Powerpoint - Loy Research Group

Networking and Chemistry
2014 Spring Term
Zheng xin Building
Room 201
Professor Douglas Loy
My lecture notes will be available in “Harbin
Network chemistry” under “courses” at
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Curriculum Vitae: Professor Douglas A. Loy
BS Chemistry, University of Arizona, 1983
MS Chemistry, Northern Arizona University, 1986
Ph.D. Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, 1991
Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Sandia
National Labs
• Team Leader, NanoSynthesis, Los Alamos National Lab
• Professor of Materials Science & Engineering and
Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Arizona
• 11 patents, over 150 papers and proceedings
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Part 1: About the course (syllabus)
Purpose: study and master the knowledge of
networking and skill to search chemical
information in the Internet.
• Since the most advanced information in the
Internet is written in English, the course is
scheduled to be taught in English
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Internet is powerful tool for
• Hardware and software architecture of the
• Finding scientific information
• Faster communication than letter writing
• Writing papers for publication
• Professional networking
• Professional society information
• Conferences and presentations
About the class:
(I) First, my lectures:
1) Introduction to course & notes on good
presentations, plus background on internet, 1st hour
2) Searching chemical information on web
2nd hour today
3) Attending International conferences and preparing
scientific papers for publication (using web) Friday’s
4) Summation of course, June 11th.
(II) The remainder of the lectures will be student
symposia (presentations).
Student presentations start on Wednesday, May 21st.
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Course Schedule
Lecture 1: About the course
Lecture 2: Giving good presentations and
introduction to the internet & Chemistry
Lecture 3: Searching the internet, scientific literature
Lecture 4:Scientific Literature, Paper, patents, Professional Meetings
& Societies & getting a job.
Quiz 1
Lecture 5:Student presentations & discussion
Lecture 6: Student presentations & discussion
Lecture 7:Student presentations & discussion
Lecture 8: Student presentations & discussion
Lecture 9: Student presentations & discussion
Lecture 10: Student presentations & discussion
Quiz 2
Lecture 11: Student presentations & discussion
Lecture 12: Student presentations & discussion
Lecture 13: Student presentations & discussion
Lecture 14: Student presentations & discussion
Lecture 15: Student presentations & discussion
Lecture 16: Student presentations & discussion
Quiz 3
Lecture 16 : Make-up presentations, last lecture
Lecture 17: End of class ceremony
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
May 14
May 14
May 16
May 16
May 16
May 21
May 21
May 23
May 23
May 28
May 28
May 28
May 30
May 30
June 4
June 4
June 6
June 6
June 6
June 11
June 11
Course grading:
Participation (discussion questions)
Three quizzes (5% each)
Computer Lab
Final exam
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Signing papers & quizzes:
Please sign your class number (1,2,3…32)
& student identification number (e.g 1110700101)
on quizes or any written assignments
I cannot read Chinese written language, so please
sign your class number and student identification
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Student class # 1
Student identification #: 1110700101
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Quiz 1
May 23, 2014
• Student leader takes each day
• 10% of grade!!!
• You must notify me by email (include student
#) if you cannot make it to class or if you
missed because of illness or other excusable
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Presentation requirements (20%)
Presentations start on Wednesday May 21st.
We will provide titles for presentations.
Presentation in Powerpoint (In English)
10 minutes long, 2 minutes for questions
Must tell a logical story
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Grading presentations
– Quality of slides: titles, conclusion at base of each,
bullets no sentences
– Quality of graphics (not pixelated)
– Talk structure: introduction,
– Subject matter
– Presentation skill (voice, English, not reading
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Audience (team) participation (10%)
• After two or three talks (1 lecture), you will
work in teams on discussion questions
(provided by me).
• Five teams (6 or 7 students in each)
• Write down discussion question
• You will write down your teams’ conclusions
• All students must sign their’s teams paper
• This will count for your participation
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Audience (team) participation
• How would you use the internet to find out if
a chemical is commercially available?
• How would you discover all of the scientific
papers of Professor Zhiping Zheng (from the
University of Arizona) using the internet?
Your team would discuss and write an short
answer to questions, sign the paper and turn in.
