Lean Action Learning

Lean Supply Chain
Action Learning Program
September 2007
Objectives of the Proposed Program
• Enable participating companies to learn with and
from each other by tackling real projects of vital
importance to the companies
• Demonstrate the effective application of lean
principles in warehousing, transport, procurement
and distribution
• Disseminate the learnings to promote the application
of lean supply chain principles by local companies
• Promote South Australia as a world class centre for
supply chain excellence
Lean Supply Chain
• Focuses on the Value Stream
• Encompasses warehousing, distribution, transport
and procurement
• Removes waste, mistakes, inflexibility
• Involves developing a “lean mindset”
May involve…
• Eliminating, combining, rearranging, simplifying
• Removing commercial obstacles
• Promoting free flow of information
• Improved logistics methods and systems
• Strategic positioning of inventory
• Involving supply chain partners in the change
Action Learning
• A process in which a group of people come together
regularly to help each other learn from their
• Participants typically come from different situations
where they are involved in different activities and face
individual problems.
• The intention is to introduce some change, and use
the intended change as a vehicle for learning through
The Lean Supply Chain
Action Learning Program
• Each project is undertaken by a team of three to five;
one or two from the company and the remainder from
other companies
• The team works intensively together, one day per
week over five weeks, learning and applying lean
principles to the problem
• Outcomes and recommendations are presented to
the host company senior management
• Key elements of the process are videotaped as a
case study to promulgate via DVD to South
Australian companies and via the Web to the World.
Project Selection Criteria
Addresses an issue of high priority to the company
Likely to benefit from “fresh eyes”
Potential to demonstrate best practice/lean principles
Likely to achieve a tangible outcome in the time
• Company willing for outcomes to be used in the
public domain as a case study
Typical Projects
• Examining the overall supply chain to determine strategies to
improve customer service, reduce or eliminate inventory, reduce
lead time and non-value adding activity
• Apply Lean Principles to warehouse processes and work flow to
reduce double handling and improve customer service etc
• Develop a new warehouse layout to reduce distance traveled,
increase storage density
• Examine the existing warehouse organisation structure, job
roles and skills and devise a development program to build
involvement, teamwork and effectiveness of the people
• Etc
Process Improvement Methodologies
• Lean Principles and Value Stream Mapping
• Cycle Time Reduction and Flow Process Charting
• Business Process Re-engineering
Stages in Value Stream Mapping
Start with the Customer and work back
Become familiar with the present process
Observe and measure the present process
Create a Value Stream Map of present process
Identify non-value adding and waste
Develop an improved process to reduce overall lead
• Create a Value Stream Map of the new process
• Plan the implementation and win buy-in
Project Steps
• Preparation
• Project
– Day 1
– Day 2
– Day 3
– Day 4
– Day 5
• Dissemination
– Companies are canvassed for potential projects
– Facilitator meets with each company to:
• Set the Minimum Critical Specification for the
• Establish any constraints
• Identify resources to be provided by the
Preparation (continued)
– Team is selected
– Facilitator identifies relevant learning resources eg
readings and case studies relevant to the project,
to be used to prepare the team
– Team is briefed at an initial meeting at the host
Day 1 - Plan the Project
Become familiar with the current situation
Clarify the objectives of the project
Identify the skills and capabilities within the group
Share learnings from pre-reading and from experience to
identify possible approaches and tools to be used
– Agree on the overall approach and the roles of each team
– Develop a project plan
– Reflect on the effectiveness of the team and the process
Day 2 Record and Examine
– Identify, gather and assemble relevant data and information
– Consult with stakeholders
– Document the current situation using the appropriate tools
eg Value Stream Mapping, Activity Sampling, Flow Charting,
Storyboarding etc
– Analyse the current situation to identify opportunities for
improvement eg elimination of non-value adding activity,
cycle time reduction etc
– Initial brainstorming of ideas and options
– Pose questions to be researched and answered before Day
– Reflect on the effectiveness of the team and the process
Day 3 Develop
– Review outcomes of research between sessions
– Intensively brainstorm options and short list eg story
boarding, mind mapping etc
– Test short listed options with the key stakeholders in the
– Synthesize the proposal
– Identify further information or data to be collected to validate
the proposal
– Assign responsibilities for next session
– Reflect on the effectiveness of the team and the process
Day 4 Refine and Justify
• Refine the proposal based on the research between sessions
• Document the proposal eg Value Stream Map, Layout Diagram,
Flow Chart etc
• Prepare a cost benefit analysis of the proposal
• Develop an implementation plan
• Plan tasks and assign responsibilities for next session
• Reflect on the effectiveness of the team and the process
Day 5 Present Outcomes
– Prepare a report with recommendations and justifications
– Prepare a presentation for the host company’s senior
– Present to Senior Management and obtain their feedback
– Reflect on the effectiveness of the team and the process and
document the learnings
– Presentations by project team at seminars and
site visits
– Video case study of the project, for inclusion with
other case studies on a DVD for distribution to SA
– Web site explaining and promoting the program
with downloadable case studies and streaming
video or slide presentations to illustrate,
accessible around the world as a showcase for
South Australian supply chain excellence
Into the future
• Recruit more companies into the program locally and
• Encourage overseas companies to follow the
example, and to contribute their case studies to the
data base
• Provide a platform for benchmarking, locally and
• The initial projects under Lean Supply Chain Action
Learning Program have been funded by the SA
Department of Trade and Economic Development