Parallel circuit quiz, practice, lab Thursday, February 25, 2016 Unit 9: Electricity Thursday, 2/25 Make note of date changes below. Look through your notes and write one question about the electricity unit you feel you need additional support (example – question four on the parallel practice worksheet). No questions? Then write about what you have found most challenging about this unit. Upcoming dates: Thursday, 2/25 – parallel circuit quiz Monday, 2/29 – Circuit design due Wednesday, 3/2 - Unit quiz Friday, 3/4 – Electricity Test and missing work deadline Friday, 3/4 – 3NWS Extra credit due by 4:00 PM Thursday, 3/10 – Magnetism quiz Friday, 3/11 – End of the 3NWS Unit Reflection Take out your series circuit, parallel circuit, and unit practice sheets. Take a red pen and do the following; Put a check mark next to the questions feel confident about. Put a question mark next to the problems you are not quite sure about. Put a ‘X’ next to the questions you have no idea where to start. Review your self assessment with your group Unit Overview Types of Electricity Dynamic Direct Current (DC) Series Parallel Static Alternating Current (AC) Complex Circuit – In Series Only one path Circuit – In Parallel More than one path What do you think? If a circuit has multiple branches will the voltage, resistance, and current behave differently? Write your thoughts in your notes. Parallel Circuit 1. reciprocal of the total resistance is the sum of the reciprocals of the separate resistors 1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +1/R3 + ... 2. total current is the sum of the current through each resistor IT = I1 + I2 + I3 + ... 3. potential difference is the same across each resistor VT = V1 = V2 = V3 = ... In other words, in a parallel circuit, resistance adds as reciprocals, voltage stays the same, and current splits. Kirchhoff’s Rules Junction Rule: the sum of all currents entering the junction must equal the sum of all currents leaving the junction. Cool Down How are series and parallel circuits the same? How are they different? Practice Parallel Circuit Quiz You have 20 minutes to complete the quiz. When you are finished turn your quiz over and find something quiet to do (no phones). Unit Overview Types of Electricity Dynamic Direct Current (DC) Series Parallel Static Alternating Current (AC) Complex Cool Down If you were going to design a series and a parallel circuit what would you need? How would you measure your results? Lab Take out your series circuit work sheet. Find something to write with and a piece of paper for your group. You will be grouped by row today. Directions Part 1 Measure the voltage of the battery. Turn the dial to 20 on the multi-meter (top left) Place one probe on the positive (+) and one probe on the negative (-) end. Record the voltage. Part 2 Measure the resistance of the resistors Turn the dial to 200 (bottom left) Place a probe on each side of the resistor Record the resistance for each resistor (green, blue, and red) Series Circuit Simulation Re-create the circuit from question one and six from the series circuit work sheet. Measure the voltage, resistance, and current in the circuit. Compare the worksheet values to the simulations values and summarize your findings using academic vocabulary (measuring devices, voltage, resistance, current, etc.) Parallel Circuit Simulation Re-create the circuit from question five and six from the parallel circuit work sheet. Measure the voltage, resistance, and current in the circuit. Compare the worksheet values to the simulations values and summarize your findings using academic vocabulary (measuring devices, voltage, resistance, current, etc.) Project You will work in groups of three (groups larger than three need my approval). The project is a test grade. You can use any of the circuit supplies in the back to make your circuit. The only limitation is that it needs to fit on a circuit board. You need to make a series and a parallel circuit (if you want to combine them and make a complex circuit you may do so). Review project details Project Planning