DRAFT Level 2 2014-2020 HTCSD Outcome Plan: Operational Education Spending TITLE: Operational Education Spending Primary Owner: Lisa Wonsiak Secondary Owner: Michael Douglas Which organization hoshin, sector hoshin or sector outcome does this project plan support? By 2017, the increase in operational education spending will not exceed the general wage increases and inflationary costs within the sector while being responsive to the challenges of student need, population growth, and demographic changes. Lead Unit/Branch: Expert Advisor: Geri Hall Team Lead(s): Sandy McDonald & Gerry Gieni Other Team Members: Budget Holders Date of Original Draft: March 17, 2014 Date Last Updated: June 5, 2014 1. Problem Statement (Current state and the reason for action.) [Explain what and how big the problem is and why strategic action is required to address it.] 1. Overall problem … operating grant funding to school divisions has increased to levels that may not be sustainable in the future. 2. Necessity to have LEAN events 3. Necessity to review expenditures and look for efficiencies and reduce waste 4. Necessity to review budgeting practices and GL accounts to improve budget strategies. 5. Necessity to work with other school division to improving purchasing power. 2. Root Cause Analysis (What is causing the problem and what evidence can be provided to support the analysis?) [Highlight baseline data and analysis that helps clarify the magnitude of the problem statement and narrow the focus for the future state statement. What are the barriers impeding change or success?] 4. Implementation Plan (What are the high-level actions that will be taken to address the problem within the given timeframe? How will the future state be achieved?) [More detail can be included in the Detailed Implementation Plan.] Actions Deliverables Establish a LEAN culture Create a LEAN committee that will establish a communication plan, training, and coordinate LEAN events LEAN event #1 … Caretaking supplies & services. 5 day value stream mapping (coordinate with Chinook re – facility operator) LEAN event #2 … Division and School office supplies. 5 day value stream mapping Establish efficiencies in transportation services. Establish Service Contracts for Moose Jaw Busses, Moose Jaw Passenger Vans and Board Vehicles. Increase purchasing card usage. As stakeholders, we are accountable to the provincial strategic plan and therefore need to act in order to address the problem statements above The Ministry has mandated that our Division find $89,000 in new efficiencies Inefficiencies … non-standard product use, multiple vendors, overstock & under-utilized products Increase utilization of Purchasing Card to achieve the rebate (million dollar threshold) and decrease processing costs. Increase Electronic Funds Processing Transparency & efficiency in budget planning and budget program management with budget holders. Establish consortia opportunities with other school divisions for common purchases. Lead Start Completion Resources Required Date Date (Human and Financial) Lisa Sept 2014 June 2020 Division Office resource time redeployed. Possible sub coverage for a group meeting. Lisa & Doug Dec 2014 July 2015 Sub coverage for caretakers during VSM Lunch costs Facility required Lisa & Mike Dec 2014 June 2015 Sub coverage for Admin. Assistants during VSM Lunch costs Facility required Gerry & Dec 2014 June 2015 Division Office resource Mike time redeployed. Lisa & Mike Spring 2014 June 2017 Division Office resource time redeployed. Require all vendor payments not paid via credit card to receive payments electronically. Provide a detailed budget plan and chart accounts manual and coaching to budget holders. Lisa & Mike Spring 2014 June 2017 Division Office resource time redeployed. Gerry & Lisa Spring 2014 Sep 2014 Division office resources Consult with Prairie South, Chinook, and Regina school divisions on purchases such as furniture and technology. Gerry Spring 2014 Dec 2014 Division Office resource time redeployed. Risk/ Mitigation DRAFT Level 2 3. Future State (How will the situation will be different because of the actions taken to improve it?) [List targets that address the problem(s) in the problem statement.] To be in alignment with the Ministry of Education’s strategic plan 5. Metrics (How will you know a change has been an improvement?) [Identify outcome and process metrics that will indicate the project success and include balancing measures to ensure the project doesn’t negatively affect other metrics. These should relate to the actions noted above in the implementation plan. Identify measures that are anticipated to change monthly.] 6. Engagement (How is this plan informed by the lens of Student First? How will children, parents, and stakeholders, etc., be engaged in this work?) [Name any target groups required for success.]