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Biology Syllabus 2015-2016
Mrs. Riding
Room Number: NorthWest 111
Email Address: criding@bartlettschools.org
Course Description: This is an introductory course to the principles of modern Biology. Biology is the
study of living things. Throughout this course we will cover topics such as the scientific method, ecology,
cell biology, genetics, evolution, and physiology/anatomy.
Textbook: Biology. 2010. Miller, K. & Levine, J. Prentice-Hall. Pearson: Boston, Massachusetts.
There will be a class set of textbooks. Students may check out a textbook as needed.
Students MUST comply with all Bartlett High School rules and regulations.
Class Rules:
1. Be respectful to yourself and to all others at all times
**(this includes respecting school property- do not write on desks, write in books, or leave trash
behind in the classroom)
2. Be honest. (No Cheating!)
3. Be on time. Tardies will be enforced according to BHS rules.
4. Come into the room quietly and be prepared for class
**make sure you have supplies & make sure you are ready to work!
There should be no talking after the bell rings, as this is the time for BellWork and class
5. Remain quiet and in your seat until the bell rings (unless instructed otherwise)
** Students are not to leave the room during class without a pass. Bathroom breaks should be
taken before/ after class unless it is an emergency.
6. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before you speak.
7. Follow directions
** This means to always be on task, doing what you have been assigned to do. Follow all
directions the FIRST time they are given.
1. Verbal Warning
2. Parent Contact
3. Disciplinary Referral
Immediate Disciplinary Referral can be given at any time if the teacher feels that it is necessary
due to the student’s behavior.
40% Tests
30% Quizzes
20% Labs & Projects
10% Daily Grades/ Homework
Late Work and Makeup Work
Late work: Late work will be accepted with 10 points deducted for each day that the assignment is
Makeup work: You are responsible for finding out what assignments were missed. Students have one
day for each day they are absent to complete and turn in work.
** Check my school webpage for assignments when you are out
**Check the make-up work tray for each day that you have missed when you return
Tardy Policy – students who are late must come in to the class without distracting or disrupting the
other students & they are required to sign the Tardy log.
1st Tardy= Student conference
2nd Tardy= Parent contact
3rd Tardy= Disciplinary Referral
Every day you should bring the following to class:
2 inch Binder for keeping notes, handouts, worksheets, etc.
Your binder should have the following 3 divided sections
 Bell work
 Notes
 Homework & Graded Papers
Pop-Quiz Binder checks will be done throughout the year as well as “pop” open notes quizzes.
You will need to have Internet access to complete assignments.
Cell phones may be used in the class for Instructional purposes ONLY and ONLY when given permission.
I recommend but do not require you to purchase a day planner to track assignments, index cards for
vocabulary words, and highlighters for note-taking/ studying.
End of Course Exam
This class has a mandatory End of Course test which will be taken in the Spring. This Exam will be
cumulative over all of the year’s material & the grade will count as 25% of the second semester grade.
Tutoring: Tutoring is offered before school/ after school as needed. Email me to set up a day & time.
Overview of Concepts Covered
Quarter 1: August- October
TN Biology Standard 1: Cells
Chapter 1 The Science of Biology
Chapter 2 The Chemistry of Life
Chapter 7 Cell Structure and Function
Quarter 2: October- December
TN Biology Standard 3: Flow of Matter & Energy
TN Biology Standard 4: Heredity
Chapter 8 Photosynthesis
Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration
Chapter 10 Cell Growth and Division
Chapter 11 Introduction to Genetics
Quarter 3: January-March
TN Biology Standard 4: Heredity (continued)
TN Biology Standard 2: Interdependence
Chapter 12 DNA and RNA
Chapter 14 The Human Genome
Chapter 3The Biosphere
Chapter 4 Ecosystems and Communities
Chapter 5 Populations
Chapter 6 Humans in the Biosphere
Quarter 4: March-May
TN Biology Standard 5: Biodiversity & Change
Chapter 15 Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Chapter 16 Chapter 16
Events: Biology End of Course Test & Semester Exam
Students: You are to keep the first page (front/back) of the syllabus in the front of
your Binder.
This page (page 3) will count as your first homework grade & it is due by
Friday August 14th, 2015.
Parents: Please review the syllabus and sign below. If I receive this back by
Wednesday August 12th, 2015, your child will receive 10 extra credit points
towards this homework assignment  .
I have read and understand the expectations for Mrs. Riding’s Biology class:
Student Name (print) ____________________________________________________________
(& class period)
Student Signature _______________________________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian Name (print)
Parent/ Guardian Signature
Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Contact Information: (Name, Phone #, & Email address)
Please email me with any questions or concerns you may have throughout the year.