Module 3 PPT

September 2013
Module 3
Understanding the Science of
Module 3
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Understand how and when attachment occurs
• Understand the importance of physical contact
in creating and sustaining attachments
• Understand the “continuum” of attachment and
how the attachment relationship changes as the
child develops
• Understand how disrupted attachments impact
the developing child
• Understand the stages of “loss and grief”
• Learn about what security looks like for both
child and caregiver
Modified by Children’s Administration
Relationships matter
• Attachment is a process
• Relationships develop over time
• Relationships buffer stress
• Disrupted relationships are painful
• Children experience loss and grief even at
very young ages
• What does this mean for child welfare?
When does
attachment occur?
Attachment may begin
during pregnancy
Babies and their caregivers
are “hardwired” to attach
Oxytocin, a chemical reaction in the brain, is
often called the “bonding” hormone because it:
• Creates a sense of calm and well-being
• Promotes bonding
• Increases desire for proximity and further contact by
baby and for parents, creates a sense of caring, an
eagerness to please and the ability to read baby’s
• Reduces babies’ stress and crying
Modified by Children’s Administration
A father’s bond
• Toward the end of pregnancy, a
father’s testosterone level decreases
while oxytocin levels increase and
continue to be elevated (if they live
with mother and baby)
• Similar to mothers who breastfeed,
fathers who bottle feed also release
oxytocin just by holding their baby as
they feed or by performing other
nurturing acts
Attachment is a process
• A baby’s first years of life are almost entirely
about building trust and security
• Through experiences with caregivers, a
baby develops expectations about the
dependability of attachment figures to
provide comfort, support, nurturance and
protection in times of need
It’s not just attached or not attached
Used with author’s permission. From: Zeanah, C.H. & Smyke,
A.T. (2009). Disorders of attachment. In C.H. Zeanah (Ed.),
Handbook of infant mental health, 3rd Edition, (pp.421-434). New
York, Guilford Press.
Young children need
physical contact to
create and sustain
Birth-3 Months
The Developing
• Cries to signal need
• Biologic preference for parents
• Recognizes signals and responds
• Maintains protective closeness
• Nurtures
3-7 Months
The Developing
• Smiles; social with everyone
• Calms when comforted
• Comfortable with same caregiver
• Falls in love with the baby
• Provides comfort to child
8-12 Months
The Developing
• Uses parent as secure base for
• Experiences stranger or
separation anxiety
• Welcomes baby back and
celebrates accomplishments
• Respects baby’s fears
and need for closeness
13-18 Months
The Developing
• Explores his or her world
• Seeks parent support at times of uncertainty
• Hierarchy of preferred caregivers
• Encourages exploration
and applauds efforts
• Interprets new or unfamiliar situations
with reassurance
• Proximity promotes security
19-36 Months
The Developing
• Autonomy vs. dependence
• Balances wants/needs with
caregiver’s desires
• Expands social circle
• Provides opportunities to choose
• Sets appropriate limits
• Assists child in coping with range of emotions
• Supports new friendships and experiences
How does nurturing care build attachments?
• Emotional availability
• Emotion regulation
• Warmth, empathy and
• Security and
interpersonal trust
• Provision of comfort
• Comfort seeking
• Protection
• Vigilance and selfprotection
• Structure and routines
• Self-regulation
Video: First Person: Impressions of Being a
Baby. Child Development Media
(minutes 2:25-4:16)
Nurturing relationships can
buffer stress and help coping
Tolerable stress is a physiological
state that could potentially disrupt
brain architecture (e.g., through
cortisol-induced disruption of
neural circuits or neuronal death in
the hippocampus) but is buffered by
supportive relationships that
facilitate coping.
Disrupted relationships are painful
The absence of a protective relationship:
• Creates toxic stress that disrupts brain
• Affects other organ systems
• Reduces thresholds for stress management
Not having an attachment figure to help with
stress of separation is a double whammy.
Journal of American Medical
Association, June 3, 2009, 301, 21,
Video: Young Children in Brief Separation:
John, 17 months, Nine Days in a Residential Nursery.
