The 6th Asia Pacific Network meeting of WHO FIC Thailand, 18-19 July, 2013 Subsystems of HIS • • • • Epidemiological surveillance system Routine service reporting system Program-specific reporting systems Administrative and resource management reporting systems • Vital or Civil Registration Systems • Population based surveys Routine Service Reporting System Public Health Reporting Hospital Reporting Data Flow Department of Health Planning State/Regional Health Department District/Township Health Department MCH/UHC/Station HU/RHC Sub Rural Health Center Data Flow and Feedback Station Hospitals 16-Bedded Hospitals Hospital Form I,II, III & OPD DHP 25-Bedded Hospitals 50-Bedded Hospitals 100-Bedded Hospitals 150-Bedded Hospitals 200-Bedded Hospitals General Hospitals with Specialist services Teaching Hospitals Specialist Hospitals Hospital Form I, III States/Region Health Department Hospital report forms • Monthly hospital return • Monthly general inpatient summary • Hospital inpatient daily record • Outpatient report form MONTHLY HOSPITAL RETURN (ADMINISTRATIVE) FORM I (TO BE COMPLETED AND POSTED NOT LATER THAN THE 7TH OF EACH MONTH) (REVISE/2013) NAME OF HOSPITAL ---------------------------- TOWNSHIP -------------------------- REGION/STATE ------------------------- MONTH ----------- YEAR --------- PART A. NO. OF BEDS: (1) SANCTIONED BEDS ------------------------------ (2) AVAILABLE BEDS AT END OF MONTH ------------------------------ PART B. IN-PATIENT ACTIVITIES: PART C. OUT-PATIENT ACTIVITIES SR. SPECIALIT NO. OF ADMIS- TOTAL DISCH- DEATH TOTAL PATIENT SR. SPECIALIT NEW OLD TOTAL NO. Y PATIENTS SIONS UNDER ARGES S DISCH- DAYS NO. Y CASES CASES ATTENBEGINNIN DURIN CARE ARGES DANCE G G (3+4) (6+7) S OF MONTH MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL PART D. OBSTETRIC SERVICES: 1 2 3 4 5 PART E. SURGICAL ACTIVITIES: NO. OF WOMEN DELIVERED NO. ADMITTED FOR PUERPERIAL CARE NO. OF ABORTIONS NO. OF LIVEBIRTHS NO. OF STILLBIRTHS PART F. DEATHS F-1 IN-PATIENT DEATHS: (TOTAL NO.) IN-PATIENT DEATHS: (WITHIN 48 HOURS OF ADMISSION) GENERAL ANAESTHESIA SPINAL ANAESTHESIA LOCAL ANAESTHESIA OTHER ANAESTHESIA PART G. MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES TOTAL F-2 NEWBORN 1. DEATHS 2. (TOTAL NO.) NOTE: Newborn deaths refer 3. to babies who were born in hospital and died before being discharged with or without their mothers. NOTE: Inpatient deaths refer to patients who were admitted to hospital and died before being discharged. PART H. MANPOWER: Male 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 NO. OF SPECIALISTS NO. OF DOCTORS NO. OF DENTAL SURGEONS NO. OF NURSES NO. OF MEDICAL TECHNICIANS TOTAL Female POLICE CASES PATIENTS BROUGHT IN DEAD AUTOPSIES PERFORMED * Part H ကို နှစစ ် ဥ် December လ Report တွငသ ် ာ ထည့််သင ွ ်း် အစီရင်ခံရန် ကျန်သသာလမျာ်းတွင ် Part H ကို ဖြည့််စက ွ ရ ် န်မလပ ို ါ။ Signature …………………………………… Name ……………………………………… Designation …………………………………… Hospital …………………………………… MONTHLY GENERAL IN-PATIENT SUMMARY FORM II (REVISE/2013) NAME OF HOSPITAL ------------------------ TOWNSHIP ------------------------ REGION/STATE ---------------------- MONTH ------------------- YEAR --------SR. No. (1) 1 CODE 2 CODE 3 CODE 4 CODE 5 CODE 6 CODE 7 CODE 8 CODE 9 CODE 10 CODE 11 CODE 12 CODE AD SE MIS X SIO N NU MB ER (2) (3) AGE Y M (4) DATE OF D PRINCIPAL/ DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS ADMISS ION D/M/Y DISCH ARGE D/M/Y NATURE OF INJURY BY SITE (5) (6) (7) (OR) COMORBIDITY/OTHER COMPLICATION (OR) EXTERNAL CAUSES OF INJURY (INCLUDING PLACE OF OCCURRENCE & ACTIVITY) (8) OPERATI TYPE DISCHA ONS RGE OF PERFOR DISCHA STATUS MED RGE (9) (10) (11) HOSPITAL DAILY RECORD (IN - PATIENT) FORM III (Revise/2013) (To be completed and posted not later than the 7th of each month)Month ............................ 20 .......... Name of Hospital .................................. Speciality(**)........................Township ...........................Region/State............................ Date (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 PART (A) No. of Patients in Hospital (Previous Day) (2) Admission (3) Patients admitted to Hospital Transfers Total Disch- Death Trans in from (Cols. arges * other 2+3+4) fer wards Out to other wards (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Total (Cols. 6+7+8) No. of Patients in Hospital (End of Day) (Cols. 5-9) (9) (10) PART (B) PART (C) Babies born in Patients Hospital admitted Live Still Death and of discharged new on the born same day (11) (12) (13) (14) OPD Form Standardized Hospital report forms for all Hospitals ICD-10 Use of ICD( International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) in Myanmar 1962- ICD 7 1968- ICD 8 1979- ICD 9 1996- ICD 10 Translation------------ Chapter XIX, XX Data from Private Health Sector • • • • • Permission from higher level Initialization phase Start from 2013 January Private hospitals Develop data collection form and manual Standardized Report Forms • Form I - Private Hospital Monthly Report Form (Administrative) • Form II - Private Hospital Monthly InPatient Summary • Training – 27.4.2013 -28.4.2013 Standardized Report Form I- front Standardized Report Form I-back Standardized Report Form II Available information • Hospital administrative information – – – – – – Average number of out-patients per day Average number of In-patients per day Average duration of stay (in days) Bed occupancy rate Turnover interval Hospital Death Rate • Causes of Hospitalization – Leading cause of Morbidity and mortality Training ******* Medical record technician Training of Medical Record Technicians on ICD-10 and CAMRS (6.5.2013 – 21.5.2013) Workshop on International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) and Computer Assisted Medical Record System(CAMRS) Nay Pyi Taw (28-52013)to (31-5-2013) Workshop on International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) and Computer Assisted Medical Record System(CAMRS) Nay Pyi Taw (28-52013)to (31-5-2013) Group Work Utilization of Health Information • Selection of project sites • Resource allocation including budget and logistics distribution • Planning, Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of health services • Country presentation on workshop, seminars and meetings Points for consideration in improvement of Hospital Information System • • • • Lack of written Health information Policy Inadequate infrastructure Shortage of manpower Low capacity of human resources especially in information management • No Career development for medical record technicians • Supplies and equipment – Inadequate ICD -10 Books , Computer, File cover, filing rack Points for consideration in improvement of Hospital Information System (Cont:) • Still use in paper recording and reporting from various level except central and region/state • Poor favourable working environment • Low utilization of data and information to actions • Lack of motivation in strengthening of health information Areas need to be strengthened • Strengthen organization set up and infrastructure • Capacity building of human resources on modeling method and advanced data analysis, presentation and interpretation • Provision of supplies and equipments for electronic health record system Areas need to be strengthened (Cont:) • Systematic monitoring, supervision and feedback • Encourage in utilization of information to actions • Establish unique logistic management information system and human resource management information system • Cooperation, coordination and collaboration with indispensible partners Future Plan • Training of Medical Record Technicians • Supervision and Monitoring on performance of medical record technicians • Advocacy to authorities for career development of medical record technicians • Paramedic degree for medical record technicians in collaboration with Department of Medical Science • Training of ICD-10 to medical doctor • Include ICD-10 in pre-service curriculum of medical doctors • Verbal autopsy on cause of death