Monday Today is Day 7 on your food log Vitamins Antioxidant Saturated fat Hypoglycemia Metabolism Botulism Trace minerals Complete protein Unsaturated fat Electrolytes Anorexia Salmonellosis Macro minerals Incomplete protein Diabetes Food Allergy Bulimia Gastroenteritis Complex carbohydrates Simple carbohydrates Food Intolerance Binge-eating disorder E-coli Osteoporosis 1. _________________ is food borne illness usually associated with undercooked meat, especially hamburger. 2. A person who eats uncontrollably two or more times per week for six months or longer is diagnosed with a _______________. 3. __________________ is a food borne illness associated with improperly canned foods. 4. A condition when the body produces too much insulin, therefore, allowing a drop in blood sugar, is referred to as __________________. 5. ______________________ is the rate at which your body converts food into energy in the body cells. 6. An abnormal response to food that is triggered by the immune system is known as a ________________. 7. Your body’s ____________________ must be balanced to have a normal heartbeat. 8. _____________________ are substances that protect cells from being damaged and repair damaged cells. 9. Fat from animal products that are usually solid at room temperature are called ______________. 10. Minerals that you need at least 100 mg per day are called __________________. 11. All sugars are _____________________________. 12. ________________________ contain all 9 essential amino acids. Assignments Due: Mon Today’s Agenda: Nov 2, 2014 1. Warm-up 2. Finish “Forks Over Knives” 3. Finish Lesson 27/28/29 Vocab 1. Vocabulary packet due TOMORROW 2. Update Food Log – Today is Day 7 3. Block Day – Meet in the media center to use the Chromebooks 4. Unit 5 Test - FRIDAY Essential Question: What have I learned about nutrition? Objective: 1) I will finish the Forks Over Knives video. 2) I will finish Lesson 27/28/29 Vocab Tuesday Make sure your Lesson 27,28,29 Vocab is in the class basket!! Write down the term that best completes each sentence. Minerals Antioxidant Saturated fat Hypoglycemia Metabolism Botulism Fat-Soluble Vitamins Complete protein Unsaturated fat Electrolytes Anorexia Salmonellosis Water-soluble Vitamins Incomplete protein Diabetes Food Allergy Bulimia Gastroenteritis Complex carbohydrates Simple carbohydrates Food Intolerance Binge-eating disorder E-coli Osteoporosis 1. ___________________________ is a food-borne illness that causes inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines. 2. Vitamins that dissolve in fat and can be stored in the body are referred to as __________________________. 3. An abnormal response to food that is NOT triggered by the immune system is a _________________________. 4. _______________________ are fats from plant products and fish. 5. ______________________ is an eating disorder when someone engages in cycles of binging and purging. 6. A disease that causes the bones to lose bone mass and become brittle is known as ________________________. 7. _________________________ is a food-borne illness most commonly associated with raw chicken or eggs or from contaminated food utensils or cooking surfaces, 8. Starches and fiber are examples of ____________________________. 9. Someone with ___________________________ is 15% or more below their desirable weight. 10. ___________________ is a disease in which the body produces little or no insulin. Assignments Due: Tue Today’s Agenda: Nov 3, 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. Warm-up Nutrition Bingo Make flashcards (optional) Meet in the media center on the block day – bring your Food Log 1. Vocabulary packet due TODAY 2. Block Day – Meet in the media center to use the Chromebooks 3. Unit 5 Test - FRIDAY Essential Question: What have I learned about Nutrition? Objective: I will play Nutrition Bingo to help me prepare for the Unit test on Friday. Water Fat-Soluble Vitamins Trace Minerals Simple Carbohydrates Water-Soluble Vitamins Macro Minerals Complex Carbohydrates Complete Protein Incomplete Protein Unsaturated Fat Herbal Supplements Cardiovascular Disease Saturated Fat Dehydration Antioxidant Cholesterol Osteoporosis Hypoglycemia Food Intolerance Mega-dosing Diabetes Food Allergy Metabolism Electrolytes Food-borne Illness Bulimia Salmonellosis E-Coli Anorexia Binge-Eating Disorder Botulism Gastroenteritis Eating disorder when someone starves themselves and/or exercises excessively A substance that protects cells from being damaged by oxidation An eating disorder when someone cannot control their eating and eats excessive amounts A food borne illness