keep the commandments!

Lesson 27: The Saints Are
Expelled from Jackson County
To help the children understand that even
though we experience problems and trials,
we will be blessed if we are obedient and
endure to the end.
Keep the Commandments
• 1. Keep the commandments; keep the commandments!
In this there is safety; in this there is peace.
He will send blessings;
He will send blessings.
Words of a prophet:
Keep the commandments.
In this there is safety and peace.
• 2. We are His children; we are His children,
and we must be tested to show we are true.
Hold to His promises;
Hold to His promises,
Heeding the prophets:
Keep the commandments.
In this there is safety and peace.
Words and music: Barbara A. McConochie, b. 1940. © 1975 IRI. Obbligato by Barbara A. McConochie © 1989 IRI. Arr. by Darwin Wolford © 1986,
(Enter Name Here)
• On the next slide is a message.
• The letters of the message are in the correct
order, but the spaces between the words are not
in the right places.
• Examine the message and put a line where each
word space should be.
• Do not reveal the message until everyone has
had a chance to finish.
Go di scon stant. Hew ill alwa ysb less uswh enweo
beyh im.
God is constant. He will always bless us when we
obey him
• What does the word “constant” mean.
– Some possible synonyms are:
always the same
• Our Father in Heaven is constant and
• When he makes a promise, we can depend on
him to keep it.
• Let’s read Doctrine and Covenants 82:10.
• 10 I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say;
but when ye do not what I say, ye have no
• No matter what trials and problems we may
experience, if we are faithful and obedient we
will eventually receive the promised blessings.
This is what our lesson is about today.
Lesson 27: The Saints Are
Expelled from Jackson County
• God commanded
more Saints to go to
Jackson County,
• New people arrived there almost every
week, and they built homes, stores, and a
printing shop.
• The Saints in Missouri had peace and
happiness for a time.
• However, problems soon arose.
• Some of the Saints
were disobedient
and unkind.
• Some of them argued
with their leaders.
• Other people who lived there began to
worry about so many Saints moving into
the area.
• These people wanted
the Saints to leave.
• The men in the mob
became very angry.
• They broke into the Saints’ printing shop
and destroyed it.
• Next, the mob caught Bishop Partridge and
Charles Allen and put tar and feathers on
their skin.
• The mob also beat
some of the other
• Three days later, members of the mob
rode through the town and shot their guns
at buildings.
• They shouted mean
things at the Saints
and said they would
whip anyone they
• They burned crops
and destroyed
homes, barns, and
• Oliver Cowdery was
one of the leaders
of the Church in
• He was sent to
Kirtland to see
Joseph Smith.
• When Oliver arrived in
Kirtland, he told
Joseph what was
happening in Jackson
• The Saints there
wanted to know what
they should do.
• Joseph told Oliver about some revelations
he had received.
• The Lord had revealed that the Saints
should build a temple in Zion.
• The temple would be paid for by the tithing
of the people.
• Jesus told Joseph that Zion would become
great if the Saints were obedient.
• But the Saints would be punished if they
were not obedient.
• Jesus said the Saints
should obey the laws of
the country.
• They should vote for righteous people to be
the leaders of the land.
• When wicked people become leaders, the
people are sad.
• The Lord commanded the Saints to obey all
His words.
• He said they should
not be afraid of their
• Instead, the Saints
should forgive their
• They should not fight their enemies unless
God commands them to fight.
• The Lord said that He
would punish the
wicked people.
• A few weeks later, Jesus said the Saints in
Zion would have trouble for a time because
they had not obeyed the commandments.
• However, Jesus promised that someday He
would help the Saints build Zion.
• Because the mob in
Jackson County was
causing so much trouble,
the Saints tried to get
help from the governor
of Missouri.
• William Phelps and Orson Hyde went to see
the governor.
• They told him about the mob and how
their homes had been destroyed.
• The governor would
not help them. He
told them to ask the
judges for help.
• But the judges were
friends of the mob,
and they would not
help either.
• The mob attacked
the Saints for six
• They tore down their
homes, hurt the
men, and broke into
a store and threw
everything on the
• The mob made the Saints leave their
• It was winter, and many people died
because they were homeless in the cold,
wet weather.
• The Saints went to other parts of Missouri
to get away from the mob.
• The Saints were sad.
• Their homes, farms, and stores had been
• Their animals had been stolen. The
governor and the judges would not help
• But the Saints still
had faith in God.
• They knew the Church of Jesus Christ was
true, and they knew that Joseph Smith was
a prophet of God.
• While the Saints were being persecuted in
Missouri, Joseph Smith was in Kirtland,
• Jesus gave Joseph a
revelation explaining
why the Saints in
Missouri were
having trouble.
• Jesus said some of the
Saints had not obeyed
the commandments.
• They had not been
united, as the people
of Zion must be.
• Some of them argued and said mean things
to each other.
