Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC) Methodology of Studying the Impact of Climate Change on Crop Productivity By Dr. Mahmoud Medany Dakkar, 24 March 2004 Integrated Crop Management Information System by using DSSAT program Who Uses DSSAT Tools? Agronomic Researchers and Extension Specialists Policy Makers Farmers and their Advisors Private Sector Educators The program presents a table that includes fertilizer N added , N taken up by crop, N leached below 1.8m, and final Nitrate –N in soil (Kg/ha) and grain yield of crop (Kg/ha) for that run DSSAT was designed to allow users to : Input, organize and store data on crop, soil and weather “data base”· Retrieve, analyze and display data. Calibrate and evaluate crop growth models. Evaluate different management practices and compare simulation results with their own measured results to give them confidence that models work adequately. DSSAT allow users to simulate option for crop management over a number of years to assess the risks associated with each option. Create different management strategies and the simulated performance indicators that can be analyzed. Applications of Crop Models Based on understanding of plants, soil, weather and management interactions Predict crop growth, yield, timing (Outputs) Optimize Management using Climate Predictions Diagnose Yield Gaps, Actual vs. Potential Optimize Irrigation Management Greenhouse Climate Control Quantify Pest Damage Effects on Production Precision Farming Climate Change Effects on Crop Production Can be used to perform “what-if” experiments on the computer to optimize management Updating Growth Masst+1 = Masst + Growtht - Abortt Daily Increase in Dry Matter Growth: Photosynthesis and Respiration Daily Growth = CVF * Gross Photosynthesis - Respiration or dW/dt = CVF * ((30/44) * A - MC * W) dW/dt = Plant Growth Rate, g m-2 s -1 CVF = Conversion Efficiency, g tissue (g glucose)-1 30/44 = Converts CO2 into Glucose, g glucose (g CO2 )-1 A = Gross Photosynthesis, g [CO2] m-2 s -1 MC = Maintenance Respiration Coefficient, s -1 W = Plant Tissue Mass, g m-2 Conversion Factor (CVF) 1/CVF= fleaf/0.68 + fstem/0.66 + froot/0.68 + fstorage /Co CVF= Conversion factor (g product g-1glucose) f = Fraction of each organ in the increase in total dry matter (f=1) Co = Conversion factor of storage organ (g product g-1glucose) For example, Co is 0.67 for maize, 0.78 for potato, 0.46 for soybean, and 0.40 for peanut. Soil Water Management Weather N Application + Organic Crop (Genetic Coefficients ) Duration of Phases Development Photosynthesis Respiration CO2 Mass of Crop Kg/ha Leaf Stem Growth Partitioning Root Fruit INPUTS File x Experimental Data File File S File w File C Soil Data Weather Data Cultivar Code Crop Models File A Crop Data at Harvest File T Crop Data during season Output Depending on Option Setting and Simulation Application Soil analysis and fertility measurements Seventy different soil location were chosen and soil properties were determined as follow: - Soil physical conditions of the profile by layer. - Soil chemical conditions of the profile by layer - Sand, Clay& Silt % . - Organic carbon. - Coarse fraction < 2mm,% of whole soil. - pH of soil. - Soil classification. - Soil horizon. - Root abundance information. - Slope %. - Soil color. - Permeability code. - Drainage. - Latitude - Longitude - Soil texture - Number of layer - Bulk density 1/3 bar (g/cm3) - % Total nitrogen - CEC Historical weather data: Thirty-five years of weather data for different experimental locations have already been collected. The minimum required weather data includes: -Latitude and longitude of the weather station, . -Daily values of incoming solar radiation (MJ/m²-day), -Maximum and minimum air temperature (°C), and -Rainfall (mm). MAIZE GENOTYPE COEFFICIENTS COEFF VAR# DEFINITIONS Identification code or number for a specific cultivar VAR-NAME ECO# Name of cultivar Ecotype code or this cultivar, points to the Ecotype in the ECO file (currently not used). P1 Thermal time from seedling emergence to the end of the juvenile phase (expressed in degree days above a base temperature of 8ّ C(during which the plant is not responsive to changes in photoperiod. P2 Extent to which development (expressed as days) is delayed for each hour increase in photoperiod above the longest photoperiod at which development proceeds at a maximum rate (which is considered to be 12.5 hours). P5 Thermal time from silking to physiological maturity (expressed in degree days above a base temperature of 8ّC G2 Maximum possible number of kernels per plant. G3 Kernel filling rate during the linear grain filling stage and under optimum conditions (mg/day). PHINT Phylochron interval; the interval in thermal time (degree days)between successive leaf tip appearances. @VAR# VRNAME.......... ECO# P1 P2 P5 G2 G3 PHINT EG0011 S.C. 9 IB0001 400.0 0.200 620.0 650.0 11.4 40.00 EG0004 SC 10 IB0001 400.0 0.300 865.0 720.0 11.5 38.90 EG0013 S.C-103 IB0001 295.0 0.520 593.0 695.0 13.4 38.90 EG0007 S.C-122 IB0001 270.0 0.500 580.0 650.0 13.6 38.90 EG0008 S.C-124 IB0001 290.0 0.500 630.0 630.0 14.8 38.90 EG0002 T.W.C.310 IB0001 430.0 0.200 868.0 700.0 10.0 40.00 EG0014 T.W.C.323 IB0001 290.0 0.300 680.0 635.0 12.2 38.90 Genetic Coefficients Genetic Coefficients for each variety affected by: Life cycle Photosynthesis Sensitivity to day light(photoperiod) Leaf area Partitioning Re-mobilization Seed growth Seed composition Seed fill duration Vernalization Growing degree days accumulation Crop Development Vegetative Growth Period Reproductive Growth Period Harvest Maturity Plant Emerge 1st Flower 1st Seed Phys. Maturity Time Vegetative Development is mainly affected by Temperature such as appearance of leaves on main stem) Reproductive Development is affected by temperature and daylength (such as duration of seed growth phase) Sensitivity to stresses varies considerably with stage of growth Crop growth in simulation modeling usually refers to the accumulation of biomass with time and its partitioning different organs. Adapting the DSSAT to our conditions we use the following procedures Conduct field experiments to collect minimum data set required to running and evaluating crop model under Egypt condition. Enter other input soil data for the region and historical weather data for sites in the region(not start calibration of crop parameters before checking the quality of weather data). Run the model to evaluate the ability of model to predict Modify model to evaluation shows that it does not reach the level of precision required. Conduct sensitivity analysis on the crop models to evaluate the modal responses to alternative practices using variances, water use, season length, nitrogen uptake, net profit and other responses. Provide results and recommendations for decision-making . Output can be printed or graphically displayed for conducting sensitivity analysis. Model validation Experimental data Other inputs DSSAT program Simulation Compare simulation with measured Modification model Conduct sensitivity analysis on the crop models to evaluate the modal Parameter test Building New Software for Data Entry Wheat *RUN 6 : GIZA 164 MODEL : GECER980 - WHEAT EXPERIMENT : EGDK9101 WH TREATMENT 