00111_creative proof

New York, NY 10458
“Bob is an exceptional strategic thinker
who brings passion and energy to all
aspects of his role… I consider Bob to be
a thought leader in emerging
communication and media trends with a
deep clinical and technical aptitude.”
– Chris Tama, Then-President at Ogilvy
CommonHealth Worldwide
Emotidata at a Glance
Business Development & Social
4+ New Fortune 100 Clients Each Year
90% of Meetings Moved to Proposal
Twitter Chat with 3M+ Impressions
“Top Contributor”—LinkedIn Consumer
Insights Group (53K+ members)
Robert Fisk
You already know about brand management.
This is different.
“There’s no exact title for what I do. I’m a scientist, a sales strategist, and a
storyteller. My goal in any situation is to spot trends and find opportunity. I
gather data creatively and use it to our advantage.”
Servant leader who approaches problems with the philosophy that there are no “best”
practices. They can always be improved. Land and grow major clients, earning trust by
meeting their growth needs innovatively and on terms they can say yes to. Consistently
achieved double-digit business growth throughout 20 years, holding leadership positions
and winning awards at Ferguson, Ogilvy, Grey, IPG, Torre Lazur, and Pfizer.
Make massive leaps by appropriately sharing information across divisions and
companies. Build world-class teams and coach them to top performance, leading by
example and listening with an open mind.
Emotidata, New York, NY, 2009 to Present
Leading brand management firm specializing in measuring emotional responses to every
aspect of brands and their messages.
Managing Director, Brand Engagement—Head 14-member team of medical directors,
methodology advisors, technology officers, and multidisciplinary technical experts.
Remove guesswork from brand management by developing multiple protocols for
quantifying consumer emotions and engagement. Build on the work of Dr. Paul Ekman,
using out-of-the box and custom tools to strengthen brands and messaging for clients.
Product & IP Development
Brand Emotion Profile
Pupil Reactivity Index
Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
Remote-Controlled Coding Markers
“Hacked” Eye Trackers
Program Pursued by $3B SaaS Co.
Drove double-digit YOY growth by developing uniquely relevant brand engagement
products. Produced the most user-friendly data analysis in the industry.
Captured business from much larger competitors, including Nielsen, Millward
Brown, and Innerscope. Generated industry buzz to attract clients with a pull
marketing strategy.
Enabled multilayered, custom coding with ease by inventing remote-controlled
network LED TTL transmitters that seamlessly mark the beginning and ending of
specific coding cycles.
Democratized key technology by lowering the cost of entry for eye trackers.
Developed units from out-of-the-box and open-source elements that cost
$100 to $1000 total compared to existing equipment on the market for ~$50K
per unit. In January of 2014, launched Analabs to teach researchers and
students how to build these and other emotional coding tools. Gained
immediate trust from potential clients in a field where no other competitor
manufactured eye trackers.
Representative Case Study: Revealing the Best Concept
Situation: Client was developing a new creative campaign, and they needed to know
which concept was the most emotionally engaging. They had hired a market research
firm that delivered inconclusive, verbatim data from physicians and stated that each
concept was “equally positive.” Emotidata was hired to perform a retrospective
analysis of the interview tapes.
Partial Client List
L’Oreal, Hershey, Pepsi, Merck,
Bausch + Lomb, Frito Lay,
Procter and Gamble,
Hershey, Victoria’s Secret
Approach & Results: Quantified nonverbal behavior of physician interviewees using
the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). Behaviors included speech patterns, emotion,
and body language. Coders identified contradictions between verbatim statements
and nonverbal behavior, revealing predictive insights into how the concepts would
work in the marketplace.
 Client identified clear, winning concept substantiated with data.
 Emotidata earned an RFP for future work 2 days after final presentation.
New York, NY 10458
“Bob is a strategic thinker capable of
generating insights that really grow the
client’s business.”
– David Chapman, Managing Partner at
Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide
Key Brands (worked on scores)
Splenda, Listerine, Crestor, Lipitor, Novo
Nordisk’s Insulin Line, Advil, Celexa,
Crestor, Diovan/Co-Diovan, Enbrel,
Effexor XR, Humalog, Kytril, Lexapro,
Levemir, Lipitor, Macugen, NovoLog,
NovoLog Mix, PreserVision, Uroxatrol,
Zocor, Zyoptix
Therapeutic Areas:
Diabetes, Dyslipidemia, Hypertension,
HCV, Medical Devices, Oncology,
Women's Health
Giving Back to Veterans
Built insights, vision, and process map as
volunteer for the Save a Suit Foundation.
Conceived “Million Dollar Pledge,” an
HBO-produced event assisting 2,000+
veterans in their transition to civilian work.
“Bob’s an innovator and this Million
Dollar Pledge is a phenomenal
example of understanding veteran
needs and collaborating with the right
influential people. His leadership and
passion will make the CitiField event of
bringing veterans and employers
together, the biggest and most
memorable in this nation’s history.”
