REVIEW OF QUANTUM MECHANICS IMRANA ASHRAF ZAHID DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS QUAID-I-AZAM UNIVERSITY ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN Layout • • • • Quantum Mechanics: Revisited Radiative Processes for isolated atoms Transition rates: Semi-classical Line-broadening Mechanisms – Homogeneous broadening – Inhomogeneous broadening Quantum Mechanics: Revisited Wave Mechanics Quantum mechanical systems ( such as atoms, molecules, ions etc.) are given by wave function ψ(r, t). Itself ψ(r, t) has no physical meaning- it allows to calculate the expectation values of all observables of interest. Measurable quantities are called observable and are represented by hermition operator Ô. Expectation values is given by ô d r r, t ô r, t . 3 Probability The probability of finding the system in volume element d3r is. y ( r, t ) y ( r, t ). * If system exist, its probability of being somewhere has to equal 1. ò y (r, t ) y (r, t ) d r =1 * 3 ò y (r, t ) y (r, t ) d r = d * n 3 m nm The time development of wave function is determined by Schrödinger equation, i r , t H r , t . t H- the Hamiltonian of the system. The energy of the unperturbed system- an atom not interacting with light is 2 P H V r 2m Stationary States Stationary states of Schrödinger equation are those for which space and time dependence are separated yn ( r,t ) = U n (r)e -iwt Time independent equation, Eigen functions having same eigen values are normal ® ò U ( r )U ( r ) d r = d * n m nm Completeness * åU n (r)U n (r ) =1 n The wave function r , t n r , t Cn t U n r e n in t n Cn t - Expansion coefficients -constant for problems related with free Hamiltonian -time dependent for interaction Hamiltonian åC 2 n =1 n Gives the probability of finding the system in state n. ˆ O C nC me i n m t ˆ O nm n ,m Where Onm d rU 3 * ˆ r oU n m r DIRAC’S NOTATION • The wave function of wave mechanics corresponds to the state vector of the Dirac’s formulation of the quantum mechanics. • The relation between state vector and wave function is analogous to using vectors instead of coordinates. A vector V can be expanded as, V Vx x Vy y In Dirac Notation V Vx x Vy y X-component of a vector is obtained by V . x Vx In Dirac Notation x V Vx and y V Vy Using these equations we can write V x xV y yV x x y y V x x y y 1 For n dimensions V n nV n n n n I ^ The expectation value of the operator O ˆ t O ˆ t O Hermitian * é ù † y (t ) Ô y ( t ) = êë y (t ) Ô y (t ) úû = y (t ) Ô y (t ) The set of eigen vectors of a hermitian operator is complete. This means that any arbitrary vector can be expressed as a sum of orthogonal eigen vectors. * C n xn n 0 Eigen vectors are orthonormal X n X m nm nm 1 for n m 0 for n m Completeness relation for discrete case is n Xn Xn I State vectors obey the Schrödinger's equation i H , C n e i nt n n Expectation value can be written as ⌢ y t Oy t () () = åC nC me ( * n,m where Ônm = m Ô n ) -i w n -w m t Ônm Two-level Atomic System Wave function State vector Ca e ia t a Cbe ibt b Radiative Processes for Isolated Atoms Spontaneous Emission • Atom is in state 2 of given material. • E2 >E1 – atom will tend to decay to state 1 • The corresponding energy difference (E2-E1) is released by the emission of a photon. ( E2 E1 ) h Two possible ways for atom to decay 1.Radiative: Spontaneous emission 2.Non-radiative: Energy difference E2 E1 Is delivered in some other form than electromagnetic radiation e.g. it may go into kinetic energy of the surrounding molecules. Let N2 number of atoms in level 2 per unit volume The rate of decay of these atoms are dN 2 N2 dt sp dN 2 AN 2 dt A- Transition probability for spontaneous emission or Einstein’s A coefficient. sp 1 A Radiative wave has no definite phase relationsh ips to that emitted by another atom. Any direction is possible. N 2 N 0e N 0 is the initial population . At STIMULATED EMISSION •Atom is initially in level 2 •An electromagnetic