CURRICULUM GUIDE WORLD/AMERICAN STUDIES World American Studies II is the second course offered in the Social Studies curriculum. This II course is meant to reinforce students’ critical thinking skills and expose them to Western civilizations and United States history. This course delves deeper into the interpretations and analysis of primary and secondary sources using documentbased questions. Students will strengthen their ability to synthesize information from several sources. Gordon Tech High School Chicago, Illinois Prepared by: P. Birch, C. Haas, C. Denny Department Chair: Phillip Birch November, 2011 Table of Contents Department Structure………………………………………………………………………. [p.2] Instructional Materials……………………………………………………………………… [p.3] Agreed Upon Elements……………………………………………………………………… [p.4] Units of Instruction ……………………………………………………………………….. [p.5-19] Student Learning Outcomes, State Goals, NCSS Standards…………………………………………………………………..……………….. [p. 20-17] Summative Assessment Description……………………………………………………. [p.18] SOCIAL STUDIES PROGRAM SEQUENCES Pathways illustrate typical movement within a sequence of courses; however, adjustments in sequence can be made to accommodate individual needs. Grade Weight Level is indicated in parentheses. Freshman Year Sophomore Year World & American Studies R I (311) World & American Studies R II (322) World & American Studies I H (315) World & American Studies II H (325) World & American Studies I H (315) World & American Studies II H (325) Junior Year Senior Year World & American Studies R III (333) World & American Studies III H (335) Advance Placement US History (358) Advance Placement European History (368) Junior and Senior Year Electives Chicago History (340) Sociology (372) Instructional Materials Child Development (375) Teacher’s Edition and Teaching Resources: Beck, Roger B., Black, Linda; et al. World History: Patterns of Interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2005. ISBN 0-618-37774-3 Danzer, Gerald A., de Alva, Jorge J., et al. The Americans. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2007. ISBN 978-0-618-68986-6 EasyPlanner 2 CD_ROM Set. World History: Patterns of Interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2005. ISBN 10:0-618-42869-0 EasyPlanner 2 CD_ROM Set. The Americans. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2007. Supplementary Materials: Library of Congress. Document-based worksheets Various primary sources Videos from GT Film Library Maps Student Edition (Includes Web Access/Online Activities CD-ROM): Beck, Roger B., Black, Linda; et al. World History: Patterns of Interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2005. ISBN 0-618-44500-5 Danzer, Gerald A., de Alva, Jorge J., et al. The Americans. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2007. ISBN 978-0-618-68985-9 Agreed-Upon Elements Technology expectations - Students will be expected to display mastery of various technological materials such as a wikispace, edmodo, and youtube. Students will also be expected to use technology to conduct research, write reports and present projects. Students will be expected to utilize programs such as MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint in order to complete class assignments and projects. Students will also be expected to use the internet responsibly and effectively for conducting research as well as class assignments. Types of assessments - Students will be assessed throughout the course using a variety of both formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments include classwork, homework, quizzes, and various projects. Summative assessments include unit tests, projects, and research papers. Types of homework assignments - Students will have reading homework daily. Homework assignments will consist of a variety of assignments including textbook reading, note-taking, creating PowerPoint presentations, and various worksheets designed to review Ire-teach concepts covered in class. Research, writing, or reading expectations- Students will be expected to utilize a variety of digital and traditional media to research topics for class assignments and projects. They will be expected to convert this information into a cohesive and informative research paper. Students will also be expected to display grade-level reading abilities and dissect a textbook to actively read with a set purpose in mind. Various reading strategies will be implemented throughout the year as appropriate. Students will undergo independent research and analysis based on historical era. Types of instructional strategies - Instructional strategies include traditional lecture with teacher-led and student-led discussion. There are also many opportunities for students to work cooperatively to complete in-class assignments, traditional interactive assignments, and inquiry-based discussions. There are also opportunities for student-led instruction while the teacher acts as a facilitator/assistant. Group work expectations- Students will work together both in assigned groups and groups of their choice. While in groups, students are expected to encourage participation from all group members and respect the efforts and opinions of all involved. All students are expected to contribute equally to their collective efforts of their group. An emphasis will be placed on positive social interaction. World-American Studies II Progression of Instructional Units, Student Learning Objectives, Activities Unit Title, Essential Questions, Description and Approximate Length Unit 1: Age of Exploration and Isolation: Europe, China, and Japan Essential Questions: 1. Why explore an unknown area? 2. What technological changes occurred which influenced exploration? 3. Why would countries cut off contact with others? 4. Why is cultural contact important to technology and the spread of new ideas? 5. How does exploration impact humans and their environment? 6. Why would people agree to live among strangers? 7. How did geography and religion affect China and Japan? 8. What contributions in art and science did the Chinese make? 9. How does geography influence isolationism? Contact with different cultures and civilizations have had enormous influence on human-environmental interaction, economics, religion, culture, technology, politics, and art. The study of exploration and the coming together of different societies are integral in examining change and continuity over time. 4 weeks Learning Objectives (Skills & Understandings) 1. Recognize, on a map, the geography of Europe, Asia, and the Near Middle East and their significance in terms of physical and man-made features, climates, and political boundaries. 2. Summarize key contributions from China and Japan. 