Week 2

Week 3
Object-oriented programming
Why Java
• One of things that make Java a handy language for digital problem
solving is its rich set of built-in libraries
• To name just a few of the thousands that are available
– Libraries for input manipulation
– Libraries for representing information as lists and dictionaries
– Libraries to provide access and manipulation of files and
folders on your computer and on the Internet
– Libraries for creating windows, colors, images, labels, ...
– Libraries for generating random numbers
• Java treats objects different than numbers and boolean values
• Numbers and boolean values just exist – you can enter them as
literals and get other values using arithmetic and logical operators
• Objects have to be created
• The creation of an object has two parts
– Get the memory to store the object
– Configure the memory to represent the desired object
– Programmers typically use the term construct instead of
For example
• We have been using Scanner for a while now. A typical Scanner
definition is
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner( System.in );
• The new in the statement is a Java keyword and operator
– A new operation causes Java to get memory for storing a new
– Java can tell how much memory is needed by the identifier
following keyword new. The identifier is the type of object to
be created
For example
• We have been using Scanner’s for a while now. A typical Scanner
definition is
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner( System.in );
• For our example Java gets enough memory to represent a Scanner
• The values in the parentheses following the object type are
generally called arguments or parameters
• The arguments tell Java how to construct the new object.
• In our example the argument System.in specifies the input source
for the new Scanner (the keyboard of the computer running the
For example
• We have been using Scanner’s for a while now. A typical Scanner
definition is
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner( System.in );
• The value of the expression new Scanner( System.in ) is the
location (address in memory) where a newly constructed Scanner
object is stored.
• The location value produced by the expression is then used to
initialize variable keyboard
For example
• We have been using Scanner’s for a while now. A typical Scanner
definition is
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner( System.in );
• The value of the expression new Scanner( System.in ) is the
location (address in memory) where a newly constructed Scanner
object is stored.
• The location value produced by the expression is then used to
initialize variable keyboard
• Understanding the above is subtle and crucial to realize
• While the value of a numeric variable is a number, the value of an
object variable is not an object but a pointer where to find an
For example
• Let’s expand our example to also define and int variable n and a
boolean variable b
int n = 1112;
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner( System.in );
• The correct picture of memory boxes for the two variables is
below. It shows that the value of variable keyboard is not a
Scanner but a pointer where to find a Scanner
• Class JOptionPane supports the creation of popup windows
• The class provides many methods that will create and do popups
for you
• The popup we will often find useful is one that includes a picture
in its popup
• JOptionPane was not part of the original version of Java
• JOptionPane is an add-on that can be gotten by including the
following import statement at the start of your program
import javax.swing.*;
• The program will display a popup of a requested CS 1112 class
• The program begins with several import statements worth noting
import javax.swing.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
URLImagePopUp import statements
• The program begins with several import statements worth noting
import javax.swing.*; // gets JOptionPane
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
URLImagePopUp import statements
• The program begins with several import statements worth noting
import javax.swing.*; // gets JOptionPane
import java.net.*;
// gets URL
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
URLImagePopUp import statements
• The program begins with several import statements worth noting
import javax.swing.*; // gets JOptionPane
import java.net.*;
// gets URL
import java.io.*;
// gets IOException
import java.util.*;
URLImagePopUp import statements
• The program begins with several import statements worth noting
import javax.swing.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
// gets JOptionPane
// gets URL
// gets IOException
// gets Scanner
URLImagePopUp constants
• The program defines two constants
// base web folder
public static final String CS1112_PEOPLE_URL
= "http://www.cs.virginia.edu/cs1112/people/";
// photo filename
public static final String JPG_NAME = "selfie.jpg";
URLImagePopUp constants
• The program defines two constants
// base web folder
public static final String CS1112_PEOPLE_URL
= "http://www.cs.virginia.edu/cs1112/people/";
// photo filename
public static final String JPG_NAME = "selfie.jpg";
• CS1112_PEOPLE_URL names the web folder for current CS 1112
class members. The folder has a subfolder for each class member
URLImagePopUp constants
• The program defines two constants
// base web folder
public static final String CS1112_PEOPLE_URL
= "http://www.cs.virginia.edu/cs1112/people/";
// photo filename
public static final String JPG_NAME = "selfie.jpg";
• CS1112_PEOPLE_URL names the web folder for current CS 1112
class members. The folder has a subfolder for each class member
• JPG_NAME names the web file given to the uploaded class
member pictures
URLImagePopUp constants
• The program defines two constants
// base web folder
public static final String CS1112_PEOPLE_URL
= "http://www.cs.virginia.edu/cs1112/people/";
// photo filename
public static final String JPG_NAME = "selfie.jpg";
• The constants when coupled with one of our ID’s specifies a web
location; the below string is web location of my uploaded picture
CS1112_PEOPLE_URL + "jpc" + "/" + JPG_NAME
URLImagePopUp constants
• The program defines two constants
// base web folder
public static final String CS1112_PEOPLE_URL
= "http://www.cs.virginia.edu/cs1112/people/";
// photo filename
