
IST359: Introduction to DBMS
IST359 Spring 2012
M002: 3:45p-5:05p
M003: 2:15p-3:35p
Lecture: Mondays Hinds 021
Lab: Wednesdays Hinds 010
Michael Fudge
110b Hinds
Your Name (Call Me…)
Where are you from?
TWO things about yourself
you’d like to share with the
rest of the class and please
try to keep it PG-13.
Mandatory Instructor background check
BS Applied Mathematics/Computer Science
 MS In Information Management
20 years in the IT field, 10+ @ SU.
 Currently employed as the “Sr. Systems & IT Support
Administrator” at the iSchool.
 Work as a consultant for Software and Database development
 SQL Server DBA
Taught various courses at the 2 year, 4 year and graduate level
in a wide variety of subjects.
Follow Us on Twitter
Class announcements under the hash
tag #ist359
Why are YOU here?
What is this course all about?
Database Theory 10%
SQL / Implementation 35%
Modeling / Design 45%
Advanced Topics 10%
“Theory to Practice” Ratio for IST359
Theory (40%)
Practice (60%)
Course Management: Blackboard
All required readings are
there (except textbook)
Deliverables Issued:
Quizzes, Labs, Assignments,
Your grades posted in
I’ll give you a tour later. 
Required Textbook
Databases Demystified,
Andrew Oppel, Osborne
McGraw Hill, © 2010.
ISBN (13): 978-0071747998
List: $21.95
The book serves as a
complement to the course
materials and will help you
grasp the concepts we cover
in class. It is a refreshingly
easy read, and allows you to
learn at your own pace.
More required Reading:
Instructor’s notes
 My
prep notes for
 Some
I made
 Some I Found
Methods of Evaluation
Your final grade is the ratio of points earned / points total.
General Course Policies
 Anything
handed in outside of class must be
submitted before day’s end (11:59:59pm on the
day it is due).
 All due dates are firm… posted on the syllabus
please plan accordingly.
 No make up work or late work are permitted.
 Show up before attendance is taken or you will be
marked absent.
 4 or more absences will impact your final grade
negatively (down a final mark).
Technology in the Classroom
Use it…
For Class purposes…
Or suffer the
At your own peril.
You have been warned
Weekly Course Flow
Quizzes And Labs
Issued on Blackboard
Available once self-test is
Due by next class (Fri).
Short and simple
Individual effort, Work alone.
All topics prior to the quiz
date (including required
readings on the quiz date)
are fair game.
No make ups, but one quiz is
Submitted through Blackboard
Due next Class (Wed).
You will be issued one of 3 marks
for every lab / study guide:
0 – not complete and not passing
5 – complete but not passing or
incomplete and passing
10 – complete and passing
Complete means you finished the
entire assessment (answered all
the questions)
Passing means you answered
more than 75% of the questions
Exams And Assignments
In-class deliverable;
Individual effort
2 Exams based on lab work
100 points each, 200 points
Exam dates posted on
All dates are firm so plan
Exams are a culmination of
coursework to date.
Out of class deliverable;
Work alone or with a partner.
Learn as you go & gauge
your ability to apply what
you have learned.
4 Assignments, 50 points
each, 200 points total.
All due dates are posted on
the syllabus, so plan
Each assignment takes in
upwards of 20 hours to
Academic Integrity
All work should be of your own merit.
I encourage you to help other students,
collaborate, and “bounce ideas” off
each other.
There is a difference between helping
someone and giving them your work.
Know the difference.
When in doubt, clear it with me.
I take this matter seriously,
and so should you!
Recipe for course success!
#1 Keep an eye
on the due dates!
#2 Come to class prepared
 The
class builds upon itself
 Maximize your face time with me.
#3 Take an interest in the course material
 Have
fun with it.
 How does it fit with your career? everyday life?
 How can you put the knowledge you learn in class to
practice outside of class?
The only “stupid” question…
…is the one that’s never asked.
Questions On The Syllabus?
Up Next: Blackboard Demo
Let’s get into it…