Arakelian 1 Fall 2013 [Life Science Building 126] [MoWe 3:45PM - 5:05PM] WRT105 Practices of academic writing Instructor: [Geghard Arakelian] E-Mail: [] Phone: [443-1220] Office: [HBC 005] Office Hours: [Tue 3-4 p.m.] Course Description and Rationale WRT 105 is an introduction to academic writing. In this class, writing is both the primary subject of inquiry and the primary activity. You will write, revise, edit and reflect on your writing with the support of the teacher and peers. You will also engage critically with the opinions and voices of others, as you develop a greater understanding of how your writing can have an effect on yourself and your environment. As the primary subject of readings and discussion, writing will be explored as it relates to different contexts, discourses, cultures and textual media. You will inquire into literacy and writing with your classmates and work together to build your understanding of that topic through discussion and writing. But what does all that exactly mean? In most writing courses, learning how to write typically involves reading popular fiction and then writing an essay about what you have read. In this case, we will examine the act of writing itself and what it means to be a writer. It can get political, even philosophical; we will debate, muse, and collaborate on our findings. The course will engage you in practices of analysis and argument, practices that carry across disciplinary lines and into professional and civic writing. These interdependent practices of critical inquiry are fundamental to the work you will do at Syracuse University and in your careers and civic engagements. Critical inquiry is not a staid and dull endeavor. It takes imagination to understand more fully the things that surround us. It requires imagination to acknowledge and make meaning out of difference, to grasp the complexity of issues and experiences, and to avoid the impulse to reject the unfamiliar. Finally it takes imagination to understand and adapt to how languages and conventions change from one cultural context to another: writing is culturally adaptive. We develop such an imagination by being willing to look closely and critically at the world around us, and to ask questions of what we see, experience, and assume. Analysis, as Rosenwasser and Stephen claim in Writing Analytically 6th edition, “is a form of detective work that typically pursues Course Materials In addition to the required texts listed below (both available at the SU Bookstore), you should also be prepared to provide copies of your work for everyone in the class (or in your peer response group) at various times during the semester. Downs and Wardle: Writing about Writing Wysocki and Lynch: The DK Handbook Arakelian 2 something puzzling, something you seek to understand rather than something you believe you already know. Analysis finds questions where there seem not to be any, and it makes connections that might not have been evident at first” (53). You analyze when you think carefully enough to recommend a course to a friend, or explore why a particular college sports team is so dominant, or decide who you will vote for in the local election, or come to understand better how language and discourse shape our identities. Argument involves inquiry and analysis and engages others in ongoing conversations about topics of common concern. Evidence for your arguments comes from analysis, from discussion with others, from your personal experience, and from research in the library and on the web. In addition to being persuasive, arguments can be a means of sharing information, posing important questions, or even raising consciousness about issues. Course Goals for WRT 105 1. By engaging with issues of diversity and community and considering issues of power and difference that shape every rhetorical act, students will compose texts that are ethically responsive to different perspectives. 2. Students will practice critical techniques of reading and will compose texts that draw on the ideas, positions, and voices of others. 3. Students will practice analysis in all areas of writing, reading and research: from topic invention, to source evaluation, to deepening their understanding of issues. 4. Students will develop knowledge of basic rhetorical principles and the ability to draw upon those concepts as observers, readers, writers, and citizens. 5. Students will develop varied invention strategies, such as drafting, brainstorming, observing, and researching. 6. Students will develop an awareness of the role of research in invention and argument and a working knowledge of introductory research methods, such as primary research and use of library resources. 7. Students will explore how various genres and writing technologies affect rhetorical reception, production, and circulation and will develop abilities to understand genre and technology as responsive to rhetorical context. 8. Students will develop an understanding of generic conventions and will compose essays that encompass a variety of genres, including analysis, argument, and synthesis. 9. Students will assess the reliability of sources and will summarize, synthesize, and integrate source materials into their writing. 10. Students will learn and enact rhetorical and ethical source use, including proficiency using MLA/APA citation conventions. 