3. List technological achievements during the Age of Exploration. 4. Analyze the rivalry of exploration between Spain and Portugal. 5. Explain the religious, social structures, and technology of China and Japan. 6. Explain why the Japanese & Chinese isolated themselves from Europe. 7. Describe how cultural diffusion resulted in the spread of technology, ideas, and culture. 8. Analyze the voyages of Spanish & European explorers, tracing their routes on a world map. 9. Explain the Atlantic Slave Trade and how it relates to global trade. 10. Summarize scientific, religious, economic, & political reasons for exploration. Textbook Reference Suggested Activities, Investigations, Readings and Videos Create maps which illustrate the routes of major explorers. Write a haiku based on nature. Put an explorer on trial for genocide. Create a timeline sequencing the events of exploration and its effects. Research and produce a PowerPoint presentation on the contributions of China and Japan to modern society. Compare and contrast the religions of China and Japan to Monotheistic religions. Create a flowchart indicating the resources used in the Columbian Exchange. Create a foldable brochure promoting the scientific contributions of the Chinese. Frequent reading/comprehension quizzes and notetaking. Objective exam. Chapters: 19-20 Unit Title, Essential Questions, Description and Approximate Length Unit 2: Absolute Monarchy and Revolution Essential Questions: 1. What are the benefits and drawbacks of living under absolute rule? 2. What conditions are needed to weaken the power of an absolute monarch? 3. What should governments consider when crafting policies towards different ethnic and social groups? 4. How did Louis XIV’s abuse of power lead to revolution? 5. What conditions are needed to spark revolution? 6. What were the major conflicts of the Thirty Years’ War? 7. How did the Peace of Westphalia form the foundations for modern Europe? 8. Why might Peter the Great have traveled through Europe in disguise? 9. Why was Russia isolated from the rest of Europe? 10. How did Parliament limit the English Monarchy? 11. Why might people have difficulty accepting a new idea or way of thinking? 12. What were the circumstances that led to the Scientific Revolution? 13. In what ways did various scientists contradict religious Learning Objectives (Skills & Understandings) 1. Recognize, on a map, the geography of Europe in terms of physical features, climates, & political boundaries. 2. Explain the geographical significance of early civilizations in terms of exploration. 3. Explain the origins of absolute monarchy. 4. Explain the social practices and norms, in absolute empires. 5. List the ideas of French thinkers. 6. Lead a discussion on Louis XIV’s court and his abuse of power. 7. Make logical inferences using graphs, maps, primary sources, and charts. 8. Describe the Thirty Years’ War. 9. Describe Peter the Great’s reforms and their impact on Russia. 10. Describe the importance of the Glorious Revolution in terms of the politics, religious, social aspect. 11. List the circumstances that led to the Scientific Revolution. 12. Analyze events that led the Enlightenment thinkers to question old ideas and revolutionize art, religion, Textbook Reference Chapters: Suggested Activities, Investigations, Readings and Videos Find key locations on various maps (physical, topographic, climate, and resource) and create a “guided tour” of major cities and sites of India and China Read and analyze primary sources such as Machiavelli’s The Prince In small groups, recreate the Estate system by designating each member from a different Estate, and have them create a code of conduct while cooperating in “role play” Create a PowerPoint presentation illustrating the technological contributions of Enlightened thinkers Create a compare/contrast graphic organizer or Venn diagram illustrating the similarities and differences of the powers of Parliament to the powers of the US Congress Role play key historic figures using charades Role play a social gathering of Enlightened thinkers in a Parisian salon Create a six-panel cartoon illustrating the pomp and glory of palaces and the absolute monarchs who occupied them Recreate the Congress of Vienna, assigning roles to various students Frequent reading and comprehension quizzes and outlining notes Objective exam 21-23 views? 14. Can science and religion harmonize with each other? 15. What was women’s role during the Enlightenment? 16. What are some major ideas from the Enlightenment? 17. How did enlightened thinkers influence politics? 18. How did the French Revolution begin? 19. What caused the people to revolt? 20. What was the rise and fall of the Great Fear? 21. What political reforms resulted from the French Revolution? 22. How did Napoleon come to power? 23. How did Napoleon’s empire collapse? 24. What were the results of the Congress of Vienna? Several countries in Europe came under the control of absolute monarchs, which eventually was tamped due to the Enlightenment ideas. Revolution swept through Europe, challenging monarchs and bringing strong calls for political, social, and economic reforms. Scientific findings had a profound effect on the power of the Church, authority, and economics-the effects of which are still felt today. 6 Weeks government, and society. 13. Compare and contrast the ideas of various Enlightened thinkers. 14. Analyze the French revolution, rise and fall of Napoleon, and Congress of Vienna using visuals. 15. List and explain the three Estates of the Old Regime. 16. Describe the women’s role in the French Revolution. 17. Explain how war and the king’s execution affected the Revolution. 18. Describe how the National Assembly changed France’s government. 19. Describe the events and aftermath of the Reign of Terror. 20. Lead a discussion on Napoleon’s reign from beginning to end. 21. Explain how Napoleon’s legacy aroused nationalist feelings across Europe. Unit Title, Essential Questions, Description and Approximate Length Unit 3: The Rise of Nationalism and The Industrial Revolution Essential Questions: 1. What role did technology play in the development of urban life? 2. What impact did technology have on humans and the environment? 3. Why did the French accept Louis-Napoleon as emperor? 4. How did Nationalism drive the events that occurred during the 1800s and 1900s? 5. How did the actions of radicals contradict their philosophies? 6. How was Italy unified? 7. What role did art play in the development of nationalism? 8. How is population increase related to improved food supplies and living conditions? 9. How does one invention lead to others? 