public static final String JPG_NAME = "selfie.jpg";
• The constants when coupled with one of our ID’s specifies a web
location; the below string is web location of my uploaded picture
CS1112_PEOPLE_URL + "jpc" + "/" + JPG_NAME
URLImagePopUp constants
• The program defines two constants
// base web folder
public static final String CS1112_PEOPLE_URL
= "http://www.cs.virginia.edu/cs1112/people/";
// photo filename
public static final String JPG_NAME = "selfie.jpg";
• The constants when coupled with one of our ID’s specifies a web
location; the below string is web location of my uploaded picture
CS1112_PEOPLE_URL + "jpc" + "/" + JPG_NAME
URLImagePopUp throws IOException
• The method main() definition starts differently than in previous
public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException {
• The phrase throws IOException has been added
URLImagePopUp throws IOException
• The method main() definition starts differently than in previous
public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException {
• The phrase throws IOException has been added
• The throws IOException is necessary because of what the code is
going to attempt – get access to something out on the web – a class
URLImagePopUp throws IOException
• The method main() definition starts differently than in previous
public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException {
• The phrase throws IOException has been added
• The throws IOException is necessary because of what the code is
going to attempt – get access to something out on the web – a class
• If the user mistypes the ID then the web location the program
attempts to access does not exist
URLImagePopUp throws IOException
• The method main() definition starts differently than in previous
public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException {
• The phrase throws IOException has been added
• The throws IOException is necessary because of what the code is
going to attempt – get access to something out on the web – a class
• If the user mistypes the ID then the web location the program
attempts to access does not exist
• An errant access attempt generates an input error condition or in
Java parlance throws an IOException
URLImagePopUp throws IOException
• The method main() definition starts differently than in previous
public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException {
• The phrase throws IOException has been added
• The throws IOException is necessary because of what the code is
going to attempt – get access to something out on the web – a class
• If the user mistypes the ID then the web location the program
attempts to access does not exist
• An errant access attempt generates an input error condition or in
Java parlance throws an IOException
• Programs that can have input errors need to tell Java of the
URLImagePopUp input processing
• The beginning of the body of method main() is something you are
now use to – get some input from the program user
Scanner stdin = new Scanner( System.in );
System.out.print( "Email id for person of interest: " );
String id = stdin.next();
URLImagePopUp input processing
• The beginning of the body of method main() is something you are
now use to – get some input from the program user
Scanner stdin = new Scanner( System.in );
System.out.print( "Email id for person of interest: " );
String id = stdin.next();
• A Scanner stdin that gets its input from the keyboard is gotten
URLImagePopUp input processing
• The beginning of the body of method main() is something you are
now use to – get some input from the program user
Scanner stdin = new Scanner( System.in );
System.out.print( "Email id for person of interest: " );
String id = stdin.next();
• A Scanner stdin that gets its input from the keyboard is gotten
• A prompt is printed that tells the user what to enter
URLImagePopUp input processing
• The beginning of the body of method main() is something you are
now use to – get some input from the program user
Scanner stdin = new Scanner( System.in );
System.out.print( "Email id for person of interest: " );
String id = stdin.next();
• A Scanner stdin that gets its input from the keyboard is gotten
• A prompt is printed that tells the user what to enter
• The input is read and assigned to String variable id
URLImagePopUp input processing
• The beginning of the body of method main() is something you are
now use to – get some input from the program user
Scanner stdin = new Scanner( System.in );
System.out.print( "Email id for person of interest: " );
String id = stdin.next();
• A Scanner stdin that gets its input from the keyboard is gotten
• A prompt is printed that tells the user what to enter
• The input is read and assigned to String variable id
– In case you do not remember the Scanner method next()
processes (reads and returns) the next nonblank entry the user
URLImagePopUp input processing
• The beginning of the body of method main() is something you are
now use to – get some input from the program user
Scanner stdin = new Scanner( System.in );
System.out.print( "Email id for person of interest: " );
String id = stdin.next();
• If the user enters mst3k then the memory boxes look like below
(Remember both stdin and id are object variables)
URLImagePopUp popup description
• The program then defines three variables
String msg = "Aren't I cute?";
String banner = "Hello from " + id;
String location = CS1112_PEOPLE_URL + id + "/" + JPG_NAME;
• The first two msg and banner will be directly used in making the
popup – they are respectively the popup message and title bar text
URLImagePopUp popup description
• The program then defines three variables
String msg = "Aren't I cute?";
String banner = "Hello from " + id;
String location = CS1112_PEOPLE_URL + id + "/" + JPG_NAME;
• The first two msg and banner will be directly used in making the
popup – they are respectively the popup message and title bar text
• The last variable location specifies the Internet location for the
selfie of interest
URLImagePopUp popup description
• The program uses the location variable in creating a URL object
URL photoURL = new URL( page );
• URL is Java’s representation for something on the web. URL is an
abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator
• Everything on the web has to have a unique web location
URLImagePopUp popup description
• The program uses the location variable in creating a URL object.