11. Students will develop revision and editing strategies for organization, prose style, and technical control. Work of the course You will devote time, thought, and energy to a variety of informal and formal reading and writing practices. During the course you might be asked to annotate readings, keep a record of ideas and responses, jot down observations, take notes on class discussions, experiment with different styles and organizational choices, and engage in a variety of drafting and revision activities. All these activities are important and will have an impact on your development and success as academic writers (and your final grade). Arakelian 3 As you will see in the grade breakdown below, your final grade comes from not only the formal assignments, but also the invention work and reflective writing included in each unit. I will collect this invention work on a regular basis and grade on a √, √+, √- scale. You will get a zero for work you do not complete or that you don’t submit on time. The work should be referenced in your reflective writing at the end of the semester, and easily accessible to me as a submission on Bb. A note about the importance of keeping up with your reading assignments: writing well depends upon reading well. The course texts will provide you with ideas and arguments, facts and statistics. They will prompt thought as you agree or disagree or qualify those ideas. They enlarge the context for our class discussion. And they illustrate choices other writers have made as they composed. Writing and reading are interdependent practices, and you will move between the two regularly throughout the course. Feedback and Grading You will receive many different kinds of feedback during this course. Some will come from fellow students and some will come from me. Both are important; they tell you in various ways how your readers are responding to your writing. This feedback will also help you learn how to assess your own work. The grade for the course is based on a 500-point scale. There are three units in the course; each will lead toward with a written assignment worth 100 points. There is also a final culminating portfolio, which includes one piece of writing you’ll choose to revise from the semester, selections from your invention work you wish to highlight, and reflective writing about your work. Unit 1 Assignment: Blogging about 21st c. literacies Unit 2 Assignment: Analyzing discourse and identity Unit 3 Assignment: Inquiring into “academic” writing Culminating Portfolio: Revision and Reflection 100 points (due week 5) 100 points (due week 10) 100 points (due week 14) 200 points (due on final day of course) You must complete all of the primary assignments to pass the class. Also, failure to turn in a completed portfolio at the end of the term will result in failure of the class. Unless you talk to me before the due date, I will only accept late papers under extenuating circumstances. I also reserve the right to deduct points for late work. Let’s all just agree to do the work, come to class, learn a lot, and make the course a meaningful experience. Course Policies Writing studios are courses in language learning, and language is learned in communities; therefore, it is essential that you attend class and participate. Absences and lack of preparation for class will affect your classmates' work as well as your own. The work you do in class, the work you do to prepare for each class, is as important as any polished assignment you turn in for a grade. In addition, each unit calendar is only a projection and may be subject to occasional changes and revisions as it seems appropriate, necessary, or just interesting. That is another reason why your attendance is vital. If you must miss a class, you are responsible for work assigned. Please realize, however, that class time cannot be reconstructed or made up, and that your performance, your work, and your final Arakelian 4 course grade will be affected by absences. Because presence and participation are essential to your learning and performance in the class, you will be dropped a full letter grade at your fourth and another at your fifth absence. If you miss six classes (three weeks) you will fail the course. If you are absent you are responsible for any missed work and any modifications of the syllabus and/or assignments. Student Writing All texts written in this course are generally public. You may be asked to share them with a peer, the class, or with me during classroom activities or for homework. You will also be asked to sign a consent form requesting the use of your writing for professional development, teacher training, and classroom instruction within the Syracuse University Writing Program. Blackboard Our course is loaded on blackboard, a University on-line teaching support system. I will teach you how to access our section of WRT 105 on blackboard, and will then expect you to be able to locate, download, and link to a range of course materials with some regularity throughout the semester. I will also contact you regularly via the blackboard course listserv, which has already been created using each student’s “syr” email address. Please check your syr account at least once daily throughout the fall. The url for blackboard is: Once you access the main page you will be asked for your user ID and password. The following is from the student help page of blackboard: Once a student registers for a course that is using Blackboard, a student account is set up for them and they are automatically enrolled in the appropriate course(s). Users login to Blackboard using their NetID and password. Your NetID is the portion of your SU email that appears before the Your NetID password is also your Blackboard password. If you do not know what your NetID and password are, visit the ITS website at obtain this information. You can also obtain this information by calling 443-2677, or by going to the Student Computing Support Center in your dormitory. Special Needs and Situations If you believe that you need accommodations for a disability, please contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS),, located in Room 309 of 804 University Avenue, or call (315) 443-4498 for an appointment to discuss your needs and the process for requesting accommodations. ODS is responsible for coordinating disability-related accommodations and will issue students with documented disabilities Accommodation Authorization Letters, as appropriate. Since accommodations may require early planning and generally are not provided retroactively, please contact ODS as soon as possible. Syracuse University and I are committed to your success and to supporting Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This means that in general no individual who is otherwise qualified shall be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity, solely by reason of having a disability. You are also welcome to contact me privately to discuss your academic needs although I cannot arrange for disability-related accommodations. Computer Use We will also be using email for contact outside class. Use email to contact