Geography & History of the World History standard: GHW

Geography &History of the World History 1st Week 2nd Semester 1-11 to 1-15 Friday
Monday 1-11-16 Warm up/EQ #6
What new ideas were spread throughout Europe during the Renaissance?
Geography & History of the World History standard: GHW.6.3 Map the spread
of innovative art forms and scientific thought from their origins to other world
Big idea: Renaissance
Objective/Goal: 1. Make sure you understand everything that is required of you in
this class. 2. Understand new forms of art and scientific thought moving throughout
Northwestern Europe.
Vocabulary words: Vernacular, Secular, Patrons
1. Daily work. Go over rules and goals for this semester.
2. Getting extra credit as a Captain. (handing back work)
3. Whatever work you have not completed I will take it without penalty no later
than Wednesday.
4. If you need a book you must write down your name on a piece a paper and give
it to me.
5. Notes on the Renaissance.
6. Use your notes to complete today’s worksheet.
Reflection question: MUST DO IF IN RED! BELOW WARM UP
What new ideas spread throughout Europe?
 Bring your book Wednesday. Must have it.
 Word Wall cards are due on Friday: Vernacular, Secular, Patrons
 First test covering the Renaissance will be Friday.
 Buy index cards!
 Be a Captain tomorrow!!
Tuesday 1-12-16 Warm up/EQ#7
What did the artists of the Renaissance do that was different from before?
Geography and History of the World History standard: GHW.6.3 Map the
spread of innovative art forms and scientific thought from their origins to other
world regions.
Big idea: Innovations of the Renaissance
Objective/Goal: 1. Understand the new ways and new ideas that occurred during
the Renaissance. 2. Pass your quiz demonstrating you are understanding what we
have covered in class so far.
Vocabulary words: From the day’s activities.
1. Daily work
2. Notes- Renaissance-last day
3. Quiz
Reflection question: MUST DO IF IN RED! BELOW WARM UP
What new device introduced during the Renaissance changed the world?
 Bring your book tomorrow. YOU WILL NEED IT!!
 Test Friday based on notes and this week’s activities.
 Word wall cards are due on Friday: Vernacular, Secular, Patrons
 Buy index cards!!
Wednesday 1-13-16 Warm up#8
How did the Printing press change the world? Who invented it?
Geography and History of the World History standard: GHW.6.3 Map the
spread of innovative art forms and scientific thought from their origins to other
world regions.
Big idea: Location of European countries
Objective/Goal: 1.Complete map of Europe demonstrating you understand the
locations of specific countries.
Vocabulary words: From today’s activity
1. Daily work
2. Complete map activity. Due before you leave! Work by yourself.
Reflection question: (Must do before you leave)
Write down the names of the European countries you believe were the wealthiest
during the Renaissance.
 Test Friday based on notes and this week’s activities. Study your notes!
 Study the notes from the website!
 Word wall cards are due on Friday: Vernacular, Secular, Patrons
 Buy index cards!!
Thursday 1-14-16 Warm up#9
Who are some of the artists during the Renaissance?
Geography and History of the World History standard: GHW.6.3 Map the
spread of innovative art forms and scientific thought from their origins to other
world regions.
Big idea: Renaissance
Objective/Goal: Prepare for tomorrow’s test by participating in the Jeopardy game.
Make sure you have completed all of your missing work for the week!
Vocabulary words: Humanism, Economics
1. Daily work, rules, vocabulary
2. Jeopardy game review for test
3. Time to complete any missing work: Daily work, word wall cards!
Reflection question: MUST DO IF IN RED! BELOW WARM UP
Who was a patron during the Renaissance?
 Word wall cards are due tomorrow. Vernacular, Secular, Patrons
 Test is tomorrow covering the Renaissance from the notes. Study!
 Notes on the Renaissance are on my website!
Friday 1-15-16 Warm up/EQ#10
Why do you think being the absolute best you can be was such a new idea during the
Geography and History of the World History standard: GHW.6.3 Map the
spread of innovative art forms and scientific thought from their origins to other
world regions.
Big idea: Renaissance
Objective/Goal: Demonstrate you understand the Renaissance by passing your test.
Vocabulary words: Word wall game.
1. Daily work
2. Turn in all of your daily work from last week and this week
3. Test
4. Give me your Word Wall cards! We will play the Word wall game!
Reflection question: RQ
Was the test difficult? What did you find confusing?
Bring your textbook on Monday.