Microsoft Exchange Server Best Practices Analyzer Tool

Microsoft Exchange Server
Best Practices Analyzer Tool
Paul Bowden
Program Manager
Exchange Server Development
Microsoft Corporation
What is it?
• The Exchange Sever Best Practices Analyzer 'encodes' the top
product support issues into a tool which can be run against a
live deployment.
– Step by step documentation tells you how to resolve each problem
• The tool can be run as part of a proactive 'health check' which
can expose availability or scalability problems. Additionally, the
tool can be run as part of a reactive troubleshooting step for
problem diagnosis and identification.
– The tool will report issues currently causing problems within the topology,
and discrepancies which may cause future outages.
• The tool can be used to actively document the design and
configuration of the Exchange topology. This data can be used
to track the history of a deployment, or provide a ‘quick-start' to
administrators and product support staff who need to analyze
the history and configuration of an unfamiliar deployment.
Why we developed it
• Administrators are finding it difficult to keep up with the
documentation that we produce
– Urgency
– Relevance
• Customers find it difficult to keep track of whether they
are conforming to all the best practices
• Exchange has many options and finding root cause for
a problem can be a long process
– ~60% of Exchange problems are mis-configurations
• We have many tools for collecting information, but not
many provide auto-analysis
Design Principles
Concentrate on Performance, Scalability and Availability of Exchange Servers
– ExBPA does not check security configuration
Make it easy to run
No complex configuration settings
Auto-detect everything
Allow multiple credentials to be entered
No server-side components to install
No impact on Exchange performance, even at peak periods
Don’t leave me hanging
– Every Error | Warning | NonDefault rule has a specific article which tells you more about the
problem and how we detected it
Keep it up-to-date
– Provide best practice updates every month
– Make the tool auto-download the updates
Work in all environments
– From single server SBS implementations through to the largest enterprise
– Make the tool work seamlessly in both open and closed networks
Similar Tools
• MBSA – Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
• SQLBPA – Microsoft SQL Server Best Practices
• The ExBPA engine has now been mandated as
part of the WSS 2006 Common Engineering
– BPAs for other Microsoft products are forthcoming
• One tool runs against all versions of Exchange
– No support for pure Exchange 5.5 topologies
• You generally install the tool on a Windows XP
workstation, and it remotely collects the data
– Don’t need to install any components on the server
• ExBPA is written in managed code (C#)
• Input/output data model is XML based
• Analysis engine is based on XPath
Where do we look?
• We look for data in…
Active Directory
Performance Monitor
Files on disk
TCP/IP ports
• First pass of execution - collection
– ExBPA collects the data and places it in the same namespace
• Second pass of execution – analysis
– Individual settings are analysed against the defined rules. Crosschecking between data sources is possible as the data is in the same
How it works
ExBPA Interface
What does ExBPA check today?
This following is not an exhaustive list of the checks that the tool performs, but it should
give you a general idea!
Exchange Roles
• ExBPA detects and understands the difference
Small mailbox servers
Large mailbox servers
Clustered Exchange servers
Front-end servers
Bridgehead servers
• Rules are conditioned for their roles (e.g. Circular
logging needs to be disabled on mailbox servers, but
should be enabled on bridgehead servers)
Rule Types
– We found something that is causing, or will cause a problem
– Example: No maximum message size set for the organization
– We found something that looks suspicious
– Example: An ADC connection agreement is scheduled to ‘Never’
– We found a setting which has been changed
– Example: One of the many store parameters has been tuned/tweaked
– We found something that was changed during the past 5 days
– Example: The cost on an SMTP connector was changed
– We found that a best practice is not being followed
– Example: Dr. Watson crashes are not being uploaded to Microsoft for analysis
– We found something of interest
– Example: Your server has 8 processors installed
Active Directory
• Forest-wide
– Forest functionality level
– Exchange schema extensions
– Default policy changes
• Per-domain
– Domain functionality level
– Domains which have been renamed
– Check availability of FSMO servers
– EDS/EES group renamed/deleted/moved
– MESO container renamed/deleted/moved
Active Directory Connector
• ADC Server
Server is overloaded
Server is idle (i.e. no connection agreements)
There’s a newer version of the ADC available
Server is running the latest OS Service Pack
• Connection Agreements
Orphaned agreements
Schedule set to never
Nominated server is missing
One way agreements
Out-of-date agreements
Exchange Organization
• Check
– Global message size limits are enforced
– Stray Exchange objects in LostAndFound container
– More than 10 administrators defined
– ForestPrep version
– Mixed/native mode
– OMA/EAS options
– UCE thresholds
– Recipient Update Service definitions
– Address List and OAB definitions
Admin Groups
• Check
– Validity of legacyExchangeDN
– Policy containers intact
• Routing Groups
– Check for valid routing master
– Enumerate all connectors
– Check for connectors that have recently changed
Exchange Server object
• Check
– Validity of server name
– FQDN/NetBIOS name resolution
– Latest Exchange Service Pack / Roll-up
– Time synchronization with the Active Directory
Cluster Configuration
• Checks both Active and Passive nodes
• Cluster-specific checks
– Number of nodes in the cluster
– Configuration discrepancies between nodes
– Cluster account TEMP/TMP path
– Quorum configuration
– Heartbeat configuration
– DNS/WINS configuration
– Enumerates all resources and parameters
– Kerberos configuration
Directory Access
• Check
– DSAccess cache configuration and non-default parameters.