me about your coursework, to set up an appointment to meet with me outside class, or to ask a question. Arakelian 5 While computers save us great amounts of time over typewriters and make corrections much simpler, they are also susceptible to crashing and freezing. Save your work frequently, always make backup copies, and plan your projects with extra time allowed for those inevitable glitches. The Writing Center Experienced writing consultants at the Writing Center (101 HB Crouse Hall, on the Quad) can teach you how to succeed on individual assignments and ultimately become a better writer. They’re prepared to work one-on-one with you at any stage of your process and with any kind of writing you’re attempting while attending SU. Whether you need help understanding an assignment, brainstorming ideas, revising subsequent drafts, or developing editing strategies, face-to-face and online appointments are available for 25- or 50-minute sessions throughout the semester and can be reserved up to seven days in advance via their online scheduling program, WCOnline. In addition, drop-in appointments are welcome Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and brief concerns or questions can be emailed to consultants via the eWC. For more information on hours, location and services, please visit This is a free resource to all students and highly recommended for every assignment you work on in this class. Academic Integrity All writing submitted for this course is understood to be your original work. In cases where academic dishonesty is detected (the fraudulent submission of another's work, in whole or part, as your own), you may be subject to a failing grade for the project or the course, and in the worst case, to academic probation or expulsion. For a more detailed description of the guidelines for adhering to academic integrity in the College of Arts and Sciences, go to: Religious Observances SU’s religious observances policy, found at, recognizes the diversity of faiths represented among the campus community and protects the rights of students, faculty, and staff to observe religious holy days according to their tradition. Under the policy, students are provided an opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirements that may be missed due to a religious observance provided they notify their instructors before the end of the second week of classes. For fall and spring semesters, an online notification process is available through MySlice/Student Services/Enrollment/My Religious Observances from the first day of class until the end of the second week of class. General Course Calendar Overview *by Week *This calendar overview is provided as a way to understand the work we will be doing each week. A more detailed version of the course calendar with particular readings and required homework assignments will be distributed. Unit 1: Blogging about 20th Century Literacies: Project due [insert date] Arakelian 6 Week 1 8/26-8/30 Introductions to the course, to each other, to the unit 1 inquiry and assignment. First shared reading and work on definitions of “literacy.” Work with Joe Harris’ “Coming to terms” --understanding the writer’s “project” and the concept of a “flashpoint.” Introduction to concept and uses of critical summary Introduction to the blog sites and discussion of the qualities and characteristics you think make for smart, engaged and engaging, thought provoking, and rhetorically sensitive posts. First critical summary of shared text. Consider making an appointment with a writing consultant before the essay is due on the week of 9/23. Consultants can help you during any stage of the writing process. Week 2 9/3- 9/6 (Labor day holiday Mon.) Week 3 9/9-9/13 Week 4 9/16-9/20 Share first critical summaries and continue to build list of keywords, concepts based on our discussions and readings as we attempt to arrive at a definition of literacy/ies Look together at a handout devoted to “response” (from Writing Analytically) and introduction the concept of the “Intellectual ‘I’.” Using DK Handbook we will consider “local/immediate context,” “larger context,” “audience” “purpose” and “medium,” & how these aid the “Intellectual ‘I’”? Read a second shared text, and write critical summaries with a carefully selected flashpoint. Upload a total of 6 literacy artifacts to your blog site. Review your literacy artifacts and come ready to discuss your choices. In-class writing related to artifacts. Discussion of artifact choices and tie back to our conversation about the “intellectual ‘I’” Upload 3 more artifacts to blog site. Freewriting specific to blog artifacts. Final shared reading and critical summary using a carefully selected flashpoint. More discussion of shared readings, focused on how the writer’s situate their experiences in relation to larger contexts, definitions and complications regarding definition of literacy, and connections across readings. In class brainstorming and pre-writing toward a draft of your blog article (using your critical summaries and freewrites) you’ll be annotating and borrowing from them as you pre-write. Work with the concept of “what it means to have an idea” from Writing Analytically. Work with pp 216-218 (“Responding to the Writing of Your Peers”) in The DK Handbook. Generate guidelines together for peer review. Peer Review of drafts using guidelines developed in class. Consideration of audience: who, outside of WRT 105 class, might serve as an astute reader of your blog entry? We will brainstorm a list of outside readers. Make appointment for office hours. Revisit your notes on/annotations of shared readings. Keep in mind strategies discussed in class thus far for handling context, borrowing from/developing genre? And other helpful to the revision process? Revise blog entry based on peers’ feedback and your new appreciation for the shared Arakelian 7 Week 5 9/23-9/27 readings. Share your draft with someone outside the class and keep good track of feedback. Upload three more literacy artifacts to your blog site. Taking stock: how have your peers’ responses to your draft impacted your understanding of the blog assignment? How has re-reading the shared texts deepened your sense of how to effectively work with them? How