10. Why would entrepreneurs want to invest in railway improvements? 11. How did industrialization change cities and the lives of workers? 12. How did industrialization promote reform? 13. How does laissez-faire economics reflect Learning Objectives (Skills & Understandings) 1. Identify three schools of political thought. 2. Trace the development of nationalism. 3. Analyze reform in France and Russia. 4. Describe the unification of Germany and Italy using timelines. 5. Define romanticism and give examples of romantic literature and art. 6. Explain the beginnings of Industrial Revolution in Britain. 7. Identify transportation improvements using visuals. 8. Describe key improvements that furthered the Industrial Revolution. 9. Trace the impact of railroads on British industry. 10. Identify the positive and negative effects of the Industrial Revolution. 11. Describe the growing tensions between the middle and working classes. 12. List the reform movements of the 1800s. Textbook Reference Chapters: Suggested Activities, Investigations, Readings and Videos Find key locations on various maps (physical, topographic, climate, and resource) Create a timeline illustrating major political, social, and economic events in early 19th century Britain. Create a map illustrating the spread of industry throughout Britain. Create a PowerPoint presentation with illustrations based on the case study of Manchester before, during, and after the Industrial Revolution. Write an essay explaining the human impact on the environment. Create a graphic organizer illustrating improvements in industrial technology. Create a work of art using romanticism. Hold a class debate on Socialism versus Capitalism. Watch streaming live video on child labor. Read and analyze diary entries of British factory workers and create posters using primary source photos to illustrate working and living conditions in Britain in the early 19th century. Create a chart tracking union rules illustrating change and continuity over time. Frequent reading and comprehension quizzes Objective exam 24-25 Enlightenment ideas of challenging power and authority? The liberal and nationalist uprising that challenged the old conservative order of Europe fueled the establishment of nation-states in Europe which continues to this day. Nationalism has become the basis of world order today, contributing to countless contributions in the arts, political alliances and has often caused conflicts and wars. The British introduction of mass production has contributed to the idea of nationalist pride in one’s country, and has paved the way for industrialization worldwide. 4 Weeks Unit Title, Essential Questions, Description and Approximate Length Unit 4: The War for Independence and Shaping a New Nation Essential Questions: 1. How did the passage of the British numerous tax acts prompt anger and eventual revolt from the colonists? 2. What prompted the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party? 3. How did King George respond to the colonists’ demands? 4. Why were the First Continental and Second Continental Congresses called into action? 5. What relationship did the colonists have with England? 6. How did the spread of literature promote rebel actions? 7. What ideas influenced the Declaration of Independence? 8. What groups made up the Loyalists and Patriots? 9. How do leaders keep followers loyal to a cause? 10. How did the Patriots finally win independence from Britain? 11. What hardships accompanied the nation’s first leaders? 12. What role did women play during and after the Revolution? Learning Objectives (Skills & Understandings) 1. Analyze the causes of the American Revolution and the contributions of significant individuals during the war. 2. Summarize colonial resistance to British taxation. 3. Summarize the major battles of the American Revolution. 4. Examine efforts made to avoid bloodshed as the colonies teetered on the brink of war. 5. Explain the different ideologies of the Patriots and Loyalists. 6. Illustrate through the use of maps, the major battles of the war and their outcomes. 7. Analyze various points of view using primary sources, such as political cartoons. 8. Explain the four sections of and reasons for the Declaration of Independence. 9. List the reasons for the improvement in Patriot fighting and morale. 10. Describe the terms of the Treaty of Paris. 11. List the difficult choices Congress faced after the war. 12. Analyze the reasons for rejecting the Articles of Confederation and creating a new Textbook Reference Chapters: Suggested Activities, Investigations, Readings and Videos Find key locations on various maps (physical, topographic, climate, and resource) & create a map of the 13 colonies-including their population and resources for each colony. Create a timeline of the various acts and taxes passed by the British, including the colonists’ reactions. Create an 8 panel cartoon of colonists’ view of King George’s rule and an 8-panel cartoon illustrating the attitudes of the British about the colonists. Role-play the Founding Fathers discussing the Articles of Confederation and their weaknesses. Create a recruiting poster for minutemen. Write an inspirational speech to rally troops during the winter in Valley Forge. Compare and contrast the military strengths and weaknesses of the US and Britain. Create a sequence of events chart to follow the war using the headings of: Date; Battle; American leader; Opponent; Outcome. Create a work of propaganda such as a political pamphlet supporting the cause of Loyalists and Patriots. Streaming video clips of PBS series “Americans”. Paraphrase the Declaration using modern language. Frequent reading and comprehension quizzes Objective exam Constitution test (including Illinois and the flag) 4-5 The Constitution 13. How much power should a government have? 14. How did the land ordinances encourage religion and public education? 15. How did rebellion prompt America’s early leaders to compromises and the drafting of the Constitution? 16. How did the ideologies of Federalists and Antifederalist clash? 17. Why did suspicion prompt the Anti-federalists to demand a Bill of Rights? 18. How is the Constitution of the United States structured, and what is the purpose of each section? Decades of self-sufficiency, technological innovation, and population growth, the colonists appeal to the king of England for independence. The ensuing events led to the War of Independence between the colonists and Britain, the eventual victory of the colonists and the creation of a new government with balanced sets of powers. Upon creation of the document, opposing ideologies appear and often led to rebellions and acts of violence, pitting colonists against each other. The influence of the Enlightenment was critical in the drafting of new laws and a final ratification of the US Constitution. 