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Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
Chapter 1: The New Human Resource Management Process
Multiple Choice
1. What were human resource managers typically called in the 1970s and before?
A. Personnel managers
B. Secretaries
C. Executive assistants
D. Developmental managers
E. Clerks
Ans: A
Page: 6
2. Employee engagement is a combination of:
A. Competition and job satisfaction
B. Willingness to perform at a high level and job satisfaction
C. Willingness to perform at a high level and boldness
D. Competitiveness and boldness
E. Job satisfaction and boldness
Ans: B
Page: 6
3. ______ is a function of getting the job done whenever and however it must be done.
A. Productivity
B. Efficiency
C. Effectiveness
D. Opportunity
E. Preference
Ans: C
Page: 7
4. What does HR primarily focus on improving?
A. The recruiting of people
B. The efficiency of people
C. The effectiveness of people
D. The physical work environment of people
E. The preferences of people
Ans: B
Page: 7
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
5. Permanent loss of workers in the organization is:
A. Job dissatisfaction
B. Absenteeism
C. Recidivism
D. Depopulation
E. Turnover
Ans: E
Page: 8
6. Natalie got fired. In other words, she experienced:
A. Involuntary turnover
B. Voluntary turnover
C. Absenteeism
D. Dissatisfaction
E. Depopulation
Ans: A
Page: 9
7. Most human resource managers have only been involved in regular HR planning since:
A. Companies started coming into existence
B. World War II
C. The industrial revolution
D. The mid-1980s
E. The start of the Obama administration
Ans: D
Page. 9
8. Since 1980, what new era has emerged?
A. Information age
B. Industrial age
C. Organization age
D. Manufacturing age
E. Production age
Ans: A
Page: 11
9. About 90 percent of the growth in the U.S. workforce between 2006 and 2016 is expected to
come from which group?
A. 15- to 24-year-olds
B. 25- to 34-year-olds
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
C. 35- to 44-year-olds
D. 45- to 54-year-olds
E. 55-year-olds and older
Ans: E
Page: 12
10. What is one of the certifications HR professionals can obtain?
Ans: D
Page: 23
11. What is a major organization associated with training and development functions?
Ans: B
Page: 24
12. Which organization mainly deals the compensation, benefits, and performance management
A. WorldAtWork
B. American Compensation Society
C. Werther Human Services
D. Applied Compensation and Benefits Association
E. Defined Compensation Association
Ans: A
Page: 24
13. What is the largest association designed for HR managers?
A. American Society for Personnel Administration
B. Society for Human Resource Management
C. American Human Resource Society
D. International Human Management Organization
E. Certified Human Resource Association
Ans: B
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
Page: 23
14. What does HPWS stand for?
A. Human Powered Work Systems
B. Healthy Preferential Work Synergies
C. High Performance Work Systems
D. Human Performance Work Systems
E. Holistic Power Work Systems
Ans: C
Page: 27
15. What is discrimination against a majority group called?
A. Low trend discrimination
B. Reverse discrimination
C. Majority discrimination
D. Unsettled discrimination
E. Needers discrimination
Ans: B
Page: 28
16. Who provides some of the top certifications for HR professionals in the world?
A. American Human Resource Certifiers
B. General Permit Organization
C. Human Resource Enforcement
D. Human Management Granting Institute
E. Human Resource Certification Institute
Ans: E
Page: 23
17. Hispanic workers are projected to be about what percentage of the workforce by 2050?
A. 2%
B. 8%
C. 15%
D. 24%
E. 43%
Ans: C
Page: 12
18. Asian workers are projected to be about what percentage of the workforce by 2050?
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
A. 2%
B. 8%
C. 14%
D. 21%
E. 34%
Ans: B
Page: 12
19. What is the percentage of women in the workforce?
A. 35–36%
B. 47–48%
C. 52–53%
D. 57–58 %
E. 63–64%
Ans: B
Page: 12
20. What skill set provides the ability to understand, communicate, and work well with
individuals and groups through developing effective relationships?