do visuals enhance (or not) your blog entry? How did your outside reader impact your consideration of audience? Continue revising blog entry and your critical summaries. Unit 1 portfolio due. Introduction to the Unit 2 Analysis assignment and unit inquiry. Together we will read the introduction to Chapter 4 “Discourses: How Do Communities Shape Writing?” in WAW and begin to develop ideas about discourse communities and writing. Unit 2: Analyzing Discourse and Identity: Project due [insert date} Week 6 9/30-10/4 Week 7 10/7-10/11 Week 8 10/1410/18 Read and annotate Gee’s “Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics” (481 in WaW) Read Swales pgs. 471-473 (in WaW) and using Swales 6 characteristics write a paragraph identifying a possible discourse community you belong to. Using Gee’s definition of discourse community as “identity kit,” work to develop definitions of the concept and examples from our experiences; brainstorm possible discourse communities that you belong to. Introduction to the Jason Collin’s article—discuss his discourse community. Read and annotate Collins article: Using the locating moments heuristic, make note of the moments of tension in the article and then brainstorm possible places of tension on your own discourse communities. Workshop on locating moments of "tension" between discourse communities (Where & how do we find moments of tension?); Practice analysis together with shared example. (Collins' article). Find 3 artifacts that represent your discourse community and/or moments of tension between communities. Write 500 words that describe how these artifacts characterize your community and represent tension between communities Practice presenting and contextualizing artifacts for analysis. (Students bring in examples and present their initial thinking about why artifacts might work) Read and annotate Ann Johns article “Discourse Communities and Communities of Practice” (498 WaW). Respond to #2, 3 and 4 on page 518-519 in WaW. Practice notice & focus and other analysis strategies (Seems to be about x 101-103 in WA; Reformulating binaries 96-97 in WA; Data analysis 574-575 in WaW) with students' chosen artifacts. Brainstorm ideas for useful additional source materials. Intro to library resources and searching. Practice making preliminary “good enough” claims and interpretations about what the Arakelian 8 Week 9 10/2110/25 Week 10 10/28-11/1 data you are analyzing might help a reader see. Write a 250 word focused freewrite from the ideas generated in class about what the data you have collected thus far might imply. Do some library search work to locate an article that can help you further develop your ideas about your inference and developing Use guiding questions about discourse community (from Swales) to think about larger contexts and the "so what?" factors of the analysis thus far. Discuss and develop ideas about useful source material for your unit 2 project. Read and annotate a source that will help you further develop/complicate your inference and ideas about the tensions between Critical summary of source material and practice synthesizing sources. Try out the rhetorical sourcing exercise to compose a moment from your essay where you are bringing a source (primary or secondary) into conversation with your ideas about discourse communities and identity. Refining and further developing claims. Drafting, peer review and asking "so what?" Create full rough draft of the unit 2 project. Review reflection questions and evaluation criteria. Full Draft workshop--how to be taken seriously as a writer? (locating claims, evidence and links, thinking through style choices. Finalize and polish portfolio and reflection. Portfolios and unit reflections turned in. Multi-modal workshop: bring in five items that represent your discourse community. Using those items you will physically and visually construct your discourse community and a moment of tension. *Place an image of this work on instagram with a twitter hashtag and comment. The hashtag can belong to a twitter feed that we can create for the blog from unit 1. Using instragram and twitter will 1: link it to the blog, 2: makes it go live/viral. People can comment on these--taking your project beyond the classroom. Unit 3: Arguing about academic discourse: Project due [insert due date] Week 11 11/411/8 Week 12 11/11- Introductions to the third assignment Read and annotate Casanave’s “The Beginnings of Change….” Discussion of Casanave reading and next assignment. Collect five artifacts from your various courses that serve to shape your writing in those classes. These artifacts will be collected into a group archive on which you will draw to develop, and provide illustrations for, your assignment. Group discussion of artifacts, with attention to various stakeholders and your project’s audience. Read McCarthy, Lucille. “A Stranger in Strange Lands: A College Student Writing across the Curriculum.” Write critical summary on blog. Discussion of reading with reference to archives. Discussion of memos. Arakelian 9 11/15 Read Penrose and Geisler, “Reading and Writing without Authority.” Write critical summary on blog. Write a memo in which you describe your plans for the third assignment. (You should be thinking about the medium you will use, the artifacts, your audience, and how you want to accomplish your goals). Post it to Blackboard. Discussion of reading. Discussion of memos. Group work (with archives). Develop lists of things you feel new students should know about writing. Compare and contrast claims about “academic writing” within the class and in the readings. Group presentations of advice/ discussions. Week 13 11/1811/22 Post projects to Blackboard. Read your groupmates’ work and come to class prepared to discuss it. Workshop Revise your digital project. Unit 3 projects due [insert date here}. Discuss Culminating Portfolio and reflection assignment. Fall break. Work on culminating portfolio, revision project and reflection Share reflections and provide feedback to peers. Workshop culminating portfolio and reflection Week 14 11/2511/29 Fall Break Week 15 12/212/6 (Final day of classes is 12/6) Revision and Reflection: Culminating Portfolio due on final day of class[insert due date]