Source: Robertson, James and Joyce (Producers). Young
Children in Brief Separation: John, 17 months, Nine Days in
a Residential Nursery.
For more information visit:
Day 2 (Clip #1: minutes 14:40-18:15)
• John is now in his second day of staying at
the nursery and it is beginning to take a toll
on his behavior.
• He’s clearly unhappy and trying to figure out
how to comfort himself and seek comfort
from others.
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DAY 6 (Clip #2: minutes 23:32-27:39)
• The researcher reports that he cries almost nonstop and
is refusing to eat.
• He has a bright moment when his father comes to visit
but then is deeply sad again when his father leaves.
Modified by Children’s Administration
Day 8 (Clip #3: minutes 30:47-32:30)
• It is now day 8 of John’s stay at the nursery and he is
apathetic and sad.
• John barely interacts with anyone except when looking
for comfort from the adults.
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Day 9 (Clip #4: minutes 36:55-40:54)
• John’s last day at the nursery. His mother will be coming
to get him today. How do you predict he will react when
he sees his mother?
• Did John’s reaction to his mother surprise you? We will
be talking more about what happens to children when
they experience loss and grief.
Modified by Children’s Administration
Stages of Loss and Grief
Stage 1: Disorganization
The initial expressions of grief in children range
from regression, temper tantrums and
exaggerated fears in younger children to
physical symptoms, lack of concentration and
mood swings in older children.
Keith, K. L. Grief and children. Retrieved November 2, 2005.
Stages of Loss and Grief
Stage 2: Transition
Feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and
despair follow the stress and chaotic behaviors
of the disorganization stage:
– Many children will exhibit true depression
– Common symptoms are withdrawal,
aggression and giving up in school.
Keith, K. L. Grief and children. Retrieved November 2, 2005.
Stages of Loss and Grief
Stage 3: Reorganization
During this stage, children have more energy
and motivation for moving forward to a positive
resolution of their grief.
A reminder of the loss can flood the child back
to feelings of despair and great sorrow.
Keith, K. L. Grief and children. Retrieved November 2, 2005.
What could have helped John?
• What could John’s parents have done to prepare him for separation?
• What could have helped John feel less abandoned?
• How could you tell John was “falling apart?”
• How did the father’s visits impact John?
• How did all the different caregivers affect John’s need for comfort?
• What were the early signs of stress and indications that John was not
doing well?
• What do you think could be done now to heal John?
• What could you suggest to John’s parents to help him when
he gets home?
Modified by Children’s Administration
What is security?
Providing children with a
sense of security is
critical to their
Secure Babies
A healthy, secure attachment generally
means the child has been supported in:
Learning coping skills
Helping to adapt to changes
Learning to contain and soothe distress
Learning to self-regulate his or her
emotions and behaviors
Healthy Attachment for Very Young Children in Foster Care by JoAnne
Solchany and Lisa Pilnik, p. 87, Vol 27, No 6, Aug 2008.
Helping parents
develop a sense
of security
with their children
Behaviors of
secure caregivers
Warm and sensitively attuned
Responds quickly to baby’s cries
Strong at repair
Find joy and delight in the baby’s
explorations of the world
Summary of Attachment
• Infants are strongly biologically predisposed to attach
to caregivers
• Adults are strongly biologically predisposed to attach
to babies
• Once babies reach a cognitive age of 7-9 months,
their attachments begin to consolidate and focus
on specific individuals
• Attachment is a process which develops over the first
several years of life based upon nurturing experiences
with caregivers
• Attachments may be different with different caregivers
Modified by Children’s Administration
What does all this mean for child welfare?
Support and promote nurturing and stable
relationships in the life of the child.
• Provide in-home supports to prevent removal in
the first place
• Don’t move children to different homes, childcare or
schools at critical developmental periods
• Make the first placement the only placement
• Ensure frequent and meaningful visitation
• Concurrent planning for reunification and permanency
Modified by Children’s Administration