Novel Targets and Therapies in Clinical Trials for Pancreatic Cancer Maeve Lowery MD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center The Problem and Challenges… • New diagnoses U.S. 2009: 42,470 • Mortality U.S. 2009: 35,240 • 10th most common cancer (3% new cancers) • 4th leading cause of cancer mortality (6%) • Overall 5-year survival ~3-4% • Risk of developing PC: 1 in 9-11,000 (~0.01%) (ACS 2009). Ries LA. SEER, 2006 Overall Survival in Advanced Pancreatic Ca by Performance Status (Pooled Data CALGB 80303 ) Proportion Surviving 1.0 0.8 PS 0: 8.0 mos PS 1: 4.8 mos PS 2: 2.8 mos 0.6 p=0.0001 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 15 Months from Study Entry Kindler, et al. ASCO, 2007 (Abst #4508) 20 25 Landmark Phase III Trial APC Gemcitabine vs 5-FU 100 Median Survival Gemcitabine 5.6 mos 5-FU 4.3 mos % Patients Surviving 80 p=0.0009 (Log-Rank Test) 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Survival Time (months) Burris, et al. J Clin Oncol, 1997 16 18 20 PA.3 trial : Gemcitabine +/- Erlotinib Overall Survival Survival Function 1.00 Med. Survival (mos) 1-Year Survival CR + PR CR + PR + SD 0.75 G + Erlotinib G + Placebo (N=261) (N=260) 6.24 5.9 23% 17% 8.6% 8% 57% 49% HR=0.82 (95% CI: 0.69-0.99), p=0.038 0.50 0.25 0 0 6 *Adjusted for PS and extent of disease at baseline † From Cox regression model ‡ From 2-sided log-rank test Moore, et al. J Clin Oncol, 2007 12 Months 18 24 FOLFIRINOX vs Gemcitabine Prodige 4- ACCORD 11 Untreated Metastatic Panc Adenocarcinoma ECOG 0-1 R A N D O M I Z E Randomization 1: 1 Stratification FOLFIRINOX (N= 167) Gemcitabine (N= 169) ₋ PS: 0-1 vs 2; Primary tumor location, Center Primary Endpoint: Overall Survival Conroy, et al. NEJM, 2011 FOLFIRINOX vs Gemcitabine Overall Survival FOLFIRINOX 1 .0 0 P ro b a bility Gemcitabine 0 .7 5 Median 11.1 mo HR = 0.57 P < 0.0001 0 .5 0 0 .2 5 Median 6.8 mo 0 .0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 Mo nth s Number at risk Gemcitabine 171 134 89 48 28 14 7 3 3 2 2 2 FOLFIRINOX 171 146 116 81 62 34 20 13 9 5 3 2 2 6 Conroy, T. NEJM, 2011 FOLFIRINOX vs Gemcitabine Secondary Endpoints FOLFIRINOX Gemcitabine (N= 167) (N= 169) P-Value Febrile neutropenia 5.4% 0.6% 0.009 Thrombocytopenia 9.1% 2.4% 0.008 9% — 0.001 Vomiting 14.5% 4.7% 0.002 Diarrhea 12.7% 1.2% 0.0001 Filgrastim support 42.5% 5% Overall response rate 31.6% 9.4% 0.0001 6.4 mths 3.3 mths 0.0001 HR= 0.47 Peripheral neuropathy Median PFS Conroy T, et al. NEJM, 2011 Nab-Paclitaxel vs Gemcitabine MPACT Trial Untreated Met Panc Adenoca ECOG 0-1 R A N D O M I Z E Nab-Paclitaxel & Gemcitabine Gemcitabine N= 861 N=842 patients, primary Primary endpoint: OSendpoint overall survival Prospective evaluation of SPARCtumor expression as predictive Stratification: KPS, primary location, Center biomarker Recruitment complete, results awaited MPACT: Efficacy Outcomes Gem Gem & Nab-P Stats Median OS 6.7 mo 8.5 mo HR=0.71 P=0.000015 1 year OS Median PFS 1 year PFS Time to treat failure RR 22% 3.7 mo 5.5% 5.1 mo 35% 5.5 mo 3.7% 3.6 mo P=0.0002 7% 23% Von Hoff et all, NEJM 2013 P=0.000024 HR=0.7 P<0.0001 HR=0.70 p< 0.0001 MPACT: Toxicity Grade 3 / 4 neutropenia Febrile neutropenia Fatigue Neuropathy Von Hoff et all, NEJM 2013 Gem 27% Gem & Nab-P 38% 1% 3% 7% <1% 17% 17% Gemcitabine Combinations Meta-Analysis (N= 4,465, 15 Trials) HR 95% CI, P-value Gem vs Gem + X 