URL photoURL = new URL( page );
• URL is Java’s representation for something on the web. URL is an
abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator
• Everything on the web has to have a unique web location
• Just as a Scanner construction need to indicate an input source, the
constructing of a URL needs a web source location
URLImagePopUp popup description
• The program uses the location variable in creating a URL object.
URL photoURL = new URL( page );
• URL is Java’s representation for something on the web. URL is an
abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator
• Everything on the web has to have a unique web location
• Just as a Scanner construction need to indicate an input source, the
constructing of a URL needs a web source location
• If it turns out that page does not represent a valid web source,
when the program attempts to access the illegal location, Java
terminates the program and indicates an IOException has occurred
URLImagePopUp popup description
• The program uses the URL as the input source in constructing an
ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon( photoURL );
• ImageIcon is Java’s basic representation for an image
• In constructing a new ImageIcon we need to specify where to get
the pixels that make up the image
• A web location is a valid input source for an ImageIcon
URLImagePopUp popup description
• At this point we have all of the elements necessary for making a
popup – the message to be displayed, the text for the title bar, and
the image for the popup
String msg = "Aren't I cute?";
String banner = "Hello from " + id;
ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon( photoURL );
URLImagePopUp popup description
• JOptionPane can create many kinds of popups – information
messages, warnings, selections, ...
• Our interest is an information message popup
• JOptionPane provides a bunch of constants for indicating the
possible popup types – to indicate an interest in an information
URLImagePopUp popup generation
• The JOptionPane method showMessageDialog() will display a
• The appearance of the popup is specified through the arguments
passed to the method
• The method expects values for the following and in the indicated
1. Where should the popup be displayed in the window
2. What is the message of the popup
3. What is the title text of the popup
4. What kind of popup should it be
5. What image should be displayed as part of the popup
URLImagePopUp popup generation
• Our popup command for URLImagePopup is the following
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
// what window to center on
// what is the popup message
// what is the popup title
// what type of message
image );
// what is the popup image
URLImagePopUp popup generation
• Our popup command for URLImagePopup is the following
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
// what window to center on
// what is the popup message
// what is the popup title
// what type of message
image );
// what is the popup image
• null is a Java keyword and that indicates the lack of an object.
URLImagePopUp popup generation
• Our popup command for URLImagePopup is the following
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
// what window to center on
// what is the popup message
// what is the popup title
// what type of message
image );
// what is the popup image
• null is a Java keyword and that indicates the lack of an object.
• When null is the first parameter to a showMessageDialog() it
means rather than centering on a particular window, the popup is
centered on the middle of the screen
Random numbers
• Random numbers are used in lots of software
• Two examples that always come to my mind are electronic games
and stock trading software
– In games they are used so players do not experience the same
situation each time they play
– In stock trading analysis they are used to model changing
financial markets
Random numbers
• Java class Random provides the means to create a random
number generator
• The library is available when importing java.util.*
Random numbers
• Java class Random provides the means to create a random
number generator
• The library is available when importing java.util.*
• By default the construction of Random generator produces a
different sequence of numbers every time
Random numbers
• Java class Random provides the means to create a random
number generator
• The library is available when importing java.util.*
• By default the construction of Random generator produces a
different sequence of numbers every time
• Some of the capabilities of a Random generator are producing
random integers, logical values, and decimal values from the
interval (0, 1])
Random numbers
• Java class Random provides the means to create a random
number generator
• The library is available when importing java.util.*
• By default the construction of Random generator produces a
different sequence of numbers every time it is used.
