KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY Principles of Sociology Sociology 2201/07 Spring 2012 Class time: Tues/Thurs 3:30-4:45am Instructor: Beau K. Giovanni Class: Social Science Building Rm 3028 Office: SSB-4005 Office Hours: MW 9:15-10:00 am Messages: Email: You are encouraged to email me any questions or concerns that you may have. This is the best way to reach me. All course-related information will be sent to your Kennesaw email address. It is your responsibility to check this email regularly for any course announcements. Required Text: Applebaum, Carr, Duneier & Giddens., ed.2009; Introduction to Sociology 8th edition. W.W. Norton and Company I.COURSE DESCRIPTION: Sociology literally means “the study of the social “. Since almost everything we do, from interacting in a classroom to collectively waging war on each other is social, sociology is more precisely defined as “the systematic and/or scientific study of human social interactions”. This course is designed to introduce you to the language, major theoretical models, methodology and concepts in the discipline of Sociology. Throughout the course, you will be applying the principles of Sociology to the social interactions that are happening around you. This will enable you to see how your life and the lives of others are greatly influenced by the common social structure and historical period in which we are living. The aim of this course is to introduce a new perspective-a sociological perspective- in order to ask and answer questions about our social world. In this class, we will use readings, film, and other sources to discuss and critically analyze topics such as social inequalities, socializations, culture, deviance, and social institutions. II. Course Requirements: 4 Exams (each test worth 100%). Exams cover material from textbook chapters, class lectures and discussions. The exams will consist of 50 multiple choice questions. Exams will take place on Tuesday of listed scheduled week. III. Change to Syllabus: Students are responsible for all changes to this syllabus that are announced in class or sent over email IV. Weight of Grades: 4 test (each test worth 100 percent). V. Cell Phones and Laptops: Students cannot answer calls or send/receive messages during class and phones must be turned off. If you must take an important call, see me before the start of class. Students may use a laptop to take notes. Absolutely no electronic devices may be used or be visible during exams. All phones, pagers, etc must be turned off. NO EXCEPTIONS! VI. Misconduct: Any student found guilty of academic misconduct (e.g. cheating, plagiarism) will be given a grade of “0” on the relevant assignment and disciplined according to KSU procedures. Scale of Grades: A 90-100; B 80-89; C 70-79; D 60-69; F 59 and below VII. Missed Test/Assignments: OTHER THAN RELIGIOUS OBSERVATION AND DOCUMENTED MEDICAL EMERGENCIES, THERE ARE NO MAKEUP EXAMS/ASSIGNMENTS FOR ANY REASON. VIII. Disabilities: If you need additional assistance of any kind in this course, please see me as soon as possible so that the necessary accommodations can be made. TOPICS TT 1-10/12 Introduction to course/class/Introduction to Sociology/Chapter 1 TT 1-17/19 Jan 16, 2012 (Holiday) Chapter 2-Asking and Answering Sociological Questions? T 1-24/26 Chapter 3-Culture TT 1-31/2-2 Chapter 4 -Socialization TT 2-7/9 (Tuesday-Test # 1) TT 2-14/16 Chapter 8-Stratification TT 2-21/23 Chapter 5- Social Interaction TT 2-28/1 Chapter 7- Conformity, Deviance, and Crime TT 3-6/8 TT 3-13/15 SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Tuesday-Test # 2) TT 3-20/22 Chapter 10-Gender Inequality TT 3-27/29 Chapter 11-Ethnicity and Race TT 4-3/5 Chapter 17-Religion TT 4-10/12 (Tuesday-Test # 3) TT 4 17/19 Chapter 16-Sociology of the Body TT 4-24/26 Chapter 9-Global Inequality T 4/30 Last day of classes! May 1-7th (Test # 4) Final Exams May 1-7th! Final Date TBA HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!