12 Weeks constitution. 13. Summarize how the nation’s leaders disagreed with policies, and how they compromised to reach a middle-ground. 14. Explain the Bill of Rights and how it came to be. 15. Analyze and explain the principles of the US Constitution, and the processes for ratification. 16. Identify the branches of government and the extent of their powers. 17. Compare and contrast the Illinois Constitution with the US Constitution. 18. List and explain the Articles. Unit Title, Essential Questions, Description and Approximate Length Unit 5: Balancing US Nationalism and Sectionalism and the Westward Movement Essential Questions: 1. How did regional economies create different political and economic ideas? 2. What inventions spurred an Industrial Revolution in the US? 3. Why did tariffs and a national bank stir debate among states? 4. What internal improvements helped tie the nation together? 5. What role does the Supreme Court play in the government’s control of the country? 6. How did the US expand its borders? 7. What lasting implications did the Monroe Doctrine have on the citizens of the US? 8. What motivated people to move west? 9. How did Jackson’s presidential style manage to gain support of a majority of US citizens? 10. How did Jackson approach the “Indian Learning Objectives (Skills & Understandings) 1. Identify the different economic differences among different regions of the United States. 2. Describe the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the US. 3. Explain how the cotton gin increased the need for slavery in the south. 4. Describe how the Tariff of 1816 and the National Bank stirred debate across the country. 5. List and differentiate the various internal improvements throughout the US which helped unite the states. 6. Explain how the Supreme Court limits the powers of the states. 7. Identify, through specific examples, how nationalism shaped foreign policy. 8. Explain the relationship between the Missouri Compromise and the debate over slavery. 9. Describe Jackson’s presidential style and Textbook Reference Suggested Activities, Investigations, Readings and Videos Find key locations on various maps (physical, topographic, climate, and resource). Create a timeline illustrating major political, social, and economic events in early 19th century US. Trace the development of canals and railroads extending south and westward to explain the increase of industry, and the effects on the economy. Create a graphic organizer listing the major industries of the North versus the South, comparing them to today’s industries to chart change and continuity over time. Using a visual representation, chart and explain Supreme Court rulings and their effects on the social and political aspect of the era. Read the Monroe Doctrine for nationalism, and compare to today’s nationalist feelings. Create a Venn Diagram comparing the different presidents’ political and economic beliefs. Read excerpts from Native Americans to gain insight on their forced removals, Christianization, and their views on the White man. Draw a political cartoon depicting one of Andrew Jackson’s policies towards Native Americans or the national banks. Create a timeline with illustrations depicting inventions during the Economic Revolution. Write a journal or diary entry of a frontiersman or woman discussing the excitement and fear of travelling west. Chapters: 7 and 9 Question”? 11. How did entrepreneurs fuel the new nation’s economy? 12. How did the inventions of the Economic Revolution impact Americans in terms of economics, environment, and politics? 13. What were the implications on politics, economics, technology, and religion as a result of Manifest Destiny? 14. What caused the US expansion into Texas? 15. What were America’s goals and ideas during the period of expansion and economic development? American leaders devised a farsighted policy of improvements as North, South, and West develop distinct economies leading to political and economic differences between regions. Policies for the common people allowed them to move westward, but had devastating effects on Native Americans. As the economy of the US grew, so did the nation’s territories, resulting in war and annexation of Texas from Mexico, as well as vast expanses of land in the West. Technological advances in industry changed the landscape of the nascent nation as technology brought his effect on the common man. 10. Discuss how the Indian Removal Act of 1830 affected: Native Americans, frontiersmen, and the environment. 11. Explain the theory of nullification and its political repercussions. 12. Explain, using visuals such as graphic organizers or PowerPoint presentations, the consequences of western settlement and the war with Mexico. 13. Describe the impact of inventions on consumers and producers. 14. Analyze the impact of the westward expansion on the Native American tribes. 15. Discuss the resistance of the Native Americans against white settlement. 16. Recreate a map of the Oregon Trail and the Trail of Tears. 17. Create a timeline of the events leading up to the formation of the Republic of Texas. 18. Explain how the US gained control over Make a map of the Oregon Trail. Create a PowerPoint presentation on the fighting and results of the Alamo. Write an essay on the different viewpoints of the war with Mexico using Polk, Lincoln, Douglass, or Santa Anna and the Mexican Government. Frequent reading and comprehension quizzes Objective exam people of different faiths into conflict and cultural differences. 4 Weeks New Mexico and California. 19. Describe the impact of the Gold Rush on the West and its inhabitants and environment. Unit Title, Essential Questions, Description and Approximate Length Unit 6: Slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction Essential Questions: 1. How did the issue of slavery relate to the different economies of the North and South? 2. To what extent did the anti-slavery sect go to in order to counter the Fugitive Slave Law? 3. What role does literature and art play in politics and social order? 4. Why did the Wilmot Proviso divide the country as well as Congress? 5. What experiences did slaves and European immigrants share in the US? 6. What are some key qualities one looks for in a leader? 7. What uphill battles did Lincoln face with his presidency? 8. What role did the Supreme Court play in the curt relationship between the North and South? 9. What are the limits of democracy when there is an absence of trust in the Learning Objectives (Skills & Understandings) 1. Clarify the economic importance of slavery in the South. 