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Quizzes (15% of grade)
• Three quizzes
• You will have 30 minutes to take.
• I will provide a Study quide for you to prepare
• NOT a team effort. Work by yourselves. No
copying of your neighbor’s quiz answers.
• Quizes will be during 1) 4th period on Friday,
May 16th, 2) 4th period on Monday, May 28th
and 4th period on June 6th.
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Example Quiz 1
1) What is the internet?
1) What is a router and what does it do?
3) What is an http and what is it used for?
4) What is an ISP and what does it do?
5) What is the WWW and what is it for?
6) Name a chemistry search engine.
7) Name three different places can you find chemical keywords?
8) What kind of chemical search is the best at finding all of the
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Example Quiz 1
1) What is the internet? A global network of computer networks
2) What is a router and what does it do? An electronic gateway device that
connects networks together and helps direct data traffic.
3) What is an http and what is it used for? Hypertext Transfer Protocol is an
application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information
4) What is an ISP and what does it do? Internet service provider (ISP) is an
organization that provides access to the Internet.
5) What is the WWW and what is it for? World wide web- a collection of data
servers around the world.
6) Name a chemistry search engine. Scifinder, reaxys, web of science
7) Name three different places can you find chemical keywords?
Encyclopedias, search engines, textbooks, papers, patents
8) What kind of chemical search is the best at finding all of the citations?
Structure search
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
First week Presentation Topics: May 21 & 23rd
Explain how the internet works.
Presentation of history of internet.
How search engines work
Describe search engines available to you here in China.
Describe how a VPN works
Explain how to build a complete list of publications for a
7. Discovering where a scientist has worked (company or
government lab or University).
8. Conducting author searches (how do you know you have
the right Professor Zhe Li??).
9. Chemical searching: How do you use the internet to tell
you if a chemical compound is new and has not been
reported before?
10.Research topic searching.
11.Finding a chemical reactions or formulation using
chemical search engines
Part 2. Giving effective
Douglas Loy
and Chemistry
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Story telling tools
• Visual-graphics
• Strong load voice & eye contact
• Slide title is a thesis
for slide
• Reinforced with
bullets of information
• Finish each slide with
conclusion or transition
Together these grab your audience’s attention and deliver your
message more effectively Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
9-11 Slides should do it.
Title: Giving
is easy
Presenting is
easy because,
On your slides.
It is just telling
a story.
Leave some
things for the
audience to
ask about.
Organize your
sequence of
repeat thesis
from first slide.
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Don’t put
everything you
The title slide
Introduce yourself
Paraphrase title of talk if possible
Introduce thesis during title slide.
Presenter must explain why this talk is
important or interesting to audience.
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
The proper use of the title is to
inform the reader of the talk’s
Douglas Loy
HIT, Harbin, Heilongjong, PRC
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Presentations tell a story
Beginning of talk: tell audience
what they should learn (thesis)
Middle of talk: explain &
defend thesis and reinforce
End of talk: repeat
thesis clearly
People like to hear a logical story with a satisfying conclusion
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Applying the KISS (Keep It Simple Silly)
One concept or theme per slide
Try to keep it to 4 or 5 bullets max per slide
Simple, easy to understand graphics
Font greater than 18.
Simple, easy to understand
slides that focus will leave
your audience with your
message more effectively
This is an awful graphic!!!!!
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
No outlines in short talks
• Absolutely useless for short talks (& most long
• Waste of time at best, Insulting at worst
• If you must, make it a map for complicated
Talks can be “outlined” on the first slide
But don’t waste your time or the audience
with a special outline slide
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
For historical background, use a time line
Bridged polysilsesquioxane sol-gel
Solid state NMR
Surfactant templated
F. S. Kipping
Eugene Rochow (GE)
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Don’t go overboard with details
• Leave fine details for audience questions
• Do not set yourself up for questions you can’t
• Keep presentation at higher level (not the
dreaded “graduate student seminar”)
The corollary is that you should be identifying potential
questions and organizing your answers before you present
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Keep your talk length under control
• Start with one slide per minute
• Practice and determine how many you will
actually will need
If you have too many slides your audience will not remember your
message, only your lackEmail:
of preparation
Conclusion slide is where you revisit
key points from presentation
• Do not save important points until conclusion
• Paraphrase those points after introducing
them earlier.
