Renewing the Sectional Struggle Chapter 18 Popular Sovereignty Newly acquired territory from Mexico caused issues b/t the North and the South Northerners supported the Wilmot Proviso/Southerners blocked the Proviso’s passage Election of 1848 Democrats nominated General Lewis Cass – “Father of Popular Sovereignty” Popular Sovereignty The people liked popular sovereignty because it tossed the slavery problem into the laps of the people. Whigs nominated Zachary Taylor Antislavery men in the North organized the Free Soil Party Free Soil Platform Supported the Wilmot Proviso Against slavery in the territories California Gold Rush 1848 Gold is discovered in California California becomes a state overnight 1849 California drafted a constitution that excluded slavery and applied for admission to the union If California was admitted into the union it would upset the balance; prior to 1849 there were 15 slave states and 15 free states Sectional Balance Southerners were angered by the abolition of slavery in Washington D.C. Underground Railroad Compromise of 1850 Clay, Webster and Calhoun come together to negotiate a compromise to the California issue Taylor seemed hell bent on vetoing any compromise Taylor dies; Millard Fillmore signed the compromise measure Concessions to the North Concessions to the South California admitted as a free state Territory disputed by Texas and New Mexico to be surrendered to New Mexico Abolition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia The remainder of the Mexican Cession area to be formed into the territories of New Mexico and Utah, w/o restrictions on slavery, hence open to popular sovereignty Texas to receive 10 million in compensation Stringent fugitive slave laws Who got the better deal? North California as a free state tipped the balance permanently against the south Many northerners refused to carry out the Fugitive Slave Laws which caused further resentment. Nicaragua…A state? 1852 Franklin Pierce became president Pierce was in favor of expansionism Nicaragua was of particular interest Led to a treaty b/t America and Britain that said neither country could fortify or secure any isthmian waterway America Becomes a Pacific Power Commodore Matthew Perry opened up Japan for trade in the 1850s Americans attempted to seize Cuba from Spain When Northerners got wind of the plan outrage…Pierce dropped the idea Transcontinental Railroad Transcontinental railroad proposed to solve transportation problems Best route was south of the Mexican border because federal troops were in the area to protect the railroad Gadsden Purchase – gave Mexico $10 million Northerners supported building transcontinental railroad through Nebraska but Nebraska was unorganized Kansas Nebraska Scheme Large numbers of pioneers already living on the border of Nebraska and Missouri Stephen Douglas supported (1) ending the deadlock between the North and South (2) expanding the west Proposed dividing Nebraska into 2 territories These territories would decide the slavery issue by popular sovereignty Kansas Nebraska Act Because Kansas lay due west of Missouri it would choose slavery and Nebraska due west of free soil Iowa would be free The Kansas Nebraska Act would require a repeal of the Missouri Compromise One of the most momentous measures to ever pass Congress and one step closer to war Kansas Nebraska Act wrecked the Compromise of 1820 and 1850 Act led to the formation of the Republican party