2. Analyze the complexities of the conflict between human rights and the sanctity of property. 3. Describe the differences in economies in the North and South. 4. Explain the provisions of Clay’s Compromise of 1850 and the political backlash. 5. Describe how the Continental Railroad destroyed the Missouri Compromise as well as the Compromise of 1850. 6. Explain what caused the violence in Kansas post KansasNebraska Act. 7. Describe the prejudice experienced by European immigrants. 8. Summarize the conflicts between state and federal powers. 9. Explain the effect of the Dred Scott decision on the North. 10. Discuss how Lincoln came to be president in 1860. 11. Using a visual Textbook Reference Chapters: 10-12 Suggested Activities, Investigations, Readings and Videos Find key locations on various maps (physical, topographic, climate, and resource) Create a timeline illustrating major battles of the Civil War and their outcomes. Hold a mock debate on the Compromise of 1850 to gain an historical perspective. Write a letter to the editor in praise of or criticizing Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Create an abolitionist poster. Prepare a visual report depicting the passive resistance of slaves in the South. Create a map of the passages of the Underground Railroad. Create a campaign leaflet for the election of 1856. Watch footage of Ken Burns’ Civil War CD set. Create a simulated telecast of the Battle of Bull Run. Draw a political cartoon depicting Lincoln firing McClellan. Create a Venn diagram comparing Lincoln’s and Davis’s policies for handling dissent. Research the inflation suffered by the American citizens after the war. Create a timeline depicting the major battles of the war, as well as the results and the major players in those battles. Write a dialogue of a former slave speaking to government? 10. What makes a civil war different from a foreign war? 11. How did the recent innovations in technology change the battlefield and naval battles? 12. How did the US continue relationships with foreign countries during the Civil War? 13. How did women react to the war? 14. In what ways did the Gettysburg Address change the way American thought of the US? 15. Can the use of force preserve a nation? 16. What challenges do oppositions face when rebuilding a country after a devastating war? 17. What were the economic conditions of the North and South after the war? 18. Why were there so many oppositions to Reconstruction? The growing conflict over slavery divided the North and South. When compromises failed, deeprooted divisions resulted leading to the secession of the Southern states from the Union. The four bloody years of the Civil War ended with the South in dire economic straits, while the North representation, list and explain the various battles and their results. 12. Describe new weaponry and other changes in warfare. 13. Analyze the effects of the Emancipation Proclamation. 14. Using visuals, describe the conditions of the soldiers during the war. 15. Describe how the war changed the nation insofar as balance of power between state and federal, as well as the economic imbalance between the North and South. 16. Describe the hardships freed blacks faced after the war. 17. Summarize Lincoln’s Reconstruction policies. 18. Describe the population changes in the US after the war. 19. List and explain the scandals and money crises which hurt the Republicans. his/her former master using vocabulary from the era. Write an obituary on the death of Lincoln. Stage a mock trial of John Wilkes Booth with Southerners and Northerners as the jury. Write a letter or journal entry from the point of view of a Southerner in 1865. Create a handbook outline for new voters. Frequent reading and comprehension quizzes Objective exam continued to enjoy prosperity. Congress enacted policies to punish the South while African Americans struggled to survive and establish new lives. Eventually, Reconstruction fails, and the Southern whites regain control over the states. 5 Weeks Unit Title, Essential Questions, Description and Approximate Length Unit 7: Industry, Immigrants, and Urbanization Essential Questions: 1. What were some of the major effects of the inventions and manufacturing innovations on the nature of work, the American labor movement, and on businesses? 2. How did new inventions change the way people lived and worked? 3. What role did technology play in the westward expansion and what were the effects on the environment? 4. How did railroads manage to both unite the nation as well as to promote nationalism? 5. What were some management and business strategies that contributed to the success of tycoons such as Andrew Carnegie? Learning Objectives (Skills & Understandings) 1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the expansion of railroads. 2. Explain how the abundance of natural resources led to intensive industrialization. 3. Describe how harnessing electricity has dramatically changed traditional family life. 4. Explain the Interstate Commerce Act and its effect on the economy and relations between states. 5. Explain the principles of Social Darwinism and apply them to the working classes. 6. Use visuals to depict working condition in the factories of the late 19th and early 20th century. 7. Create a chart depicting the different labor unions that emerged during the Textbook Reference Chapters: 10-12 Suggested Activities, Investigations, Readings and Videos Find key manufacturing and railroad routes and locations on various maps (physical, topographic, climate, and resource). Hold a mock debate between labor and factory owners over working conditions. Write a letter to the editor in praise of or criticizing Andrew Carnegie’s influence over industrial giants. Create a labor union poster. Make a timeline of technological innovations and their effects on manufacturing, lifestyles, and the economy. Create a graph depicting the salaries of men and women factory workers and compare them to modern day to illustrate change and continuity over time. Write a journal entry of an immigrant arriving at Angel Island, using specific literary tools. Read excerpts from Gold Mountain to gain perspective on the conditions of Chinese immigrants in San Francisco. Create a graphic organizer illustrating the causes and effects of immigrants coming to America. Create a PowerPoint presentation on the conditions of the urban city dwellers of the late 19th and early 20th century. Write a dialogue of a factory worker and a manager during the late 19th century using proper vernacular. 6. What is the relationship between Social Darwinism and society? 