Community Policing and Future Trends In P&P

Community Policing and
Future Trends In P&P
Community Policing
What is community Policing in terms of
Community Policing
What is community Policing in terms of
It is community Partnerships.
Community Policing
What does community policing in CBC
Community Policing
What does community policing in CBC
It helps ensure that offenders sentenced to
CBC are:
• Monitored more closely
• More accountable for their actions
• And it helps prevent crime
Community Policing vs.
Traditional Policing
How does community policing differ from
traditional policing?
Community Policing vs.
Traditional Policing
How does community policing differ from
traditional policing?
It differs from a “response” mentality.
It is proactive.
Officers are less remote from daily offender
activities and patterns.
Community Policing
Community Policing is not a process.
Community Policing
Community Policing is not a process.
It is a philosophy.
Community Policing
Community Policing
Community Policing
Community Policing is Community
Community Policing
Community Policing Aim
Community Policing
Community Policing Aim is Crime
Community Elements
 Businesses
 Civic Leagues
 TX Programs
 Other Law
CBC and Police Partnerships
Joint Contacts With Offenders
Enhances 24-7 Capability
Enhances Officer Safety
Return To Basics
What happens in the process of
implementing community policing?
Policing, public safety, returns to its roots.
• Officer O’Malley
Return To Basics
What happens in the process of
implementing community policing?
• Citizens have closer contact with officers.
• Citizens develop rapport with officers.
• Citizens develop trust in officers.
• Citizens report more crime.
• Citizens cooperate prosecuting criminals.
Public Safety Effectiveness
Which is a better measure of public safety
Number of arrests and amount of recovered
contraband, or
The absence of crime?
CBC and Police Partnerships
CBC and police partnerships involve:
Aggressive, conspicuous, and
inconspicuous community presence
• P&P and police joint partnerships
• Joint patrols
• Joint home, work and community contacts
• Intelligence and information sharing
Public Safety Elements
Public safety work is not only:
Writing Tickets, or
Arresting Criminals, or
Organizing Community Watch Groups, or
Speaking at Schools, Churches, Civic Leagues
Combining these things does contribute to
public safety.
CBC and Community
Volunteers supplement Corrections staff
– Direct services to offenders
– Policy and planning assistance
– Other ways
CBC and Community
Volunteers supplement Corrections staff
– Direct services to offenders
– Policy and planning assistance
– Other ways
Volunteers in Corrections outnumber staff.
CBC and Community
Community involvement in CBC programs
has many payoffs.
CBC and Community
Community involvement in CBC programs
has many payoffs.
The greatest is a sense of community
responsibility for programs.
CBC and Community
Community involvement in CBC programs
can have positive results on case outcomes.
CBC and Community
Community involvement in CBC programs
can have positive results on case outcomes.
Research shows:
 Probationers and parolees most highly value
assistance provided by family, friends and
community sources.
CBC and Community
Case outcomes can be maximized.
CBC and Community
Case outcomes can be maximized.
Regardless of who performs supervision
tasks, it is essential to match:
– Treatment Modality
– To The Offender
– And The Staff Member
Key To CBC’s Future
The key to the future of CBC
Key To CBC’s Future
The key to the future of CBC is system
openness and community involvement.
PO Role
Should POs be law enforcement officers?
PO Role
Should POs be law enforcement officers?
CBC requires a Balanced Approach
depending on the case.
– Resource Broker
– Enforcement Agent
Community Policing In CBC
Community policing in CBC involves two
major elements.
Community Policing In CBC
Community policing in CBC involves two major
Tailor case contacts to offender risks and needs.
• Increases officer effectiveness
More closely monitor offenders in their own
• Increased presence reduces crime
Guiding Principles Of
Community Policing
AKA: Community-Oriented
Crime Prevention And Control
Guiding Principles Of
Community Policing
1. Crime is a community problem.
– Devastating emotional and economic effects
– Need comprehensive approach to crime
prevention and control
Guiding Principles Of
Community Policing
2. Informal social controls are the most
effective method of reducing crime.
– Crime reduction requires proactive approach
– Prevention begins in communities
 Establish acceptable behavioral standards
 Social networks reward pro-social behaviors
Guiding Principles Of
Community Policing
3. Community involvement should be
encouraged to the maximum extent
– Diverse talents and interests exist in community
– Organizational and individual service levels
Guiding Principles Of
Community Policing
4. Networking and collaboration are
necessary to significantly impact crime and
maximize agency operations.
– Networks for support and services facilitate
successful reintegration
– Networking compels CBC accountability
Community Corrections
Partnerships Study Guide
Understand the distinctions between:
 Community Placed and Community Based
 perspectives pertaining to:
– Mindset
– System Approach
– Offender Reform vs. Offender Reintegration
Future Trends
Given: CBC Juvenile and Adult
– Burgeoning Caseloads
– Inadequate Resources
– Strong Anti-Offender Community Sentiment
Future Trends
Major Change in Management
– Proactive
 Emphasis on Prevention
– Community Partnerships
 Active Participating in Community Meetings
– System Openness
 Community Advisory Boards
– Results Driven Management
 Accountability for Case Successes and Failures
Future Trends
Realization Incarceration Response to SA is
Short Sighted
– Integrate TX and Supervision
– Expand sanction use for many SA violations
Future Trends
Multi-Service Correctional Centers
– Facilities combining services to offenders
 Social Services, SA TX, MH TX, Education, and
Job Placement
– Benefit: Cost Effective and Reduces recidivism
Future Trends
– Reduced reliance on incarceration as a
sentencing option
– Greater use of CBC programs
Cost effective
Enhances reintegration
May reduce future crime costs
Future Trends
Greater Staff Safety Emphasis
– Address real and implied threats to staff
– Radios, self-defense training, cell phones,
Future Trends
Caseload Specialization
– Match offender to PO and TX
– Sex Offenders, MH, SA, ISP, Violent
Future Trends
Team Supervision
Senior PO
Substance Abuse Specialist PO
Sex Offender Specialist PO
General Supervision PO
Mental Health Specialist PO
Surveillance Officer
Investigating/Report Writer PO
Future Trends
– Community outreach offices
– Greater access to community and offenders
– Greater community access to staff
Future Trends
Greater Use of Technology
– Shared CJ databases
– Geo-Mapping
– On-Line offender databases with photos
– Continuous offender monitoring by satellite
Future Trends
Increased Use of Pre-Trial Programs
– Maintains offender family and community
support systems
– Saves Money
Future Trends
Drug Courts
– Immediate intervention
– Direct services from combined agency sources
Future Trends
Greater Emphasis On Victim Rights
 (Restorative Justice)
– Effects of Crime Panels
– Parole hearing notification to victims
– State Victim Compensation Programs
Future Trends
Restitution Alternatives
– Monetary
– Community Service
– Direct Services to Victims
Future Trends
Contracting For Services
– Provides specialized services at less expense
Future Trends
What are the common threads among future
Future Trends
What are the common threads among future
Open to Public (Community Involvement)