Chapter 9 Study Guide -

Chapter 9 Study Guide
The Black Death
1. What preceded the plague that struck Europe in the 14th century?
2. What name is given to this plague?
3. What insects transmitted the plague?
4. Which two living things carried this insect?
5. Where did the plague come from?
6. How long did it take to spread once it reached Europe?
7. Along which routes was it transmitted?
8. What percentage of Europeans was killed by the plague?
9. Who wrote Decameron in 1353?
10. Who believed that beating oneself in ritual penance would bring divine intervention?
11. What happened to the labor supply after the plague?
12. Which social group suffered the greatest decline in power as a result of the plague?
13. What act limited wages to pre-plague levels?
14. Who passed this act? When was it passed?
15. What was sparked because of this legislation?
16. What was the direct tax on the French peasantry called?
17. What was the French peasant uprising called?
18. Which group gained new political power in the late Middle Ages?
19. Which two groups are considered the “containers” of monarchy?
The Hundred Years’ War and the Rise of National Sentiment
20. When did the Hundred Years’ War begin?
21. Which French king died without a male heir in 1328?
22. Which English king had claim the French throne?
23. Who was placed on the French throne in 1328?
24. What was the name of this new French dynasty?
25. List three reasons for the breakout of The Hundred Years’ War:
26. What religion did both England and France profess?
27. How much larger was the French population than that of England at the outset of The Hundred Years’ War?
28. What was the primary reason for early French failure in the Hundred Years’ War?
29. Which French council was made up of townspeople, clergy, and noblemen?
30. Which medieval weapon gave the English an advantage over the French in the war?
31. What were the three major stages of development for The Hundred Years’ War: (Topic Headings)
32. Which Flemish leader revolted against the French in 1340?
33. In which naval battle was the French fleet defeated?
34. Which French port city was seized by England in 1346?
35. What event took place in 1347 that put the Hundred Years’ War on hold?
36. What battle resulted in an English victory with the capture of the French king, John II?
37. Which governmental institution took control of France during the absence of King John II?
38. What was the French uprising of 1358 called?
39. What agreement declared an end to Edward’s vassalage to the king of France and affirmed his sovereignty over
English territories in France?
40. List four of these territories:
41. Who became the king of England upon the death of Edward III in 1377?
42. Who were the two leaders of the English peasant rebellion in 1381?
43. Which king of England recommenced the war in 1415?
44. Which battle did Henry V lead the English to victory over the French?
45. Who joined forces with the English against the French?
46. What treaty disinherited the legitimate heir to the French throne in 1420?
47. Which English king claimed to succeed the French King, Charles VI?
48. Which king was proclaimed in Paris to be king of both France and England in 1422?
49. Which French heir to the throne retreated into Bourges?
50. Who gave the French a sense of national identity and destiny?
51. What French city did she help deliver?
52. What was the charge given for her execution?
53. When did the Hundred Years’ War end?
54. List four results of the Hundred Year’s War:
55. Who felt the burden of The Hundred Years’ War more than anyone else?
Ecclesiastical Breakdown and Revival: The Late Medieval Church
56. What proclaimed the union of the Orthodox and the Catholic Churches in 1274?
57. With which pope did papal power reach its height?
58. What papal doctrine contributed to the transformation of the papacy into a great secular power?
59. What law court was established by Pope Urban IV to centralize the church’s legal proceedings?
60. Which two heretical groups appealed for the biblical idea of simplicity?
61. Which Catholic friar protested church materialism and established the Order of the Franciscans?
62. Which pope declared in 1215 that the clergy would not pay taxes without papal consent?
63. Which bull forbade the taxation of clergy without papal approval in 1296?
64. What did King Edward I of England do in retaliation of this bull?
65. What did King Philip the Fair of France do in retaliation of this bull?
66. Which French king defied Pope Boniface VIII over the limits of monarchial authority?
67. Who was Boniface’s Parisian legate and did not oppose growing papal authority?
68. Which papal bull was sent to Philip IV and declared that the church is over the state?
69. Which papal bull declared that temporal authority was subject to the spiritual power of the church?
70. Which pope condemned the Knights Templar and later moved the papacy to Avignon?
71. Who seized their treasure?
72. Who began the practice of selling indulgences?
73. According to church doctrine in the 14th century, what is a place of punishment where souls would atone for
venial sins?
74. Which pope refused to recognize the election of Louis IV as Holy Roman Emperor in 1314?
75. Who was excommunicated in 1328 for his tracts that criticized the Catholic Church?
76. Who wrote Defender of Peace?
77. Who is depicted in this work as a subordinate member of society?
78. What recognized that the French church had the right to elect its own clergy without papal interference?
79. Whose writings inspired the Lollards and was a major spokesman in England for the rights of royalty?
80. Which religious followers were the most successful at criticizing the medieval church in England?
81. Which Czech university was founded in 1348?
82. What name is given to the followers of John Huss?
83. What council accused John Huss of heresy and condemned him to death?
84. Which pope reestablished the Papacy in Rome in 1377?
85. What phrase referred to how the papacy was held in political bondage outside of Rome?
86. Where was the papacy held instead of Rome?
87. What was the term given for the appearance of two or three rival popes between 1378-1415?
88. Which French king supported it?
89. Which country allied itself with the Holy Roman Empire, Bohemia, and Poland during the Great Schism?
90. What theory states that the Church Council has greater authority than popes?
91. Which council deposed both the Roman and Avignon popes in 1409?
92. Which council was held from 1414-1417 and resulted in the resignation of the three popes and the election of
Pope Martin V?
93. What council was held from 1431-1449 and was the height of the conciliar movement?
Medieval Russia
94. What faith did Prince Vladimir (980-1015) adopt in Russia?
95. What was the most important city in Russia in the 11th century?
96. What were the two opposing social classes in 11th century Russia?
97. What was the name given to wealthy land owners in Russia?
98. What was the name of the Mongol tribe that lived in the steppe region?
99. Who ruled Russia from 1243-1480?
100. What did the Mongol overseers do with the political and religious institutions of Russia?