• MaxMemoryUser | MaxMemoryConfig
• LdapKeepAliveSecs, DisableNetLogonCheck
• MinUserDC
– DSAccess cache efficiency
• DSAccess topology
– Round-trip times between Exchange and each DC/GC in the
– Hardware/OS configuration of each DC/GC
– Calculates the GC to Exchange processor ratio
Information Store
• Check
ESE cache configuration
Current state of virtual memory
Online maintenance window
Checkpoint depth
Circular logging state
Log buffer configuration
Log generation level
File system characteristics (NTFS/Compression/Encryption)
Validity of legacyExchangeDN
Database and logs on the same LUN
Content Indexing state
Non-default parameters in Private|Public-GUID registry
Database size
E-mail address on Public Folder stores
RPC Compression / Buffer Packing settings
Hard-coded TCP/IP ports, and clashes with other Exchange ports
Store Process Parameters
Check for non-default settings and bad values
• More
Disable MAPI Cllients
Enable Tracing
Initial Memory Percentage
Initial Reserve Size KB
Ignore Zombie Users
Logon Only As
Mailbox Cache Age Limit
Mailbox Cache Idle Limit
Mailbox Cache Size
Reserve Increment KB
Trace User LegacyDN
VM Warning|Error Level
IMAIL settings
ExIFS drive
• Check
Main configuration parameters in the AD
Cross-check AD and metabase for consistency
Non-default settings
File system characteristics for ‘mailroot’ folders
SMTP stack verb validation (e.g. X-LINK2STATE)
SMTP mail submission test
Enumeration of transport event sinks
Enumeration of MTA settings, calling out any non-defaults
Detection of Archive Sink and configuration
Non-default routing parameters (e.g. SuppressStateChanges)
System Attendant
• Check
– Service state
– File system characteristics for message tracking
folder (NTFS/Compression/Encryption)
– RFR service
– RFR / NSPI Target Server configuration
– Hard-coded TCP/IP ports
Anti-virus Support
• CA eTrust 6/7 file-level AV configuration and
• Trend Micro ScanMail
– Patch level
– Performance tuning configuration (threads/thresholds/debug
• Product detection and configuration settings for
– McAfee GroupShield
– Symantec Mail Security for Exchange
– Sybari Antigen
• VS API configuration settings
– Warn if number of threads is not appropriate for underlying
Other Installed Applications
• Check
– RPC Client|Server binding order configuration
– Presence of LeakDiag
– For old versions of Simpler-Webb ERM
– ISA 2000 Service Pack level
– Presence of MOM Agent
Hardware Configuration
• Check
– System BIOS is not over a year old
– Specific support for HP, Dell and IBM servers
– Processor configuration
– Physical memory installed
Disk Storage System
• Check
– Performance counters are enabled
– Enumeration of physical and logical disks
– Enumeration of identification of mount points
– Enumeration of disk controllers and driver levels
– Configuration of Host Bus Adaptors
– Version of multi-pathing software (e.g. SecurePath,
File Versions
• Verify 29 key Exchange binaries
– Physical presence
– Make sure that they’re not too old
– Identify binaries which are hotfixes
• Check
– Server MAPI subsystem
– Presence of old Roll-ups
– Presence of ESE API virus scanners
• Detect all hotfixes and Service Packs installed
– Windows 2000
– Windows 2003
– Exchange 5.5
– Exchange 2000
– Exchange 2003
• Call out any updates that were installed during
the past 5 days, and the logon name of the user
that performed the installation
Network Subsystem
• Enumerate all network cards
• Check
– NIC connection status
– DNS/WINS configuration
– IP Gateway settings
– Primary DNS is alive
– Domain suffix
Operating System
• Check
Page Table Entry (PTE) levels
Paged|NonPaged pool configuration
CrashOnAuditFail configuration
TEMP/TMP paths
SystemPages configuration
/3GB /USERVA configuration
Physical Address Extensions (PAE) detection
OS Version and SKU (e.g. Standard, Enterprise, etc)
Dr. Watson configuration
Debug settings (including GlobalFlag, PageHeapFlags)
Virtual PC / Virtual Server / VMWare detection
Success Stories
• Identified that circular logging was enabled on a
12,000 user Exchange cluster
– Was a potential time-bomb
• Identified incorrect memory configuration that
required the Exchange server to be restarted
every two weeks
• Identified a case where database files were
being stored on a compressed volume
– Root cause of the performance problems
ExBPA Timeline
• V1.0 – September 21st
– 1200 point collection / 800 rules
• V1.1 – December 6th
– Usability improvements
– 1300 point collection / 900 rules
• V2.0 – Early March
Localized in all Exchange Server languages
Performance sampling and root cause analysis infrastructure
Admin API support (e.g. find out time of last backup)
Optional integration with MOM 2005
Export to XML / HTM / CSV
New baseline logic
• V3.0 – Later on in the year
– More rules and refinements
– MAPI.NET collector
Appendix: Screen Shots