Mainstream standards for LIFT - BESD


Name:_____________________ DOB:___________________ Class__________________________________


I uphold the school’s behaviour policy robustly and consistently.

I have had training in behaviour management, including how to control my behavioural responses to pupils’ challenging behaviour, and I implement flexible arrangements which provide opportunities for de-escalation of challenging behaviour.

I am familiar with key requirements of the SEN Code of Practice; CAF process; Equality Legislation; Ofsted expectations in relation to behaviour (Evaluation

Schedule & supplementary guidance for inspectors)

Quality First Teaching for BESD need

Provision Action Impact

Regular monitoring of Involvement and

Engagement e.g. use of Leuven scales

A range of additional activities - e.g. circle time; social skills, buddies, talk partners etc

Time-out’ facility – short –term measure with the aim of returning to class – evaluated to assess effectiveness

I use system approaches such as o Restorative approaches o Solution focussed approaches o Respect for whole school community’s views o SEAL

Access to differentiated learning environments that supports de-escalation strategies

Promote opportunities for the development of social interaction skills throughout the school day

Multi sensory approaches e.g. visual prompts

Alternatives to writing

Special arrangements applied for internal/external learning assessments when there are additional learning needs identified.

Use of SEAL or similar approaches.

Use of positive language to promote self esteem

Use of tone of voice to deescalate situations

Use of language which is appropriate to engage the pupil at their level of understanding

Awareness of subliminal messages conveyed through body language and posture

Use of quality listening to manage interaction and engagement.


A range of additional intervention programmes - social skills, anger management, alternative curriculum arrangements

Allocation of peer mentors, learning / behaviour mentors - monitored and evaluated

Specific intervention programmes that are closely monitored and evaluated to assess effectiveness in terms of progress / improvements in behaviour [list required]

Sensitive use of additional adult to: o Promote participation and engagement o Support learning behaviours by modelling and mediated learning o Ensure risk assessment is addressed in all learning environments o Promote independence skills and develop social inclusion o Use of advocacy to promote independence skills

Organisational / environmental changes - e.g. designated work-station with few distractions ; small group working

Different arrangements – e.g. on site longer term time out facility but with the aim of re-integration

Timetable planning to provide alternative learning situations eg work station

Targeted support for Individual and small group short term interventions for BESD need

Action Impact

Opportunities presented through whole class and where appropriate in small group activities to develop: o A sense of belonging o Self esteem o Communication skills o Listening skills o Literacy o Numeracy o IT skills o Social and emotional aspects of learning o Self-awareness o Self-organisation and independence o Opportunities for taking responsibility o Opportunities to take on a role outside of current experience


A range of additional and different intervention / support programmes in liaison with external agency professionals, including outreach support from special schools

A range of further assessments to identify underlying language / learning difficulties

(link between behaviour and low literacy levels)

An individual education programme or pastoral support programme which may include one or more of the following: o Effective strategies and interventions to address social skills, promote confidence, and build self-esteem o Therapeutic approaches to support change o Counselling programmes o Mediation o Family Group Conferencing o Specific interventions to develop language and learning skills o Identification of a mentor/advocate within the school o Identification of support network within the community context, including mentoring

Personalised / Individualised Learning Long term interventions for BESD needs

Action Impact