0.91 0.85- 0.97, p= 0.004 Gem vs Gem + Platin 0.85 0.76- 0.96, p= 0.01 Gem vs Gem + 5-FU 0.90 0.81- 0.99, p= 0.03 PS= 0, Combination 0.76 0.67- 0.87, p< 0.0001 Heinemann, et al. BMC, 2008 Selected Phase III Trials PC Drug Gem + Cisplatin Gemcitabine Gem + Cisplatin Gemcitabine Gem + Irinotecan Gemcitabine Gem + DX-8951f Gemcitabine Gem + Pemetrexed Gemcitabine Gem + Oxaliplatin Gemcitabine Gem + Capecitabine Gemcitabine N 53 54 96 99 180 180 175 174 283 282 157 156 267 266 RR 26% 9% – – 16% 4% 8% 7% 15% 7% 26% 16% 14% 7% Med Surv 6.9 mos 4.6 mos 8.3 mos 6.0 mos 6.3 mos 6.4 mos 6.7 mos 6.2 mos 6.2 mos 6.3 mos 9.0 mos 7.1 mos 7.4 mos 6.0 mos 1-Yr Surv – – – – ~20% ~20% 23% 21% 21.4% 20% 34.7% 27.8% 26% 19% Reference Colucci 2002 Heinemann 2003 Rocha-Lima 2004 Abou-Alfa 2006 Richards 2004 Louvet 2005 p=0.13 Cunningh. 2005 p=0.014 Where do we go from here? • • • • • Targeted therapy for genetic subgroups Immunotherapy Stromal Depletion Targeting stem cells Specific inhibitors of key signaling pathways • Radioimmunotherapy Pancreas Cancer & BRCA Mutations • Rare in general population – Increased prevalence in Ashkenazi population – Founder mutations • BRCA 1 185delAG, 5832insC • BRCA 2 6174delT • MSKCC data – Resected pancreas ca 5.5% BRCA mutation (selected on basis of Ashkenazi heritage) – Ashkenazi breast-pancreas families 14.2% BRCA positive Ferrone, C. J Clin Oncol, 2009. Stadler, ZK. Cancer, 2012 PALB2 (FANCN) • Partner and localizer of BRCA2 • Binds to BRCA2 stabilizing it and anchoring to structures in the nucleus allowing BRCA2 to repair DNA Jones, S. Science, 2009. Tischkowitz, MD. Gastroenterol, 2009. Stadler, ZK. Clin Gen, 2011. Slater, EP. Clin Gen, 2010 PC, BRCA & PARP Inhibition • BRCA 1, 2 function integral to DS DNA repair • PARP inhibition established value in ovary, breast cancer with BRCA-related mutations • Preclinical data in PC – Capan-1 – Very susceptible to KU-0058684 – Susceptible to alkylating agents • Anecdotal clinical data in PC Friedensen. Med Gen Med, 2005. Couch. Can Epid Biom Prev, 2007. McCabe. Cancer Biol Therapeut, 2005. Goggins, M. Cancer Res, 1996 Loss of Functional BRCA-1 or 2 Affects DNA Double-Strand Break Repair Pathway Ashworth, et al. J Clin Oncol, 2008 Poly (ADP-Ribose) Polymerase (PARP) DNA damage – endogenous, cytotoxics, radiation, etc. If PARP is inhibited, SSB repair prevented, leading to increased double strand DNA breaks Sensitivity of BRCA Mut. + Wild-type PC Cell Lines to AZD-2281 (Olaparib) 120 % survival 100 80 41.09 (BRCA 2 mutant) B1.8 (BRCA 1 mutant) 60 41.05 (Wild-type) 40 43.16 (Wild-type) 20 0 0 0.1 0.5 1 4 8 Lowery, MA, Moynahan, ME (MSKCC) Olaparib dose mM Stage IV Panc with BRCA1187delAG Mutation: Response to Gemcitabine/ AZD-2281 Randomized Phase II Cisplatin + Gem +/Veliparib in BRCA/ PALB2 mutated PC • Eligibility – Untreated LA or metastatic PC with BRCA 1-2, PALB2 m – ECOG 0-1 Randomized phase II (N= 50) Arm A: Cisplatin + gemcitabine + veliparib Arm B: Cisplatin + gemcitabine Gemcitabine + cisplatin d3+10, q 21 Veliparib dosing day 1-12, BID, PO Dosing veliparib from ongoing phase I (NCT01282333) PI: E.M. O'Reilly (CTEP, Lustgarten Foundation) Chemotherapy +/- PARP Inhibitor ABT-888 in BRCA 1 / 2 Mutated PC Untreated Met or LA Panc Adenoca. BRCA 1/ 2 or PALB2 mutation ECOG 0-1 R A N D O M I Z E Gemcitabine + Cisplatin Gemcitabine + Cisplatin + ABT-888 Phase