A. Human relations
B. Technical
C. Conceptual
D. Design
E. Business
Ans: A
Page: 13
21. Who controls the processes within the organization—what the organization does?
A. Staff management
B. Line management
C. Clerical workers
D. Technicians
E. Scientists
Ans: B
Page: 15
22. Who has the primary responsibility for seeing to the safety and security of the workforce?
A. Staff management
B. Clerical workers
C. Human resource management
D. Technicians
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
E. Line management
Ans: E
Page: 16
23. Which HR specialty involves counseling, conflict resolution, and discipline?
A. Staffing
B. Training and development
C. Safety and security
D. Employee relations
E. Compensation
Ans: D
Page: 20
24. Which HR specialty covers the recruiting process and selecting the best candidate?
A. Training and development
B. Staffing
C. Labor and industrial relations
D. Ethics and sustainability
E. Safety and security
Ans: B
Page: 17
25. Which HR specialty covers Affirmative Action plans and combats prejudice?
A. EEOC and diversity management
B. Safety and security
C. Ethics and sustainability
D. Compensation and benefits
E. Training and development
Ans: A
Page: 17
26. ______ is associated with reporting violations of ethics.
A. Whistleblowing
B. Sustainability
C. Morality
D. Environmental responsibility
E. Objectiveness
Ans: A
Page: 21
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
27. A(n) ________ center is a revenue center that enhances profitability of the organization
through enhancing the productivity of the people of the organization.
A. Cost
B. Enhancement
C. Profit
D. Productivity
E. Deliverance
Ans: D
Page: 7
28. ____________ skills include the ability to evaluate a situation, identify alternatives, select a
reasonable alternative, and make a decision to implement a solution to a problem.
A. Human relations
B. Technical
C. Quantitative
D. Conceptual and design
E. Business
Ans: D
Page: 14
29. _________ managers advise line management of the firm in their area of expertise.
A. Developmental
B. Restrictive
C. Legal
D. Informal
E. Staff
Ans: E
Page: 15
30. _____ is an organization that is mainly devoted to compensation and performance
management programs.
A. National Compensation Society
B. Employee Remuneration Organization
C. WorldAtWork
D. Compensation and Performance International
E. Federated Human Resource Quartermaster
Ans: C
Page: 24
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
31. _____ systems can help companies analyze individual applicants for employment, maintain
information on compensation packages, and capture knowledge from people within the
Ans: B
Page: 27
32. The ________ function focuses on employee communication and work-related stress.
A. Employee relations
B. Staffing
C. Ethics and sustainability
D. Labor and industrial relations
E. Compensation and benefits
Ans: A
Page: 20
33. As a program initiative, _______ is designed to meet all an organization’s needs for today
without sacrificing future generations’ ability to meet their needs.
A. Ethics
B. Reversibility
C. Soundness
D. Effectiveness
E. Sustainability
Ans: E
Page: 21
34. ______ is a function of how many organization resources are used in getting the job done.
A. Productivity
B. Effectiveness
C. Efficiency
D. Electiveness
E. Opportunity cost
Ans: C
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
Page: 7
35. The case of _______ created renewed discussion of reverse discrimination concerning racebased decision making in employment.
A. Ricci v. DeStefano
B. Marbury v. Madison
C. Joiner v. General Electric
D. Wards Cove v. Antonio
E. Fry v. Lincoln
Ans: A
Page: 28
36. If a 21st-century organization can manage its _______ better than its competitors, it has a
much greater chance of being successful—more profitable and productive than its
competitors—and of creating a competitive advantage.
A. equipment
B. facilities
C. human resources
D. consumables
E. environment
Ans: C
Page: 5
37. Studies have shown that companies with high levels of _________ outperformed their peer
companies in operating income, net income growth, and earnings per share growth.
A. gross receipts
B. revenue
C. material and equipment
D. employee engagement
E. employee training
Ans: D
Page: 5
38. As the level of employee job satisfaction increases, employee productivity:
A. Tends to remain the same as peer companies
B. Always increases
C. Decreases because of the “satiation effect”
D. May or may not increase
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
E. Always decreases
Ans: D
Page: 8
39. Absenteeism:
A. Doesn’t really cost the organization any money
B. Has indirect costs such as maintenance of insurance premiums
C. Costs the company double because another person must do the absent workers job
D. Has only direct costs associated with it
E. Rarely or never affects job satisfaction of other employees
Ans: B
Page: 9
40. When an organization is better than competitors at something that creates value for
customers, and can maintain that capability for an extended period of time, it is said to have
A. Customer focus
B. Functional specialty
C. Sustainable competitive advantage
D. Effective work environment
E. Evidence-based organization
Ans: C
Page: 10
41. Knowledge of EEO laws, computer skills, and training methodologies are all examples of
which HR skill set?