• Can be the conclusion bullets from slides
You can often end your summarizing the talks take
home points by speculating about the future.
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Responsibilities of Audience during
• NO talking, eating, cell phones ringing,
texting, writing on computers unless its about
the presentation
• Listen, because test material will be included
in presentations.
• Clap when speaker is finished.
• Raise hand to ask question. Stand and
introduce yourself then ask question.
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Speaker answering questions
• Design slides to direct audience to questions
you want asked.
• Don’t put everything you know on your slides,
leave off things so you can answer questions.
• Repeat question back to audience:
• “The question is….”
• If you don’t know, ask the speaker to rephrase
question or tell them you do not understand
the question.
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Part 3: The Internet
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
What you need to know about the
Definition of internet
Computer architecture of internet
What are protocols; what do they do?
What POP, ISP and IP are; what do they do?
What are routers; what do they do?
What is a LAN ; what does it do?
What is an http ; what does it do?
How a browser and search engine are similar and different
What is a url ; what is it for?
What is the backbone of the internet ; what does it do?
What is the world wide web?
What is a firewall ; what does it do?
What is a VPN; what does it do?
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
The internet: global computer
Network of computer systems spanning the globe.
Network of networks
Share a common protocol suite (TCP/IP)
> 2 billion users
Internet Engineering Task Force
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
• Access to data (WWW) and communication (email)
• No central administration
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
History of Internet
• Packet research in 1960’s
(US), Tymnet (US) in early 1970’s
• Computer Science Network (NSF, US,1982)
• 1980’s TCP/IP standardization
– NSFNET 1986 (10-50 kb/s)
• ARPANET & NSFNET replaced
by commercial internet corp.’s 1990’s
• since 1990’s Email, video calls, blogs
social networking, WWW, etc.
(> 10 Gib/s).
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
One more how the internet works slide
Packets are the data
fragment your request or
answer is broken into for
transit through the internet
Client is
nodes interconnection points Servers store information
routers are
the brains of
insures info
only goes
where it is
needed and
that it does
get there.
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Search engines
• Software designed to find (search) information on world
wide web
• Use webcrawler and indexing algorithms to keep up to data
directory of data
•Many commercial search engines (Google (89%),Yahoo,
Baidu (62% in China))
•Scientific search engines: Web of Science, SciFinder,
Google Scholar
Some are free others cost to buy license.
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Part 4. Searching for chemical
information on the internet
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
What you need to know about searching
for chemical information on the internet
You need to know
1) what search engines are available (Scifinder, web of science, reaxys, Google scholar).
2) how to find Chemical Abstracts System numbers- they are assigned to each and
every chemical.
3) how to search by author names and find all of their publications
4) how to find out where people worked by finding their resume or curriculum vita
5) how to search with keywords
6) that structure searching can be the best way to find a CAS number or all of the
references there are for that compound.
7) How to find CAS #, alternative names, and citations for polymers.
8) How to search for reactions
9) How to search for patents
10) How to sort or down select citation lists by where, when, and for whom it was done
11) How to export citation lists to bibliographic software
12) How to find companies selling chemicals and their prices
13) How to find the first time something was done.
14) Sort by document type.
Email: daloy@mse.arizona.edu
Internet is powerful tool for chemists
• Hardware and software architecture of the
• Finding scientific information
• Faster communication than letter writing
• Writing papers for publication
• Professional networking
• Professional society information
• Conferences and presentations
Scientific information: Search Engines
• Chemspider1,2
• Web of science2
• Scifinder2 (Chinese Academic Library and
Information System: CALIS Universities)
• reaxys
• Trademark and Patent office of PRC patent search
• US Patent office search engine1,2
1) Free resources
2) Resources available in China
Scientific information: Chemicals
Chemical Abstract Number and Structure searching
• Chemical information from chemical catalogs
• Chem Frog free database with millions of
• emolecules-structure search
• web of science structure search
• Scifinder structure searching
• Search Google or Baidu with CAS number
Continued on Friday