I trial do determine MTD currently enrolling (no randomization) Randomized phase II trial will evaluate addition of PARP inhibitor Targeting Stroma to Improve Drug Delivery Feig C et al. Clin Cancer Res 2012;18:4266-4276 ©2012 by American Association for Cancer Research Hedgehog Pathway and PC • Developmental pathway – neural, teeth, GI tract, lungs, etc • Expressed abnormally in 70-80% pancreas adenoca • Activation of pathway important in carcinogenesis, progression of panc ca • Hh pathway: stroma/desmoplasia, stem cells • SMO inhibitors – Cyclopamine, GDC-0449, IPI-926, LDE225 Von Hoff, D. NEJM, 2009. Thayer, S. Nature, 2003. Feldmann, G. Gut, 2008. Jimeno, A. Mol Can Ther, 2009. Oliver, K. Science, 2009 Rand. Phase II: Gem + Vismodegib/P Interim Analysis after 50% PFS Events Gem/ Vismodegib (N= 53) Gem/ Placebo (N= 56) CR/ PR -/- 3%/ 11% Stable Disease 49% 31% 3.7 months (2.4- 4.6) 2.4 months (1.9- 3.2) Med. PFS (95% CI) Adjusted HR 0.92 (0.52- 1.63) Med. OS (95% CI) 6.3 months (4.9- 7.8) 5.4 months (4.2- 8.0) Adjusted HR 0.97 (0.47- 2.01) One- Year survival 24% Correlatives: [Shh], CT perfusion Catennaci, D. Proceedings ASCO, 2012 Abst # 4022 24% PEGPH20: Recombinant Hyaluronidase • HA is a glycosaminoglycan abundant in the extracellular matrix of PDA. • Combination therapy with PEGPH20 and gemcitabine inhibited tumor growth and prolonged survival in a genetically engineered mouse model of PAC – Degrades hyaluronan – Facilitates drug delivery – Reduces interstitial fluid pressure Jacobeth, M. Gut, 2012. Hingorani, S. Cancer Cell, 2012. NCT01453153 SWOG S1313 (NCT01959139) Randomized phase Ib/II Untreated Met Panc Adenoca ECOG 0-1 MPACT Trial R A N mFOLFIRINOX D O M I mFOLFIRINOX & Z PEGPH20 E N=138 patients N=842endpoint: patients, primary endpoint overall Recruitment complete, Primary OS results awaited Correlatives: plasma & tumor HA HALO-109-202(NCT01839487) Randomized phase II MPACT Trial Untreated Met Panc Adenoca KPS ≥ 70% R A N D O M I Z E Gem & Nab-Paclitaxel Gem & Nab-Paclitaxel & PEGPH20 N=132 patients N=842 patients, primary Primary endpoint: PFS endpoint overall Recruitment complete, results awaited TH-302: A Hypoxia-Activated Prodrug Weiss G J et al. Clin Cancer Res 2011;17:2997-3004 ©2011 by American Association for Cancer Research TH CR-404 Borad et al, ESMO 2012 MAESTRO Trial (NCT01746979) Randomized phase III MPACT Trial Untreated Met Panc Adenoca ECOG 0/1 R A N D O M I Z E Gem & Placebo Gem & TH-302 N=660 patients N=842 patients, primary Primary endpoint: OS endpoint overall Recruitment complete, results awaited Immune checkpoints as therapeutic targets Kandalaft L E et al. JCO 2011;29:925-933 ©2011 by American Society of Clinical Oncology CTLA4 Blockade: Success in Melanoma Ipilimumab + gp100 vs gp100; HR=0.68 (95% CI: 0.55, 0.85), P=0.0004 Ipilimumab vs gp100; HR=0.66 (95% CI:0.51, 0.87), P=0.0026 Ipilimumab Ipilimumab + gp100 Ipilimumab Ipilimumab + gp100 gp100 Immune cell infiltrates during pancreatic tumor progression Zheng et al, Gastroenterology, Volume 144, Issue 6, 2013, 1230 - 1240 Phase II: VY/GVAX +/- CRS-207 • Metastatic PDA patients ECOG 0-1,n=90 previously treated, randomized 2:1 to either CY/GVAX followed CRS-207 or CY/GVAX • Primary endpoint was overall survival • Results: OS arm A 6 months, arm B 3.4 months P=0.0057 HR 0.4477 • ? Increased benefit in 3rd line patients • Both