wave of frequency υ given by E2 E1 h incident on it. Finite probability of emission of another in phase photon. Rate of transition æ dN 2 ö ç ÷ = -W21 N 2 è dt øst.em W21- stimulated transition probability or rate- (time)-1 W21- depends on intensity of electromagnetic wave. STIMULATED ABSORPTION: •Atom is in level 1 •Electromagnetic wave of frequency υ incident on the material. •Finite probability that atom will be raised to level 2. •Energy of incident wave is absorbed by the atom Process is called the stimulated absorption. Stimulated Transition Rate dN1 W12 N1 dt st .ab. N1 -number of atoms at a given time lying in level 1 Transition Rates TRANSITION RATES OF STIMULATED EMISSION AND ABSORPTION •Semi-classical Theory •Atom is quantized •Field is treated classically (using Maxwell’s equations) System: Two-Level Atomic System r , t a1 t u1 r e iE1t a2 t u 2 r e iE2t u1(r) & u2(r) - eigen -function of unperturbed Hamiltonian(H0). satisfies time-independent equation. H 0 u i Ei u i a1(t) - probability amplitudes. ai t - probability of finding atoms in state i. 2 0 - Transition frequency E2 E1 0 21 •A monochromatic electromagnetic wave incident on atom. •Atom acquire an additional energy H’ during interaction Total Hamiltonian H H0 H TIME EVOLUTION OF THE SYSTEM Schrodinger equation r , t i H r , t t Putting value of ψ(r,t) iE1t iE2t iE1t iE2t i a1 t u1 r e i a2 t u2 r e H 0 a1 t u1 r e a2 t u2 r e t t iE1t iE2t H a1 t u1 r e a2 t u2 r e u Multiplying with 1 r and integrating over whole space. Using 3 u r u r d r 1 1 1 u r H u r d r E u r u r d r E i 3 0 i i i 3 i 3 3 u r H u r d r E u r u r d 1 02 2 1 2 r 0 3 u r u r d r 0 2 1 3 u r H u r d r H11 1 1 3 u r H u r d r H 12 2 1 i 1 i 0 t a 2 t H 12 e a1 t a1 t H 11 i Similarly 1 i 0 t a1 t e a 2 t H 21 a 2 t H 22 i INTERACTION HAMILTONIAN: H I H ED H EQ H MD H NL H ED -dominates H -due to the Interaction of the electric dipole moment of the atom with the electric field of the electromagnetic wave called- Electric-dipole interaction. DIPOLE APPROXIMATION r = vector indicating the electron’s position with respect to the nucleus p er ELECTRIC FIELD IN TERMS OF PLANE WAVE Distance of electron from the nucleus is given by Bohr radius. 0 a 0 5 10 11 m 0.5 A << Optical wavelength The spatial variation of the electric field across the dimensions of the atom is very small - neglecting it for long wave-lengths - is called dipole approximation. 2E0 cos t E 0 cos t Interaction Hamiltonian H 2er E0 cos t Using this 3 H 12 u1 r H u 2 r d r 3 u r er u 2 r E 0 cos td r 1 2 p12 E0 cos t where p12 u r eru 2 r d r 1 3 is the matrix element of electric dipole operator. Similarly H11 2 p11 E0 cos t p11 u r eru1 r d r 0 1 3 A level does not have a dipole moment. er- has odd parity u1 r and u1 r - has even parity H 22 0 H11 Electric dipole transition only occurs between states of opposite parity. Using these we get 1 e i0t a 2 t a1 t H 12 i 1 e i0t a1 t a 2 t H 21 i Two differential equations- can be solved by using initial conditions. Let at t 0 , atom is in level 1 a1 0 1 a2 0 0 Assume transition probability is weak--- perturbation analysis can be used. According to Perturbation theory a1 t a (0) 1 a (2) 1 a (4) 1 a2 t a2 a2 a2 (1) (3) As atom is initially in level 1 a1 (0) 1 (5) First order corresponds to the probability that atom go to level 2 from level 1. t 2 p21 E0 i 0 t ( 0) i 0 t a t dt e e a 1 dt 0 2 i 0 2 t Putting value of a1 a2 (1) (0) e i 0 t 1 e i 0 t 1 1 p 21 E0 i i 0 i 0 ω ~ field frequency and ω0 ~ atomic frequency At resonance 0 0 is rapidly oscillating term. Neglecting e i 0 t This is called “Rotating wave approximation (RWA)”. a1 The second order of ( 2) t is obtained by substituting the value of a 2 (1) t a1 t 1 p12 E0 2 Then putting this in a1 t a 2 t function of time a 2 t , we get the third order of a 2 t = series is even powers of E0 = series is odd powers of E0 First order is enough for transition rates. ( 3) Probability of finding the atom in state 2 is a 2 t 2 4 p 21 E0 2 Expand sin t 2 sin t 2 t sin t 2 t 2 2 t 2 3 2 3! 