Janvier 2015 dimanche Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day 1 – Music, Gym 2 – Gym 2 – 4. Library & Gym 3 - Music 4 – Drama/Dance 6 – Gym 7 – Music & Library 8 – Music 9 – Drama & Dance 10 - Gym 11. lundi WINTER 5. Review your winter words. Choose 2 words and write a sentence for each of them. Ex., J’ai... Day 6 12. What is the Practice printing weather like the letter Rr. Print 2 today? Write a lines in capitals and 2 sentence about it lines in lower-case. in French. Day 1 18. Create your own great than, less than or equal to equations. (>, <, =) 25. Practice printing the letter ç. Print 2 lines. What words use the “C cédille?” mardi mercredi jeudi samedi 1. 2. 3. 8. 9. 10. BREAK 6. Practise printing the SOUND ‘eau’. Print 2 lines in capitals and 2 lines in lower-case. Write 2 words with ‘eau’. 7. Count to 100 in French. Can you count to 100 by 10’s? Day 8 Read a story. Write down who was in the story. Day 9 Write some sentences using our “Q” words (qui, quand, quoi) Day 10 Day 7 13. Practise printing the SOUND ‘an’. Print 2 lines in capitals and 2 lines in lower-case. Write 2 words with ‘an’. Day 2 19. 14. What body part do you use the most? Write a sentence about it in French! Day 3 15. Practice printing the letter Ss. Print 2 lines in capitals and 2 lines in lower-case Day 4 20. Practice printing the letter Tt. Print 2 lines in capitals and 2 Report Writing day: lines in lower-case. NO SCHOOL Day 6 26. 27. 21. Write some tences using “J’ai” where it does not mean “I have” Day 7 28. Add or subtract any numbers from 10 to 50. Show how you figured it out. Review your words of the week. Choose 2 other actions and write a sentence for each of them. Practice measuring around your house. What was the biggest thing you measured? Practice printing the letter Ww. Print 2 lines in capitals and 2 lines in lower-case Day 3 Practice printing the letter Vv. Print 2 lines lowercase and two lines uppercase. Day 10 vendredi Day 1 Day 2 22. Day 8 29. 16. Count to 100 in French. Can you count to 100 by 10’s? Listen to all of our French vocabulary on youtube. Practice saying the words yourself too! 17. Listen to all of our French vocabulary on youtube. Practice saying the words yourself too! Day 5 23. Practice printing the letter Uu. Print 2 lines in capitals and 2 lines in lower-case. Day 9 30. Read your words of the week and copy 6 words. Teach them to a family member. Day 4 24. Listen to all of our French vocabulary on youtube. Practice saying the words yourself too! 31. Listen to all of our French vocabulary on youtube. Practice saying the words yourself too!