
Bible 101 – The Books of the
In the Beginning…
Bible 101
Books of the Law
Bible 101
Order of the nation, disorder and reorder…
Moses, Joshua
Mt. Sinai, wilderness, Plains of Moab
39 years
The Laws of acceptable approach to God, The Laws of continued Fellowship with God
Mount Sinai
1 month
Subjection, Redemption and Instruction
Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Joshua
Egypt, Wilderness, Mt. Sinai
431 yrs
4 Events Creation, Fall, Flood, the Nations dividing (Babel)
4 people Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph (and many, many more…)
Fertile Crescent, Canaan, Egypt.
Time: Creation (about 4004 b.c.) to 1804 b.c. – 2286 yrs
What God has done, What God expects of Israel, What God will do
Moses, Joshua
Plains of Moab
1 month
Time frame – 2756 years altogether – largest time period in the Bible.
297 pages (in my Bible)
Author was Moses – except for the last few Chapters
Books of History
Subject: book I - Story of Samuel and Saul becoming King/Book II - King David
Time period: 94 yrs / 33 yrs
Author: Samuel – though he dies in vs.25 of 1 Samuel, possibly Nathan, Gad or another unnamed
prophet finished it.
1&2 Kings
Bible 101
Subject: The Kinsman redeemer
Time period: 12 yrs, sometime during the events of the book of Judges
Author: unknown
1&2 Samuel
Subject: Seven distinct cycles of sin to salvation
Time period: 350yrs
Author: Anonymous, but most suspect is was Samuel
Subject: Conquest and settlement of Canaan
Time period: 15 yrs, 1 month
Author is Joshua
Subject: history of the United kingdom (Solomon) / Divided kingdom / deported nation in captivity
Time period: 130 yrs + 286 yrs – 416 yrs total.
Author: unknown, tradition says Jeremiah the Prophet, last 2 chapters of 2 kings by someone who
survived to return from Babylon
Books of History, page 2
1&2 Chronicles
Subject: retelling of the events of 2 Samuel – 2 Kings
Subject: Restoration of the Temple / Reformation of the people
Time period: 23 yrs
Author: Ezra the priest
Time period: 33yrs / 433 yrs
Author: tradition - Ezra the priest
Subject: Reconstruction of the Wall (Jerusalem) / Revival of the people
Time period: 19 yrs
Author: Ezra wrote from Nehemiah’s memoirs
Esther – very cool book
Subject: triumph of the Jews over a genocide attempt
Bible 101
Book 1 – David’s reign
Book 2 – Solomon’s reign and the Kings after him
Almost wasn’t included in the canon
God is never mentioned
Happens in the capitol city of the Persian empire
Time period:10 years
Author: unknown, but had to have been written in Persia
12 books
~960 yrs of history- Entrance into the land – return from exile in Babylon.
415 pages (in my Bible)
Gen 3
The seedbed
• A lot of firsts…
First look at our fallen enemy
• Satan fell sometime between creation and chapter 3 (less than 130 yrs – Seth
born in chapter 5)
How long were they in the Garden?
• Disguised as a serpent (heb. word)
HEB word (ne-kosh)– shining one, obvious ref to Satan
(Missler) Later became the word for serpent
» Possibly because it fit the snake that we have today?
Satan was already cursed when he fell - Isa 14/Eze 28
» Why is the serpent cursed in vs. 14? (Poor guy)
First Temptation
First sin
• Man is separated from God
First blame game
The first Prophecy of Jesus’ defeat of Satan
The first false religion
• The first blood sacrifice
Bible 101
Gen 3:1-5
Eve is not shocked by talking to the serpent..
Did all the animals talk?
Hear Satan’s voice 3 times in scripture Here, Job, in the temptation of Christ
• Here He is slandering God to man
• In Job he is slandering Man to God
• In the temptation of Jesus he’s in trouble be he’s facing the God-Man (no back to talk behind)
Satan’s method
Question what God said
Misquotes scripture (vs. 1 every tree, compare this to 2:16)
Raise doubt (vs.4) – you will not surely die (2:17)
Slander (vs.4) - Satan also calls God a liar
Make false promises (vs.5 you will be like God) – Satan had the same problem
Our response is to quote scripture back at him
• Jesus did in his temptation in the wilderness (Read Matt 4:1-11)
– See how Jesus answered him - “it is written”
» Did Jesus argue? debate? dialogue?
– Satan shreads us when we enter into dialogue with him, He is way smarter than we are
– Satan is no match for us when we stand on God’s Word
Bible 101
• Who told Eve about the Tree?
• Couldn’t you hear Adam telling her about the tree?
• Vs.2 When Eve answers Satan (as he is twisting Scripture) she adds to the
command (2:17 doesn’t say not to touch it)
She added a rule that wasn’t there, we have been doing that ever since
Fashion – what do most people wear to church on Sunday? – what the rational?
» For some the suit isn’t enough – need a hat or a black coat w/o buttons…
• Even though sometimes it makes sense, its still adding to the word.
We need to quote the Word accurately – that’s where the safety is.
Its not that you cant paraphrase
• Where was Adam?
