CONDITIONS OF SERVICE COURSE OFFERED BY GGSU PRESENTED BY A RAMA 57703627 MIN OF ENVIROMENT & F K YARROO 5754 6786 MIN OF HEALTH & QUALITY OF LIFE EVOLUTION OF HR Concept Commodity Factor Of Production Goodwill Paternalistic Humanitarian Human Resource Emerging Concepts: HRD & Strategic HR- Audit HR- the economic value “There is no magic in the success of companies. The secret of their success is simply the way they treat their employees” Akio Morita (founder of Sony Corporation) CONDITIONS OF SERVICE DEFINITION: the terms and conditions governing employment of people in the Public Service contract of employment employee provides his services employer provides compensation HISTORY British Administration-Establishment Secretary GOE (GOS & GOF) Independence Maritianisation Of The Service Development & Economic Independence Need To improve the service (modern, dynamic and ambitious public service) Quality public Officers Responsive Conditions of Service GOE- replaced by PMM (1992) HRMM (2010) INSTRUMENTS REGULATING CONDITIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Constitution PSC Regulations Official Secrets Act Pensions Act Workmen’s Act Employment Relations Act Employment Rights Act Public Officers Protection Act Public Officers Welfare Act The widow’s and Children’s Pension Act Civil Service Family Protection Scheme Board Act The Occupational Safety and Health Act HRMM PRB Reports Circulars Public Bodies Appeal Tribunal Act LEAVE LEAVE (cont) GENERAL Leave is generally a privilege Defined as an approved period of absence of an employee (PRB) It intends to give a break from duty and to provide for recreational, recuperation and other purposes Leave is approved subject to the exigencies of the service Exceptions Granted to officers holding substantive appointment or having served for at least 12 months continuous service LEAVES (Cont) TYPES OF LEAVES ANNUAL LEAVE (not holding substantive appointment) CASUAL LEAVE (for brief absences) VACATION LEAVE (longer break from duty for physical & mental resourcing. On & Off; Over & above- procedures; leave prior to retEOAC) STUDY LEAVE WITH PAY – for in service training or open scholarship considered as such – priority fields of study (HRMM for conditions) LEAVE WITHOUT PAY (different purposes: for higher studies; for private purposes; to take consultancy; to run a business; to take up employment; overseas posting; to accompany spouse; for emigration purposes; for female officers’ subsequent confinements after 3rd one; for sickness (abroad etc); adoption LEAVES (Cont) TYPES OF LEAVES (cont) SICK LEAVE (N/E – Subst & Non Subst + Part Timers; Bank; Unutilised; Sickness abroad; Advance; Refund; Medical Board; Retirement on Med Ground; Retirement in the interest of the public service; Resignation & Demise) MATERNITY LEAVE SPECIAL LEAVE (eg birth to >2 children / sportsmen/ artists) PATERNITY /PARENTAL ( child birth / demise of wife ) ADOPTION LEAVE (adoption of child – varying from 1 to 12 wks) INJURY LEAVE (Non-Substantive holders = 15 + 180 against MC from Police Medical Officer or Govt Med Off) LEAVE (cont) Absence without permission or reasonable excuse & Failure to resume duty in time = absence without authorisation = To be dealt with i a w Regulations (reg 42 / 43) PASSAGE BENEFITS PASSAGE BENEFITS HISTORY British administrators-to pay visits to their families Unions fought for extension to Mauritians. Passage Assistance up to 31.12.73 Passage Credits - 1.1.74 to 30.6.77 Air Mileage Credits -1.7.77 to 31.7.87 Passage Benefits as from 1.8.87 PASSAGES ELIGIBILITY As from 1 January 2013: Be on PPE (confirmed) drawing a min basic salary of Rs 24425 PM OR reckoning at least eight years’ service (LOS- from DJS and paid from public funds irrespective of the capacity in which employed. Minimum – Rs 11 000 to be able to use RATE 5% of gross salary annually OR PASSAGE BENEFITS NON ELIGIBILITY PERIOD FOR PB: 1. 2. 3. vacation leave; vacation leave taken as casual leave; sick leave in excess of 21 working days in any calendar year; 4. accumulated sick leave taken prior to retirement; 5. leave without pay; 6. injury leave; 7. maternity leave/adoption leave/parental leave; 8. study leave with or without pay; 9. interdiction; and 10. probationary period PASSAGES USES For travel purposes (self / immediate family members/ mother / father) To meet the costs of other expenses in connection with their travel For medical treatment for (self / immediate family members - overseas) To meet fees i c w SC and HSC examinations for wards (even if the balance standing to one’s credit is < Rs 11,000 ) Inland Hotels & Recreational resorts Travels cancelled shall, immediately, be notified in writing to Sup Officer & the AccountantGeneral. At time of retirement