7. How did labor unions change the working conditions of millions of men, women, and even children? Technological innovations and the growth of the railroad industry helped fuel an industrial boom. Some business leaders followed corrupt practices, and workers, suffering harsh working conditions, try to organize in order to improve lives. As the population rises due to availability in the workplace, a swell of immigrants join the workforce, eventually leading to the need for political bases to fight abuses and promote reform. 5 Weeks early 20th century and their policies. 8. Create a PowerPoint presentation depicting the origins of late 19th and early 20th century immigrants. 9. Explain the difficulties immigrants faced when coming to America. 10. Describe the process of the Americanization movement. 11. List and discuss the problems of urbanization. 12. Explain the role of political machines. Create a help wanted ad for immigrants to work in a factory using manipulative language from the early 20th century. Draw a political cartoon depicting Tammany Hall’s disregard for the law. Write a letter or journal entry from the point of view of an Irish and German immigrant in the early 20th century. Create a handbook for immigrants on how to be “Americanized” using early 20th century social standards. Frequent reading and comprehension quizzes Objective exam Summative Assessment Description Student performance will be assessed according to the following using appropriate rubrics: Formal and informal essays Map reading abilities Primary source analyses Accurate completion of graphic organizers Role-playing Guided discussions Formal and informal research Appropriate usage of internet and Microsoft applications Reading and comprehension quizzes and tests Objective exams Technological activities (youtube videos, edmodo, webquests) Semester 1—Standards Summary: Illinois State Goals 15.A.5b Analyze the impact of economic growth. 15.A.5c Analyze the impact of various determinants on the levels of GDP (e.g., quantity/quality of natural/capital resources, size/skills of the labor force). 15.D.5c Explain how technology has affected trade in the areas of transportation, communication, finance and manufacturing. 16.A.4a Analyze and report historical events to determine cause-and-effect relationships. 16.A.4b Compare competing historical interpretations of an event. 16.A.5b Explain the tentative nature of historical interpretations. 16.B.5c (W) Analyze the relationship of an issue in world political history to the related aspects of world economic, social and environmental history. 16.C.5b (W) Describe how historical trends in population, urbanization, economic development and technological advancements have caused change in world economic systems. 16.C.5c (W) Analyze the relationship between an issue in world economic history and the related aspects of political, social and environmental history. 16.D.5 (W) Analyze the relationship between an issue in world social history and the related aspects of political, economic and environmental history. 16.E.5a (W) Analyze how technological and scientific developments have affected human productivity, human comfort and the environment. 16.E.5b (W) Analyze the relationship between an issue in world environmental history and the related aspects of political, economic and social history. 17.A.4a Use mental maps of physical features to answer complex geographic questions (e.g., how physical features have deterred or enabled migration). 17.A.4b Use maps and other geographic instruments and technologies to analyze spatial patterns and distributions on earth. 17.B.4b Analyze trends in world demographics as they relate to physical systems. 17.C.4b Analyze growth trends in selected urban areas as they relate to geographic factors. 17.C.4c Explain how places with various population distributions function as centers of economic activity (e.g., rural, suburban, urban). 17.D.4 Explain how processes of spatial change have affected human history (e.g., resource development and use, natural disasters). 17.B.5 Analyze international issues and problems using ecosystems and physical geography concepts. 17.C.5a Compare resource management methods and policies in different regions of the world. 17.C.5b Describe the impact of human migrations and increased urbanization on ecosystems. 17.C.5c Describe geographic factors that affect cooperation and conflict among societies. 17.D.5 Analyze the historical development of issues involving the interaction of people and geographic factors (e.g., transportation, changes in agricultural subsidies, flood control). 18.A.4 Analyze the influence of cultural factors including customs, traditions, language, media, art and architecture in developing pluralistic societies. 18.B.4 Analyze various forms of institutions (e.g., education, military, religion, government). 18.C.4a Analyze major cultural exchanges of the past (e.g., Colombian exchange, the Silk Road, the Crusades). 18.C.4b Analyze major contemporary cultural exchanges as influenced by worldwide communications. 18.A.5 Compare ways in which social systems are affected by political, environmental, economic and technological changes. 18.B.5 Use methods of social science inquiry (pose questions, collect and analyze data, make and support conclusions with evidence, report findings) to study the development and functions of social systems and report conclusions to a larger audience. 18.C.5 Analyze how social scientists’ interpretations of societies, cultures and institutions change over time. Semester 2—Standards Summary: Illinois State Goals 15.C.4a Analyze the impact of political actions and natural phenomena (e.g., wars, legislation, natural disaster) on producers and production decisions. 15.E.4b Describe social and environmental benefits and consequences of production and consumption. 15.E.4c Analyze the relationship between a country’s science/technology policies and its level and balance of trade. 15.B.4b Analyze the impact of current events (e.g., weather/natural disasters, wars) on consumer prices. 15.A.5a Explain the impact of various determinants of economic growth (e.g., investments in human/physical capital, technological change) on the economy. 15.A.5b Analyze the impact of economic growth. 15.A.5c Analyze the impact of various determinants on the levels of GDP (e.g., quantity/quality of natural/capital resources, size/skills of the labor force). 15.D.5c Explain how technology has affected trade in the areas of transportation, communication, finance and manufacturing. 16.A.4a Analyze and report historical events to determine cause-and-effect relationships. 