2 2 t 2 3! 3 For limit 0 t sin t 2 2 t2 4 As t increases, the maximum in the curve moves upwards proportional to t2 and zeros of the function move in along the horizontal axis towards the origin. For the area under the curve equal to unity it can be replaced by Dirac delta function with properties t t t t 0 t t t t 0 t sin 2 0 2 can be replaced by Dirac delta function sin t 2 2 t 2 0 Using a2 t 2 2 p21 E0 2 2 t 0 This is for a single atom. Electromagnetic wave interact with an ensemble of atoms with randomly oriented dipole moment with respect to field. If θ is the angle between p and E0, p 21 E 0 2 E 0 p 21 cos 2 2 2 Take average over all the random orientations of dipole moment. If all angles θ are equally probable, then p21 E0 E0 p21 2 2 2 cos2 cos 2 2 cos sin d 0 sind 0 sind cos 0 2 0 2 cos sin d ? 0 Putting sin d dx cos x cos 2 3 1 1 x sin d 2 dx 1 0 x 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 cos 2 3 2 p21 E0 a 0 t 2 2 1 2 p21 E0 2 3 2 2 2 p 21 E 0t 0 3 The energy density of electromagnetic wave is n 2 0 E0 2 4 2 W12 2 p 21 2 3 n 0 At 0 0 W12 0 0 0 W12 0 This is physical unacceptable result Reason: •We have assumed that the interaction between the electromagnetic wave and system could continue coherently for an infinite time. •There are of number of phenomena that prevent the interaction of atom with electromagnetic wave for long time. For example collision, Spontaneous emission. •Above equations are valid only in time interval between one collision and the next. •After each collision the relative phase between the atom’s wave-function and electric field of the wave under go a random jump. •The problem is to find the interaction of atom with a broadband field W12 is valid provided the Dirac delta function - an infinitely sharp function centered at 0 and of unit area such that d 1 0 Is replaced by a new function g t 0 again centered at 0 , again of unit area. g d 1 t 0 but with a finite spectral width. The shape of function and value of its line width depends Upon the particular broadening mechanism involved. W12 4 p 21 2 3 2 g t Stimulated emission rate W21 is obtained by changing initial conditions. a1 0 0 and p12 p21 p As a2 0 1 p 21 p12 W W12 W21 Line-broadening Mechanisms •Line- Broadening Mechanisms Broadening • The term is used to denote the finite spectral width of the response of the atomic systems to the electromagnetic fields. Two Types of Line Broadening 1. Homogeneous Broadening 2. Inhomogeneous Broadening Homogeneous Broadening • Broadening mechanism is homogeneous when it broadens the line of each individual atom and therefore of the whole system in the same way. • Atoms are indistinguishable • All atoms have same transition frequency and same energy spectrum • Examples: Collision and Natural Broadening Inhomogeneous broadening • A Broadening mechanism is said to be inhomogeneous when it broadens the atomic lines by different amount for different atoms. • In this case different atoms in an ensemble has different transition frequency and frequencies are distributed over a range. • Example: Doppler Broadening Collision Broadening Broadening in Gases Due to collision of an atom with other atoms, ions, free electrons or the walls of the container. Broadening in Solids Due to the interaction of with the phonons of the lattice • It leads to the change of relative phase between atomic dipole moment and that of a incident wave • Collision interrupt the process of coherent interaction between the atom and the incident wave • Atom no longer sees a monochromatic wave instead a broadband field Collision Broadening cont’d How to deal with this? • Add all the frequencies of jump during collision. • Use Fourier theory to handle multiple frequencies. • Assume no collision for time interval T2 – mean free path Let d d Be the energy density