the monetary value of all passage benefits standing to one’s credit is payable On the death of an officer, the monetary value of all accumulated passage benefits shall be paid to the heirs. Cash at the rate of 90 % for private purposes HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING WHAT IS IT? Its all about planning to achieve optimum use of an organization's most valuable asset - its human resources. Its objective is to ensure the best fit between employees and jobs, while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses WHY HRP? Today, human resource managers do not have the luxury of operating and performing in a stable, predictable environment as political, social and economic changes are affecting all organizations and their human resource management activities HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE CHARACTERISTICS: Mostly incremental in practice but programme based and focus on outcome rather than input Cumbersome procedures (too much papers) Lack of expertise and objectivity. Still not very clear to many actors Submissions should be in conformity with 3-yr strategic plan & 10-yr Economic and Social transformation Plan (ESTP) Not easy in view of no of grades, hierarchy & availability of skills, knowledge and attitudes (especially for large Ministries) Need to justify at the level of several instances Subject to approval of MCSA & funding from MOFED HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE (cont) PROCEDURES (EXISTING ORGANISATION/ DEPARTMENT): MOFED issues circular setting ceiling MCSA issues circular inviting submissions regarding HR proposals HR proposals relate to: Filling of funded vacancies Funding of unfunded vacancies Additional posts & New posts Restyling of posts & Abolition of posts NEW ORGANISATION / DEPARTMENT? Mission/ Vision/ Objectives (purpose & source / origin) Activities/ Duties/ Tasks (job description) Competencies/ skills / Qualifications (person specification) Quantity HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE (cont) ACTIVITIES (PBB) CONSULTATIONS TALLYING STAFFLIST WITH CISD LIST ASCERTAINING FUNDED & UNFUNDED VACANCIES DECIDING ON PROPOSALS MADE DURING CONSULTATIONS DISCUSSIONS WITH FINANCE SECTION DISCUSSIONS WITH SUPERVISING OFFICER FINALISING PROPOSALS AND SUBMISSION TO MCSAR & MOFED PARTICIPATING IN BUDGET COMMITTEES (MCSA & MOFED) PREPARATIONS FOR COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY BRIEF FOR THE MINISTER AFTER S O HAS VETTED SHEME OF SERVICE SCHEME OF SERVICE GUIDELINES: MINISTRY DEPARTMENT TITLE OF THE POST- as per CEO SALARY- as per CEO EFFECTIVE DATE: as from date of prescription QUALIFICATIONS: Qualifications, experience and personal skills and abilities. Min Qual +Add Qual +Prof & Technical Qual etc DUTIES: main duties – should reflect tasks to meet organisational goals and objectives. Should be updated regularly GENERAL OBSERVATIONSRole and responsibilities Age Limit(ex: for trainees and Students) Training (ex: for trainees and Students) ICT / Driving License /Physical measurement In cases of Restructure- should include an organisation chart PROCEDURES FOR PRESCRIPTION OF SOS RO seeks agreement of the Minister RO consults Staff Association and the Federation of Unions for their views and comments on the draft proposed Scheme of Service (15 day’s delay is given) Concurrently, an advance copy is submitted to MCSA and PRB is also consulted (with copy to MCSA) on salary grading in cases of new posts or amendments having bearing on salary RO considers and submits to MCSA, within 5 days as from the deadline set, the views and comments of the Staff side. Further consultations, if needed, is done by the MCSA MCSA forwards the proposed SOS, within 5 days as from the date of the finalisation of the draft SOS , to the appropriate Service Commission for consideration and agreement. Upon Commission’s agreement, the SOS is prescribed in its official form by the MCSA without delay APPOITMENT AND PROMOTION APPOINTMENT AND PROMOTION • MEANINGS: conferment of an office of emolument in the public service grant of permanent and pensionable terms (may be transfer also – PPE) engagement in a public office of a person on contract terms permanent transfer to an office in the public service (reg 25) transfer of an officer serving in one public office to another office (approved service) – reg 25 (2) appointment of a public officer to act PSC Should maintain a high standard of efficiency while making appointment & promotions– reg 14 (1) POWERS OF THE SERVICE COMMISSIONS Under the Constitution, the power to: Appoint persons to hold an office in the Public Service; To appoint in an acting capacity in any office in the Public Service; To confirm in an appointment; To exercise disciplinary