A. Technical skills
B. Human relations skills
C. Conceptual skills
D. Design skills
E. Business skills
Ans: A
Page: 12
42. The employees at EnVision Services complain to their managers that they have little idea
concerning the skills they need to develop and the career paths for moving up in the
company. Which HR function does EnVision need to improve upon?
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
Safety and security
Labor and industrial relations
Employee relations
Ethics and sustainability
Training and development
Ans: E
Page: 20
43. Municipal Waste Hauling Inc. management is negotiating with the employees union on a new
collective bargaining contract. Which HR function is management engaged in?
A. Training and development
B. Safety and security
C. Labor and industrial relations
D. Employee relations
E. Staffing
Ans: C
Page: 20
44. Outsourcing/offshoring:
A. Is never a necessary business practice
B. Is ethically wrong and unsustainable
C. May be a necessary “evil” in order to remain competitive
D. Should be used in all cases where companies can show manufacturing savings
E. Should only be used for services
Ans: C
Page: 28
45. Which of the following is not one of the basic sections of the Practitioner’s Model for HRM?
A. How can we reward and maintain our human resources?
B. What types of work flows/designs are necessary for increased productivity?
C. How does the organization sustain itself over the long-term?
D. How do we manage the organizations in human resources successfully?
E. Which organizational functions are critical to ensure viability over the long-term?
Ans: B
Page: 24
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
46. True or False. If we have highly satisfied employees, we will always have high
Ans: False
47. True or False. HR managers can be held personally liable for some of their actions that
they take as part of their job.
Ans: True
48. True or False. Staff managers are like internal consultants for the company.
Ans: True
49. True or False. Employees participating in more training and development are less likely
to leave their company.
Ans: True
50. True or False. WorldAtWork primarily deals with training and development issues.
Ans: False
51. True or False. ASTD is the largest HR advocacy organization in the United States.
Ans: False
52. True or False. PHR and SPHR are examples of certifications in the HR field.
Ans: True
53. True or False. Globalization is going to continue as long as there are savings to be had.
Ans: True
54. True or False. For the HR managers, technical skills are the easiest of the major skills to
Ans: True
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
55. True or False. Generalist jobs have HR people working in specific disciplines in HR.
Ans: False
Short Answer
55. What are three of the major HR-related organizations and what do they focus on?
Ans: Society for Human Resource Management—general HR organization, WorldAtWork—
compensation and benefits, American Society for Training and Development—Training and
56. List five of seven major areas of human resources.
Ans: Staffing, training and development, employee relations, labor and industrial relations,
compensation and benefits, safety and security, ethics and sustainability
57. What is the difference between turnover and absenteeism?
Ans: Turnover is the permanent loss of workers in the organization. Absenteeism is the
failure of an employee to report to the workplace as scheduled.
58. How can HR move from being a cost center to being a productivity center?
Ans: Their function, along with other managers in the organization, is to improve
organization revenues and profits—be a profit center. HR focuses on the productivity of the
organization through a focus on effectiveness and efficiency.
59. What is the difference between conceptual skills and business skills?
Ans: Conceptual skills are the ability to evaluate a situation, identify alternatives, select a
reasonable alternative, and make a decision to implement a solution to a problem. Business
skills are the analytical and quantitative skills, including in-depth knowledge of how the
business works and its budgeting and strategic planning processes, that are necessary for a
manager to understand and contribute to the profitability of the organization.
60. Discuss the evolution of HRM as a profession over the past 50 years. Be sure to include the
effect of HR managers on organizational productivity.
Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development
Lussier and Hendon
Instructor Resource: Test Bank
61. Identify and describe the major HRM skill sets discussed in the text.
62. Identify at least five HR manager responsibilities within the firm. Provide a 2- to 3-sentence
description of each of the responsibilities that you identify.
63. Briefly discuss the practitioner’s model for HRM. Identify how the sections build on one
another to create the desired end result for human resources within the organization.