PIERCE COLLEGE FACULTY HIRING AND SELECTION TRAINING Prepared by Sylvia Silva, J.D. Pierce College Compliance Officer December 2004 [Rev. 5/05, 10/05, 3/07] Statement of Purpose As a public employer, the LACCD/Pierce College has an obligation to hire the most qualified applicant for each job keeping in mind that faculty hiring should be conducted in a way that takes into account the District’s EEO obligations, its goal to employ a diverse faculty, and its commitment to affirmatively recruit individuals from groups that are historically under-represented among the faculty or within a discipline. How we accomplish these goals is the purpose of this workshop. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIRING The responsibility for recruiting and selecting well-qualified faculty is a joint responsibility of the faculty and administration. [PFHP, B.2.] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] CERTIFICATION OF PROCESS The Compliance Officer, or designee, serves as the EEO Representative on the faculty hiring committee and certifies the selection process in compliance with approved District, state and federal EEO hiring procedures. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Means that all qualified individuals have a full and fair opportunity to compete for hiring and promotion and to enjoy the benefits of employment with the District. Ensuring equal employment opportunity also involves creating an environment which fosters cooperation, acceptance, democracy, and free expression and is welcoming to men and women, persons with disabilities, and individuals from all ethnic and other protected groups. [Title 5, Sect. 53001] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY – PROTECTED CATEGORIES Race/National Origin/Color/Ancestry Religion Sex (Pregnancy/Sexual Orientation) Disability (Physical/Mental) Age (40+) Marital Status Medical Condition December 2004 [Rev.3/07] Discrimination - RACE Race is rooted in the idea of biological classification of homo sapians Includes: Alaskan Native/American Indian Asian/Pacific Islander Black or African American White (Origins in Europe) December 2004 [Rev.3/07] Discrimination – National Origin Title VI prohibits any employment decision, including recruitment, hiring and firing or layoffs, based on national origin. National Origin refers to the place a person comes from, his ancestry, or ethnic background. Ethnicity is the cultural characteristics that connect a particular group or groups of people to each other. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] National Origin - Language Accent Discrimination An employer may not base a decision on an employee’s foreign accent unless the accent materially interferes with job performance English Fluency A fluency requirement is only permissible if required for the effective performance of the position for which it is imposed. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] Foreign Nationals Title VII and other antidiscrimination laws prohibit discrimination against individuals employed in the United States, regardless of citizenship. However, relief may be limited if an individual does not have work authorization. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] DISCRIMINATION MARITAL STATUS Must treat single person same as married person Candidate/employee may bring claim where he or she is the object of adverse action because of his/her status December 2004 [Rev.3/07] ETHNIC MINORITIES Include American Indians or Alaska natives, Asians or Pacific Islanders, African Americans and Hispanics. [Title 5, Sect. 53001©.] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] PERSON WITH A DISABILITY Any person who has a physical or mental impairment which limits one or more of such person’s major life activities; has a record of such an impairment, or, is regarded as having such an impairment. A person with a disability is “limited” if the condition makes the achievement of a the major life activity difficult. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] CANDIDATES WITH DISABILITIES It is unlawful to ask an applicant questions about his/her disability before a job offer is made. Even if the committee becomes aware of an applicant’s disability during the hiring process, the committee may not ask about the nature or severity. These questions can only be asked after a job offer is made. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] WHAT IS “DIVERSITY” “Diversity” is to be understood as encompassing racial and ethnic diversity, as well as differences in gender, sexual orientation, academic preparation, marital status, socioeconomic circumstances, age, religion and disabilities. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] THE VALUE OF DIVERSITY Through a workforce that is diverse, we benefit students of all backgrounds by exposing them to different ideas, experiences, and worldviews. By doing so we improve student success and educational quality. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] HOW DO WE ACHIEVE DIVERSITY SUCCESS Achieving a rich variety of backgrounds and perspectives among faculty members by practicing EEO hiring practices Positive appreciation of cultural differences Producing attitudes in students that will contribute to elimination of bigotry in the larger community December 2004 [Rev.3/07] COMPOSITION OF HIRING COMMITTEES The hiring committees shall be formed under the direction of the appropriate Vice President. Whenever possible, hiring committees shall include a diverse membership that will bring a variety of perspectives to the assessment of applicant qualifications. [PFHP, E.1.; E.3.; Title 5 Sec. 53024(f)] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] COMPOSITION OF HIRING COMMITTEE At least three tenured faculty members recommended by faculty in the discipline and appointed by the Academic Senate A majority of the voting members of the committee shall be faculty in the discipline or a related discipline An administrator appointed by the appropriate Vice President EEO Representative [Compliance Officer or designee selected by the Compliance Officer (non-voting).] [PFHP, E.4.] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] RESPONSIBLITIES OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Actively participate in the process Development of interview questions Fair evaluation and rating of candidates Interviewing candidates Final selection of candidates Maintain confidentiality before, during, and after the process has been completed Be fair and consistent in applying evaluation criteria Notify EEO Representative/Compliance Officer if you discover an unfair or bias practice occurring. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] CONFIDENTIALITY Hiring committee deliberations must be kept confidential. Revealing information that has been reviewed or discussed in a committee with non-committee members compromises the entire process and those individuals associated with it. All information resulting from the hiring process shall be held in a confidential manner among committee members and members of the Office of Academic Affairs and the Compliance Office even after the process has been concluded. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] BREACH OF CONFIDENTIALITY Any breach of confidentiality by a hiring selection committee member will result in removal of the committee member and possible suspension of the recruitment process. Failure to maintain confidentiality could constitute a violation of federal or state regulations, incur liability on behalf of the District and may result in disciplinary action. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] RESPONSIBILITIES OF HIRING COMMITTEE CHAIR The voting members of the hiring committee shall select the chair of the committee whose responsibilities will include: Guiding, directing, facilitating and overseeing committee meetings Requesting assignment of Compliance Officer (CO will designate and train designee) Maintaining compliance with all district policies and procedures governing the hiring process Ensuring all applications and documentation are returned to Human Resources (Applications returned in alphabetical order.) Assisting in scheduling interviews Conducting reference checks December 2004 [Rev.3/07] RESPONSIBILITIES OF EEO REPRESENTATIVE Manages and monitors recruitment, hiring and selection process Advises members of District’s nondiscrimination policy and confidentiality guidelines; Ensures compliance with hiring policy and procedures for application, consistency and fairness, and conflict-of-interest issues; Supervises and coordinates applicant file maintenance and security December 2004 [Rev.3/07] CONFLICTS OF INTEREST PRINCIPLES Every member has a responsibility to recognize potential biases or conflicts of interest; Relatives, friends, personal or financial relationships (past or present), or a dislike compelling enough that you cannot remain fair or impartial; Not revealing a conflict of interest may result in a complaint of an unfair hiring practice and disciplinary action for failing to disclose. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] LETTERS OF REFERENCE May be written by members of hiring committee so long as member can remain fair and impartial May not be written by Chair of Department or Hiring Committee to avoid conflict of interest violation and claim that such written reference caused undue influence on other members of hiring committee December 2004 [Rev.3/07] DEVELOPMENT OF POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTS The hiring committee shall develop and mutually agree upon the faculty job description, requirements, and desirable qualifications. [PFHP, F.1.] JOB ANNOUNCEMENT DESCRIPTION Duties and responsibilities Minimum qualifications established by the Board of Governors of the CCC, including “Sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability and ethnic backgrounds of community college students.” The knowledge, skill, and ability a successful candidate shall possess. [PFHP, F.] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] DIVERSITY SENSITIVITY ASSESS: Personal background, education and/or experience, other language(s), mentoring or volunteer experience, formal training or special skills. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS PERMISSIVE Excellent and extensive knowledge of discipline; ability to provide better teaching and other services Potential for creativity, innovation and teaching effectiveness Strong communication and other interpersonal skills Specific preparation to offer instruction or other service narrower in scope than a discipline; Potential for overall college effectiveness and leadership Caveat: talented newcomers with limited experience should not be overlooked [PFHPF2.(b) (1)-(5)] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS - CAVEAT Must be clearly job-related, and do not function in an exclusionary manner for candidates otherwise qualified for the position. If a necessary condition of employment – effect must be reviewed by the EEO Representative/Compliance Officer. [PFHP, F.3-4.] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] RECRUITING CANDIDATES The recruitment period should be several months long (preferably in the early spring for fall position or at least one semester in advance of start of assignment) but no fewer that six weeks (upon recommendation of Academic Senate to the College President that interest pool is sufficient.) [PFHP, G. & G4.; Board Rule 10304, Sec. 2.4] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] GENERAL RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN The positions shall be advertised for at least eight weeks and include inclusive outreach and recruitment effort to ensure EEO: Coordinate with local, state, and national organizations, such as ACHRO College Web Site and Administration Bulletin Board District Web Site CCC Registry District Colleges [e-mails to appropriate VP’s, compliance officers, and others] State Colleges and Universities (Department Chairs) District Faculty Recruitment Pool mailing list Local and regional job fairs December 2004 [Rev.3/07] RECRUITING CANDIDATES – COMPLIANCE REVIEW Job announcements and specifications shall be reviewed by the Compliance Officer before the position is announced to ensure conformity with Title 5 regulations and state and federal nondiscrimination laws. [PFHP, G.1.] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] EVALUATION OF APPLICATIONS CONDUCTING INTERVIEWS, OR OTHERWISE EVALUATING CANDIDATES Candidate’s expertise in the discipline or subject matter; Candidate’s demonstrated ability or potential; and Candidate’s contribution, directly or indirectly, to the diversity of the college, division, and discipline of employment. [PFHP, B.2.; Board Rule, 10304.1, Sec. 2.1] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] PAPER SCREENING What should be considered Min. Qualifications Multi-Cultural Exp. Position Description Announcement Rating the Candidates According to criteria that must be created directly from position announcement Can make written comments on rating sheet December 2004 [Rev.3/07] APPLICANT FOLDERS Application materials will be placed in a folder by discipline. The application materials may be reviewed by committee members but not removed. Materials shall be compiled and collected by the assigned Personnel Assistant who will track status of applications, assist in coordination of interviews and completion of documentation process with District. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] RULES OF SCREENING Do not write on any application materials Do not make copies of any application materials Apply criteria fairly and consistently Read all applications thoroughly Maintain confidentiality Do not remove applications from the designated site. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] SELECTING THE INTERVIEW CANDIDATES The invited candidates will be those who best meet the qualifications for the position; possess the highest degree of knowledge, skill, and ability relevant to the position; and most closely match the desirable characteristics specified in the announcement of the position. Meeting the state minimum qualifications will not guarantee an interview. [PFHP, I; Board Rule 10304.1, Sec. 2.7] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] SELECTING THE INTERVIEW CANDIDATES - Procedures Members individually review and rate applicant’s files; Members meet and, after a full discussion of their ratings, ideally shall select candidates to interview by consensus; Committee establishes interview schedule; Compliance Officer analyzes composition of qualified pool for adverse impact; Chair assists with letter describing interview process, location and date/time of interview – letter is sent to candidates by Personnel Assistant; Compliance Officer provides notification letter sent to each unsuccessful candidate. Successful and unsuccessful candidates are notified in a timely fashion. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] [PFHP, I. 1-6.] INTERVIEW GUIDELINES It is important for both the candidate and the committee members to be at ease. The interview process should be humane and create a relaxed atmosphere conducive to candidate doing their best; Inform interviewees of the format and timing of the hiring process; The candidate should do most of the talking and follow-up questions (should be kept to a minimum and then only when) should be limited to requesting the candidate to clarify or expand something he or she has said (to the question originally asked). December 2004 [Rev.3/07] Interview Guidelines [Continued] Questions should ensure thorough assessment; activities could include writing samples; teaching demonstrations, etc; Provide copy of interview questions to Compliance Officer to review before interviews commence; Agree on schedule and format- escorting candidates, campus tours- ensuring respectful and professional treatment; Complete rating process which will be kept by Compliance Office and may be used by President as part of final interview process. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] CONSTRUCTING QUESTIONS Discuss as a committee what traits a successful candidate should possess; Make every question count – should require candidate to draw from their past experience; make them relay specific examples December 2004 [Rev.3/07] CONSTRUCTING EFFECTIVE QUESTIONS Traditional Question: Describe your training and experience. Results Based Questions: 1. Give a brief overview of your experience as it relates to our position. 2. Please describe your most significant accomplishment in a recent position. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] IDEAS FOR QUESTIONS Team: Please describe your experience working as a member of a team, the role you played, and the outcome of the project. Professional Development: Please provide specific examples of how you have worked toward your own professional development. December 2004 [Rev.3/07] SAMPLE QUESTIONS Teaching Methods: Please provide a specific example of a challenge you have encountered in the classroom that dealt with teaching a diverse student population, the steps you took to address it, and the learning outcome Ethics: Please tell us about a time when you faced a difficult ethical dilemma on the job. How did you handle this situation? Would you do the same thing in the future? December 2004 [Rev.3/07] SAMPLE QUESTIONS Diversity: Give an example of a specific event in your past that has shaped your approach in dealing with diverse groups of students. What steps would you take, if any, if confronted with a faculty member who exhibited intentionally discriminatory behavior toward a colleague or student? Tell us what experience you have had working with and/or teaching a diverse group of persons, including those of diverse races, ethnicity and/or learning or physical disabilities? What accommodations have you made or could you envision having to make, if any, in such a setting? December 2004 [Rev.3/07] SAMPLE QUESTIONS [Teaching Demonstration]: We’d like you to give an 8-10 minute presentation on the concept of [area in subject discipline] Assume we are an introductory class. Tell us what innovative techniques of presenting material you would like to use in the classroom and why they would be effective with students? Are there any drawbacks in using these techniques? December 2004 [Rev.3/07] INTERVIEW RATING PROCESS Use a rating process and forms agreed upon before beginning the interviews. Hiring committee may schedule second-stage interviews for those considered best qualified. Progress towards reaching consensus on the top candidates December 2004 [Rev.3/07] SELECTING THE FINALISTS Upon completion of interviews, provide time for a full, open, and professional discussion toward reaching consensus on top candidates; Names of finalists shall be provided to Compliance Officer for review; Up to three candidates shall be forwarded to President and VP; The committee may include rankings and shall include a written in-depth summary of the perceived strengths and weaknesses of each forwarded candidate; If only two candidates are forwarded then committee shall provide a written rationale for this exception. [PFHP, K.1-5] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] CONDUCTING REFERENCE CHECKS By an administrator and faculty member selected by the committee and shared with hiring committee members before names are forwarded to President; Checks shall include academic background, professional experience, and personal qualities relevant to performance. [See, Reference Form] [PFHP, L.] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] INTERVIEWING THE FINALISTS VP shall participate Committee nominates two faculty committee members one of whom is selected by President Selection of finalist recommended to Chancellor and Board made by President in joint consultation – ultimate decision rests with the President. [PFHP, M.1.] December 2004 [Rev.3/07] COMPLETING THE HIRING SELECTION Final selection within two weeks of final interview; Upon final clearance by District, President or designee notifies candidate of offer; Unsuccessful candidates informed in writing; Job offer confirmed in writing December 2004 [Rev.3/07] [PFHP, N.] Completing the Hiring Selection Required Documentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Campus Interview Report (Signed by the President) Intent to Fill (Copy) Evidence of Effort (President) Campus Review Agreement Campus Interview Agreement Complete Application Packet for 2-3 finalists [Official transcripts for recommended candidate only] District Pool List Evaluations Correspondence Position Announcement December 2004 [Rev.3/07]