control ; and To remove such person from service, is vested in the appropriate Service Commissions TYPES OF APPOINTMENT Casual Appointment Temporary Appointment Acting Appointment Appointment on Probation (substantive) Supernumerary Appointment (additional) Contract Appointment Concurrent Appointment (simultaneous) Permanent Appointment (PPE / confirmation) Capacity building (unavailable grades fixed contract – procurement system) Service to Mauritius(MOFED- competencies not available inside. They have knowledge but lack experience) Work placement (from National empowerment foundation) AGE LIMIT FOR APPOINTMENT 40 YEARS MANUAL GRADES- 48 YEARS CRITERIA USED FOR APPOINTMENT (reg 14) QUALIFICATIONS: (As per the Scheme of service) EXPERIENCE: Determined by the Officer’s length of service and Knowledge and practically having performed the duties MERIT: Assessed on the basis of the PAF, Ad-Hoc and Special Reports /report on fitness for promotion) SENIORITY : (as per PSC Regulations as mended) ACTING APPOINTMENT ACTING APPOINTMENT(reg 22) RO seeks approval from the appropriate Service Commission or RO approves under delegated powers (PSC Circular 2011) ELIGIBILITY PERIOD a continuous period of seven days(inc sat, sun & PH) Supervising officers & workmen’s group even 1 day QUANTUM OF ACTING ALLOWANCE PAYABLE The difference between salary drawn and the initial or flat salary of higher post or Three increments worth at the incremental point reached If not fully qualified – allowance is paid at the rate of 80 % PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Performance Management System (PMS) WHAT IS PMS? A Tool to manage performance WHY PMS? Criticisms against the public service Expectations- Efficient & Effective civil service Government Vision Inadequacy & inappropriateness of CR WHAT CAN BE MEASURED CAN BE MANAGED PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(cont) PURPOSE To enhance performance at all levels (focus on main) To establish clear links between OD- Quality services delivery and Employee Development To promote a sense of ownership & motivation with a view to inspire delivery of quality performance (committed people) To translate corporate goals departmental and divisional goals into individual, team, PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(cont) OUTCOMES Alignment of goals (Organisation-Dept-Individuals) Priority areas- judicious allocation of resources Opportunity to improve processes & systems Goal congruence ( common sense of direction for all) Support leadership- team building & motivation Facilitate change management initiatives Recognition of talents & release of potential Effective service delivery satisfaction of customers PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(cont) The Performance Management Process (4 Stages) Planning work and Performance Agreement Preparing work plan and setting targets(Setting performance expectations Signing of Performance Agreement after discussion. Monitoring and Feedback Continually Monitoring and documenting performance On-going communication and feedback Identifying performance gaps and Initiating remedial actions/PIP). Developing Capacity to perform PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(cont) The Performance Management Process (cont) Mid term Appraisal Discussing and recording progress made on PA Identifying shortcomings and agreeing on remedial actions/PIP Recognising achievements, where appropriate Final Appraisal Assessing own performance – self assessment Conducting formal meeting & appraisal Rating [>3.2 - <2] (Excellent / Good / Fair / Unsatisfactory) REWARDING GOOD PERFORMANCE AND TACKLING POOR PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(cont) BENEFITS To Appraisee • Organisation goals are made clear to him • He knows what are expected of him. • He knows what he needs to do to meet the standards • He can discuss with the appraiser any pertinent issue(s) pertaining to performance in his job. • He can identify opportunities for self-development. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(cont) BENEFITS To Appraiser Closer working relationships based on understanding, trust and respect can be built mutual Problem areas can be identified more easily and remedial action can be initiated accordingly. Free flow of information can be enhanced and collective decision-making can be promoted by spending quality time with appraisee. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(cont) BENEFITS Organisation Align Corporate, individual and team objectives Helps focus on key areas of activities (KRAs) Creates common bond of ownership among employees CONFIDENTIAL REPORT A Responsible Officer shall ensure completion of Confidential Reports on each and every officer working in his Ministry/Department and drawing salary in a scale the minimum of which is not less than Rs 7,000 monthly. Any rating below 3 - a shortcoming Communicate in writing to the officer. Reporting Officer submits his or her comments The officer submits his representations. Representations are justified or not, they are attached to the C R with the comments of the Reporting Officer INCREMENT AND INCREMENTAL CREDIT INCREMENT /INCREMENTAL CREDIT INCREMENT Salary scales and flat salaries Movement from initial to top salary point is incremental It is a method for rewarding those who have demonstrated adequate yearly progress and whose work and conduct have been satisfactory Increment not a Right - It has to be earned Incremental Date is 1st January 1ST Increment is payable on confirmation Exception: Workmen’s group 1st January even not confirmed Increment on Resumption of Duty from LWOP / STUDY LWOP INCREMENT /INCREMENTAL CREDIT(cont) INCREMENTAL CREDIT Incremental Credit for Experience (outside service) Incremental Credit for Additional Qualifications Incremental Credit for Temporary Service (in the service) Increment For Long Service Increment beyond top ALLOWANCES ALLOWANCES • Acting/ Responsibility • Overtime • Travelling • Lecture n exams • Uniforms • On call and in attendance • Funeral Grant(substantive / 1 yr’s continuous service) – Rs 10 000 to nearest relative having borne funeral expenses ALLOWANCES • Meal (cyclone & unexpected retention for >3hrs- Rs 125) • Out of pocket (short official visits- Rs 160/day) • Subsistence (missions & training-allowance approved by FS) • • Disturbance (to work in Rod-25% & outer islands-50%) • Inducement (professionals -50% instead of 25%) • Rent (prison/police /forest/doctors) ALLOWANCES Special Duty and Extra Duty Allowance: (to work unusually long hours for completion of assignments / reports by set time frame) Not eligible for overtime Put in min of 25 excess hours monthly Approval of SO required 3 increments worth Travelling Allowance (various types) Car Allowance(in lieu of Duty Free) Foreign Service Allowance Entertainment Allowance Warm Clothing Allowance Excess Air Baggage Allowance(pg 119 EOAC) Ad hoc allowance ALLOWANCES (cont) OVERTIME • No overtime allowance to • (a) trainees, students and apprentices; • (b) members of a Disciplined Force; and • (c) officers drawing salary of Rs 39,275 or more monthly. Officers drawing Rs 39,275 to 52775: 80% of OT rate for :Urgent tasks or for completion of work that cannot be postponed OVERTIME RATE: 6 am -11pm: 1.5* hourly rate 11 pm – 6 am: 2* hourly rate Sun/ PH/ cyclones: 2* hourly rate HOURLY RATE: Workmen’s : annual salary (AN SAL F Y) FY/52*40 Other categories: AN SAL F Y/52*33.75 TRAVELLING • Travelling by bus for a distance of not < 1.6 kms: (by the most economical route) as follows • 20 days (five-day week ); and • 24 days (six-day week) • total actual expenses for purely temporary workers/ works on shift/roster. • Teaching staff: • 16 for primary & 15 for Secondary TRAVELLING • • • • • • • • • • • • <1.6 km- eligible for 1 stage bus fare x 20 days / month By Bus Bicycle (Rs 250) Other means (Autocycle / Motor-cycle) (Rs 400) travel grant (Rs 6600) commuted travelling allowance of Rs 2,200 commuted allowance of Rs 3100 & Rs 4350 (Absence for a whole calendar month on approved leave with pay but not having to attend duty at all) Travelling allowance of Rs 10 200 Mileage allowance (different rates) Fuel Allowance Use of bicycles on bad roads for official travelling (add Rs 100) walking allowance (Rs 250)- walking over 2 1/2 kilometres daily (where motorcycles or other vehicles cannot be used) RETIREMENT RETIREMENT Under the Pensions Act, an officer AGE LIMIT :65 YRS; AS OF RIGHT:60 YRS; AS A SPECIAL CASE: 55 Yrs. approval of Service Commission required JUDGES:67 years NOTE : Transition Period Dates worked out by PRB REACHING THE AGE OF 45: + 10 years' pensionable service (SELF EMPL/TAKE EMPL PRIVATE SECTOR (approval of MCSA + Service Commission) GROUND OF MARRIAGE : female officer (approval of Commission) . For benefits, need to reckon 5 yrs pensionable service) DISCIPLINED FORCE: aggregate of 28 3/4 years -approval of DFSC RETIREMENT COMPUTATION: GROSS PENSION = [No of months/600 x Last Annual Gross Salary] (/12) (FULL PENSION= 33 1/3 yrs (400 months) Example: [400/600 x 10 000 x 12] = annual GP: /12 = monthly Pension REDUCED PENSION (option form c) =[ lump sum+ monthly pension] LUMP SUM= (GP x 25/2) x 1/4 : EX:[(400/600 x 10 000 x 12) x 25/2 x 1/4] Monthly Pension: 3/4 GP/12. Example: [3/4 x (400/600 x 10 000 x 12)] /12 PRB 2008: FOR OFFICERS IN POST AS FROM 1.7.08 460/690=38 1/3 FOR FULL PENSION Note: Judges & doctors have different denominations ( THANK U 2131947 / 2136818