associated with improperly canned foods An eating disorder associated with cycles of binging and purging A disease of the heart and blood vessels A fat-like substance made by the body and found in some foods and can lead to plaque build up on the artery walls A food source that contains all of the essential amino acids Starches and fiber; long lasting sources of energy When the water content of the body has fallen to extremely low levels A disorder when the body does not produce enough insulin A food borne illness associated with undercooked meat, especially hamburger A nutrient that becomes electrically charged in a solution and must be in the right balance to have a healthy heart beat Vitamins that dissolve in fat; vitamin A, D, E, and K An abnormal response to food triggered by the immune system An abnormal response to food NOT triggered by the immune system An illness caused by consuming foods or beverage that have been contaminated by a pathogen Inflammation of the stomach and intestines The extracts of plants, not approved by the FDA as a drug A disorder in which the body produces too much insulin, causing a drop in blood sugar A food source that does not contain all of the essential amino acids Minerals that are needed in a amounts greater than 100 mg per day Taking vitamins in excessive amounts The rate at which food is converted to energy in the cells A disease related to calcium deficiency in which bones become brittle and fracture easily A food borne illness associated with contaminated water, kitchen surfaces, and raw eggs and chicken The type of fat found in dairy products, solid vegetable fat, meat and poultry Sugars that dissolve quickly in the bloodstream and provide quick, but short energy Minerals that are needed in only small amounts The type of fat found in plant products and from fish The nutrient that is involved in all body processes Vitamins that dissolve in water; vitamin C and B complex 1. 2. 3. Write the definition of each term on the back of the pages THEN cut them up into flashcards When you finish, you and a partner should take turns quizzing each other using your flashcards Wednesday/ Thursday Today’s Agenda: Wed/Thu Nov 4/5, 2015 Assignments Due: 1. Unit 5 Test - FRIDAY 1. No-Warm Up Essential Question: How can I make the proper food choices to ensure that I am consuming the necessary nutrients for optimal health? Objective: I will enter my food log onto the website and analyze my diet. Care for the Chromebooks: We want to keep the Chromebooks in good Care for the Chromebooks: want to keep the Cromebooks working condition. We Encourage students to in treat good working condition. Encourage students to treat them properly and with respect. them properlycarrying and with Chromebook respect. Students in one hand more likely toChromebook drop it Students carrying in one hand more likely to drop it. Classroom Chromebook Usage: Encourage students Classroom Chromebook Usage: to carry Chromebook both hands rather Encourage students towith carry Chromebook with both hands than one hand. rather thanwith with one hand. End of Period: *Students give the chromebooks back to End ofassigned Period: 1 to 2 students or the teacher. *Chromebook goes back into the correct number *Students give the chromebooks back to assigned 1 to 2 students or the power slot. teacher. *Chromebook goes back into the correct number power slot. Log on a computer 2. Get out your food log packet and follow the instructions on how to log on the website and start your food journal 3. When you finish logging all 7 days of your food journal, follow the directions in the packet to create your 2 reports 4. Use the reports to complete the food log analysis form in your packet. 5. Turn in your completed food log and analysis form. 6. If you do not finish in class, it is homework and due TOMORROW - FRIDAY 1. Friday Write down THREE things you learned about your diet and nutrition by participating in the Food Log Project. If you did not already turn in your Food Log Project packet, please turn it in to the basket NOW! Today’s Agenda: Fri Nov 6, 2015 1. Warm-up 2. Trade and grade Lesson 27, 28, & 29 Vocab 3. 5 minute cram session 4. Unit 5 – Nutrition – Test 5. Unit 7 Pre-test 6. End of the Week Review Assignments Due: Unit 5 Test - TODAY Essential Question: What have I learned about Nutrition? Objective: I will assess my knowledge of nutrition. List 3 NEW things you learned this week in class Turn into the basket on your way out! Name First and last name Date 11/6/15 Class Period # Quiz Unit 5 Test • Enter your Test ID# all the way to the left • Bubble the numbers below