of the wave in the frequency interval between and d 4 2 dW12 2 2 p12 ( 0 )d 3 n 0 The overall transitio n probabilit y is obtained by intergrati ng over the entire frequency spectrum of the radiation. We assume the distribution of the values of can be described by a probability density 1 / T2 P e T2 P d is the probability that the time interval between two successive collisions lies between and d . T2 is the mean free path in which there is no collision. c P d T2 0 If P( ) be the probabilit y that a collision occurs after a time , we get P( ) P d exp( / c ) The field E(r,t) 2E 0 cos( t ) is a monochromatic field where cos( t ) gives the phase or the mono chromalicity of the field and this field leads to unphysical result 4 2 W12 2 2 p21 ( ) 3 n 0 FOURIER THEORY: This method is used to handle the multiple frequency The Fourier theory allows the representation of a function in terms of its frequency or temporal characteristics and one can easily move between the two representation F(t) - i t F( )e d - 1 F( ) 2 F(t)e i t dt The power spectrum W can be obtained as the Fourier transform of the signal auto -correlation function Wiener- Kinchine theorem CORRELATION: The method of calculating the similarity of two function is called the correlation integral and result is correlation function. AUTO CORRELATION FUNCTION: If the two functions are different ,the integral is called cross correlation for same function auto correlation E t E t 1 Lim T 2T T dtE t E t T When the functions are alinged we get maximum of Auto -correlation function Lim T T T dtE t T 2 Power spectrum W can be obtained from the Parseval's theorem T - T 2 W d C E t dt it i t E t dd e e E E 2 2 E t dt 2 dE E 2 d E 2 E 2 1 E 2 to Eo e i t i t 2 dt to Sin / 2 E 2 2 E02 2 2 As Then we again get a - function. Times of flight are distributed according to P Total intensity is made up of large number of time segments tot 2 E0 T2 2 2 E0 T2 e 0 2 / T2 Sin 1 2 1 T 2 2 2 2 2 d g where 1 1 g T2 2 1 2 T 2 Such that ' g d 1 Function is maximum for 0 Doppler broadening • This is due to the random motions of the atoms. • It only occurs in gasses Consider a field of frequency incident on an atom with transition frequency 0 which is moving with a velocity v in the propagation direction of the wave. Atom will see a wave of frequency V 1 C Due to Doppler effect •The negative and positive sign applies whether the velocity is in the same or opposite direction to that of the wave. If the atom is moving in the opposite direction to that of wave the frequency observed by the atom is higher than the value observed in lab. frame. •The absorption will occur only when the apparent frequency as seen from the atom is equal to the atomic transition frequency 0 v 1 0 c Rewriting above equation 0 v 1 c This is equivalent to say that atom is not moving but has a resonant frequency equal to 0 Or 0 v 1 c Incident field sees a shifted transition frequency of the atom. Absorption will occur when the frequency of e.m.wave is equal to 0 If atom is moving away from the field ( same direction) v 1 0 c 0 v 1 c Incident field sees a shifted frequency of the atom and And absorption occur when this 0 where 0 0 v 1 c v 0 0 c 0 We need to find the spectral function for Doppler broadening g g 0 As atoms are moving with different velocities, therefore field Sees different transition frequencies. Using kinetic theory of gasses that an atom of mass M in a gas at temperature T has a velocity component between v and v+ dv is given by Maxwellian distribution 2 Mv M p d exp d 2 KT 2 KT 2 g d gives the probability that the transition frequency lies between and The frequency function d is g related to p d g 0 0 d 0 p d That is the number of atoms absorbing with in the frequency interval from to is equal to the fraction of Atoms moving with velocity between v and v+ dv as d dv d 0 c 0 Mc 0 c M g 0 exp 2 0 2 KT 2 KT 0 2 The shape of curve corresponding to this