Vocational qualifications for health and safety in agriculture

Vocational Qualifications
for Health & Safety in
Presented by Alastair
How do we achieve significant reductions in
accidents and ill-health?
HSC/HSE and other stakeholders believe there
needs to be a fundamental change in attitude to
H & S in agriculture
Good health and safety management is an
integral part of good business management
Address the culture of unwise risk taking that
exists in the industry
Key elements in bringing about change
raising competence of farmers to
manage health & safety
(ii) giving workers knowledge of key
Many awards in the Agricultural sector
include elements of Health & Safety but
little reference to it as a management or
managerial process
New Qualifications
Three levels accredited by QCA:
Level 2 Certificate in Working Safely in
Level 3 Certificate in Controlling Risks to
Health and Safety in
Level 4 Certificate in Managing Health
and Safety in Agriculture/Horticulture
Qualifications available either through NPTC/City &Guilds
or Lantra Awards
Both organisations are recognised Awarding Bodies
approved by the regulatory body the Qualifications and
Curriculum Authority
Candidates contact approved Assessment Centres to
register for assessments (either through NPTC/City &
Guilds or Lantra Awards)
Quality assurance is through NPTC or Lantra Awards
examiners marking the independently set exams and
assignments, thus giving the qualifications a consistent
standard wherever taken
Level 2 Certificate in Working
Safely in Agriculture/Horticulture
1 unit with 10 learning outcomes
Training course available through Lantra Awards
Available to candidates aged 14 years and over
20 GLH
Focus on the identification of farm hazards and typical
control measures
No formal prerequisites/entry requirements
Registration fee = £40 per candidate
NPTC and Lantra Awards registration fees and question
banks are identical
Assessment – Level 2
Single multiple choice test
30 questions
NPTC offers a GOLA test (Global On-line Assessment)
1 hour
Specific to agriculture and horticulture and are relevant to all
- Provisional results are automatically generated and
given to candidates at the end of their test
- Results are then confirmed after 48 hours
Lantra Awards offers a paper based multiple choice test
- Papers returned to Lantra Awards
- Results are then confirmed within 10 working days
Level 3 Certificate in Controlling Risks
to Health and Safety in Agriculture/Horticulture
2 units with learning outcomes
Registration fee = £126 per candidate.
NPTC and Lantra Awards registration fees and question
banks are identical
Available to candidates 16 years and over
30 GLH
Training course will be available through Lantra Awards
(on-line package under development)
Assessment Level 3
Unit 1 - Multiple choice test
30 questions
1 hour
Unit 2 - Work-based assignment
Specific to own place of work/ college unit
Available from NPTC/Lantra Awards
Marked by NPTC/Lantra Awards examiners
Verified by Awarding Body verifiers
Results submitted to Awarding Body by examiners
Unit 2: Work-based Assignment
Assignment specific to the candidates place of work covering:
Background information on the farm/horticultural holding
and candidates role in the business
Carrying out a task specific risk assessment on workplace
transport and one other work activity, eg manual handling
Communicating risk assessment findings to people in the
Selecting the right equipment to do the job
Appointing a competent contractor
Level 4 Certificate in Managing Risks
to Health and Safety in Agriculture/Horticulture
2 units
Available to candidates 18 years and
30 GLH
Registration fee = £136 per candidate.
NPTC and Lantra Awards registration
fees and question banks are identical
Assessment Level 4
Unit 1 – Written examination paper
7 questions
2 hours
Exam conditions
Unit 2 - Work-based assignment
Specific to own place of work/ college unit
Available from NPTC/Lantra Awards
Marked by NPTC/Lantra Awards examiners
Verified by Awarding Body verifiers
Results submitted to Awarding Body by examiners
Unit 4: Work-based Assignment
Assignment specific to the candidates place of work
Key elements of successful health & safety
Protecting the health & safety of workers
Standards of training & competence
Communicating information outside the business
Creating a positive health & safety culture
Bespoke programmes have been developed to
support Certificates in Health and Safety
Working Safely in Agriculture/Horticulture available now
Managing Health and Safety in Agriculture/Horticulture
aim to be developed by Autumn 2007
Controlling Risks to Health and Safety in
Agriculture/Horticulture available from summer 2007
No compulsory requirement to use bespoke programmes however
advantages are:
Can be covered during student induction and throughout their course at
Consistency in delivery
Quality assured by independent body
Provides opportunities to network with other lecturers/instructors
Access to learning material (HSE leaflets, booklets, workbooks, power
point presentations).
Reduces burden on lecturers to source own material
Enables lecturers to keep up to date with changes in legislation and best
Drivers for uptake
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Qualifications are eligible for CPD points under schemes such
Attendance at training courses = 12 points
Successful completion of the qualification = 3 points
Link to farm assurance schemes
Reduced claims from improved management of H & S
Premiums adjusted to reflect better management of risk.
Work in progress with insurers to offer discounted insurance
to farmers who undertake the qualifications
Drivers for uptake
Land-based Colleges
Students to undertake Level 2 pre-placement
Learning outcomes to be integrated into curricula
Funding available
Incorporated within NCs and ANCs from 2008/09?
VQs to be recognised as technical certificates
Promotional work
Land-based Colleges
HSE Seminar for colleges Oct 2007
Lantra Awards and NPTC road shows
NAAC newsletter
Lantra SSC Industry Groups newsletters
NRoSO newsletter
Assured Farm Standards newsletter
Farmers Weekly