See how he approached her when she was alone…
We are vulnerable when we are alone
• We need fellowship
• We need backup
• We need each other in our marriage
Bible 101
The Fall of man
Gen 3:6-7
Vs. 6 We see Satan’s “big three” of temptation.
• Lust of the flesh Eve – good for food, Jesus – make these stones bread
• lust of the eyes Eve-pleasant, Jesus – give you the kingdoms
Satan uses the eyes to tempt us, God uses the ears
» Faith comes by hearing
» He who has an ear let him hear
• pride of life Eve-gaining wisdom, Jesus – throw yourself down and PROOVE you are the
Vs. 7 Effect of the fruit
Eyes were opened, what does that mean?
• Knew good from evil now…
Maybe that’s why she didn’t react to the conversation with the serpent… she didn’t know what EVIL was
SAW that they were naked
• Re-read 1:25
• Revelation 3:17 – description of apostate Christians in their sin.
Desire to cover their sin
• Sewed fig leaves together – I am told that fig leaves itch
Bible 101
Not sure how the commentator came across that info
Man’s efforts will never cover sin
The confrontation
Gen 3:8-13
Vs. 8 God is seeking them
God always does the seeking… (not sure what that means for seeker friendly churches)
Shepherd seeks the sheep that are lost, not the other way around
God sought us, we didn’t seek him
Vs.9-11 Is God clueless or what? – What…
Why did God ask Adam these questions?
Vs.11 – did you eat…?
Confession – Sin needs to be confessed
Read 1 John 1:9 – good memory verse
He asks us the same question sometimes… Where are you?
vs.12-13 The blame game
Adam Blames God and Eve
It was you and me… no problems and then Blam SHE shows up and what a mess…
All kidding aside… some people still use this excuse… God, how could you let this happen?
You and her need to go sort this thing out
Eve blames the serpent
WHY did Eve say she sinned? (Deception-vs. 13)
Who is left holding the bag?
Bible 101
We do the same with our kids don’t we?
Notice there is no question of Satan
I know there is no point with you…
The confrontation
• Some who try to make this a noble thing on
Adams part
– Is a resemblance to the work of Jesus here
• Bride was in sin, she was dead
• Both chose to join her in her predicament (Jesus not her
sin though)
– As a result there was a means of salvation
• Both caused their bride to live by a wound in their
– Antoher thought - Adam sinned (disobeyed,
rebelled) and died for his sin
• Jesus obeyed and died in his brides place.
Bible 101
Gen 3:14-19
Vs. 14 The serpent
Cursed more than all animals
Everything suffered because of the curse
Crawl on your belly
– Wonder what he looked like before the curse?
– Did he have legs?
– Satan would be cast down (out of heaven)
– He would eat the dust of this Earth rather than heaven
Enmity between you and the woman
– You two won’t be a team…you won’t work together
– Your seed and hers - women have eggs not seed – hint at
the virgin birth?
– He means one of her seed (singular)
Prophecy of Jesus
– Bruise = crush
» Romans 16:19-20
– Satan will only bruise his heel
Bible 101
• Vs. 16 The Woman
Increased pain in childbirth
What would it have been like in Eden?
She will desire to rule over her husband… but she will be required to submit to him
Eph 5:22 – I know y’all know that verse
God doesn’t want to hear “the woman you gave me…” excuse anymore so He put the husband in charge
• Vs. 17-19 The Man
He was held accountable (for what?) – Listening to his Wife of course
Not wrong to listen to our wives, as long as her counsel is biblical…
– In Proverbs wisdom is always female
» But… sin is also called a wayward woman…
– Men are required to love the one (wisdom), and
AVOID the other
Vs. 17b-19a Ground was cursed – man would have to work to eat
Vs19b Death – returning to the ground that he came from (we are but dust…)
– Did they surely die?
• Vs. 17 The Ground was cursed – the earth is wailing
Bible 101
The first false religion
Gen 3:20-21
– Vs. 21 – God made them tunics of skin
• How do you get tunics of skin?
– Killing a fuzzy critter
• How is sin covered?
– Killing a fuzzy critter (shedding of blood)
– Heb 9:22
• the first false religion
– Vs. 7 – sewed fig leaves to cover their nakedness
» Sin is not covered by anything Man can do…
• What are we clothed in now?
– Skin?
– Read Rev 7:9
» White robes
– Do a search on the word “clothed” and see how important the
concept is…
Bible 101
Exile from the Garden
Gen 3:22-24
Why did he exile them
• Hint: We talked about it last week
Living water
Tree of life
Adam was driven out
• Broken fellowship
what did it take to restore that fellowship?
Atonement, how is that different than covering?
• Guard set
‘-im’ words are plural
Flaming sword?
Why was the garden guarded?
» If man had eaten from it, he would have lived forever in his fallen state
» Watch the news… see the crime, war, rape, abuse, anger, hatred… would you
want to see man live like this forever?
Changes her name to Eve (2:23 he named her woman)
• Because she would be the mother of all the living
Bible 101
Is this because of the Prophecy?
Is this because of the one who would crush Satan’s head?
Next week
• Read Genesis 4-6
– Not sure how far we will get
through the Genealogy
• Memorize the names of the
first 17 Books of the OT
Bible 101