Electronic Fetal Monitoring Standard of Care

Intrapartum Fetal
Fetal Oxygenation
Placental Physiology
Maternal blood flows through the uterine
arteries into the intervillous spaces
return through uterine veins to maternal
Fetal blood flows through the umbilical arteries
into the villous capillaries and returns through
the umbilical vein to fetal circulation.
Exchange of blood gases depends on an
unobstructed blood flow through the placenta.
Uteroplacental exchange
As the myometrium contracts, the
flow of oxygenated blood through
the uterine artery may be
Therefore, the fetus may have less
oxygen available.
Regulation of Fetal Heart Rate
Autonomic nervous system
 Baroreceptors
 Chemoreceptors
 Adrenal Gland
 Central Nervous System
Electronic Fetal Monitoring
Standard of Care
“Nurses who care for women during
the childbirth process are legally
responsible for correctly
interpreting FHR patterns, initiating
appropriate nursing interventions
based on the pattern seen, and
documenting the outcome of those
Indications for Electronic Fetal
Previous history of stillbirth
Complications of pregnancy
Induction of Labor
Preterm labor
Nonreassuring fetal status;
Meconium staining of amniotic fluid
fetal movement
Advantages of EFM
Constant sound of FHR is reassuring and
comforting to the family
Supplies more data about the fetus and
gradual trends in FHR are more apparent
Coach uses strip pattern tracing to assist with
Disadvantages of EFM
Reduces patient’s mobility
Requires repositioning of equipment
with fetal or maternal movement
Can impart a technical air to the birth
Methods of Fetal Monitoring
Intermittent ausculation by
Continuous external
Continuous internal
Auscultation by Doppler
Intermittent auscultation can be done with a
for FHT’s
External Monitoring
The tocodynamometer
(“toco”) is placed over
the uterine fundus. The
toco provides
information that can be
used to monitor uterine
The ultrasound
device is placed
over the area of
the fetal back.
This device
about the FHR.
Information from both the toco and the ultrasound device is
transmitted to the electronic fetal monitor.
The FHR is displayed in a digital display (as a blinking light), on
the special monitor paper, and audibly (by adjusting a button on
the monitor). The uterine contractions are displayed on the
special monitor paper as well.
Internal Monitoring
Criteria for Internal Monitoring:
 Amniotic membranes must be ruptured
 Cervix dilated 2 cm.
 Presenting part down against the
Spiral Electrode is placed on the fetal
occiput which allows for more accurate
continuous data then external monitoring.
Also is not affected by mom or fetal
movement as with external monitoring.
Internal Monitoring
The spiral electrode is
attached to the
fetal scalp
Wires that extend
from attached spiral
electrode are attached
to a leg plate and then
attached to electronic
fetal monitor.
Nursing Responsibilities
Electronic Fetal Monitoring
Placement of equipment
Teaching the woman about use
Notation of events on the strip
Evaluation of data
Intervention as indicated by data
Baseline Fetal Heartrate
Normal Pattern
Baseline FHR = 120 – 160 bpm
Tachycardia – baseline above 160 BPM
– RT= maternal fever, fetal hypoxia,
intrauterine infection, drugs
Bradycardia – baseline below 110 BPM
– RT = profound hypoxia, anesthesia,
beta-adrenergic blocking drugs
Normal/ increased variability or irregularity of a cardiac
Absence or decreased variability, or a smooth
flat baseline, is a sign of fetal compromise.
Causes of Decreased Variability
Hypoxia and acidosis
Sleep cycle
Preterm status
Periodic changes in the FHR
Accelerations – increase in the
fetal heart rate with a return to
Indication of fetal well-being is an
acceleration of 15 bpm for 15
Reassuring Acceleration Pattern
Baseline fetal heart rate is 120-160 with preserved beat-to-beat variability.
Accelerations last for 15 or more seconds above baseline, and
peak to 15 or more bpm.
Periodic changes in the FHR
Early – related to head compressions.
Interventions not necessary
Variable – related to cord compression.
Interventions vary, but focus on position
Late – related to uteroplacental
insufficiency. Most ominous and need
immediate attention.
Early Deceleration
The onset and return of the deceleration coincide
with the start and end of the contraction.
Fetal Heart Rate
Early Decelerations
Related to Head Compression
– No intervention necessary. Just
continue to watch for any changes.
Variable Deceleration
Variable decelerations are variable in
duration, intensity, and timing
Variable Decelerations
Related to cord compression
– Reposition
– Amnioinfusion
Late Deceleration
The fetal heart tones return to the
baseline AFTER end of contraction
Late Decelerations
Related to decreased uteroplacental
Nursing Care for
FHR Decelerations
Stop the Pitocin
Reposition - Turn woman to a side-lying
position, or knee- chest position. Avoid supine
Increase rate of the mainline IV
Administer oxygen by mask at 10 L/min.
Give Terbutaline sub-q.
Nursing Care
Notify the primary care provider
If condition does not improve, then
prepare for immediate delivery
Fetal Scalp Stimulation
Gently stroke or massage fetal scalp for
15 sec. during a vaginal examination
Assess fetal tracing for signs of
accelerations of 15 bpm for 15 sec.
This is a sign of fetal well-being
Fetal Scalp Blood Sampling
Requires rupture of
Acidosis is present if
the pH is less
than 7.20
Cord Blood Analysis
– Significant abnormal FHR
– Meconium stained amniotic fluid
– Infant is depressed at birth
Small amount of blood obtained from
umbilical cord and tested for acidosis
– Normal fetal blood pH should be >7.25
– Lower level indicate acidosis and hypoxia
Montevideo Units
Montevideo units is a measure of uterine
contraction intensity during labor.
Units are calculated via internal pressure
monitor, measuring uterine contraction peak
pressure and subtracting the baseline resting
tone. This is done over a 10 minute interval.
Generally, above 200 MVUs is considered
necessary for adequate labor to bring about
dilation and effacement during the active