• Some of the capabilities of a Random generator are producing
random integers, logical values, and decimal values from the
interval (0, 1])
– CS 1112 tends to only use examples involving random integers
Random numbers
• Program RandomNumbers creates and uses a default Random
generator to produce five random int values
– Multiple runs of the program display different integer
• The important statements in program RandomNumbers are
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt();
int b = dice.nextInt();
int c = dice.nextInt();
int d = dice.nextInt();
int e = dice.nextInt();
• The initialization expression for the Random variable dice is
new Random( )
• The expression gets memory for the generator and performs
default construction. Default occurs when there are no arguments
in the ( ) in a new expression
• The important statements in program RandomNumbers are
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt();
int b = dice.nextInt();
int c = dice.nextInt();
int d = dice.nextInt();
int e = dice.nextInt();
• A default-constructed Random generator will produce a different
random number sequence then other default-constructed
Random generators
• The ability to be different provides the variability we want
• The important statements in program RandomNumbers are
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt();
int b = dice.nextInt();
int c = dice.nextInt();
int d = dice.nextInt();
int e = dice.nextInt();
• I typically call my Random generator variable dice because the
throwing of dice is a random sequence
• The important statements in program RandomNumbers are
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt();
int b = dice.nextInt();
int c = dice.nextInt();
int d = dice.nextInt();
int e = dice.nextInt();
• A Random generator has a method nextInt() that takes no
• The important statements in program RandomNumbers are
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt();
int b = dice.nextInt();
int c = dice.nextInt();
int d = dice.nextInt();
int e = dice.nextInt();
• A Random generator has a method nextInt() that takes no
• When a Random generator such as dice gets the message
nextInt() it produces a random int value; i.e., a value as small as
-2147483648 and as large as 2147483647
• The important statements in program RandomNumbers are
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt();
int b = dice.nextInt();
int c = dice.nextInt();
int d = dice.nextInt();
int e = dice.nextInt();
• A Random generator has a method nextInt() that takes no
• When a Random generator such as dice gets the message
nextInt() it produces a random int value; i.e., a value as small as
-2147483648 and as large as 2147483647; i.e., in the interval (2147483648, 2147483647]
• The important statements in program RandomNumbers are
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt();
int b = dice.nextInt();
int c = dice.nextInt();
int d = dice.nextInt();
int e = dice.nextInt();
• Below are the numbers outputted from one program run
832098310 -1708435978 -2132655842 -2101213972 808269398
• The important statements in program RandomNumbers are
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt();
int b = dice.nextInt();
int c = dice.nextInt();
int d = dice.nextInt();
int e = dice.nextInt();
• Below are the (different) numbers outputted from another
program run
-1139735074 4555273 -2079226278 681790015 -651527058
• The important statements in program RandomNumbers are
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt();
int b = dice.nextInt();
int c = dice.nextInt();
int d = dice.nextInt();
int e = dice.nextInt();
• Below are the (again different) numbers outputted from yet
another program run
605338243 515810532 -238143103 2087856151 -1102462255
Random numbers
• Program RandomNumbersBaseN also creates and uses a default
Random generator to produce five random int values.
• Its random values are all numbers in the interval 0 … n-1 (the
value of n is gotten from the program user)
• Multiple runs of the program display different integer
Random numbers
• Program RandomNumbersBaseN also creates and uses a default
Random generator to produce five random int values.
• Its random values are all numbers in the interval 0 … n-1 (the
value of n is gotten from the program user)
• Multiple runs of the program display different integer
• Its ability to tailor the values will prove to be very important
Random numbers
• Program RandomNumbersBaseN also creates and uses a default
Random generator to produce five random int values.
• Its random values are all numbers in the interval 0 … n-1 (the
value of n is gotten from the program user)
• Multiple runs of the program display different integer
• Its ability to tailor the values will prove to be very important
• By the way the interval 0 … n-1 is written mathematically as (0, n].