16.A.4b Compare competing historical interpretations of an event. 16.E.4b (W) Describe how migration has altered the world’s environment since 1450. 16.A.5a Analyze historical & contemporary developments using methods of historical inquiry (pose questions, collect & analyze data, make & support inferences w/evidence & report findings) 16.A.5b Explain the tentative nature of historical interpretations. 16.B.5c (W) Analyze the relationship of an issue in world political history to the related aspects of world economic, social and environmental history. 16.C.5b (W) Describe how historical trends in population, urbanization, economic development and technological advancements have caused change in world economic systems. 16.C.5c (W) Analyze the relationship between an issue in world economic history and the related aspects of political, soc environmental history. 16.D.5 (W) Analyze the relationship between an issue in world social history and the related aspects of political, economic and environmental history. 16.E.5a (W) Analyze how technological and scientific developments have affected human productivity, human comfort and the environment. 17.A.4a Use mental maps of physical features to answer complex geographic questions (e.g., how physical features have deterred or enabled migration). 17.A.4b Use maps and other geographic instruments and technologies to analyze spatial patterns and distributions on earth. 17.B.4b Analyze trends in world demographics as they relate to physical systems. 17.C.4b Analyze growth trends in selected urban areas as they relate to geographic factors. 17.C.4c Explain how places with various population distributions function as centers of economic activity (e.g., rural, suburban, urban). 17.D.4 Explain how processes of spatial change have affected human history (e.g., resource development and use, natural disasters). 17.B.5 Analyze international issues and problems using ecosystems and physical geography concepts. 17.C.5a Compare resource management methods and policies in different regions of the world. 17.C.5b Describe the impact of human migrations and increased urbanization on ecosystems. 17.C.5c Describe geographic factors that affect cooperation and conflict among societies. 18.A.4 Analyze the influence of cultural factors including customs, traditions, language, media, art and architecture in developing pluralistic societies. 18.B.4 Analyze various forms of institutions (e.g., education, military, religion, government). 18.C.4a Analyze major cultural exchanges of the past (e.g., Colombian exchange, the Silk Road, the Crusades). 18.C.4b Analyze major contemporary cultural exchanges as influenced by worldwide communications. 18.A.5 Compare ways in which social systems are affected by political, environmental, economic and technological changes. 18.B.5 Use methods of social science inquiry (pose questions, collect and analyze data, make and support conclusions with evidence, report findings) to study the development and functions of social systems and report conclusions to a larger audience. 18.C.5 Analyze how social scientists’ interpretations of societies, cultures and institutions change over time. Yearlong NCSS Standards: History Thinking Standard 1 The student thinks chronologically: Therefore, the student is able to: Distinguish between past, present, and future time. Identify the temporal structure of a historical narrative or story: its beginning, middle, and end (the latter defined as the outcome of a particular beginning). Establish temporal order in constructing their [students'] own historical narratives: working forward from some beginning through its development, to some end or outcome; working backward from some issue, problem, or event to explain its origins and its development over time. Measure and calculate calendar time by days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries and millennia, from fixed points of the calendar system: BC (before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, "in the year of our Lord") in the Gregorian calendar and the contemporary secular designation for these same dates, BCE (before the Common Era) and CE (in the Common Era); and compare with the fixed points of other calendar systems such as the Roman (753 BC, the founding of the city of Rome) and the Muslim (622 AD, the hegira). Interpret data presented in time lines and create time lines by designating appropriate equidistant intervals of time and recording events according to the temporal order in which they occurred. Reconstruct patterns of historical succession and duration in which historical developments have unfolded, and apply them to explain historical continuity and change. Compare alternative models for periodization by identifying the organizing principles on which each is based. Historical Thinking Standard 2 The student comprehends a variety of historical sources: Therefore, the student is able to: Identify the author or source of the historical document or narrative. Reconstruct the literal meaning of a historical passage by identifying who was involved, what happened, where it happened, what events led to these developments, and what consequences or outcomes followed. Identify the central question(s) the historical narrative addresses and the purpose, perspective, or point of view from which it has been constructed. Differentiate between historical facts and historical interpretations but acknowledge that the two are related; that the facts the historian reports are selected and reflect therefore the historian's judgment of what is most significant about the past. Read historical narratives imaginatively, taking into account what the narrative reveals of the humanity of the individuals and groups involved--their probable values, outlook, motives, hopes, fears, strengths, and weaknesses. Appreciate historical perspectives--the ability (a) describing the past on its own terms, through the eyes and experiences of those who were there, as revealed through their literature, diaries, letters, debates, arts, artifacts, and the like; (b) considering the historical context in which the event unfolded--the values, outlook, options, and contingencies of that time and place; and (c) avoiding "presentmindedness," judging the past solely in terms of present-day norms and values. Draw upon data in historical maps in order to obtain or clarify information on the geographic setting in which the historical event occurred, its relative and absolute location, the distances and directions involved, the natural and man-made features of the place, and critical relationships in the spatial distributions of those features and the historical event occurring there. Utilize visual and