vaccines well tolerated Le et al GI ASCO 2014 Eclipse Trial (NCT 02004262) Randomized phase III MPACT Trial Previously Treated Met Panc Adenoca ECOG 0/1 R A N D O M I Z E GVAX & Cyclophosphamide & CRS-207 CRS-207 Chemotherapy* N=240 N=842patients patients, primary endpoint overall Recruitment complete, Primary endpoint: OS results awaited *Gem/Capecitabine/Erlotinib/Irinotecan Immunotherapy Trials in Met PAC • Algenpantucel-L: human PAC cell lines genetically engineered to express αGal, ongoing phase III studies in locally advanced/borderline resectable and resected PAC (IMPRESS, PILLAR) • Ipilimumab & Nivolumab combination phase I: dose expansion cohort for met PAC (anti-CTLA4 &PD1 inhibition) • MEDI4736 phase I with expansion cohort for met PAC (PDL1 inhibition) Radioimmunotherapy for Met PAC • hPAM4, monoclonal antibody targeting an antigen found in > 85% of panc ca • Conjugate labeled with yttrium-90 (90Y-hPAM4), a therapeutic β-emitting radionuclide Ocean et al, Cancer May 2012 Phase III Trial of Gem +/- 90Y-hPAM4 in Refractory Met PAC (NCT NCT01956812) Metastatic PC, at least 2 prior chemotherapy regimens ECOG 0-1 N= 440 patients *Low dose gemcitabine R A N D O M I Z E Gemcitabine* + 90Y-hPAM4 Gemcitabine* + Placebo Recent Negative Trials… Phase Drug Outcome Ref III GAMMA Gem +/- AMG479 (IGF-IR) No difference Press release 08/12 III BAYPAN Gem +/Sorafenib Med PFS 5.7 vs 3.8 P=0.902 Gonclaves,Ann Oncol 2012 II LEAP Gem _/Masitinib Med OS 7.7 vs 7.0 Deplanque GI HR 0.9, p=0.74 symposium 2013 II Gem +/- IPI-926 Med OS 6.0 vs 5.9 Press release HR NS 01/12 II Gem +/Vismodegib Med OS 6.3 vs 5.3 Catenacci HR 0.97 ASCO 2012 II/III Gem +/Rigosertib No difference Press release 12/13 1st line Randomized Phase II Trials: Met PAC NCT Trial Design N Target Sponsor 01839487 Gem/Nab-P +/- PEGPH20 132 Hyaluron Halozyme 01621243 Gem + nab-P +/- M402 148 Anti-stromal Momenta 01647828 Gem + nab-P +/- OMP59R5 140 Notch inhibitor Stem cells OncoMed 01844817 Gem +nab-P +/- OGX-427 132 HSP27 OncoGenix 01016483 Gem +/- MSC1936369B 174 MEK Merck,EU 01728818 Gem +/- Afatinib 117 EGFR, Her2, 4 Boehringer, EU 01509911 Gem +/- TL-118 80 Angiogenesis Titan Pharm 01505530 LY249555 + chemo(inv choice) 120 Myostatin Eli-Lilly 01280058 Carbo+Paclitaxel +/Reovirus 70 Ras NCI 01585805 Gem, Cisplatin +/- Veliparib 70 PARP (BRCA+) NCI, Lustgarten 01209111 Gem, Erlotinib +/Metformin 120 Multiple U Amsterdam 01167738 PEXG +/- Metformin 82 Stem cells San Raffaele RECAP Trial • Randomized phase II study, Capecitabine +/Ruxolitinib • N= 138 patients with progressive PAC on 1 line of prior chemotherapy (gem) • Primary endpoint: OS • ITT HR= 0.79, p=0.12 NS BUT: Subgroup HR=0.47, p=0.005 & 6 month OS 42% vs 11% (Press release 08/13) Ongoing 2nd/3rd Line Phase II-III Trials: Met PAC NCT Trial Design N Target/Drug Sponsor 01494506 Randomized Phase III MM-398 +/5FU/LV 405 (fully enrolled, results pending) Liposomal irinotecan Merrimack Pharm NAPOLI1 01954992 Randomized Phase III 5FU/LV (bolus) vs Glufuosfamide 480 Conjugate of ifosfamide Eleison Pharm 01658943 Randomized 133 Phase I FOLFOX vs Selumetinib +MK2206 MEK, AKT SWOG1115 Conclusion • Nab-paclitaxel & gem likely favored backbone for development of combination therapies • Multiple agents in development, esp phase II • 2nd/3rd line therapy trials feasible and area for drug development • Future looks brighter…