The leading ( indicates includes, the trailing ] indicates excludes
• The important statements in program RandomNumbersBaseN are
int n = keyboard.nextInt();
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt( n );
int b = dice.nextInt( n );
int c = dice.nextInt( n );
int d = dice.nextInt( n );
int e = dice.nextInt( n );
• The program gets a value n from the keyboard. That value is used
an argument to a nextInt() method expecting an int argument
• The important statements in program RandomNumbersBaseN are
int n = keyboard.nextInt();
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt( n );
int b = dice.nextInt( n );
int c = dice.nextInt( n );
int d = dice.nextInt( n );
int e = dice.nextInt( n );
• The program gets a value n from the keyboard. That value is
repeatedly used an argument to a nextInt() expecting an int
• The important statements in program RandomNumbersBaseN are
int n = keyboard.nextInt();
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt( n );
int b = dice.nextInt( n );
int c = dice.nextInt( n );
int d = dice.nextInt( n );
int e = dice.nextInt( n );
• This nextInt() expecting an int argument uses the value of its
argument to limit the interval from the random numbers are
• The important statements in program RandomNumbersBaseN are
int n = keyboard.nextInt();
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt( n );
int b = dice.nextInt( n );
int c = dice.nextInt( n );
int d = dice.nextInt( n );
int e = dice.nextInt( n );
• The argument value specifies a base. The generated random
numbers are limited to integers from that numeric base
• The important statements in program RandomNumbersBaseN are
int n = keyboard.nextInt();
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt( n );
int b = dice.nextInt( n );
int c = dice.nextInt( n );
int d = dice.nextInt( n );
int e = dice.nextInt( n );
• For argument n, the numbers are limited to base n
– If n is 2 then binary numbers are generated; i.e., 0 or 1
• The important statements in program RandomNumbersBaseN are
int n = keyboard.nextInt();
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt( n );
int b = dice.nextInt( n );
int c = dice.nextInt( n );
int d = dice.nextInt( n );
int e = dice.nextInt( n );
• For argument n, the numbers are limited to base n
– If n is 10 then binary numbers are generated; i.e., 0, 1, 2 ... 9
• The important statements in program RandomNumbersBaseN are
int n = keyboard.nextInt();
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt( n );
int b = dice.nextInt( n );
int c = dice.nextInt( n );
int d = dice.nextInt( n );
int e = dice.nextInt( n );
• For argument n, the numbers are limited to base n
– If n is 256 then binary numbers are generated; i.e., 0, 1, 2 ... 255
• The important statements in program RandomNumbersBaseN are
int n = keyboard.nextInt();
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt( n );
int b = dice.nextInt( n );
int c = dice.nextInt( n );
int d = dice.nextInt( n );
int e = dice.nextInt( n );
• For argument n, the numbers are limited to base n
– In general the numbers come from the interval 0 ... n-1; i.e.,
(0, n]
• The important statements in program RandomNumbersBaseN are
int n = keyboard.nextInt();
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt( n );
int b = dice.nextInt( n );
int c = dice.nextInt( n );
int d = dice.nextInt( n );
int e = dice.nextInt( n );
• Program runs where the user supplied 2 for n produced random
• The important statements in program RandomNumbersBaseN are
int n = keyboard.nextInt();
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt( n );
int b = dice.nextInt( n );
int c = dice.nextInt( n );
int d = dice.nextInt( n );
int e = dice.nextInt( n );
• Program runs where the user supplied 10 for n produced random
• The important statements in program RandomNumbersBaseN are
int n = keyboard.nextInt();
Random dice = new Random( );
int a = dice.nextInt( n );
int b = dice.nextInt( n );
int c = dice.nextInt( n );
int d = dice.nextInt( n );
int e = dice.nextInt( n );
• Program runs where the user supplied 10 for n produced random
64 111 51 97 74
186 229 32 198 190
97 221 67 212 220
Graphics rendering
• Besides being able to produce popup windows, Java provides
support for producing regular windows with all sorts of window
• JFrame is the Java representation for a general purpose window
• When we need windows I will provide the code to set up the
window, you will be in charge of the fun part – producing the
content of the window
Window setup
• Our basic Java instructions for setting up a window are
JFrame window = new JFrame( "Rendering" );
window.setSize( WIDTH, HEIGHT );
window.setAlwaysOnTop( true );
window.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
Window setup
• Our basic Java instructions for setting up a window are
JFrame window = new JFrame( "Rendering" );
window.setSize( WIDTH, HEIGHT );
window.setAlwaysOnTop( true );
window.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
• The first instruction constructs a new JFrame whose title bar has
the text Rendering
Window setup
• Our basic Java instructions for setting up a window are
JFrame window = new JFrame( "Rendering" );
window.setSize( WIDTH, HEIGHT );
window.setAlwaysOnTop( true );
window.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
• The second instruction sets the size of the window. Here WIDTH
and HEIGHT are constants defined at the beginning of the program
Window setup
• Our basic Java instructions for setting up a window are
JFrame window = new JFrame( "Rendering" );
window.setSize( WIDTH, HEIGHT );
window.setAlwaysOnTop( true );
window.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
• JFrame provides methods for controlling the behavior of a window.
