for the work of the ministry. His preaching and teaching lead all into the likeness of Christ. With the Bible as the blueprint, he sets things in order. He trains the flock to introduce the lost to Christ. In all things love. If he is a pastor, the elder's job description applies. Bottom Line 8 – Page 316 – the Elder’s Scriptural job description Elders are mature Christian men that fervently pray and know the Word. God gave these prepared men an important ministry. Feed the flock. Teach and equip the saints. This Biblical job description is often missed. Bottom Line 9 – Page 340 – Deacons or Ministry Leaders They are an important part of God's team of leaders. Qualified people to help wherever and whenever needed. Bottom Line 10 – Page 362 – Equipping We are given the mandate, “equip the saints for the work of ministry." A prepared teacher will accomplish that task. An equipped Christian will do the work of ministry and bear fruit. Bottom Line 11 – Page 397 – Preparation God told us, “do all things decently and in order." He informed us that “He is not the author of confusion." He set the example for great planning. We need to set things up for success. What's done for the Lord should be first class. We need to make time count. 204 Bottom Line 12 – Page 425 – Making Sunday Special Every Sunday should be special. Make the effort to see that it is. A day of power, praise, worship, and decisions. A day for feeding and equipping. Where people receive help for their needs. A day to serve. Special attention and the proper attitude make it an exciting and special day. An opportunity to show that Christianity can be fun. Bottom Line 13 – Page 444 – Problem Solving A problem is an opportunity to equip the Saints. The problem turns into an exciting and productive solution. satan is defeated. This positive action results in people being helped and built up instead of torn down. It results in God being glorified, showing what He has done and can do. Bottom Line 14 – Page 459 - Implementation The priorities of Christ and His church are indispensable. But there must be a practical way to implement these priorities. This chapter provides that implementation process. Bottom Line of the Book There are thousands of struggling, fruitless and/or discouraged churches. Some of these churches are next to death. It doesn’t’ have to be that way. New life begins with a “Revival of Prayer.” Then check the only true authority, the Word of God. There we find God’s priorities, job descriptions and directives. He provides the power to accomplish His task. There are many wonderful methods available to get the job done. The church can be victorious. The dead can be raised. The ♥ of a Revival of Prayer The “HEART” of the Revival of Prayer is calling on God for the future of the church Proverbs 3:5,6 “Acknowledge me in all of your ways and I will direct your paths” Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me and I will answer you” *Four sermons on prayer *13 weeks of lessons on prayer *3 prayers in the worship service *15 minutes of prayer at every meeting *Prayer room early Sunday morning *24 hours of prayer at the church *Day of Prayer and fasting 205 View of a Healthy Church Implementation Problem Solving Identyfy Problems Revival of Prayer Making Sunday Special Creating a Vision Job Discriptions Rediscovering the Bible It Pays to Prepare Sharing the Good Equipping the News Saints 206 Church Encouragement Services Seminar Agenda DAY ONE 9:00 AM - LIGHT BREAKFAST & COFFEE 9:30 to 10:30 - Introduction/Orientation 10:30 to 11:30 - Chapter One - Consequences 11:30 to 1:00 - Chapter Two - Revival of Prayer 1:00 to 1:30 – LUNCH 1:30 to 2:30 - Chapter Three - Creating a Vision 2:30 to 3:30 - Chapter Four - Back To the Bible 3:30 to 3:45 - BREAK 3:45 to 4:45 - Chapter Five - What Happened to the Good New? 4:45 to 5:45 - Chapter Six – Leaders 5:45 – DISMISS FOR THE DAY - DINNER DAY TWO 9:00 to 9:30 - BREAKFAST 9:30 to 10:30 - Chapter Seven - The Preacher 10:30 to 12:00 - Chapter Eight - Elders 12:00 to 12:30 - LUNCH 12:30 to 1:30 - Chapter Nine - Deacons 1:30 to 2:30 - Chapter Ten - Equipping 2:30 to 2:45 - BREAK 2:45 to 3:45 - - Chapter Eleven - It Pays to Prepare 3:45 to 4:45 - Chapter Twelve - Making Sunday Special 4:45 – DISMISS FOR THE DAY - DINNER- DAY THREE 9:00 to 9:30 – LIGHT BREAKFAST 9:30 to 10:30 - Chapter Thirteen - Problem Solving 10:30 to 11:30 - Chapter Fourteen - Implementation 11;30 to 12:00 - LUNCH 12:00 TO 1:00 - Conclusion and Graduation 1:00 – DISMISS -DINNER 207