• Some were jealous, and some would not
• In spite of these problems, Jesus said He
loved the Saints and would not forget
• He said they should be comforted because
the pure in heart would someday return
and build Zion.
• Jesus told the Saints to prepare for when
He comes to earth again.
• When He comes, people will love each
other and have peace.
• Those who were persecuted for following
Jesus will be blessed.
• Satan will not have power to tempt people.
• There will be no death as it is known today.
Everyone will be happy.
• According to the
revelation Joseph
Smith received, where
will the city of Zion be
located? (D&C 57:1–
• Where will the temple be built? (D&C
• When will the city of Zion be established?
(Just before the Second Coming.) What will
it be like? (D&C 45:66–67.)
• What kind of
temptations and
pressures do children
your age face that might
lead to disobedience?
• How can you resist these
temptations and
• What did the Lord tell the Saints in Jackson
County when he counseled them not to
seek revenge? (D&C 98:1–3.)
• How did he tell them
to deal with the
persecution of their
families? (D&C
• What did the Lord
tell the Saints in
Jackson County when
he counseled them
How can we develop
more patience and
forgiveness in dealing
with those who are
unkind to us?
• The Lord told
the Saints
not to be
afraid to die
for the
gospel (D&C
• Today the test we face is usually not
whether we will die for the gospel but
whether we will live for it.
• How can we
live for the
• How does the Lord tell us to live? (D&C
• They received or will
yet receive every
blessing promised
them for obedience.
• What are some of the blessings you have
already received because of obedience?
• What are some
blessings we hope to
receive in the next
life for obedience to
the commandments
in this life?
• I want to express my gratitude to
Heavenly Father for restoring the
priesthood keys of missionary work and
sealing ordinances to the earth.
• Because of the events that took place in
the Kirtland Temple, you and your family
can be members of the Church and have
the opportunity to be sealed together as
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permitted for church and home use.
The Lesson and Scripture story are from
Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to
alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal
This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the
lesson manual and scriptures.
Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other
resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.
D & C 57:1
1 Hearken, O ye elders of my church, saith the
Lord your God, who have assembled yourselves
together, according to my commandments, in this
land, which is the land of Missouri, which is the
land which I have appointed and consecrated for
the gathering of the saints.
D & C 57:2
2 Wherefore, this is the land of promise, and the
place for the city of Zion.
D & C 57:3
3 And thus saith the Lord your God, if you will
receive wisdom here is wisdom. Behold, the
place which is now called Independence is the
center place; and a spot for the temple is lying
westward, upon a lot which is not far from the
D & C 45:66
66 And it shall be called the New Jerusalem, a
land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety
for the saints of the Most High God;
D & C 98:1
1 Verily I say unto you my friends, fear not, let
your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice
evermore, and in everything give thanks;
D & C 98:2
2 Waiting patiently on the Lord, for your
prayers have entered into the ears of the Lord
of Sabaoth, and are recorded with this seal and
testament—the Lord hath sworn and decreed
that they shall be granted.
D & C 98:3
3 Therefore, he giveth this promise unto you,
with an immutable covenant that they shall be
fulfilled; and all things wherewith you have
been afflicted shall work together for your
good, and to my name’s glory, saith the Lord.
D & C 45:67
67 And the glory of the Lord shall be there, and
the terror of the Lord also shall be there,
insomuch that the wicked will not come unto it,
and it shall be called Zion.
D & C 98:23
23 Now, I speak unto you concerning your
families—if men will smite you, or your families,
once, and ye bear it patiently and revile not
against them, neither seek revenge, ye shall be
D & C 98:24
24 But if ye bear it not patiently, it shall be
accounted unto you as being meted out as a just
measure unto you.
D & C 98:13
13 And whoso layeth down his life in my cause,
for my name’s sake, shall find it again, even life
D & C 98:14
14 Therefore, be not afraid of your enemies, for I
have decreed in my heart, saith the Lord, that I
will prove you in all things, whether you will
abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you
may be found worthy.
D & C 98:11
11 And I give unto you a commandment, that ye
shall forsake all evil and cleave unto all good, that
ye shall live by every word which proceedeth forth
out of the mouth of God.
D & C 101:1
1 Verily I say unto you, concerning your brethren
who have been afflicted, and persecuted, and cast
out from the land of their inheritance—
D & C 101:2
2 I, the Lord, have suffered the affliction to come
upon them, wherewith they have been afflicted,
in consequence of their transgressions;
D & C 101:3
3 Yet I will own them, and they shall be mine in
that day when I shall come to make up my jewels.
D & C 101:6
3 Yet I will own them, and they shall be mine in
that day when I shall come to make up my jewels.
D & C 101:7
6 Behold, I say unto you, there were jarrings,
and acontentions, and benvyings, and cstrifes,
and dlustful and covetous desires among them;
therefore by these things they polluted their
D & C 101:9
9 Verily I say unto you, notwithstanding their
sins, my bowels are filled with compassion
towards them. I will not utterly cast them off; and
in the day of wrath I will remember mercy.