mathematical data presented in graphs, including charts, tables, pie and bar graphs, flow charts, Venn diagrams, and other graphic organizers to clarify, illustrate, or elaborate upon information presented in the historical narrative. Draw upon the visual, literary, and musical sources including: (a) photographs, paintings, cartoons, and architectural drawings; (b) novels, poetry, and plays; and, (c) folk, popular and classical music, to clarify, illustrate, or elaborate upon information presented in the historical narrative. Historical Thinking Standard 3 The student engages in historical analysis and interpretation: Therefore, the student is able to: Compare and contrast differing sets of ideas, values, personalities, behaviors, and institutions by identifying likenesses and differences. Consider multiple perspectives of various peoples in the past by demonstrating their differing motives, beliefs, interests, hopes, and fears. Analyze cause-and-effect relationships bearing in mind multiple causation including (a) the importance of the individual in history; (b) the influence of ideas, human interests, and beliefs; and (c) the role of chance, the accidental and the irrational. Draw comparisons across eras and regions in order to define enduring issues as well as large-scale or long-term developments that transcend regional and temporal boundaries. Distinguish between unsupported expressions of opinion and informed hypotheses grounded in historical evidence. Compare competing historical narratives. Challenge arguments of historical inevitability by formulating examples of historical contingency, of how different choices could have led to different consequences. Hold interpretations of history as tentative, subject to changes as new information is uncovered, new voices heard, and new interpretations broached. Evaluate major debates among historians concerning alternative interpretations of the past. Hypothesize the influence of the past, including both the limitations and opportunities made possible by past decisions. Historical Thinking Standard 4 The student conducts historical research: Therefore, the student is able to: Formulate historical questions from encounters with historical documents, eyewitness accounts, letters, diaries, artifacts, photos, historical sites, art, architecture, and other records from the past. Obtain historical data from a variety of sources, including: library and museum collections, historic sites, historical photos, journals, diaries, eyewitness accounts, newspapers, and the like; documentary films, oral testimony from living witnesses, censuses, tax records, city directories, statistical compilations, and economic indicators. Interrogate historical data by uncovering the social, political, and economic context in which it was created; testing the data source for its credibility, authority, authenticity, internal consistency and completeness; and detecting and evaluating bias, distortion, and propaganda by omission, suppression, or invention of facts. Identify the gaps in the available records and marshal contextual knowledge and perspectives of the time and place in order to elaborate imaginatively upon the evidence, fill in the gaps deductively, and construct a sound historical interpretation. Employ quantitative analysis in order to explore such topics as changes in family size and composition, migration patterns, wealth distribution, and changes in the economy. Support interpretations with historical evidence in order to construct closely reasoned arguments rather than facile opinions. Historical Thinking Standard 5 The student engages in historical issues-analysis and decision-making: Therefore, the student is able to: Identify issues and problems in the past and analyze the interests, values, perspectives, and points of view of those involved in the situation. Marshal evidence of antecedent circumstances and current factors contributing to contemporary problems and alternative courses of action. Identify relevant historical antecedents and differentiate from those that are inappropriate and irrelevant to contemporary issues. Evaluate alternative courses of action, keeping in mind the information available at the time, in terms of ethical considerations, the interests of those affected by the decision, and the long- and short-term consequences of each. Formulate a position or course of action on an issue by identifying the nature of the problem, analyzing the underlying factors contributing to the problem, and choosing a plausible solution from a choice of carefully evaluated options. Evaluate the implementation of a decision by analyzing the interests it served; estimating the position, power, and priority of each player involved; assessing the ethical dimensions of the decision; and evaluating its costs and benefits from a variety of perspectives. Putting Historical Thinking Skills to Work Historical thinking skills cannot be divorced from content. The skills highlighted in brackets throughout the History Standards reflect only one of many thinking skills that should be developed for each elaborated standard. The following are among the thinking skills that can be brought to bear on particular topics. In fact, as students deepen their historical thinking and knowledge, they will learn to draw upon an increasing range of interconnected thinking skills. The following examples illustrate how multiple historical thinking skills can be utilized in studying particular history content standards. Grades 9-12 United States History, Era 9, Standard 4A The student is able to: Assess the role of the legislative and executive branches in advancing the civil rights movement and the effect of shifting the focus from de jure to de facto segregation. Evaluate the implementation of a decision (Historical Thinking Standard 5F) Explain historical continuity and change (Historical Thinking Standard 1F) Analyze cause-and-effect relationships (Historical Thinking Standard 3C) Challenge arguments of historical inevitability (Historical Thinking Standard 2E) Formulate a position or course of action on an issue (Historical Thinking Standard 5E) World History, Era 8, Standard 3A The student is able to: Describe the conflicting aims and aspirations of the conferees at Versailles, and analyze the responses of major powers to the terms of the World War I settlement. Differentiate between historical facts and historical interpretations (Historical Thinking Standard 2D) Hypothesize the influence of the past (Historical Thinking Standard 3J) Marshal evidence of antecedent circumstances (Historical Thinking Standard 5B) Evaluate the implementation of a decision (Historical Thinking Standard 5F)