equation is called Gaussian. The maximum again occurs at 0 g max Find FWHM c M 0 2 KT 1 2 Spontaneous Emission Rate SPONTANEOUS EMISSION TRANSITION RATE dN 2 AN 2 dt sp.em. where A is called the Einstein A co-efficient or spontaneous emission transition rate. •Assume that the material is placed is blackbody cavity whose walls are kept at a constant temperature T. •Once thermodynamic equilibrium is reached, an electromagnetic energy density with spectral distribution 0 0 2 0 2 3 c e kT 1 0 Established •Material will immersed in this radiation. •Both stimulated emission and absorption processes will occur in addition to the spontaneous process. •In thermal equilibrium, number of transitions per second from level 1 to level 2 must be equal to number of transition per second from level 2→1. AN W21 N W21 N e 2 e 2 e 1 Define and W21 B21 0 W12 B12 0 where B21 and B12 - called Einstein B co-efficient. From Boltzmann statistics e 2 e 1 N e N 0 E2 E1 0 kT for N 2 N1 N 2e N 2e A e B21 0 e N1 N1 0 Putting value of B12 0 N A N e 2 e 1 N 2e B12 B21 e N1 N 2e , we get e N1 0 Ae 0 B12 B21e kT 0 A kT B12e 0 kT B21 For a medium, 0 n 3 0 2 3 c e kT 1 2 0 0 n- refractive index of the medium Comparing two values we get, A B12 e 0 kT 0 n 0 2 3 c e kT 1 2 B21 3 0 B12 B21 B Probability of absorption and stimulated emission due to black body radiation are equal. A 3 n 1 0 B 0 2 3 0 c kT kT e 1 e 1 3 A 0 3n 3 B 2c3 0 n A 2 3 c 3 3 B Once the value of B, due to black body radiation is known We can find the value of A as we know W 4 3n 0 2 p 2 2 This is true for monochromatic field. For black body radiation, the elemental spectral energy density of radiation whose frequency lies between and d dW 4 3n 0 2 dW 2 p 2 d 0 0 4 3n 2 0 2 4 B 3n 2 0 p 0 2 2 p 2 4 0 p n A 3 c 3 0 3 2 This is same result as obtained from Quantum Electrodynamics approach because her we use Planck’s law (which is quantum electrodynamically correct). As A increases as the cube of the frequency, so the process of spontaneous emission increases rapidly with frequency. It is easy to produce infrared laser as compared to UV laser If frequency increases by a factor 1010, then A increases by 101000. The order of magnitude of spontaneous emission at optical frequency 0 1015 hz 5 10 5 cm where a is Bohr radius p ea 8 a 10 cm Putting these values, we get A 10 s 8 t sp 1 1 10 8 sec A For magnetic dipole transitions, A is approximately 105 times small. SPECTRUM OF THE SPONTANEOUS EMISSION Line shape due to natural broadening • For any transition, the spectrum of the emitted radiation is the same as that observed in absorption • Assume that an ideal electromagnetic filtertransmitting only those frequencies between ω and ω + dω is placed between the material and the walls of the black body cavity. • If the material, the filter, and the black body cavity are kept at the same temperature T, then ratio between the populations of the two levels will again be given by N N e 2 e 1 e 0 kT The density of electromagnetic radiation at any point inside the cavity will also be given by 0 2 3 c e kT 1 2 0 and the net exchange of the energy between the material and the cavity within the transmission bandwidth of the filter must be zero. This means that the energy emitted by the material in the bandwidth dω around ω due to spontaneous and stimulated emission must be equal to energy absorbed. Define a spectral co-efficient Aω such that N 2 A d -Number of atoms per unit time which upon decay emit a photon of frequency between ω and ω+dω. A A d Similarly, NB d represents the number of transitions per unit absorption or stimulated emission induced by black body radiation with frequency between ω and ω+dω. Equilibrium condition A N d B N d B N d e 2 e 2 Using above equations we get, A B A B e 1 where B can be obtained from W 4 3n 0 2 p g t 2 2 B Bg A A Bg B A Ag The spectrum of the radiated wave is the same as for absorption or stimulated emission. THANK YOU