– Junior Ortiz, former Deputy Asst.
Secretary, US Dept. of Labor
Favorite Business Book
Leadership and Self-Deception:
Getting out of the Box
Robert Fisk
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Ogilvy CommonHealth (Ogilvy & Mather), New York, NY, 2006 to 2010
Healthcare communications firm serving clients in our 65 offices in 36 countries.
SVP, Group Strategy Director of Ogilvy CommonHealth—Recruited based on
unique brand-building ideas that offered strategic direction during a tumultuous time.
Recognized that emotions played a key role in doctors’ prescribing habits, contrary to
common belief. Led design of insight-driven digital and print strategies for promotional,
CRM, and medical education initiatives.
Developed creative, channel-agnostic insights and stronger brands for professional and
consumer audiences. Led multifunctional team in creation of insight-driven digital and
print strategies across 15+ brands, including: Avandia, Avandamet, Avandaryl, Brilinta,
dapagliflozin, Listerine, Symbicort, Toviaz, Voltaren Gel, Xarelto, and YAZ.
Generated $1M+ in growth, expanding organization’s skill set to match new
opportunities. Sold into BMS and AstraZeneca to prove concepts.
Turned around underperforming team in 6 months, earning renewed contract
27% higher vs. previous year.
Won multiple industry and company awards for excellence and innovation in
medical marketing, including Medical Marketing and Media’s Rising Star Award.
Representative Case Study: Retelling the Blood Sugar Story
Situation: Pharma client needed to position its new diabetes drug. The challenge was
that so many root causes of diabetes had already been identified and “solved” by the
industry. There was concern that coming up with a new “root cause” would lead to
distrust from clinical providers. Hours of brainstorming had led nowhere.
Approach & Results: Completely reframed approach. Instead of coming up with a new,
more believable problem, worked on presenting a comprehensive, interconnected
system that would encompass past and new causes of blood sugar issues. The “Renal
Glucose Reabsorption System,” incorporating the 10 core known facts about diabetes,
was the result (renamed R-GRAB by the team).
 Enabled new product to be presented in a way that neither conflicted with
existing knowledge of other products nor required new learning for MDs.
 Displaced Accenture, gaining client’s trust and loyalty to grow a $50K contract into
$1M in a year and later to $3M. Convinced the most skeptical member of the
client team, one who generally dismissed marketing concepts.
 “Renal glucose reabsorption” gained such universal acceptance in the medical
community that it is now in medical texts.
Medicus, International (Publicis)—IPG, Hired after presenting the winning pitch for Pfizer’s
new product. The pitch led to Medicus landing its first Pfizer business ever. Created new
position, leading 12 disciplines. Delivered $3.8M in new business, or 14% YOY growth.
Launched best-in-class product for Pfizer and won international business with them.
Grey Global Group, Played key role in winning coveted branding contract for Lipitor.
Drove $1B in 1st-year Lipitor sales. Headed branding and positioning, growing the
market and class. Built the first electronic routing system to maximize client capabilities.
Torre Lazur, Hired to help with a particularly critical product launch, holding team
leadership and P&L responsibility. Became youngest director of client services in
company history. Helped create $4M+ in revenue, working across IPG agencies. Won
individual Accupril Market Dominator award and Chairman’s Award for Collaborative
Growth and Innovation.
Parke-Davis (Pfizer), Hired out of research role at North American Lab Group, transitioned
to sales, and excelled. Joined Lipitor launch and became a top-10 salesperson nationwide.
US Army: Served as peacetime microbiologist and Desert Storm medic. Honored with
National Defense Service Medal and Army Outstanding Unit Award.
BS, Advanced Science and Medicine, Boston University, Boston, MA
A Horse of a Different Color
Bob was a true hacker. His degree was in medicine, but he discovered he was pretty good at sales and marketing when
he made an early-career leap from researcher to pharmaceutical sales rep.
Successful stints at major ad firms and inspiration from Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink led him to establish his own marketing
company measuring consumers’ emotional reactions to brand messages. He knew he was on to something, so he hacked
his way through, inventing some tools and reproducing others at a twentieth of their market cost.
His methods were so effective that he landed work with 20+ Fortune 100 clients. I questioned Bob as to how we could
encapsulate his energy, inventiveness, and effectiveness. He shared with me that he had designed his company’s
website, and that it would be a good inspiration for capturing his brand since he and his company were intertwined.
A unique tag line and personal statement set the stage for the reader—this will be no ordinary resume or candidate.
I incorporated echoes of the colors (orange and gray) and shapes (circles) of the Emotidata website. Graphics and quick
facts in the left-hand column enable the reader to gain immediate insight into Bob’s unique capabilities, the major
brands he’s worked with, powerful testimonials, and corporate stewardship. I included his favorite business book
because he spoke of it as foundational to all he does—something he shares with all of his employees and colleagues.
The body of the resume provides context, achievement highlights, and a couple of case studies that give insight into
Bob’s approach to his work.