The third instruction causes your computer to always keep this
window on top of your other windows
• I include this instruction because if the window does not popup to
the top you will probably suspect your code is broken as you do not
see the window
Window setup
• Our basic Java instructions for setting up a window are
JFrame window = new JFrame( "Rendering" );
window.setSize( WIDTH, HEIGHT );
window.setAlwaysOnTop( true );
window.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
• The fourth instruction tells Java to end your program when the
window disappears – something I think is what you would expect
Content pane
• Once we have a window we are going to want to be able to interact
with its content pane
• The content pane is the part below the title bar
• People in CS 1112 are using many different types of computers and
operating systems with many personalizations. The instructions
coming up allow everybody to generate and consistently see what
they put on to the content pane in a similar manner to others in the
• I view the instructions as setting up a canvas to be the content pane
of your window
• I will always supply these statements to any graphical program you
are to build
Content pane setup
• Our instructions for setting up the content pane are
BufferedImage surface = new BufferedImage( WIDTH, HEIGHT, RGB );
ImageIcon canvas = new ImageIcon( surface );
JLabel pane = new JLabel( canvas );
window.setContentPane( pane );
window.setVisible( true );
Content pane setup
• Our instructions for setting up the content pane are
BufferedImage surface = new BufferedImage( WIDTH, HEIGHT, RGB );
ImageIcon canvas = new ImageIcon( surface );
JLabel pane = new JLabel( canvas );
window.setContentPane( pane );
window.setVisible( true );
• The BufferedImage supplies a drawing surface that for our image
Content pane setup
• Our instructions for setting up the content pane are
BufferedImage surface = new BufferedImage( WIDTH, HEIGHT, RGB );
ImageIcon canvas = new ImageIcon( surface );
JLabel pane = new JLabel( canvas );
window.setContentPane( pane );
window.setVisible( true );
• The BufferedImage supplies a drawing surface that for our image
• The ImageIcon takes that surface and makes into a canvas
Content pane setup
• Our instructions for setting up the content pane are
BufferedImage surface = new BufferedImage( WIDTH, HEIGHT, RGB );
ImageIcon canvas = new ImageIcon( surface );
JLabel pane = new JLabel( canvas );
window.setContentPane( pane );
window.setVisible( true );
• The BufferedImage supplies a drawing surface that for our image
• The ImageIcon takes that surface and makes into a canvas
• The JLabel mounts the canvas in a way that it is now suitable as a
content pane
Content pane setup
• Our instructions for setting up the content pane are
BufferedImage surface = new BufferedImage( WIDTH, HEIGHT, RGB );
ImageIcon canvas = new ImageIcon( surface );
JLabel pane = new JLabel( canvas );
window.setContentPane( pane );
window.setVisible( true );
• Method setContentPane() does what you would expect it to do – it
tells its window to set its content pane to be the graphical object
argument being passed to the method
Content pane setup
• Our instructions for setting up the canvas pane are
BufferedImage surface = new BufferedImage( WIDTH, HEIGHT, RGB );
ImageIcon canvas = new ImageIcon( surface );
JLabel pane = new JLabel( canvas );
window.setContentPane( pane );
window.setVisible( true );
• Method pack() tells the window to set its size to match the
dimensions of the content pane
Content pane setup
• Our instructions for setting up the canvas pane are
BufferedImage surface = new BufferedImage( WIDTH, HEIGHT, RGB );
ImageIcon canvas = new ImageIcon( surface );
JLabel pane = new JLabel( canvas );
window.setContentPane( pane );
window.setVisible( true );
• The setVisible() instruction causes the window to be made visible –
by default windows are invisible. They start off that way so the
window can be assembled before it is viewed
Content pane setup
• Our instructions for setting up the canvas pane are
BufferedImage surface = new BufferedImage( WIDTH, HEIGHT, RGB );
ImageIcon canvas = new ImageIcon( surface );
JLabel pane = new JLabel( canvas );
window.setContentPane( pane );
window.setVisible( true );
• The setVisible() instruction causes the window to be made visible –
by default windows are invisible. They start off that way so the
window can be assembled before it is viewed
Graphics rendering
• Now that the content pane is set up, we are ready to paint (render)
an image onto it
• Everything paintable in Java has a method getGraphics()
• The getGraphics() method returns an object type Graphics. A
Graphics object has a rich set of instructions for making images
• Our call names the Graphics object artist
Graphics artist = surface.getGraphics();
Painting the background
• Our program next sets the entire canvas to our chosen
background color
artist.setColor( BACKGROUND_COLOR );
artist.fillRect( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );
Painting the background
• Our program next sets the entire canvas to our chosen
background color
artist.setColor( BACKGROUND_COLOR );
artist.fillRect( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );
• Graphics method setColor() takes a Color as its argument
• Until another setColor() occurs all rendering commands will use
that color in accomplishing their tasks
Painting the background
• Our program next sets the entire canvas to our chosen
background color
artist.setColor( BACKGROUND_COLOR );
artist.fillRect( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );
• Graphics method fillRect() paints a filled in rectangle onto the
image. The method expects four arguments
Painting the background
