YWIES YANTAI 2014 WEEKLY PLANNER TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED BY 4PM ON THE TUESDAY OF THE PRECEEDING WEEK WEEKLY LESSON PLAN SUBJECT: ICT SEMESTER: 1 KEY CONCEPTS / SKILLS / UNDERSTANDINGS Lesson 1 Record cash and bank transactions in the cash book and post them to the appropriate ledger account YEAR LEVEL: 13 WEEK: 1 - 10 UNIT TITLE: Introduction to Financial Transactions THE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM KEY VOCABULARY/TERMS Duality (Double-entry) Business Entity Money Measurement ACTIVITIES / ASSIGNMENTS Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 ASSESSMENTS You may want to start by recapping on the key concept of duality at the start of the lesson. Now issue them with blank pro-forma accounts and ask learners to record cash transactions in the cash book and postings to ledger accounts, ensuring that each entry has: the date for each transaction the legend for each entry which must This topic underpins the whole subject and the skills developed here are vital. When learners start recording cash transactions, insist on neat work with figures entered in columns with units under units, tens under tens, hundreds under hundreds, etc. The uses of the following terms: sales, sales returns, purchases, purchase returns. Record cash and bank transactions in the cash book and post them to the appropriate ledger account A. Recording financial information Issue learners with a pre-prepared sheet containing four or five simple transactions. Alongside each one indicate the account which will be debited and the account which will be credited. n which the double entry is completed Record cash and bank transactions in the cash book and post them to the appropriate ledger account TEACHER: Ravuru Paul On no account must an inventory (stock) account be used for this activity. As some of the class may have previous knowledge of this work from Accounting include more advanced transactions on the hand-out sheet for this group and/or pair learners up so those with previous experience can mentor those new to the subject On completion, as an extension activity, ask learners to add up everything entered on the debit side of the accounts and everything entered on the credit side of the accounts and see if the two totals agree. If the totals do not agree, ask them to identify the cause of imbalance Learners should also get used to the discipline that errors in figures work should be corrected by deleting the whole amount involved and entering the correct amount above the crossedout figure. The Osborne Books website is one useful source for the downloadable blank pro-formats DIFFERENTIATION RESOURCES The suggested homework task will help ensure leaners understand the need and content of the key accounting terms as well as providing www.osbornebooks.co.uk The suggested homework task will help ensure leaners understand the need and content of the key accounting terms as well as providing www.osbornebooks.co.uk Give particular attention here to identifying the circumstances in which each accounting term covered applies, giving specific examples for each. www.osbornebooks.co.uk Blank pro-forma accounts (use ledger paper or ruled-up blank paper) Pre-prepared worksheet containing 4–5 simple transactions Blank pro-forma accounts (use ledger paper or ruled-up blank paper) Pre-prepared worksheet containing 4–5 simple transactions Blank pro-forma accounts (use ledger paper or ruled-up blank paper) Pre-prepared worksheet containing 4–5 simple transactions Lesson 7 YWIES YANTAI 2014 WEEKLY PLANNER TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED BY 4PM ON THE TUESDAY OF THE PRECEEDING WEEK