6 DK&BN : GIZA 164 CROP : WHEAT CULTIVAR : GIZA 164 STARTING DATE : NOV 20 1991 PLANTING DATE : NOV 20 1991 WEATHER : EGNA SOIL : EGNA870001 PLANTS/m2 :110.0 - ROW SPACING : 20.cm 1991 TEXTURE : CL SOIL INITIAL C : DEPTH:120cm EXTR. H2O:148.6mm - SIDS NO3: 1.6kg/ha WATER BALANCE : IRRIGATE ON REPORTED DATE(S) IRRIGATION : NITROGEN BAL. : SOIL-N & N-UPTAKE SIMULATION; NO N-FIXATION N-FERTILIZER : 380 mm IN 1.6kg/ha 5 APPLICATIONS 150 kg/ha IN RESIDUE/MANURE : INITIAL : NH4: 2 APPLICATIONS 0 kg/ha ; 0 kg/ha IN 0 APPLICATIONS ENVIRONM. OPT. : DAYL= .00 SRAD= .00 TMAX= .00 TMIN= .00 RAIN= .00 CO2 = R330.00 DEW = .00 WIND= .00 SIMULATION OPT : WATER :Y MANAGEMENT OPT : PLANTING:R NITROGEN:Y N-FIX:N PESTS IRRIG FERT :R RESIDUE:R :R :N PHOTO :C ET :R HARVEST:M WTH:M *SUMMARY OF SOIL AND GENETIC INPUT PARAMETERS SOIL LOWER UPPER SAT EXTR INIT ROOT BULK DEPTH LIMIT LIMIT SW SW SW DIST DENS cm cm3/cm3 cm3/cm3 cm3/cm3 pH NO3 NH4 ORG C g/cm3 ugN/g ugN/g % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------0- 5 .170 .299 .388 .129 .299 .35 1.40 7.80 .10 .10 1.20 5- 15 .170 .299 .388 .129 .299 .35 1.40 7.80 .10 .10 1.20 15- 30 .170 .299 .388 .129 .299 .35 1.40 7.80 .10 .10 1.20 30- 45 .243 .367 .382 .124 .367 .20 1.30 7.80 .10 .10 .50 45- 60 .238 .360 .375 .122 .360 .17 1.30 7.87 .10 .10 .30 60- 90 .241 .362 .377 .121 .362 .13 1.30 7.90 .10 .10 .17 90-120 .250 .372 .387 .122 .372 .10 1.30 7.90 .10 .10 .10 ENVIRONMENTAL AND STRESS FACTORS ------------------------------------ENVIRONMENT-----------------STRESS---------|--DEVELOPMENT PHASE--|-TIME-|-------WEATHER--------| |---WATER--| |-NITROGEN-| DURA TEMP TION MAX days ّC TEMP MIN ّC SOLAR PHOTOP PHOTO GROWTH PHOTO GROWTH RAD MJ/m2 [day] SYNTH SYNTH hr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Emergence - Term Spiklt 59 23.31 10.02 15.47 10.24 .000 .006 .271 .473 End Veg-Beg Ear Growth 21 23.58 6.84 15.41 10.78 .000 .000 .000 .302 Begin Ear-End Ear Grwth 13 25.05 8.08 16.41 11.23 .000 .037 .000 .217 End Ear Grth-Beg Grn Fi 14 28.36 13.23 17.40 11.62 .010 .074 .000 .000 Linear Grain Fill Phase 39 32.11 14.68 17.04 12.41 .093 .141 .000 .015 *SIMULATED CROP AND SOIL STATUS AT MAIN DEVELOPMENT STAGES RUN NO. 6 GIZA 164 DATE CROP GROWTH AGE BIOMASS STAGE LAI kg/ha LEAF NUM. ET mm RAIN IRRIG SWATER CROP mm mm mm N kg/ha % STRESS H2O N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 NOV 0 Sowing 0 .00 .0 4 0 70 177 0 .0 .00 .00 20 NOV 0 Start Sim 0 .00 .0 4 0 70 177 0 .0 .00 .00 21 NOV 1 Germinate 0 .00 .0 8 0 70 167 0 .0 .00 .00 30 NOV 10 Emergence 14 .00 2.0 19 0 70 140 0 2.2 .00 .00 28 JAN 69 Term Spklt 2148 2.24 12.0 117 6 225 155 82 3.8 .01 .27 18 FEB 90 End Veg 5488 3.24 15.0 182 11 225 94 132 2.4 .00 .00 7701 3.06 15.0 226 11 225 50 134 1.7 .06 .00 16 MAR 117 Beg Gr Fil 10037 2.71 15.0 279 13 305 78 133 1.3 .05 .00 25 APR 157 Maturity 12189 .00 15.0 391 17 380 46 142 1.2 .14 .00 25 APR 157 Harvest 12189 .00 15.0 391 17 380 46 142 1.2 .14 .00 2 MAR 103 End Ear Gr *MAIN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT VARIABLES @ VARIABLE PREDICTED MEASURED -------- --------- -------- FLOWERING DATE (dap) 108 106 PHYSIOL. MATURITY (dap) 157 158 GRAIN YIELD (kg/ha;dry) 5064 5063 WT. PER GRAIN (g;dry) .0364 0.038 GRAIN NUMBER (GRAIN/m2) 13917 -99 GRAINS/EAR 29.8 -99 MAXIMUM LAI (m2/m2) 3.25 -99 BIOMASS (kg/ha) AT ANTHESIS 7701 -99 BIOMASS N (kg N/ha) AT ANTHESIS 134 -99 BIOMASS (kg/ha) AT HARVEST MAT. 12189 12302 STALK (kg/ha) AT HARVEST MAT. 7125 -99 HARVEST INDEX (kg/kg) .415 -99 FINAL LEAF NUMBER 15.00 -99 GRAIN N (kg N/ha) 122 -99 BIOMASS N (kg N/ha) 142 -99 20 -99 2.41 -99 STALK N (kg N/ha) SEED N (%) Comparison of measured and predicted of Wheat grain yield OBSERVED AND SIMULATED WHEAT GRAIN YIELD 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 R2 = 0.901 0 0 1000 2000 Observed grain yield 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Simulated grain yield 9000 DSSAT v3.5 - Models of 16 Crops • Cereals – Corn, Wheat, Rice, Barley, Sorghum, Millet • Grain Legumes – Soybean, Peanut, Dry Bean, Chickpea • Root Crops – Potato, Cassava • Other Crops – Tomato, Sunflower, Sugar Cane, Pasture GIS map showing analysis grain yield simulation of Maize single cross 10 in different location. THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON PRODUCTION OF DIFFERERENT CULTIVARS OF MAIZE (Zea mays L.) Minia Governorate, Malawi Fertilizer levels, additions date and amounts Fertilizer level N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 Date dd/mm/yy 06/05/1993 06/05/1993 30/05/1993 22/06/1993 15/07/1993 30/05/1993 22/06/1993 15/07/1993 06/05/1993 30/05/1993 22/06/1993 15/07/1993 06/05/1993 30/05/1993 22/06/1993 15/07/1993 06/05/1993 30/05/1993 22/06/1993 15/07/1993 06/05/1993 30/05/1993 22/06/1993 15/07/1993 Material code 1 1 1 Method code 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Material code (1) = Ammonium nitrate Method code (2) = Broadcast, incorporate Depth cm 20 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 2 2 2 20 2 2 2 20 2 2 2 20 2 2 2 N Kg/ha 285 71 71 71 71 103 103 103 286 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 285 103 103 103 71 103 103 103 Combination between varieties and nitrogen levels Treatment No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Variety V1: SC10 V2: TW310 Treatment Treatment Treatment No. V1 N1 V1 N2 V1 N3 V1 N4 V1 N5 V1 N6 V1 N7 V1 N8 (Single cross 10) (Three way cross 310) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 V2 N1 V2 N2 V2 N3 V2 N4 V2 N5 V2 N6 V2 N7 V2 N8 Temperature , precipitation and solar radiation for the current (CO2=300ppm ) and the expected change situation(CO2=600ppm) by the year 2040. Month Temperature C0 CO2 CO2 Ratio 0.03% 0.06% January 11.9 14.8 2.85 February 13.1 17.9 4.84 March 17.2 21 3.86 April 21.5 26.9 5.35 May 26.3 32.3 5.97 June 32 35.9 3.98 July 33.8 37.5 3.63 August 33.7 35.8 2.07 September 29.2 33.5 4.31 October 23.2 26.9 3.69 November 16.2 21.3 5.15 December 12.7 16.9 4.21 Precipitation (mm/day ) CO2 CO2 0.03% 0.06% 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.9 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.3 1.2 0.3 1.9 0.8 1.2 0.9 1.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.9 Ratio 0.66 0.78 0.84 0.55 2.59 3.1 3.8 5 1.56 1.16 0.93 1.83 Solar ( W/M2 ) CO2 CO2 Ratio 0.03% 0.06% 155 159 1.02 198 199 1.01 259 262 1.01 318 315 0.99 341 338 0.99 350 341 0.97 346 327 0.94 317 302 0.95 275 268 0.97 222 222 1 175 174 1 151 146 0.97 Summary of data produced by the program and compared yield for measured data. Treatment Fert. N Plant N Leached Final N Grain yield No. N predicted measured 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 285 71 213 309 498 285 594 380 285 71 213 309 498 285 594 380 133 49 122 151 154 135 164 157 126 47 113 131 132 122 141 134 Fert. N = Fertilizer N added (Kg/ha) Plant N = N taken up by croup (Kg/ha) Leached N = N leached below 1.8m(Kg/ha) Final N = Final Nitrate –N in soil (Kg/ha) Yield = Grain yield of crop (Kg/ha) 162 54 94 142 328 144 385 197 168 54 96 151 340 150 402 209 5 5 10 26 18 10 45 31 5 5 10 32 22 12 53 39 5519 3942 5525 5460 5506 5493 5505 5471 4232 2782 4265 4215 4223 4221 4223 4218 5495 4630 5509 5407 5421 5468 5426 5462 3970 3001 3956 3973 3998 4020 3987 3951