• Our program next sets the entire canvas to our chosen
background color
artist.setColor( BACKGROUND_COLOR );
artist.fillRect( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );
• Graphics method fillRect() paints a filled in rectangle onto the
image. The method expects four arguments. In order they are
1. The x-location where to start painting
2. The y-location where to start painting
3. The width of the rectangle to be painted
4. The height of the rectangle to be painted
Painting the background
• Our program next sets the entire canvas to our chosen
background color
artist.setColor( BACKGROUND_COLOR );
artist.fillRect( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );
• Graphics method fillRect() paints a filled in rectangle onto the
image. The method expects four arguments. In order they are
1. The x-location where to start painting
2. The y-location where to start painting
3. The width of the rectangle to be painted
4. The height of the rectangle to be painted
Painting the background
• Our program next sets the entire canvas to our chosen
background color
artist.setColor( BACKGROUND_COLOR );
artist.fillRect( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );
• In graphics the origin of an image is its upper left hand color. So
the x-location and y-location arguments tell the fillRect() method
how far over and how far down to start the rendering
Painting the background
• Our program next sets the entire canvas to our chosen
background color
artist.setColor( BACKGROUND_COLOR );
artist.fillRect( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );
• The width and height arguments tell the fillRect() method how far
to the right and how far down to paint is filled in rectangle
Painting the background
• Our program next sets the entire canvas to our chosen
background color
artist.setColor( BACKGROUND_COLOR );
artist.fillRect( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );
• So all together the arguments cause a filled-in rectangle to be
painted that covers the entire surface
• Using the currently set color, method drawRect() draws on its
image the outline of a box specified by its four arguments . The
first two arguments give the location for the drawing. The second
two arguments give the width and height of the rectangle to be
• Using green, the below example draws at (40, 80) the outline of a
50 x 75 rectangle
int x1 = 40;
int y1 = 80;
int w1 = 50
int h1 = 75;
artist.setColor( Color.GREEN );
artist.drawRect( x1, y1, w1, h1 );
• Using the currently set color, method drawRect() draws on its
image the outline of a box specified by its four arguments . The
first two arguments give the location for the drawing. The second
two arguments give the width and height of the rectangle to be
• Using green, the below example draws at (40, 80) the outline of a
50 x 75 rectangle
int x1 = 40;
int y1 = 80;
int w1 = 50
int h1 = 75;
artist.setColor( Color.GREEN );
artist.drawRect( x1, y1, w1, h1 );
• The program again uses method fillRect() to paint at
(100, 20) a filled-in 100 x 25 orange rectangle
int x2 = 100;
int y2 = 20;
int w2 = 100;
int h2 = 25;
artist.setColor( Color.ORANGE );
artist.fillRect( x2, y2, w2, h2 );
• The program again uses method fillRect() to paint at
(100, 20) a filled-in 100 x 25 orange rectangle
int x2 = 100;
int y2 = 20;
int w2 = 100;
int h2 = 25;
artist.setColor( Color.ORANGE );
artist.fillRect( x2, y2, w2, h2 );
• Using the currently set color, method drawOval() draws on its
image the outline of an oval fitting the box specified by its four
arguments. The first two arguments give the location for the
drawing. The second two arguments specify the width and height
of the rectangle in which to draw the oval
• Using magenta, the below example draws at (120, 65) the outline
of the oval fitting a 150 x 90 rectangle
int x3 = 120;
int y3 = 65;
int w3 = 150;
int h3 = 90;
artist.setColor( Color.MAGENTA );
artist.drawOval( x3, y3, w3, h3 );
• Using the currently set color, method drawOval() draws on its
image the outline of an oval fitting the box specified by its four
arguments. The first two arguments give the location for the
drawing. The second two arguments specify the width and height
of the rectangle in which to draw the oval
• Using magenta, the below example draws at (120, 65) the outline
of the oval fitting a 150 x 90 rectangle
int x3 = 120;
int y3 = 65;
int w3 = 150;
int h3 = 90;
artist.setColor( Color.MAGENTA );
artist.drawOval( x3, y3, w3, h3 );
• Using the currently set color, method fillOval() paints on its image
the filled-oval fitting the box specified by its four arguments. The
first two arguments give the location for the painting. The second
two arguments specify the width and height of the rectangle in
which to fit the oval
• Using blue, the below example paints at (300, 25) the filled-in oval
fitting a 50 x 75 rectangle
int x4 = 300;
int y4 = 25;
int w4 = 50;
int h4 = 75;
artist.setColor( Color.BLUE );
artist.fillOval( x4, y4, w4, h4 );
• Using the currently set color, method fillOval() paints on its image
the filled-oval fitting the box specified by its four arguments. The
first two arguments give the location for the painting. The second
two arguments specify the width and height of the rectangle in
which to fit the oval
• Using blue, the below example paints at (300, 25) the filled-in oval
fitting a 50 x 75 rectangle
int x4 = 300;
int y4 = 25;
int w4 = 50;
int h4 = 75;
artist.setColor( Color.BLUE );
artist.fillOval( x4, y4, w4, h4 );
• Using the currently set color and font, method drawString() draws
a string on its image using its three arguments. The first argument
gives the string to be rendered. The second two arguments give
the location for the drawing
• Using cyan, the below example draws at (300, 155) the string "We
are the best!"
int x5 = 300;
int y5 = 155;
String s5 = "We are the best!";
artist.setColor( Color.CYAN );
artist.drawString( s5, x5, y5 );
• Using the currently set color and font, method drawString() draws
a string on its image using its three arguments. The first argument
gives the string to be rendered. The second two arguments give
the location for the drawing
• Using cyan, the below example draws at (300, 155) the string "We
are the best!"
int x5 = 300;
int y5 = 155;
String s5 = "We are the best!";
artist.setColor( Color.CYAN );
artist.drawString( s5, x5, y5 );
• Using the currently set color, method drawLine() draws on its
image the line specified by its four arguments. The first two
arguments give the starting location of the line. The second two
arguments give ending location of the line
• Using white, the below example draws a line from (300, 165) to
(400, 165)
int x6 = 300;
int y6 = 165;
int x7= 400;
int y7 = 165;
artist.setColor( Color.WHITE );
artist.drawLine( x6, y6, x7, y7);
• Using the currently set color, method drawLine() draws on its
image the line specified by its four arguments. The first two
arguments give the starting location of the line. The second two
arguments give ending location of the line
• Using white, the below example draws a line from (300, 165) to
(400, 165)
int x6 = 300;
int y6 = 165;
int x7= 400;
int y7 = 165;
artist.setColor( Color.WHITE );
artist.drawLine( x6, y6, x7, y7);
• Using the currently set color, method drawPolygon() draws on its
image the outline of the closed polygon specified by its three
arguments. The first two arguments give respectively the xcoordinates and y-coordinates from which to get the polygon
vertex locations. The last argument specifies the number of
• Using yellow, the below example draws 6-sided polyon
int[] x8 = { 350, 400, 425, 425, 400, 375 };
int[] y8 = { 20, 60, 100, 160, 125, 90 };
int n8 = 6;
artist.setColor( Color.YELLOW);
artist.drawPolygon( x8, y8, n8 );
• Using the currently set color, method drawPolygon() draws on its
image the outline of the closed polygon specified by its three
arguments. The first two arguments give respectively the xcoordinates and y-coordinates from which to get the polygon
vertex locations. The last argument specifies the number of
• Using yellow, the below example draws 6-sided polyon
int[] x8 = { 350, 400, 425, 425, 400, 375 };
int[] y8 = { 20, 60, 100, 160, 125, 90 };
int n8 = 6;
artist.setColor( Color.YELLOW);
artist.drawPolygon( x8, y8, n8 );
• Using the currently set color, method fillPolygon() paints on its
image the closed filled-in polygon specified by its three
arguments. The first two arguments give respectively the xcoordinates and y-coordinates from which to get the polygon
vertex locations. The last argument specifies the number of
• Using pink, the below example paints a filled-in 4-sided polygon
int[] x9 = { 175, 240, 190, 150 };
int[] y9 = { 80, 110, 130, 120 };
int n9 = 4;
artist.setColor( Color.PINK );
artist.drawPolygon( x8, y8, n8 );
• Using the currently set color, method fillPolygon() paints on its
image the closed filled-in polygon specified by its three
arguments. The first two arguments give respectively the xcoordinates and y-coordinates from which to get the polygon
vertex locations. The last argument specifies the number of
• Using pink, the below example paints a filled-in 4-sided polygon
int[] x9 = { 175, 240, 190, 150 };
int[] y9 = { 80, 110, 130, 120 };
int n9 = 4;
artist.setColor( Color.PINK );
artist.drawPolygon( x8, y8, n8 );